Before and after: how to remove a double chin and correct facial asymmetry?

This article is devoted to the problem of increasing/decreasing the chin protuberance . If you are interested in the question of how to remove a double chin, go to the article “ HOW TO REMOVE A SECOND CHIN .”

Plastic surgery methods (genioplasty or mentoplasty) are used to reduce or enlarge the chin. Chin surgery can help you not only change the size of your chin bump, but also improve its shape. As a result of this operation, you will get a more proportional and beautiful face.

All photos

Chin augmentation

“Beauty is higher than genius, therefore it does not require understanding.” Many people quote the famous phrase of Oscar Wilde, but not everyone knows that the secret of beauty lies not only in understanding, but also in colossal work on oneself! What beautiful young ladies don’t do to look beautiful, stunning and young, not only when going out into the world, but also in everyday life. Most often, women are dissatisfied with the features or oval of the face, a small or undefined chin, in this case chin augmentation comes to the rescue.

Indications for chin augmentation

You should resort to chin augmentation if you have the following indications:

  • disproportionate chin size;
  • congenital underdevelopment of the chin;
  • age-related changes in the soft tissues of the lower part of the face;
  • chin defects and asymmetry (acquired or congenital);
  • jaw injuries.

Contraindications for chin augmentation

Unfortunately, there are also limitations to chin augmentation. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • inflammation on the chin;
  • silicone gels in the treated area;
  • allergy to the constituent elements of fillers.

Chin augmentation at the Abrielle clinic is carried out using the following methods:

  • Contour plastic with fillers;
  • Lipofilling.

Chin augmentation photo

Photos before and after chin augmentation can be found on the website of the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic in the Photo Gallery section.

What are implants made of?

In addition to silicone implants, there are also bioprostheses (based on the patient’s cartilage tissue). Despite the fact that they are as safe as silicone, and therefore are also often used to enlarge the chin, experts note some nuances that can sometimes arise when using them.

“Of course, silicone implants are ideal for chin augmentation, because they do not affect the resorption of bone tissue,” notes Elena Chirikova.

— Silicone elastomer is a semi-soft material, and when changing such an implant, we see the absence of any resorption in the area of ​​the bony part of the chin. If the implant is made of a hard material (for example, a rib), then the bone part of the chin experiences severe pressure from the bioimplant, which forces it to follow the contour of its posterior (facing the bone) part, and the bone part of the chin is resorbed, that is, it loses its own volume.”

Chin augmentation procedure using contour plastic surgery

In our clinic, chin augmentation is performed using a variety of drugs that are of high quality and effectiveness. These are dense gels containing viscous hyaluronic acid (Perlane, Juvederm, Surgiderm) and calcium hydroxypatite (Radiesse). These gels fill in uneven areas on the lower parts of the face, successfully correcting the contours of the chin and maintaining a positive result for a long time. Another important point: of all similar drugs, it is drugs with calcium hydroxypatite and hyaluronic acid that are the safest.

The procedure for chin augmentation with gel takes 20-30 minutes - the duration depends mainly on the volume of the intervention. Chin correction with fillers is performed by making injections. The treated area is pre-coated with an anesthetic cream to make the procedure as comfortable and completely painless as possible.

Alternatives to mentoplasty

There are some alternatives to chin correction surgery that are less invasive and faster, but often not as effective:

  • Fillers . For minimal changes, fillers such as Radiesse can be injected into the chin area to change its shape. However, they do not provide a long-term solution to the problem. Men often choose this method of chin surgery.
  • Submental liposuction is a procedure that involves removing fatty tissue to make a major change to the chin. This procedure has a faster recovery period than chin correction surgery, but it is also invasive and may not produce significant results.
  • Orthodontic surgery - This procedure makes changes to the patient's dental structure, which is expected to change the chin. However, this method is long and achieving a pronounced effect may take several years.

After chin augmentation with gel

After chin augmentation with gels, swelling and bruising may form in the areas where injections were made. There is no need to worry - they will go away on their own in 1-2 days.

Over the next two weeks, you will have to give up any thermal procedures (bath, sauna, hot bath, solarium), and also protect yourself from exposure to direct sunlight. You cannot do facial massage for two months after the procedure.

Chin augmentation reviews

“At a consultation, plastic surgeon Sarukhanov G.M. was very attentive and tactful. We discussed several options, and my favorite was lipofilling. I was glad that my fat would be used in the operation, and not materials of unknown origin, and I was very impressed by the before and after photos of other patients.” Svetlana, 46 years old

Other reviews about chin augmentation.

Recovery process

After mentoplasty, recovery is quick and you do not need to worry about scarring. If the incision was made under the chin, the scar will be small and invisible. If the incision was made inside the oral cavity, it will remain hidden.

Once the surgery is complete, the plastic surgeon will apply a bandage.

After the operation, there may be pain in the jaw area, so during this period it is better to limit yourself to a liquid diet. You may also experience stiffness around your chin and mouth for the first week after surgery.

Since surgery is always stressful for the body, it is better to reduce physical activity as much as possible in the first 10 days after surgery. You can then largely resume your normal schedule, but it is best not to do anything strenuous for three weeks after surgery. The specialist will give you more specific recommendations.

The chin may not be the first part of the face that people notice, but it has a strong impact on overall appearance. Change can even help improve self-esteem. Mentoplasty is a modern and safe method of correcting the shape of the face.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision inside the lower lip or under the chin. The chin bone is then repositioned or an implant is placed through the incision.

Bely Igor Anatolyevich plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Chin augmentation with lipofilling

Lipofilling is performed to enlarge the chin and correct its shape using injections of your own fat. The chin lipofilling technique is used if it is necessary to create additional emphasis on the lower part of the face, eliminate minor cosmetic defects, and improve aesthetic proportions.

The main advantage of lipofilling is that areas of the face that require improvement are filled not with special artificial gels, but with one’s own fat, which avoids allergic reactions. The operation of chin augmentation with lipofilling is low-traumatic, lasts about 30 - 40 minutes and is accompanied by a short rehabilitation period.

Chin augmentation using lipofilling, like any surgical intervention, requires increased attention to your health. Before the operation, you must undergo a medical examination, pass all the necessary tests and get advice from a specialist.


After chin augmentation surgery, almost all patients note that their face looks not only more beautiful, but also younger. Everything is very simple! The increased size of the chin protuberance compensates for the missing volume of subcutaneous tissue, thanks to which all folds of the skin are straightened, jowls and wrinkles disappear, and the skin under the chin is tightened. But it is also prevention. Let's reveal a secret - people with a small (sloping) chin age earlier and more noticeably.

Chin plastic surgery (especially augmentation mentoplasty) is popular not only among women, but also among men. After all, it’s hard to imagine a man’s face without a beautiful, strong-willed chin.

Chin surgery is often performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty. If a small chin is adjacent to a large nose (the “parrot profile” effect) or the patient does not like the predatory profile with a hooked nose and a protruding chin, a comprehensive correction can be performed. This operation is called profiloplasty. We write about complex chin and nose surgery here.

Chin augmentation can be performed either with or without an implant (due to rotation of the bony protrusion of the chin). And, of course, Dr. Kudinova can not only enlarge, but also (which is much more difficult!) reduce your chin.

Kudinova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, certificates in plastic and maxillofacial surgery. International expert in face and neck lifts, eyelid surgery, eyebrow surgery, chin surgery, etc.

To learn more

How is chin augmentation performed using lipofilling?

Facial lipofilling is a small-scale outpatient surgery and is performed under local anesthesia. To correct the chin, the plastic surgeon obtains the required amount of fatty tissue from the donor area, then injects the resulting fat into the soft tissues of the face using special instruments (cannulas). The transplanted adipose tissue, unlike the gel, always remains at the injection sites. It takes root well (80–90% of the transplanted volume is preserved) and does not cause allergic reactions.

Patients who have already turned to plastic surgeons note that after chin augmentation with lipofilling, it acquires ideal outlines and proportions, and the facial skin becomes unusually smooth and even. Of course, it is the use of your own fat, which contains stem cells, that gives such a long-term rejuvenating effect (for 5 years or more). In addition, the lipofilling procedure does not require long-term rehabilitation after surgery (up to 14 days). You can immediately return to your usual pace of life, and minor bruises and swelling in the first days can be covered with decorative cosmetics.

For maximum results, other operations can be performed simultaneously with the chin augmentation procedure with lipofilling. For example, correcting the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty), increasing the volume of the lips (cheiloplasty) or removing bags under the eyes (blepharoplasty).

Mentoplasty, surgical technique:

The technology for performing chin plastic surgery (genioplasty) depends on whether it is augmentation or reduction. However, the same approaches are used for augmentation and reduction mentoplasty: an external incision is made (in the skin fold under the chin) or an internal one - in the fold of the lower lip mucosa.

  • In reduction mentoplasty,
    excess bone is removed (bone resurfacing). In this case, its lower part moves back. This is a rather rare and traumatic operation, which can always be (and sometimes recommended) replaced with facial contouring.
  • Another way to correct the chin in the direction of increasing it is by installing a special chin implant
    or performing
    enlargement mentoplasty
    . Silicone or cartilage facial implants are commonly used. The operation is performed mainly using intravenous anesthesia and lasts from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the type of intervention. Upon completion, the patient is fitted with a compression bandage, which must be worn for about a week.

Gvaramiya Alexey Alekovich, plastic surgeon at the Mont Blanc clinic, comments:

“A sloping, undefined chin can make facial features unharmonious: then we perform a mentoplasty operation with the installation of a chin implant. Chinplasty is performed under general anesthesia and the incision is usually made in the mouth. The patient immediately sees the result of the correction, but swelling of the soft tissues persists for two weeks. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor during the rehabilitation period, then healing will be easy and comfortable.”

When considering genioplasty surgery, it is important to understand the patient's reason for seeking treatment. If the patient is bothered by a protruding chin, then reduction mentoplasty or facial contouring is indicated. If the reason for your visit is the presence of a so-called “double” chin (“turkey chin”), then this problem can be solved either by installing a chin implant (enlargement mentoplasty, the correction is effective for people of any age), or by using liposuction of this area and ( or) tightening the skin of the neck (platysmoplasty), as well as tightening the neck with APTOS threads for age-related changes. In other words, with an anatomically sloping chin, the problem of facial imbalance at any age can be solved by chin augmentation with an implant, and with age-related changes in the neck area and no complaints about a sloping chin - by classical methods: liposuction, platysmoplasty, thread lifting.

If a patient is bothered by a “double chin,” that is, excess fat deposits in this area, chin liposuction can be performed—a very effective operation. Our clinic specialists mainly perform it using the VASER device.

Chin augmentation: what to choose?

Gel contouring Lipofilling
Preparation Not required Medical examination (tests for surgery under local anesthesia)
Duration of the procedure 20-30 minutes Surgery – 30-40 minutes Stay in the hospital 2-3 hours before and after the procedure
Duration of result 9-12 months 5 years or more
Rehabilitation No No more than 14 days

It's up to you to decide which correction method to use. In any case, when you contact the Abrielle clinic, you will get an excellent result!

Many of us think about beauty ideals. Of course, they are different for everyone, but still, why does one person captivate us with his beauty, while we consider the appearance of another to be ordinary? Leonardo Da Vinci revealed the secret when he discovered the rule of the “golden ratio”. Of course, someone can measure these proportions in the mirror, but we know that it is possible not to be born with an ideal oval face, but to make it so... Isn’t it?

How to do less

For those with a large chin, the choice of correction method is limited to two options. In cases of severe fat deposits and excess skin, simultaneous liposuction and lifting of the lower third of the face are performed in combination with tightening of the skin and subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Today, there are endoscopic techniques that leave virtually no traces. If the cause of massiveness is not excess muscle or fatty tissue, but bone (lower jaw), then an osteotomy operation with removal and/or relocation of bone tissue fragments is necessary.

“There are two surgical methods for reducing the chin: the bone tissue is either simply excised, or the bone fragment is shifted posteriorly,” says Elena Chirikova. — The result of the operation is corrected, if necessary, by introducing fillers or your own adipose tissue.

There are also cosmetic methods for reducing the chin - the introduction of lipolytics and other drugs, but they cannot serve as an adequate replacement for surgical intervention. Their capabilities are seriously limited, and the results last no more than a year. Only surgical chin surgery can solve the problem once and for all.”

How are we different?

  • We compare ourselves to world standards. The clinic uses instruments, equipment and consumables from the world's leading manufacturers. Chin mentoplasty is performed using modern technology, which gives a predictable and stable result.
  • We use reliable implant models. The American implants that we install last without problems for the rest of your life.
  • We reduce the risks of complications to zero. Patients are carefully examined on the eve of surgery. The correction is performed by one of the best mentoplasty surgeons in the country.
  • We put patient care first. We have created all the conditions for the psychological comfort of patients. Friendly staff, comfortable rooms, round-the-clock monitoring after surgery - all this helps our patients feel calm and confident.
  • We offer a convenient payment system. The price for chin augmentation is calculated on an all-inclusive basis. If necessary, patients are provided with assistance in obtaining interest-free installments for surgery.
  • We are at the forefront of plastic surgery. According to TOP 25 Diamond Companies & Persons, ours is in Moscow. And numerous grateful reviews from our patients confirm this.

Plastic surgeons and clinics specializing in Mentoplasty surgery:

Mamedov Rusif Plastic surgeon


  • Mammoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Facial plastic surgery

Sergey Demin Plastic surgeon


  • Mammoplasty
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Lipofilling
  • Liposuction

Farhat Fuad Plastic surgeon


  • Mammoplasty
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Cruroplasty
  • Liposuction

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