What are Bisha lumps on the face: photos and methods of getting rid of them

Most girls are fixated on appearance and strive for ideal. A chiseled oval face and pronounced cheekbones never go out of style. Not everyone can boast of them by nature. Bisha's lumps are small fatty accumulations in the cheek area (from the cheekbones to the upper edge of the chin). Because of them, many girls' faces look fuller. Fat deposits got their name from the French scientist Marie François Xavier Bichat, who was the first to describe them.

On the Internet you can clearly see where Bisha's lumps are located.

Many girls, seeing photos before and after removal of Bisha's lumps, decide to sign up for surgery to visually reduce their cheeks. Let's take a closer look at what Bisha's lumps look like, who is recommended to remove them, and how the surgery goes.

What are Bisha lumps on the face: where are they located?

Not everyone knows where Bish's lumps are located. Fat formations have three lobes: anterior, middle and posterior. The anterior one surrounds the excretory duct of the parotid salivary gland. The posterior one is directed from the temporal muscle to the upper edge of the lower jaw. The middle one is located between the front and back (above the upper jaw). You can take a closer look at where Bish's lumps are located.

There is a misconception that Bish's lumps are any fat accumulations in the cheek area. This is not true, since it is possible to get rid of subcutaneous fat by following proper nutrition or performing a course of massage treatments. Unfortunately, such manipulations do not affect Bish’s lumps.

Functions of Bisha's lumps in the body

Bisha's lumps are formed in infancy and perform several functions in the body, including:

  • protection of facial nerves and muscles from injury;
  • giving fibers tone;
  • facilitating the absorption of mother's milk (in infancy).

They will not perform any defining functions for adults, so their removal is safe. After 25 years, they tend to shrink, unlike other internal tissues, their growth slows down. As a rule, after 40 years they begin to sag along with tissues that have lost their tone. The operation to remove them is of an aesthetic nature, since it allows you to restore the clarity of the lines and correct the excessively wide lower part of the face.

Causes of acne

You've probably heard the misconception more than once that acne is the result of poor hygiene. In reality, it is a complex skin condition involving hormonal, dietary and hereditary factors, and for all these reasons and more, acne requires a holistic approach. Treatment largely depends on the severity of the disease. If you have acne, never use alcohol or sulfates in hopes of freeing your skin from the unpleasant disease.

Acne can appear for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance. With increased testosterone production in men and women, intense accumulation of sebum occurs in the glands. This turns out to be a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Increased testosterone production in women may be associated with ovarian dysfunction. During adolescence (10-18 years), the formation of the endocrine system and puberty occurs. Often at this age, boys and girls experience active production of testosterone, which is what causes acne.
  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Frequent stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, increased physical activity, endocrine changes in the body (for example, after childbirth) lead to an imbalance in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, again, the human sebaceous glands work more intensively.
  • Decreased immunity. The skin's natural defenses can be disrupted by bad habits, stress, poor diet, and abuse of ultraviolet rays. As a result, bacteria and fungi multiply, causing acne.
  • Hereditary predisposition. If parents have had acne, then there is a high chance that their children will also suffer from this problem. An increased level of testosterone, the level of sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to the effects of sex hormones, a tendency to form defective sebaceous glands, and much more can be inherited.
  • Dietary disorder. Floury and sweet foods, as well as sugar, which is found in almost all foods, lead to the development of large amounts of insulin. As a result, the production of male sex hormone increases. And this, as we have already learned above, leads to increased production of sebum. The abundance of unhealthy fats in the body leads to the development of bacteria, which cause acne on the body and face.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of the endocrine system. Acne is often a symptom of internal diseases. For example, diseases of the digestive system lead to the fact that food is not fully absorbed and stagnates. Acne is most often formed due to pathologies such as dysbiosis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, acute and chronic gastritis, and stones in the bile ducts.
  • Incorrect cosmetic care. This includes failure to comply with personal hygiene rules and the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics. On the contrary, if the skin is constantly subjected to cleansing, it loses its natural protection and the acid-base balance is disturbed. As for low-quality cosmetics: viscous products that contain oils and glycerin are considered especially dangerous. Such cosmetics clog pores and create a microfilm on the surface of the skin that impedes breathing.

Main indications and contraindications for surgery

There are no medical indications for surgery. Girls who are dissatisfied with their appearance often sign up for it: with chubby cheeks, unexpressed cheekbones and an unclear oval face. Age-related changes, which manifest themselves in the form of prolapse of soft tissues, are also encouraged to sign up for the procedure. Sometimes the operation is performed in combination with other procedures, for example, lipofilling. Many Hollywood stars have undergone plastic surgery for Bisha's lumps (before and after photos).

Popular actresses include Jennifer Aniston and Demi Moore.

It is not always possible to perform surgery to remove a fatty lump from the cheek. There are a number of temporary, relative and absolute contraindications. These include:

  • blood diseases (leukemia, bleeding disorders);
  • malignant neoplasms (regardless of location);
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • serious mental disorders (schizophrenia, depressive disorders);
  • severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • young age (up to 25 years);
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • disorders of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes);
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Depending on the clinical picture, they are usually divided into 3 types:

  • Benign

(atheroma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, lipoma, papilloma, mole, nevus, fibroma, neurofibroma)

They do not pose a threat to human life, but if poorly placed or large in size, they can cause disturbances in the functioning of other systems and/or organs of our body. Under external influences they can sometimes transform into malignant neoplasms.

  • Malignant

(basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, sarcoma, liposarcoma)

They grow quickly and aggressively, penetrating into surrounding tissues and organs, often with the formation of metastases. The prognosis of such diseases is often unfavorable, given the difficulty of curing them and the tendency for frequent relapses, and in some cases, active metastasis leads to death if vital organs are irreversibly damaged.

  • Borderline or precancerous skin conditions

(senile keratoma, xeroderma pigmentosum, cutaneous horn, Bowen's dermatosis)

Formations, the tissues of which, under the influence of hereditary or current causes, have changed, having the potential to degenerate into malignant tumors.

Bisha's lumps: before and after surgery

The procedure for eliminating fatty lumps of Bisha helps to achieve a pronounced effect, radically changing your appearance. If previously the girl was dissatisfied with the oval of her face and was worried about chubby cheeks and undefined cheeks, then after the operation you can relax, since Bish’s lumps do not form again.

The effect after the procedure is very noticeable, it consists in improving the proportions of the face, reducing the volume of the cheeks, middle and lower thirds of the face, the appearance of more pronounced cheekbones, reducing the depth of the nasolabial folds and visual rejuvenation of the entire face. It is worth noting that the result will not appear immediately, since in the first days there will be slight swelling. The preliminary result will become noticeable after 7-10 days, when all sutures are removed (if non-absorbable ones were used). The final effect will be achieved 5-6 months after surgery.

Incorporate a cleanser into your daily routine

The best way to cleanse your skin and remove bacteria and dead skin is to be smart about the products you use.

Make sure you use a cleanser that removes makeup without leaving your skin dry and irritated. If you already have dry or sensitive skin, try a creamy cleanser that will soothe your skin, like Nettoyant Creme Cleanser . If you have combination or oily skin, you'll be better off using Gel Nettoyant Cleansing Gel . It removes makeup while softening and cleansing the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages of surgery

Despite the fact that Bisha's lumps do not carry a functional load for an adult, not everyone supports the decision to remove them. Among the main arguments of opponents are the risk of negative consequences, low effectiveness in people with full faces, the visual addition of several years due to sunken cheeks, and the inability to return everything back if the result is not satisfactory. However, the technique is still in great demand because it has a number of advantages. These include:

  • correction. By eliminating the fat cells under the cheekbones, it is possible to give the lower part of the face clarity and definition. This will create a rejuvenating effect;
  • modeling. Often, people with small facial features have lumps of non-standard sizes, which disrupts the proportions of the face. With the help of surgical intervention, it is possible to carry out modeling and make the features more proportional;
  • elimination of excess fat. Unlike the popular procedure - liposuction, a lasting effect is observed during bishectomy. The face after surgery looks more refined;
  • safety of the technique. As practice shows, the likelihood of complications developing is minimized;
  • eliminating signs of aging. When the cheeks sag, a person's overall facial features change. This leads to the appearance of deep skin folds. As a result of surgery, the skin is tightened and nasolabial wrinkles are eliminated;
  • weight loss Even intense physical activity and exhausting diets are not always able to get rid of chubby cheeks. Thanks to bishectomy, a visible facial slimming effect is guaranteed.

Include lotion in your daily care routine

Do you use a toning lotion after cleansing? If not, and you suffer from subclinical acne, you should use it. This is because using a cleanser is only part of the cleansing process. While your cleanser removes dirt and bacteria from your skin, lotion will also help in the cleansing process. PNG Lotion Yon-Ka PNG and PS Lotion Yon-Ka PS have a strong antiseptic and cleansing effect because they contain essential oils of lavender, geranium, rosemary, cypress and thyme, collectively known as Quintessence Yon-Ka.

No matter what skin type you have, the right toning lotion is an essential part of any skin care routine. PNG Lotion Yon-Ka PNG is intended for normal to oily skin. It's also a Martha Stewart favorite. And if you have dry, dehydrated or sensitive skin, PS Lotion Yon-Ka PS is the perfect toning lotion for you.

Where to have surgery for Bisha's lumps (before and after photos)

According to statistics, every third woman wants to remove Bisha's lumps (before and after photos are presented on the Internet and also in a special section on the website). Bichectomy is not the simplest surgical procedure. Its poor quality can lead to various complications. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a clinic, it is recommended to consider the following parameters:

  • rating;
  • pricing policy;
  • quality of equipment and materials used;
  • qualifications and experience of specialists;
  • guarantees;
  • patient reviews.

The selected clinic must be fully equipped with modern equipment and high-quality materials. The safety of the procedure directly depends on these factors. It is also important to choose a medical center where doctors with extensive experience work. This criterion is the main guarantee of a positive result.

Prices for the service may vary in different private clinics in Moscow. The final cost includes the doctor’s work, materials used and diagnostic measures. As a rule, this price is specified in the concluded contract. Conscientious medical centers provide guarantees for the services provided. After surgery, most patients leave reviews on the official website of the clinic. If everything suits you, the feedback is positive. When a patient is dissatisfied with the quality of treatment, he leaves a negative review, warning other potential clients. Based on the number of positive and negative reviews, conclusions can be drawn about the quality of the services provided.

Benign formations.


A tumor of the sebaceous gland formed after its blockage. Most often it occurs on the scalp, neck, back, and groin area, that is, in places with a high concentration of sebaceous glands. It looks like a dense formation with clear contours, elastic and mobile upon palpation.

When suppuration occurs, redness and swelling of the tissues, pain, and increased body temperature appear. The inflamed atheroma can break out on its own, releasing purulent-sebaceous contents. This epithelial cyst has a tendency to transform into a malignant form - liposarcoma. Atheroma can only be removed through surgical excision.


A benign vascular tumor formation. Capillary hemangioma can reach large sizes, its color varies from red to bluish-black, and grows predominantly to the sides. If the heangioma is located on a complex area of ​​the body (for example, on the face in the orbital area) or occupies a large area, it is removed beam method.


A tumor of the fatty layer (often called a “wen”) located in the subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue. It can penetrate deep into the body to the periosteum, seeping between vascular bundles and muscles. Most often found in areas where the fat layer is thinnest - the outer surface of the hips and shoulders, shoulder girdle, upper back. It looks like a soft formation, mobile and painless upon palpation. Lipoma grows quite slowly and is generally safe for the body, although in rare cases it can degenerate into a malignant formation - liposarcoma. At the same time, if the wen grows and begins to put pressure on surrounding tissues, surgical removal is indicated. It is better not to wait for this moment, since the larger the tumor, the more noticeable the postoperative scar will be. But small fatty deposits are easily removed using laser, radio wave or puncture-aspiration methods, after which there are practically no traces left on the skin.

Papillomas and warts.

Formations in the form of a nodule or papilla, having a viral nature. They are caused by various strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), usually due to decreased immunity, stress and vegetative disorders. Externally they are very diverse, most often they look like growths of various shapes and sizes, coloring from light to dark brown and gray. Treatment: treatment with chemically active acids, interferon injections, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, radio or laser exposure, surgical excision .

Moles and nevi.

Benign skin tumors, congenital or acquired. They are a cluster of cells filled with the pigment melanin. They can have different sizes, shapes, colors and surface textures. Some of them have a high potential for degeneration into a malignant form - melanoma. For example, a pigmented border nevus, a flat nodule of dark brown or gray color with a dry, uneven surface. Such formations must be removed, and only surgically. Melanoma-dangerous moles and nevi do not require treatment, but experts recommend getting rid of those that are constantly injured or located in open areas of the body and are often exposed to sunlight in order to avoid complications. The method here is not so critical: in addition to a scalpel, a mole can be removed with a laser, cryodestruction or radio waves.

Fibroma (dermatofibroma).

Formations in connective tissue, which are most often found in women at a young and mature age. They are small in size (up to 3 cm), look like a deeply sealed nodule, spherically protruding above the surface of the skin, the color is gray to brown, sometimes blue-black, the surface is smooth, less often warty. It grows slowly, but there is a possibility of oncological complications: in rare cases, fibroma can degenerate into malignant fibrosarcoma.

Advantages of contacting Listratenkov K.V.

You can remove Bisha's lumps in Moscow by contacting Dr. Listratenkov K.V. He carries out all surgical interventions himself. On the website you can clearly see the result after removing Bisha's lumps (before and after). The main principle of work is a trusting relationship between the doctor and patients.

Additionally, free consultations from a surgeon are provided: you can visit the website by providing contact information. In the near future, Kirill Viktorovich will give a detailed answer to this.

Positive patient reviews confirm the safety of surgery to remove Bisha's lumps (before and after photos are presented on the website). The Center for Aesthetic and Laser Medicine has been operating for more than 15 years. During this time, we managed to make several thousand patients happy. The working hours are convenient: the doctor sees from 10:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday, which is suitable even for people with an irregular work schedule.

To make an initial appointment, just contact the administrator at the specified number or leave a request online, leaving contact information, the expected date and time of the appointment.

Acne treatment methods

If inflamed rosacea appears on your face and you feel a strong tingling sensation, then you should

Seek advice from our trusted specialists! Since even simple acne can develop into a more unpleasant disease - rosacea.

Doctors will be able to provide all the important information on combating pathology and will carry out safe procedures in the shortest possible time. With timely diagnosis and treatment, your face will become clear and radiant again.

For a long time there was no most effective and rapid treatment for the disease. As a rule, an integrated approach is always used. It involves the work of several specialists at once: a dermatologist, a nutritionist, a surgeon. Treatment occurs in several stages:

  • prevent the formation of comedones;
  • clear clogged ducts;
  • stop the proliferation of bacteria;
  • reduce sebum secretion;
  • cure inflammation on the skin.

Those with this unpleasant disease took antibiotics, used ointments, and followed a diet. This approach did not always help, but could only do harm. In modern cosmetology, a new effective means for treating acne has appeared - light and laser technologies.

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