11 homemade anti-flaking face masks for skin at home

Peeling of the dermis is a problem faced by owners of all skin types. The death of the upper layer of the epidermis can occur for various reasons, but most often it is observed with climate change, violation of skin care rules, or the use of low-quality cosmetics.

This problem can be solved with the help of creams, serums and gels, but cosmetic masks have proven effective in the fight against peeling. This simple procedure allows you to quickly restore smoothness and healthy color to the skin, as well as even out the structure and moisturize all layers of the dermis.

Why does the skin peel?

By identifying the factors that provoke peeling, you can find optimal ways to combat this phenomenon. The most common causes of damage to the upper layer of the epidermis are:

The lack of moisture must be replenished not only externally, but also from the inside.

  • low temperatures or their changes, so the skin can begin to peel both in winter and in the heat, and in the off-season;
  • violation of the rules of care for the dermis, insufficient hydration, improper cleansing or ignoring scrubbing and peeling procedures;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetic products;
  • using soap too often when washing your face;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalances causing disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related changes.

Peeling is the death of cellular tissue of the surface layer of the epidermis. This is a natural process that occurs on a regular basis. Therefore, face masks are designed not only to get rid of the stratum corneum, but also to protect young cells of the newly formed epidermal tissue.

How else to help your skin recover

An important point in the fight against peeling is the correction of diet and drinking regime. To improve the condition of your skin, you should:

  • give up alcohol;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

Incorrect selection of care products and cosmetic procedures leads to dehydration. To prevent moisture loss, avoid soap for washing and mechanical cleaning. If you are prone to rosacea, give preference to enzyme peeling.

The problem of dry and flaky skin should be addressed comprehensively. In addition to cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime and take multivitamin supplements. Replenishing the lack of moisture, vitamins and minerals leads to restoration of the functioning of sebocytes and hydrolipid balance.

The benefits and effect of anti-peeling masks for facial skin

This type of cosmetic procedures allows you to improve the nutrition of cells, saturate them with oxygen, and increase the barrier properties of the skin. An important health factor is the significant hydration of the epidermal tissues, as well as an increase in their moisture-retaining properties.

As a result, the dermis becomes smoother and more even, dryness disappears, a pleasant velvety appearance appears, the complexion is evened out, the skin begins to glow from the inside.

External and internal manifestations of dry skin

External signs : fine-plate peeling, most often occurs in areas with thinner skin - the area around the mouth, nasolabial fold and eyelids. Redness and a feeling of tightness may appear. In advanced cases, itching and the addition of a secondary infection - pustules.

What's inside the skin?

Peeling and dry skin is a violation of the moisture-retaining function of the stratum corneum, which is provided by:

  1. Sebum . Peeling often bothers people with anatomically dry skin types.
  2. Lipid substance of the epidermis
  3. Natural moisturizing factor components (amino acids, urea, lactic acid)
  4. Keratin is a protein that fills keratinocytes. It is insoluble, but swells in water, binding its molecules

Violations of these structures lead to the formation of dryness, tightness of the skin, and later to peeling.

Features of using masks

When using homemade masks, you must remember:

  1. The product is used immediately after preparation. Not made in advance and not stored after.
  2. The components must be of high quality.
  3. Homemade masks are prepared only in glass or ceramic containers.
  4. If it is necessary to heat the mixture, it is better to do this in a water bath. This way, most of the vitamins and nutrients will be preserved.
  5. Masks are applied to the skin for a period of 15 to 30 minutes, except for those compositions that contain acid elements.
  6. The best effect is achieved by a course of 8-10 applications 2 times a week.

The paste is washed off with water or herbal decoction. Soap and other cleaning products are prohibited.

Rules for applying homemade masks

Homemade masks are most effective if certain rules are followed.

  • Use only fresh and mostly natural ingredients.
  • Apply the mask immediately. The longer it is stored, the less effective it is.
  • Use the mask only on cleansed skin.
  • Apply the mixture along the massage lines so as not to unnecessarily stretch the dermis.
  • Carry out the procedure with clean hands. If desired, use a brush or spatula.
  • Rinse off with warm water, as cold water can cause irritation.
  • After the mask, use a toner, moisturizer or nourishing cream to enhance the effect.
  • When using the mask for the first time, test for an allergic reaction. One of the standard methods is to apply the composition to the wrist.


The main contraindication is a possible allergic reaction to any of the components.

Peeling with fruit acids is considered the safest

People with sensitive skin should be careful with apple peeling masks. Fruit acids can cause itching, irritation, redness and other unpleasant factors. Scrubs with medium and coarse particles are not recommended.

Features of care in winter

During the cold season, it is not only the skin of the face that needs care: no less attention should be paid to the body, hands, lips, and feet.


Body care in winter consists of regular hygiene procedures using mild detergents containing glycerin and vegetable oils. The water should not be very hot. After bathing or a refreshing shower, it is useful to apply moisturizer to the skin of the body.


The skin of the hands has weaker natural protection than the face or body, and is significantly exposed to external factors. Hand skin care in winter consists, first of all, of its mechanical protection from the cold. Wearing mittens and gloves not only helps keep you warm, but also protects your skin from hypothermia and frostbite. The skin of your hands also needs to be moisturized and protected by selecting appropriate creams for this.


The skin of the lips is very vulnerable to exposure to low temperatures. In the cold, lips quickly dry out and crack. Taking care of your lips in winter involves constantly moisturizing them. Hygienic lipstick or balm is suitable for this purpose. These products should be applied not only before going outside, but also indoors.


Facial skin is defenseless in winter without special care. It cannot be completely protected from frost and wind, and damage caused by exposure to cold air is very difficult to disguise. Facial skin care in winter should be especially thorough, competent, consistent and regular. All skin care products must be selected taking into account the needs of this skin type and the individual characteristics of the body.

Tools Overview

It is known that health and beauty are guaranteed by competent three-step care, which includes:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration.

At each stage you need to use appropriate cosmetics; this is the best combination that answers the question of what to do if the skin on your face is constantly peeling.

In therapy today, products made on the basis of placenta extract are increasingly used. One of them is the Japanese placental drug Laennec. Being a hepatoprotector and immunomodulator, it affects the state of the body's defense mechanisms, and therefore reduces the severity of allergies. It includes:

  • Cytokines and peptides that provoke an immunological reaction.
  • More than 36 cell growth factors.
  • 18 amino acids, including essential ones, to prevent unwanted cellular oxidation and prevent the action of free radicals.
  • About 100 protective enzymes and 40 vital minerals.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E.
  • Hyaluronic acid to optimize water balance and moisture retention.

Experience has already been accumulated in the successful use of the drug in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Cytokines included in Laennec activate cell metabolism and prevent the development of fibrosis.


An important stage, without which maintaining health is impossible. Timely removal of dead cells, excess sebum, cosmetics, dirt particles, and opening of pores normalize breathing and renewal of the epidermis. Let's list the main steps on what to do when the skin on your face is peeling:

  • Wash your face with warm water.
  • Use gentle products selected according to your skin type.
  • Remove eye makeup with a special milk designed to care for delicate and sensitive areas.
  • Blot rather than wipe your face.
  • Use lipid-restoring drugs and formulations with hyaluronic acid.

Peeling should only be done by a cosmetologist, who will select the components specifically for individual sensitivity. Independent use of acids can become a trigger for the appearance of new “peels”.


This is one of the essential treatments for flaky skin. They contain active substances in high concentrations, and when applied to a well-cleaned surface, they work especially effectively. To moisturize, use cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, pay attention to its shape. It is believed that from the outside it does not penetrate the epidermal barrier, but low molecular weight is most likely able to overcome it.


What to do if the skin on your face is peeling - the reasons that the doctor will find out will suggest the direction of possible therapy. And at home, you can use compounds that increase barrier properties and prevent moisture loss. Typically they contain:

  • substances that form a protective film;
  • probiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • oils

Egg yolk mask

Egg yolk masks work wonders for people with dry or flaky skin. Egg yolk contains vitamin A, which makes the skin smooth and soft. The combination of olive oil and egg yolk is one of the best treatments. Mix egg yolk with two to three small spoons of olive oil and use this mask to get rid of dry skin naturally.

Butter, honey and fruit

Pureeed banana pulp is most often used as a fruit filler in this mask, but during the season it can be replaced with apricot, persimmon or soft ripe pear puree. The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. But not liquid, i.e. no need to melt it! You need to mix a tablespoon of natural unsalted butter (82% fat) with the same amount of fruit puree and a teaspoon of liquid honey. The mask is applied in a fairly thick layer with massaging movements, after which it is left on the skin for a quarter of an hour or a little longer. The remains of the mixture are washed off with warm, but not hot water.

Main causes of dryness

The main one is the lack of moisture in the stratum corneum. It is a consequence of a decrease in barrier function due to disruption of the lipid structure. Gaps appear in the protective layers between the cells, so water is not retained.

This process may be accompanied by disturbances in sebaceous and sweating, and a deficiency of amino acids in epithelial cells, which ultimately leads to dehydration. To find out deeper and individual reasons, tests and necessary examinations are done.


A decrease in water content below the physiological norm causes various changes in metabolism. They can take on a different character, be of high or low severity, and this situation cannot be ignored. A change in the state of the epidermis is a clear manifestation of dehydration, but other disorders may also occur. But first of all, we pay attention to changes in appearance visible to the eye.

Peeling of facial skin, its causes and treatment is a long process, although sometimes the starting point of the disease may be the simplest. For example, the general loss of moisture in the body, which leads to a change in the water balance of all tissues. This condition has its own characteristics:

  • A person feels not just dryness, but tightness.
  • With dehydration, a violation of the structure of the epidermis can be expressed implicitly, however, the irregularities are clearly visible when decorative cosmetics are applied.
  • Expression wrinkles on a dehydrated surface are easily smoothed out after applying a moisturizer.

Improper care for combination and oily skin

Owners of this type, in search of optimal products, choose those that contain alcohol or drying components. This leads to a hydro-lipid imbalance, and therefore causes a deterioration in the condition of the outer integument. When abrasive peelings are used in combination with such compositions, the epidermis can be injured, and then you will have to look for the answer to another question: what to do if your facial skin is peeling.

Achieving a reduction in sebum production does not mean solving the problem. It is important that there is balance and harmony in the work of the glands. After all, without lipids it is impossible to maintain hydration, especially since a dry surface is more easily injured.

Sensitive, thin skin

This epidermis is otherwise called reactive or overreactive. From the name it is clear that it responds to all existing irritants more clearly, which means that the consequences of the negative effects of the environment or allergens have to be dealt with longer and the use of individually selected means.

Congenital characteristics and natural location may be the main reason why the skin on the face peels.

Reactive epidermis is divided into groups:

  • with a low barrier function, easily losing moisture;
  • inflammatory type;
  • neurosensitive.

It is important to remember that this feature can be the result of aggressive effects, such as sunburn. That is why protective recommendations cannot be neglected.


Skin peeling at low temperatures is also called “cold allergy.” However, in the vast majority of cases this is hardly correct. We often notice changes due to the fact that before going outside we use moisturizing cosmetics or decorative products containing water. Moisture particles at low temperatures turn into ice crystals and injure the epidermis.


Why does the skin on the face of women, men, and children peel off after washing, and how to treat it in this case? After all, it would seem that such procedures should saturate it with moisture, but the effect is often the opposite. It's all about excess cleansing:

  • If you use alcohol-containing products before washing, they can dry out the epidermis, and simply washing will not be enough to restore the balance.
  • Aggressive soap with an incorrectly selected pH violates the integrity of the lipid barrier.
  • Trauma from scrubs and exfoliants used for home cleansing ultimately causes discomfort and tightness.

Excessive peeling

Incorrectly selected, overly active abrasive compounds can cause peeling. A slight deterioration in condition after exfoliation is within normal limits. However, severe and persistent dryness is a sign that they are being done incorrectly. After manipulation, it is recommended to apply to the face:

  • fat cream;
  • Panthenol;
  • thermal water.

Adverse external factors

If your facial skin is very flaky, the reason may be:

  • using incorrectly selected rough cleansers;
  • UV rays: solar radiation penetrates to the deep layers of the dermis, including destroying collagen and elastin fibers;
  • overdried, overheated indoor air, which causes dehydration of both the outer skin and mucous membranes.

Decorative cosmetics with dry texture

Mistakes when choosing make-up, as well as creams, serums and lotions, are becoming a common cause of dryness. In particular, we must remember that the abuse of products containing mineral particles, including powder, blush and shadows, can negatively affect the relief. This kind of makeup has the property of absorbing moisture and ultimately leading to dehydration, not from the inside, as in most cases, but from the outside.

Using facial products around the eyes

This delicate area is highly sensitive. It needs the closest care because it is very thin and there is no fatty tissue underneath. That is why, to avoid peeling, you need to use products designed to care for this specific area. They contain active components in high concentration.

Allergies and other diseases

If questions arise about how to remove peeling skin on the face and how to treat it, then the doctor will definitely find out if you have any allergic reactions. It is possible that the change in condition is associated with an allergy to foods, pollen, dust, or the composition of caring cosmetics. It is believed that contact dermatitis is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the condition. We must remember that the body’s response may be slow, but it is not always possible to directly associate the manifestation of a problem with contact with a certain substance.

During the examination, the dermatologist must say exactly what kind of disease the patient has, because it can be simple contact, seborrheic or atopic dermatitis.

Honey care: which honey to choose for masks?

Not all honey is suitable for making masks. And we're not just talking about the obvious fact that you want a natural product, without additives or fillers. Honey must be raw, only under this condition will it be useful. Filtration and pasteurization deprive honey of a number of natural nutrients and reduce the healing effect of the product.

The final properties of the prepared mask depend on the pollen from which the bees produced honey. Honeydew honey is the poorest in minerals, because striped honeydewers collect it during periods when honey plants are not available. This “production” uses honeydew (various secretions of insects living on plants) and honeydew. Polyfloral honey is collected from many honey plants, so its composition is unpredictable, but it still contains many biologically active substances. Monofloral honey is the best choice for making homemade honey masks. Knowing from which plant the pollen was collected, we can say what additional medicinal properties the product has. As a general rule, the darker the natural honey, the more antioxidants it contains.

Oatmeal mask with egg white and coconut oil

You will need a little coconut oil, one egg white, a small handful of oats. Girls with dry skin know that achieving a natural, healthy glow is difficult. However, this mask is the answer to their prayers. The mask deals a serious blow to dry, flaky skin.

The egg white tightens and brightens the skin, while the coconut oil sinks into the deeper layers of the skin for maximum moisture. Oats act as an excellent exfoliant and are a natural humectant that helps the skin retain moisture. This mask is a little tricky to apply, so it's worth standing over a sink. However, the slight mess after applying the product is totally worth the end result. Not only is the mask super hydrating, it works wonders for your pores. After washing off the mask, you can see how the skin has become clean and soft.

Egg-oat mask

In addition to eliminating flaking, this mask cleanses and nourishes the skin. The raw yolk should be lightly beaten with a spoonful of liquid bee honey and a spoonful of cosmetic or unrefined vegetable oil. Then add a spoonful of finely ground oatmeal. Leave for 5-10 minutes until the oatmeal swells, then apply the mixture to pre-moistened skin. Massage your face and leave the mixture on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Glycerin, cosmetic oil and ammonia

This mask for flaky skin is prepared by mixing glycerin and cosmetic oil (peach, almond, apricot, rosehip are suitable). You will need a teaspoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of oil. To the resulting mixture you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of water (preferably mineral water without gas) and 2 drops of ammonia. The mixture is applied in a thin layer and left for 30 minutes to an hour. It is not forbidden to leave such a mask on your face all night. Blot the remaining mixture with a napkin, then wash with slightly warm water.

Avocado, aloe vera and olive oil

You will need half an avocado, chopped. A small spoonful of olive oil, aloe vera. For this mask, it is important to thoroughly chop the avocado. Large pieces of avocado are difficult to work with as they won't stick to your face. This is one of the effective moisturizing masks. Avocado is filled with antioxidants and vitamins that guarantee deep hydration to the skin. The oil is both a moisturizer and an anti-aging agent, while aloe vera, like whitening cosmetic agents, fights bacteria. Using all the ingredients together, there is no doubt that the problem of flaking will be solved.

Reasons for the problem

I have already mentioned one thing - lack of water leads to dehydration. We drink little, and the epidermis, like the entire body, does not receive the daily norm that it is supposed to.

Another factor influencing the condition of our face and body is nutrition. If our diet is correct, healthy, balanced, we see only radiance, smoothness, elasticity - all the components of healthy and beautiful skin. A meager menu, constant diets or eating on the run, a love of fast food cause dryness, irritation, peeling, and tightness. Taking diuretics and fasting can lead to the same consequences.

Dehydration is also a consequence of poorly selected cosmetics and improper care.

Also on the list of reasons are:

  • The influence of air conditioners, which make the skin more vulnerable, dry out and dehydrate the epidermis.
  • Frequent visits to solariums, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Lack of proper sleep.
  • Neglect of one's own well-being.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Smoking.

How do you know if your skin is dry and needs emergency care? Signs of dehydration are:

  • Feeling of tightness, flaking
  • Change in complexion
  • The appearance of small wrinkles on the cheeks, around the eyes, on the neck

However, do not confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin. The latter became like this to a greater extent due to hereditary predisposition, and in the first case external factors led to troubles.

Even oily and shiny areas can be dehydrated - there is nothing unnatural about this. They also need hydration - special, extremely delicate.

We are dealing with a serious problem that can be faced by owners of all skin types - from sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to any changes, to problematic skin, prone to the appearance of comedones and acne.

I advise staying hydrated.

  • Drink more water. This is a condition for the proper functioning of the intestines, its cleansing, acceleration of metabolism, removal of waste and toxins. This is also an ambulance for the epidermis, whose cells need regular saturation with moisture.
  • Eat right. Your diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, not fatty, fried, spicy, processed foods, and pickles. Give preference to foods that are steamed or baked in the oven. It is advisable to minimize heat treatment of products in order to preserve vitamins, minerals and trace elements in them.
  • Do not overuse the solarium; before going to the beach or walking on a hot summer day, lubricate your skin with a special sunscreen or lotion.
  • Use the right care products - professional liposomal cosmetics based on natural ingredients, which ensure the delivery of active substances to the deep layers of the epidermis.

These tips are relevant for everyone - both those who first encountered the problem due to a change in diet or improper drinking regimen, and those who have been struggling with dryness, tightness and flaking all their lives.

How to get rid of a problem from a cosmetologist

Before you go to a specialist, we recommend that you find out whether he has a license and the appropriate qualifications. Unfortunately, recently offices have often opened in which the situation can worsen: cosmetology is a branch of medicine, and conventional courses for correct diagnosis and choice of treatment are not enough.

At your appointment, a certified professional cosmetologist will recommend how to get rid of peeling skin and what procedures can be carried out for this. Among them:

  • Special corrective care with cosmetics that penetrate the epidermal barrier.
  • Paraffin therapy – liquid warm paraffin creates a greenhouse effect that helps moisturize the skin.
  • Biorevitalization is an injection technique for introducing preparations based on hyaluronic acid into the upper layers.
  • Gentle acid peeling, which is indicated when the cause of dryness is not a serious systemic disease.

Banana, soda and honey

You will need a ripe banana, half a fruit, a small spoon of honey and a large spoon of baking soda.
This mask is great for those who want to hydrate and exfoliate their skin at the same time. Baking soda provides a gentle cleanse while honey is a natural moisturizer. This means that honey draws out moisture and delivers it to the skin for deep hydration. Banana complements this luxurious mask to provide a host of vitamins that nourish the skin. First of all, this mask smells amazing. Its texture allows you to apply the product evenly to the skin without any problems. For additional exfoliation, rub the mask in with gentle movements. This will help the baking soda rid your skin of any dead cells.

Fight flaking with a banana mask

Face masks with fruits are a good choice to pamper problematic skin. You can use banana as an ingredient for a natural homemade mask. This hydrates the skin. You can mash a ripe avocado, banana and half a papaya and apply the mixture every day, 10 minutes before washing your face. This is an excellent mask for dry skin, allowing you to quickly eliminate problematic flaky areas. This mask is a good source of biotin, and the avocado in it helps prevent dry skin. Papaya will bring many benefits as this fruit is rich in vitamins A, E and C.

Let's sum it up

If you experience symptoms of deterioration in the condition of the outer skin, including redness and itching, we recommend that you consult a doctor without delaying. Make an appointment with a dermatologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist (beauty salon specialists do not always have higher education, so we advise you to make an appointment at the clinic). The sooner a specialist determines the reasons for the change, the faster adequate treatment will be selected, relapse prevention will be provided, and the question of how to get rid of peeling on the skin will be answered.

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