Does heparin ointment help with wrinkles under the eyes: reviews from doctors

Heparin ointment is a medicine that is used for hematomas, bruises, varicose veins, swelling and hemorrhoids. Many women began to use its healing properties in caring for their appearance. Using heparin ointment, you can smooth the skin, reduce age spots, bags under the eyes, get rid of acne and reduce the manifestations of rosacea. This product is sold in pharmacies at a low price.

  • Possible consequences
  • Contraindications
  • General recommendations
  • reviews and effectiveness

    If you don’t know what the ointment helps with, then let’s study this issue a little.
    Traditionally, this remedy is used to eliminate edema, hematomas and varicose veins. Heparin is a substance that promotes better blood clotting and dilates blood vessels. This improves blood circulation and restores the skin.

    The ointment is also used in cosmetology, as it heals and refreshes the skin. But it is not able to influence the cause of aging - loss of elasticity and stretchiness.

    It is recommended to use the ointment when the first age wrinkles appear.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The drug has a number of positive and negative qualities.

    Advantages of the productDisadvantages of the drug
    Beneficial effect on blood circulation and improvement of skin conditionRisk of allergic reactions
    The ability of the drug to affect several cosmetic defectsOintment may harm sensitive skin
    Affordable price

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    Features of application in cosmetology

    Remember that heparin ointment is intended for external use. It has an analgesic effect and is used against blood clots. Many real reviews claim that you can use the product in the area around the eyes.

    There is also an opinion that with long-term use, the aging process can be stopped. But at the same time, you need to remember that the ointment is a rather serious medicine and before using it on sensitive areas, you need to do an allergy test.

    The product contains substances that help relieve swelling and inflammation in tissues. Therefore, if there is swelling under the eyelids, you can try it, but in combination with some emollient ingredients. Many people replenish their home cosmetics with heparin ointment, since, according to cosmetologists, this is a budget-friendly remedy for fighting swelling, wrinkles and acne.

    The price of the ointment varies between 100-120 rubles. The use of ointment has the following advantages:

    1. Reduces inflammatory processes.
    2. Improves blood circulation.
    3. Stimulates recovery processes.
    4. Activates metabolism.
    5. Delivers nutrients to the deep layers of the skin.
    6. Cleanses cells of toxins.

    All these properties help reduce wrinkles and also eliminate swelling and bruising.


    Heparin ointment can be replaced with another medicine with a similar active ingredient:

    Drug nameActive ingredientsApplication in medicineUse in cosmetologyRelease form and price
    HepatrombinHeparin, Dexpanthenol, AllantoitUsed to block inflammatory processes and slow down the formation of blood clotsThe concentration of heparin is several times higher than in heparin ointment, so the drug is not used for cosmetic purposesOintment and gel. The cost of a 20 g tube varies in the range of 150-400 rubles
    LyotonHeparinUsed in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, phlebitis, relief of inflammationDue to the too high concentration of heparin, the drug is used for cosmetic purposes by adding it to caring masks. Most effective against dark circles under the eyes. The volume of one package is 30-100 g. Price range is 250-800 rubles
    VenitanHeparin, beta-escinRecommended for the treatment of vascular diseases and the prevention of scarringApplication is possible after consultation with a cosmetologist50 g of the drug costs about 150-250 rubles

    Composition of heparin ointment

    Before we learn how to use the ointment, let's understand the composition.

    Here are the main components:

    1. Heparin thins the blood and resolves blood clots.
    2. Benzocaine is an anesthetic component and reduces pain.
    3. Benzyl nicotinate improves the absorption of the beneficial component and dilates blood vessels.

    It also contains excipients:

    1. Glycerin helps smooth the skin and retains moisture.
    2. Stearic acid protects against cold, ultraviolet radiation and wind.
    3. Vaseline protects the skin from peeling and drying, and also moisturizes it.
    4. Peach oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

    Thanks to these components, the ointment has a positive effect on areas of inflammation and eliminates pain.

    Components of the product and cost

    The product contains several components:

    • Heparin sodium – the main component that penetrates the capillaries through the skin. Its action is as follows: reduces blood viscosity; prevents the production of fibrin, which affects the formation of blood clots; relieves inflammation, pain, swelling; resolves hematomas;

    • Benzyl nicotinate is a drug that dilates blood vessels, as a result of which Heparin is absorbed more quickly. Reduces the amount of solid particles in the blood, prevents the formation of new clots;
    • Benzocaine is an anesthetic that dulls the feeling of pain from bruises and inflammation.

    The oils included in the structure of the product have a softening effect:

    • Petrolatum;
    • Glycerol;
    • Peach oil.

    The following elements are also important:

    • Nipazole;
    • Stearin;
    • Nipagin;
    • distilled water.

    The remedy is needed for the treatment of surgical diseases:

    • all kinds of sports injuries (sprains, joint impacts, hematomas);
    • relieves swelling of the legs, muscle cramps;
    • under the influence of the ointment, scars, bruises, hematomas, hardening after injections, and burns disappear.

    The remedy turns out to be effective for mastitis and hemorrhoids, if the disease is not advanced. Heparin is used in cosmetology.

    Russian ointment manufacturer - . It is available for free sale in online stores and regular pharmacy stores. The cost range in Russian pharmacies is from 30 to 111 rubles. The average price is 58 rubles.

    What time of day to apply

    There are no specific recommendations on what time of day you can apply the product. The instructions for use recommend doing this three times a day, but it is not always possible to follow this advice exactly.

    The best option is to apply the ointment 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at the same time. The course lasts from 7 to 10 days.

    If you use the product for more than this period, acne, pimples and clogged pores may form.

    Release form and price

    The drug is produced in the form of a thick white ointment of uniform consistency. The substance is odorless. It is packaged in aluminum tubes of 10 or 25 g and placed in individual cardboard packages.

    The average cost of 1 package is about 100 rubles.

    Rules for using ointment

    Now let's figure out how to use heparin ointment.

    The following rules apply:

    1. Apply the ointment only to cleansed skin.
    2. Distribute the product in a thin layer and with light patting movements.
    3. Application areas should be in the areas of bags under the eyes and crow's feet.
    4. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should do a test.
    5. You should not apply the ointment in several layers, as a film will appear and the skin will not breathe.
    6. It is not recommended to apply the ointment too close to the eyelash line or to the mucous membrane of the eyes, as this may cause a burning sensation.
    7. If the areas near the eyes are too dry, they should be treated with peach or almond oil.

    Use on sensitive skin

    The product has a wide range of applications in cosmetology. It is also used by women with sensitive skin. Below are the most suitable recipes for sensitive skin.

    To improve your facial contour, you need to do the following:

    • steam the skin (you can apply a terry towel soaked in warm water to your face);

    • Apply a thin layer of the product and wait until it is completely absorbed (it is not recommended to wash off the ointment).

    To remove expression lines:

    • mix heparin with any anti-wrinkle cream in equal quantities, or with a peeling agent (you need to take one part less ointment than the product). Heparin will prevent the appearance of irritation on the face. Having penetrated the skin, the composition will cleanse the pores, dead skin cells will easily fall off.
    • Daily procedures using curd mass mixed with heparin are effective. This mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the skin and left for 15 - 20 minutes.

    To remove age spots:

    • Pigment spots on the face cause many unpleasant moments. The described product will remove them or make them less noticeable. To do this, you need to lubricate problem areas several times a day.

    Using ointment as a means for self-treatment is a new method, so it is best to consult a cosmetologist. If the decision is approved, it is not recommended to apply a large amount of ointment to the skin, trying to affect absolutely all skin folds on the face.

    If itching, burning, or redness occurs, cosmetic procedures should be stopped immediately.

    Young girls do not need to smear their faces with heparin; their skin is very delicate. If there is inflammation on the skin, the use of ointment is contraindicated.

    For what skin problems is heparin ointment used?

    The product is effective in the fight against bruises. The components in its composition remove seals and bruises that appear as a result of injections or mechanical impact.

    Ointment is unlikely to help with bags under the eyes. Perhaps it will relieve swelling a little due to blood circulation. If swelling is associated with high fluid intake, then heparin may be useful. It does a good job of removing accumulated water from the body. Heparin ointment is also used for acne.

    The presence of benzyl nicotinate affects the dilation of blood vessels. The product should be applied locally and only to areas of inflammation. The affected areas can be lubricated in the morning and evening.

    Before using the product, do not forget to cleanse your skin.


    Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes (reviews left in the online system confirm that it is possible to recover not only from external skin diseases) helps to cope with serious illnesses.

    The table of contraindications looks like this:

    • Do not use the ointment in the presence of open ulcers of tropical origin, hematomas, the surface of which lacks integrity.
    • It is forbidden to use Heparin to a person who has poor blood clotting, because the drug will have the opposite effect.
    • Rash may occur during use. You must first apply the product to the wrist area and wait. If redness appears and the skin begins to itch, the product should be discontinued from use.

    The main condition for using the medicine is the integrity of the epidermis.

    The drug is used no longer than 14 days, otherwise the accumulated healing powers will cause a backlash. You should not be treated with antihistamines while completing the course.

    Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes, reviews, contraindications

    Before using the eyelid composition, be sure to read the contraindications. Any pharmaceutical component has them. Before use, do not forget to do an allergy test.

    If itching, redness or rashes appear, you should stop using the ointment. Here are the main contraindications:

    1. Problems with blood clotting.
    2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
    3. Individual intolerance to components.
    4. Wounds and cracks on the skin.

    When using the ointment, you should not simultaneously use medications that thin the blood and dilate blood vessels.

    special instructions

    For topical use of heparin:

    • is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect its coagulation parameters;
    • safe for the fetus and does not pass into breast milk;
    • does not affect the ability to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication for the use of the ointment.

    But it is still necessary to consult a gynecologist or pediatrician.

    Bruises that appear for no apparent reason should not be treated with ointment; they can be a symptom of serious diseases.

    If long-term treatment is required or large areas of the body are treated, blood clotting must be monitored regularly. Especially if drugs that affect the hematopoietic and coagulation systems are taken orally at the same time.

    Side effects

    The main risks of using heparin ointment are that it can provoke an allergic reaction on the skin. The following reactions to the drug may occur:

    1. The appearance of dermatitis.
    2. Peeling of the skin.
    3. The occurrence of tightness and dryness of the skin.
    4. Burning, itching and redness.
    5. Bruising.

    Remember that applying the product to damaged skin can cause contamination and infection. In this case, suppuration and intoxication may appear.

    Indications of the drug

    Heparin ointment has become popular in recent years for use against skin defects in the eye area. Reviews indicate that the product has extraordinary healing powers.

    Cosmetologists support this opinion and put forward the following indications for using the product:

    • Wrinkles on a woman’s face that appeared not very long ago . As a rule, they appear when a woman turns 30 years old. At this age, the skin is still elastic and smooth, but prevention can already be done: a mask made from a mixture of any cream and ointment (proportional ratio 1:1).
    • The appearance of wrinkles in the eye area. The treatment should be applied to problem areas of the skin at regular intervals for 14 days.

    • The appearance of pimples on the face. Pimples that appear on the face are evidence of inflammatory processes that begin as a result of contamination of the skin. If you lubricate small spots several times a day with Heparin ointment, they will gradually disappear. This remedy speeds up metabolism.
    • Swelling under the eyes. This indicates that a large amount of fluid has accumulated in the cells of the skin tissue and is not excreted. If the reason is only poor circulation, then Heparin ointment will be an effective remedy. Apply the drug under the eyelids using circular patting movements, preferably before bed.
    • The skin tissues on the face cease to be elastic and become heterogeneous. As a result of the use of a heparin-containing drug, blood flows faster into the tissues, the skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. It regains its elasticity and uniformity.
    • Unreasonable bruises. Any bruise occurs because the integrity of the blood vessels is disrupted, resulting in some small amount of blood leaking into the tissue. The impact site turns blue over time. If you lubricate the hematoma with a thin, even layer, it will go away faster.

    Use of heparin ointment for bruises under the eyes:

    Reviews from doctors

    It is worth finding out reviews from doctors. Doctors believe that pharmaceutical drugs should not be used for other purposes. All components of the ointment are aggressive, so the composition is used locally.

    The main purpose of the ointment is to reduce pain, eliminate swelling and prevent the appearance of blood clots.

    It is worth considering that when using the product, it can get on the mucous membrane of the eye, which can lead to serious problems.

    Precautionary measures

    Cosmetologists and specialists recommend refraining from using heparin ointment for the tissues around the eyes if the following situations arise:

    1. Burning, itching and irritation in the area around the eyes. In this case, you need to quickly rinse your eyes.
    2. Because the skin under the eyes is delicate and thin, it requires delicate handling. A woman should monitor possible reactions. If redness and swelling appear, this indicates intolerance to the components of the heparin ointment.

    Important! If undesirable reactions occur, you should immediately wipe off the heparin ointment and rinse your eyes with warm water.

    If you use heparin ointment and Troxevasin at the same time, bad consequences may occur. The ingredients of the two drugs enhance each other's effects on the body.

    Alternative remedies

    Among the products with a similar effect, it is worth noting hydrocortisone ointment and dimexide, which are also effective against wrinkles. In addition, they can improve the condition of the skin. Try using safer anti-aging products. For example, folk recipes for moisturizing the skin.

    Here are the main ways:

    1. Applying moisturizing masks of almond, olive and peach oil to the skin. These components nourish the skin and saturate it with useful elements, which allows you to get rid of small wrinkles.
    2. Masks based on gelatin have a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation process.
    3. Starch masks are a good way to combat wrinkles. You can add cream, essential oils and yolks to them.

    Before using miracle recipes, read reviews from other users. Remember, what is good for one may not necessarily be good for another. If you want to express your opinion about the use of heparin ointment, write in the comments.

    See you soon, friends!

    Types of wrinkles

    Wrinkles appear with age, but it happens that even fairly young people have noticeable folds on their faces. The reasons for their occurrence are different:

    • unfavorable environmental conditions,
    • smoking,
    • alcohol,
    • frequent stressful situations,
    • unbalanced diet,
    • abuse of diets.

    All this provokes fading of the facial skin and the appearance of wrinkles already at 25–30 years of age.

    Wrinkles are the folds of skin on the face that are visible to the eye. The older a person is, the thinner his skin is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the sebaceous glands and the production of their own elastin and collagen. These substances form the intercellular matrix, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

    With age or due to negative factors, the production of collagen and elastin in the body decreases, resulting in the formation of wrinkles

    Wrinkles are divided into several types:

    • by depth: superficial. May also appear in young people (for example, due to excessively dry epidermis),
    • deep. With age, superficial wrinkles become deep.
  • depending on the reason for the appearance:
      gravitational The appearance of gravitational folds is caused by age-related changes, a decrease in skin elasticity, because after 40 years the production of your own collagen stops, and without it, connective tissue loses turgor (tone, elasticity);
  • mimic. They occur in places where the facial muscles are actively involved, for example, in actors or people who squint their eyes when laughing.
  • by location:
  • nasolabial;
  • "crow's feet" around the eyes.
  • according to the nature of the manifestation:
      dynamic. This is the name given to wrinkles that are noticeable from time to time;
  • static. They do not smooth out even in a state of rest, complete relaxation of the facial muscles.
  • Composition and principle of action

    Initially, heparin ointment was developed for the treatment of disorders such as thrombophlebitis, hematomas, and hemorrhoids. It was used to treat bruises and eliminate problems with vascular patency. The drug belongs to the category of local anticoagulants. This means that the components of the product contribute to the dilation of blood vessels in the area where the substance is applied. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve blood circulation and ensure that the active components reach the desired area. Due to this, it is possible to cope with swelling and inflammation.

    In addition, improving blood flow normalizes metabolism in the skin, promotes the restoration of blood vessels and deep layers of the dermis. These characteristics of the substance help cope with bumps and bruises.

    The properties of heparin ointment are due to its unique composition. The active components of the drug include the following:

    • Heparin. This substance is an effective anticoagulant. Due to this, it reduces blood clotting, which can provoke blood clots.
    • Benzyl nicotinate. This component promotes vasodilation and helps other components to be absorbed faster.
    • Benzocaine. The substance has analgesic properties, helping to cope with pain.

    The product also contains additional components:

    • Glycerol. Thanks to this substance, it is possible to moisturize and smooth the skin.
    • Petrolatum. This product has virtually no effect on the skin. However, sometimes it is used to soften the epithelium. The film that the component forms keeps the skin moisturized and prevents excessive dryness and flaking.
    • Stearic acid. The product acts as a thickener. It also enhances the protective functions of the epithelium and helps minimize the impact of harmful factors - wind, sunlight, frost.
    • Peach oil. This component contains many vitamins, therefore it has pronounced nutritional properties. With its help, it is possible to normalize the condition of the dermis and improve the processes that occur inside the cells.

    Before purchasing heparin ointment, you should definitely study the composition of the medication and compare it with skin disorders. This will help assess the potential benefits and minimize the likelihood of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

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