Rejeunesse fillers: review of types + reviews and results in photos

In this article we will take a closer look at the Korean fillers Rejeunesse. You will learn what they consist of, for which zones which one is used, and how they differ from analogues. And also how the procedure works, what contraindications there are for use and what clients and cometologists write in reviews. We will also show the results in photos before and after injections.

Rejeunesse fillers

Rejeunesse - what are these drugs?

Rejeunesse are injectable preparations based on hyaluronic acid (3 fillers and 1 biorevitalizant) for the correction of cosmetic defects of the face and body. In structure, they resemble a moderately viscous transparent gel, capable of filling wrinkles from the inside and modeling the proportions of the face, compensating for the lack of tissue in one or another area.

The most popular area for using Rejeunesse fillers is the face, but they are often used to smooth out minor aesthetic imperfections of the body - in particular, they are used in intimate plastic surgery.

Characteristics of high-quality fillers

Most often, hyaluronic acid synthesized in the laboratory is used to create fillers. This product is produced by our skin independently, but over time its production by the body decreases. This leads to the skin becoming drier, wrinkles more pronounced, nasolabial folds appearing, and the skin sagging around the chin. This inevitably happens, even if you do face gymnastics, which is fashionable today, and you have no tendency to gain excess weight.

Needless to say, the years take their toll, even for those women who carefully look after themselves. You can't do without creams if you want to look young and fresh. Fillers allow you to lose ten years without going to a plastic surgeon, as well as adjust the contours of your face if desired. The Korean filler Rejeunesse, according to reviews, is quite in demand. Cosmetologists often order it because it costs less than French fillers, while the quality is decent. We will talk about the quality of the filler from Korea Rejeunesse below, as well as its varieties.

Manufacturer information

The South Korean company New Medic Co, Ltd. produces fillers. Registered in 2013, over the 7 years of its existence it has not made any significant breakthrough in the field of aesthetic medicine, has not created a reputation as a reliable manufacturer and has practically failed to penetrate the European market, which, on the one hand, can be considered as a minus.

On the other hand, the company was also not noticed in high-profile scandals related to the quality of its products, but its desire for development, responsible attitude to the production process and constant work to improve the formulas of its drugs inspire respect.

It can be said that New Medic Co, Ltd. There aren’t enough stars in the sky, but at the same time, it is quickly mastering its niche in the cosmetics business and showing good promise.

But an undoubted drawback that takes away points from the company is the fact that its products are still not certified in Russia , and New Medic Co, Ltd itself. has no official representative here. That is, no one, in fact, bears responsibility for whether you receive the original drug, whether its expiration date has expired, and whether it was stored correctly during transportation. This is a serious disadvantage, since the buyer will have to bear all the risks.

Regeness - 1.1 ml hyaluronic acid preparation

Every woman wants to look good and tries to correct some shortcomings in all available ways. Unfortunately, skin care products don't always help.

In modern cosmetology, contour plastic surgery is actively developing, making it possible to correct the shape of the face and correct aesthetic defects without surgical intervention.

Using injections, drugs called fillers are injected into the deep layers of the epidermis (English: “to fill” - “fill, fill”).

Their special feature is the gel form, which allows you to effectively eliminate wrinkles, add volume to the lips, and also avoid surgical intervention when correcting the shape of the nose, cheekbones, facial contours, and chin. Korean fillers “Rejeunesse” cope with this task perfectly.


Rejeunesse fillers are beauty injections from Korea. Nuances and details

Asian products for contouring are captivating due to their affordable prices compared to their European counterparts, which is why they are in great demand.

Rejeunesse are injection preparations from South Korea based on hyaluronic acid (3 fillers and 1 biorevitalizant) for the correction of aesthetic imperfections of the face and body.

Their main advantages are a high degree of purification of raw materials and a long-lasting correction effect, and patients, naturally, are most attracted by the low price.

If the patient is not satisfied with the result of the correction, a special drug can be administered to speed up the resorption of the filler. This rejuvenation method does not affect facial expressions or change facial features, unlike Botox or other invasive procedures.

Manufacturer information

Rejeunesse is the trade name of dermal fillers produced by the South Korean pharmaceutical company New Medic Co, Ltd. The manufacturer's main products are focused on aesthetic cosmetology.

Pros and cons of the drug

The undeniable advantages of Korean filler include its very good plasticity. The use of some fillers requires massaging the injection site to avoid the formation of bumps and irregularities. Judging by the reviews of cosmetologists, when working with Rejeunesse preparations, there are no problems with the distribution of the gel.

The filler works effectively if necessary:

  • smooth out facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • correct facial asymmetry;
  • change the shape of your cheekbones or nose;
  • tighten sagging cheeks;
  • eliminate the appearance of a double chin;
  • add fullness to lips;
  • get rid of stretch marks and scars.

A face with smoothed wrinkles will look several years younger, and there will be no need for a surgical lift. Regines fillers allow you to quickly transform and restore youth in 1-2 procedures. A small effect appears immediately, and visible changes occur a little later.

Disadvantages of the drug

The disadvantage of Regeness fillers is the impossibility of using them in patients with individual intolerance to Lidocaine.

The company independently conducts various studies and takes part in the development of new and improvement of existing formulas of its drugs. All products are equipped with international certificates. However, so far Rejeunesse has not been able to penetrate the European market, which, on the one hand, can be considered as a minus.

In addition, an undoubted disadvantage that takes away points from Regeness is the fact that its products are still not certified in Russia, and New Medic Co, Ltd itself. does not have an official representative here and a Russian-language website. That is, no one, in fact, bears responsibility for whether you receive the original drug, whether its expiration date has expired, and whether it was stored correctly during transportation. This is a serious disadvantage, since the buyer will have to bear all the risks.

Composition of the drug

The Regeness line consists of universal cosmetic products; the active ingredients are hyaluronic acid and lidocaine.

The manufacturing company has developed its own UPHEC method, in which drugs undergo eight-phase purification. As a result, fillers are highly resistant to biodegradation and the effect of their use lasts up to 18 months.

Hyaluronic acid

The main active component of Regency fillers is hyaluronic acid. This substance, discovered in 1930, is able to retain moisture in the skin for a long period of time, making the skin look fresher and younger. Hyaluronate is used by cosmetologists to tighten the soft tissues of the face, fill wrinkles and skin folds, increase the volume of the lips, correct the contour of the cheekbones, cheeks and other facial areas.

In its natural form, hyaluronic acid is a product of the activity of dermal fibroblasts (connective tissue cells). Skin fibroblasts are needed for the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins, but collagen fibers appear only if there is a certain amount of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis. After 30 years, the volume of hyaluronate in the intradermal layer begins to decrease. Ultraviolet radiation, smoking, and stress have a negative effect on the skin. Chemical peels and other aggressive procedures that deprive the skin of its natural protective covering can cause harm.

At the beginning of the industrial production of cosmetic fillers, hyaluronic acid was obtained from the internal organs of cattle or poultry. The substance underwent two-phase purification with alcohol and distilled water. The resulting solution was heated to remove any impurities of animal protein. But it was not possible to obtain a “pure” drug that did not contain foreign protein. The hyaluronic acid synthesized in this way was quickly recognized by enzymes that destroyed it and underwent biodegradation. Therefore, the effect of hydration and rejuvenation of facial skin was observed for a relatively short time. In addition, protein residues contained in the drug could provoke an allergic reaction.

Types of civil codes

Nowadays, hyaluronate is obtained by biological synthesis, in which the pure substance is produced by bacteria of the Streptococcus family (streptococci). Wheat germ is sometimes used.

Hyaluronic acid can be:

  • - low molecular weight, used to treat skin diseases;
  • - medium molecular weight, suitable for treating joints and eyes;
  • - high molecular weight (long chain), used for contouring and biorevitalization. This is exactly the type of HA that manufacturers use in Rejeunesse fillers.

Features of hyaluronate for biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure that involves moisturizing the skin from the inside. Rejeunesse, administered by injection, increases the amount of intradermal hyaluronic acid and connective tissue cells become capable of producing collagen and elastin. To do this, the active substance needs to be released from the synthetic form slowly, acquiring its natural appearance within a few days. Hyaluronate is required in an unstabilized state, without additional holding bonds between molecules, in a concentration of 1.5-2%. The substance should have a gel-like consistency.

When developing drugs based on hyaluronic acid, they take into account the fact that the substance molecule is recognized and destroyed by a group of special enzymes called hyaluronidases. To ensure that hyaluronate lasts in the skin as long as possible, Regency manufacturers modified the molecule in a special way, adding bioactive compounds to it. Then hyaluronic acid remains in the intradermal layer for sufficient time to activate fibroblast cells and subsequent production of collagen and elastin fibers.

Features of hyaluronic acid for filling

For filling, the active ingredient is needed in a slightly different form than for biorevitalization. Filling involves not so much hydrating the skin as changing the shape of individual areas of the face, correcting wrinkles, bags under the eyes, contours of the lips, cheekbones, cheeks, etc. To achieve this result, hyaluronic acid should not spread to adjacent tissues from the injection site. The concentration of hyaluronate in the filler should be higher than in the preparation for moisturizing the skin.

Dermal fillers are available in monophasic and biphasic types and are intended for different purposes.

✔ Biphasic fillers consist of particles of different sizes dissolved in a gel. One phase performs a moisturizing function, being distributed in the skin, the second phase remains at the injection site, providing correction of facial contours. The peculiarity of such fillers is that the injected hyaluronic acid causes swelling. The result of the correction will be visible after the swelling subsides; before that, it is extremely difficult to calculate the required dose of the drug.

✔ Monophasic fillers only create volume and do not provide a hydration effect, so there is no swelling. The entire Rejeunesse line is a monophasic preparation of a homogeneous, that is, homogeneous, structure. The concentration of single-phase biosynthesized hyaluron in the preparations of this series is 24 mg/ml, in Rejeunesse Sparkle – 20 mg/ml.

Specifics of the action of HA-based filler

All Rejeunesse fillers contain lidocaine at a concentration of 3 mg/ml. The solution looks like a homogeneous, viscous, odorless plastic gel. Fillers differ in the degree of reticulation (stabilization).

For biorevitalizants, hyaluronic acid is needed unstabilized, for fillers - vice versa. Stabilization of the substance is ensured by so-called reticulation.

Reticulation (“cross-linking”) is the process of connecting hyaluronate molecules with strong cross-links. The more such bonds, the higher the degree of reticulation, the slower the filler molecule disintegrates in the tissues. Hyaluronidases “bite off” small fragments from a long chain. It is these small fragments of hyaluronic acid that are responsible for collagenosis, so collagen fibers remain in the skin even after the destruction of the contour gel. The higher the degree of reticulation, the longer the duration of the gel.

Due to the presence of reticulation between hyaluronic acid molecules, the filler can remain in the skin and be active for up to one and a half years.

A brief overview of Reginess filler injection techniques

Injection procedures are carried out according to the protocol on an outpatient basis by a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. Professional cosmetics are used to cleanse the skin.

After cleansing, treatment is carried out with an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine. At the request of the patient, topical anesthesia is used - an anesthetic cream is applied for 15-20 minutes (Emla is often used). However, the anesthetic may not be used, since the filler already contains lidocaine.

Introduction technique:

✓- Linear-retrograde or tunnel. Refers to the basic and most common injection techniques. The needle is inserted under the skin along its entire length at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The active substance is administered as the needle leaves the skin with even pressure on the piston; Moreover, when removing the needle, the filler must be completely injected. The filler fills the wrinkle “from the bottom”. Most often used to strengthen certain facial areas (forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial fold).

✓- Fan - a type of linear technique, all points diverge from the central one. From 2 to 4 beams are performed; after insertion and the first injection, the needle is not removed, but is turned at an acute angle and subsequent injection is performed. The action is repeated 3-5 times, then the needle is removed. Used to correct nasolabial folds, lift the corners of the mouth, and increase lip volume.

✓- The insertion technique called “mesh or lattice” involves creating punctures every 5-10 mm. Injections must be carried out linearly, at the level of the middle or lower dermal layer. The selected drug can be injected at different depths; it is only important that it corresponds to the recommended injection depth indicated on the package. Injections should first be carried out parallel to each other, and then perpendicular, which allows you to form a mesh frame of filler and, thereby, ensure the most uniform filling of soft tissues. Used for contouring, filling nasolabial folds, emphasizing the cheekbone line.

✓- “Point by point” method. These injections are performed using small amounts of medication injected into specific locations. Microinjections are carried out without intervals, as if imitating a linear injection, located along the folds of the skin or wrinkles. Similar methods are used for injections in particularly sensitive areas: in the neck/décolleté, periorbital and perioral areas.

A thin needle is used for administration, which minimizes pain and promotes uniform distribution of the gel.

Despite the apparent ease of use of Rejeunesse, injections should only be performed by a certified cosmetologist.

Rejeunesse filler line

Rejeunesse Deep . Monophasic gel intended for introduction into the middle and deep layers of the dermis. The most versatile filler in the line. The degree of reticulation is 9%, the density is average. Used for tissue tightening, general biorevitalization, elimination of medium and deep wrinkles, increasing lip volume, injection rhinoplasty and augmentation of intimate areas of the body.

Based on work experience, as well as personal experience, cosmetologists will recommend using Rejeunesse deep filler to correct and increase lip volume, since the product is soft, fits well, and lasts a long time.

Rejeunesse Fine (Fine) . The least dense filler of the entire line. Cosmetologists call the drug light precisely because the main component - hyaluronic acid - has a low degree of reticulation, only 7%. Thanks to this, it is easily administered and evenly distributed in the tissues.

The filler is injected into the superficial dermal layers using a syringe and a 30G needle. The injection can be carried out using various techniques - fan, linear, etc. Rejeunesse Fine is indicated for biorevitalization, to eliminate superficial wrinkles around the mouth, smooth out nasolabial folds, it will perfectly correct the contour of the lips and at the same time give them volume. The filler is used for bio-reinforcement of soft tissues in the neck and face, and will also help to model the contours of the body. Considering that the solution is intended for delicate skin, Fine is perfect for intimate plastic surgery.

Rejeunesse Shape (Shape) . The filler has the longest duration of action (stays in the dermal layers for up to 1.5 years). Reticulating agent – ​​BDDE, reticulation degree 11%. Reginess Shape is the densest filler with the thickest gel structure and the highest concentration of hyaluron from the entire Reginess series of products. In this regard, the cosmetologist needs to be extremely careful when choosing the optimal depth and volume of injection to avoid trouble, since a compaction may form, which, if no action is taken, will subsequently turn into a fibrous cord.

This drug is injected into the deep layers of the dermis. Regeness Shape is intended for correction and volumetric modeling of the face, filling medium and deep wrinkles, smoothing out pronounced folds and creases. In addition, this filler is used for bio-reinforcement of tissues and lifting. The most suitable option for women after 40 years.

Rejeunesse Sparkle (Sparkle) . Biorevitalizant with the function of soft volumetric tissue correction. The degree of reticulation is 9%, the density is average. Used to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, correct very thin folds in the periorbital area and the area around the mouth.

The drug is effectively used for the face and body, as an excellent moisturizer of the dermal layer, is successfully used to eliminate fine wrinkles, folds, and actively slows down the aging process of the skin. Rejeunesse Sparkle is used as a superficial filler for the correction of fine wrinkles in the perioral and periorbital areas of the face, as a corrective agent

Release form - all gels are supplied in 1.1 ml syringes with two needles included. The volume of biorevitalizant is 2.5 ml, 3 syringes in one package.

Efficiency of application - the opinion of cosmetologists

Beauty specialists in their reviews note the characteristic high plasticity of Korean dermal products. After injections of Rejeunesse brand fillers, it is not necessary to do a gentle massage of the injection site; the gel is distributed evenly on its own, without lumps or irregularities.

Lidocaine in Regeness fillers acts as an anesthetic, making injections less painful and the procedure more comfortable. The peculiarity of the drugs is that they cannot be used by patients who are allergic to lidocaine.

Injections can be carried out by a specialist with a higher medical education, after training in administration techniques, on an outpatient basis. The general health of the patient, chronic pathologies, and allergic reactions also matter. Taking into account all the factors, we can predict a positive result.

Comparison with similar fillers presented on the beauty market:

✓- Princess (Austria) , monophasic hyaluronic acid content 23 mg/ml, effect duration up to a year, cost from 4300 rubles. The filler is viscous and plastic, so it does not spread or create lumps. When creating it, a special technology is used, which gives the gel a uniform structure. In the line of the Austrian manufacturer, most of the fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, some additionally contain lidocaine.

✓- Juvederm (Yuvederm) . Manufacturer: Allergan, Plc (France). Allergan is a major supplier of drugs for contouring, botulinum therapy, mesotherapy and biorevitalization to the Russian and global markets. It is one of the most common drugs for contour correction of wrinkles, eliminating deep nasolabial folds and giving additional volume to the lips. Allergan products are represented by 8 items ranging from 3,800 to 12,900 rubles.

✓- Restylane (Sweden) , content of biphasic hyaluronic acid 20 mg/ml. Restylane is the general name of a line of drugs for biorevitalization and contouring developed by Q-Med laboratories. This Swedish company is part of the Galderma holding, which occupies a leading position in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging cosmetology. The duration of the effect depends on the specific filler (primarily on its density) and ranges from 6-8 months to 1.5-2 years. The cost of drugs is from 5200 rubles.

✓- Volumizer Radiesse (Radiesse) is a dermal filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite that provides non-surgical face lifting and long-term correction of wrinkles. It works as a filler and stimulates the process of producing your own collagen. Unlike fillers with hyaluronic acid, Radiesse provides correction not for 4-9 months, but for 12-15 or longer. The gel was created by an American company, but at the moment the rights to its production belong to a German concern.

Today's realities are such that Korean cosmetic products can easily compete with European brands. So, if you are wondering: “Which fillers are best to choose? After all, there are well-known fillers on sale, presented above. Or should you choose the lesser-known “Regeness”?”, then you won’t get a clear and categorical answer even from cosmetology professionals, since many work with the drugs they are used to.

Stages of the Regency filler procedure

The contour correction procedure takes place in the following stages:

— Future injection sites are marked with a special marker;

— Next, in accordance with the task, one or another drug from the Regeness line is administered;

— To ensure that the gel is evenly distributed, the specialist massages the skin;

— Upon completion of injection activities, repeated antiseptic treatment is required;

— To soothe injured and irritated facial skin, apply a soothing mask. You can also apply a cold compress. This will reduce bruising and swelling.

What you need to know before the procedure

Before administering the drug, the patient must be informed about the indications for the use of this drug, as well as about contraindications and possible side effects.

During the consultation, the cosmetologist tells the patient about the capabilities of the Regency filler and what aesthetic problems can be solved. When taking an anamnesis, possible limitations, chronic pathologies, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and allergies are identified.

Side effects and contraindications

Rejeunesse fillers use highly purified, biodegradable and hypoallergenic hyaluronic acid. Due to this, the development of allergic reactions is extremely rare. There are few contraindications for administering the drug, many of them are temporary.

Side effects are minor and include minor redness, bruising, temporary swelling, and the formation of itchy and painful swellings. All this is considered the norm. They persist for several days and go away on their own.

If the described symptoms do not disappear for a long time, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who performed the rejuvenation procedure.

To reduce the likelihood of developing side effects and prevent the occurrence of undesirable effects, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

Contraindications for injection of fillers include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes;
  • some endocrinological diseases;
  • the presence of permanent fillers (silicone) in the area of ​​the proposed correction;
  • blood diseases;
  • allergy to lidocaine;
  • the body's tendency to form keloid scars.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Responsibility for the development of side effects does not always lie with the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. Often clients violate post-procedure recommendations, which leads to problems. You can minimize the risk of side effects by remembering the following rules:

— After the procedure, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. It is not advisable to replace it with juices, tea or coffee.

— You will have to give up active sports for two weeks. Physical activity can cause gel migration. During the first few days after the procedure, the injected gel begins to spread over the entire area of ​​the treated area. Any tension or pressure can cause the filler to lie unevenly. Because of this, there is a risk of deformation, compaction or asymmetry.

- You must avoid visiting the sauna or bathhouse. As body temperature increases, metabolism accelerates, which leads to the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. In addition, during such a procedure, an infection can be introduced into damaged skin.

Sunbathing, including visiting a solarium, is prohibited. Prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning in a solarium destroys hyaluronic acid and provokes early aging. Therefore, after the procedure, you need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation for at least 2 weeks.

You cannot do massage and hardware procedures that accelerate metabolism and blood circulation in tissues.

At what age can you start using

One of the most common questions that cosmetologists are asked is when can you start getting beauty injections? Subcutaneous injections are prescribed at different ages, but their purpose is different. Young girls with elastic skin can correct their facial features with fillers: make their lips plump, correct the line of their cheekbones.

Women over 30 years old can get rid of facial wrinkles and make themselves visually younger. At this age, the biorevitalization procedure is relevant.

After 40 years, injections are necessary. The drugs can nourish the skin, replenish the deficiency of important components, reduce wrinkles and restore youth to the skin.

Reviews from clients about Regency

Although some users complain about the lack of proper information about the manufacturer, women who have tried procedures with Regency fillers leave mostly positive reviews online. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the result lasts much longer than the cosmetologist promises.

There are practically no side effects, and slight swelling and redness disappear within three to four days after the procedure. What helps evaluate the effectiveness of filler injections? Photos before and after the procedure presented in the article show the effectiveness of the procedure.

Due to the price-quality ratio, the Rejeunesse series of South Korean fillers compares favorably with similar products and is becoming popular in the cosmetics market. And it’s not surprising, because in addition to the affordable price, you will definitely notice how your skin has smoothed out, become more elastic and beautiful. You will definitely like your reflection in the mirror.

Composition of Rejeunesse preparations

The main and in fact the only component of New Medic Co, Ltd. drugs. is a biologically synthesized monophasic hyaluronic acid. Patented Uphec production technology:

  • provides it with an 8-phase degree of purification;
  • allows you to achieve homogeneity and special plasticity of the drug, in which its large and small particles qualitatively fill the voids in the tissues;
  • makes the resulting gel resistant to biodegradation - in other words, it prolongs the effect of the filler, on average, from 8 months to 1.5 years.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, some fillers contain lidocoine to relieve pain during the biogel injection process.

The best hair fillers

If we consider hair fillers, their composition differs significantly from the previously discussed fillers. This will be a whole vitamin cocktail to nourish every hair from root to tip. Most often, the active substances are collagen, ceramides, keratin, and amino acids. All of them keep hair alive, shiny, soft, and reliably protected from harmful influences. The rating includes modern products from reliable companies with improved formulas proven to be effective.

La'dor Hair filler

This product is suitable for hair that regularly undergoes chemical and thermal effects. Its task is to restore dry, brittle, damaged hairs. In the composition you can see collagen, keratin, protein, silk amino acids, all of them fill the voids of the structure and smooth out the scales. Mixing with water in a 1:1 ratio, the mixture is distributed over clean, almost dry hair for 20 minutes, then rinsed off. Suitable for all types of hair and scalp, normalizes the natural pH level.


  • Quick visible results after the first procedure;
  • Hair regeneration at the molecular level;
  • Easy combing;
  • Protection from harmful influences;
  • Hypoallergenic.


  • Thin hair loses volume after use;
  • Price.

Unlike classic balms and masks for hair treatment, La'dor hair filler will cost significantly more. But the price is fully justified by the restoration of the scalp at the molecular level. And if you perform the procedures regularly, you can radically transform. For those with fine hair, filler can slightly reduce their volume.

Belita Vitex “Beauty Injection”

This Belarusian-made hair filler is in great demand due to its good quality but low price. After application, within 15 minutes the structure of the hairs will be completely restored with useful substances - panthenol, coconut oil, gardenia flower extract. All of the listed components penetrate inside the rod, fill voids, eliminate scales, increase density and elasticity. As a result of the procedure, after 15 minutes you can see shiny, easy to comb, silky curls.


  • Low price;
  • Quick effect;
  • Deep hair treatment;
  • Availability;
  • Elimination of split ends.


  • After stopping the procedures, the result does not last long;
  • Allergic reactions of the scalp are possible.

At the moment this is the best offer in terms of price-quality ratio. You shouldn’t expect magic from it, but as long as the care is carried out, your hair will really take on a healthy appearance. At the moment, cases of allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Rejeunesse line

Rejeunesse drugs are divided into 4 types, each of which is designed to solve specific problems.

Rejeunesse Fine

This is the lightest of the Rejeunesse fillers. Due to the low degree of reticulation of hyaluronic acid, it is easily injected under the skin and distributed without problems in its surface layers. Designed for bio-reinforcement of soft tissues, correction of unexpressed fine wrinkles around the lips, in the periorbital area and on the forehead, elimination of superficial wrinkles on the neck, increasing the volume of the lips, modeling their shape and returning clarity to the contours.

Concentration of hyaluronic acid: 24 mg/ml.

Reticulation degree: 7%.

Additional ingredients: lidocaine 3 mg/ml.

Includes: 1.1 ml syringe and 2 30 G needles (outer diameter 0.29-0.30 mm).

Effect: wrinkles become less noticeable, skin hydrobalance is restored, natural rejuvenation processes are stimulated. The skin of the face becomes more elastic and fresh, dark circles under the eyes disappear. Normal facial expressions are preserved.

Rejeunesse Deep

The filler is designed to combat medium-deep wrinkles. Used for volumetric modeling of the contours of the nose, cheekbones, cheeks, chin, lips, contour lifting of the oval of the face, intimate contouring. It affects the deeper layers of the skin and has a denser structure.

Concentration of hyaluronic acid: 24 mg/ml.

Reticulation degree: 9%.

Additional ingredients: lidocaine 3 mg/ml.

Includes: 1.1 ml syringe and 2 27 G needles (outer diameter 0.4 mm).

Effect: removal or disguise of cosmetic imperfections of the face and body, restoration of skin hydrobalance, activation of regenerative processes. Filler injections do not affect the quality of facial expressions.

Rejeunesse Shape

Helps fight deep wrinkles (for example, nasolabial wrinkles). It is used to correct the shape of the face, the tip of the nose, and various parts of the body, restores soft tissue deficits in the temples and cheekbones, models the shape of the lips, and has a moderate lifting effect. Due to the intensity of its impact, the filler is recommended for patients over 50 years of age.

Concentration of hyaluronic acid: 24 mg/ml.

Reticulation degree: 11%.

Additional ingredients: lidocaine 3 mg/ml.

Includes: 1.1 ml syringe and 2 27 G needles (outer diameter 0.4 mm).

Effect: fills wrinkles, gives certain areas of the face and body the desired volume, inhibits the aging process, promotes rejuvenation, does not affect facial muscles.

Rejeunesse Sparkle (Sparkle)

Unlike previous drugs, it is not a filler, but a biorevitalizant with a slight effect of increasing volume. Promotes small volumetric correction of soft tissues, bio-reinforcement, elimination of fine, unexpressed wrinkles. Prevents fading.

Concentration of hyaluronic acid: 20 mg/ml.

Reticulation degree: 9%.

Additional ingredients: lidocaine 3 mg/ml.

Includes: 3 syringes with a volume of 2.5 ml and 2 needles 30G (outer diameter 0.29-0.30 mm).

Effect: refreshes complexion, improves skin structure and color. Does not affect facial expressions.

The term “reticulation” refers to the cross-linking of hyaluronic acid molecules. The lower it is, the lighter and more plastic the gel is, but a high reticulation rate indicates the filler’s resistance to biodegradation processes and, therefore, its longer duration of action.

Which brand of filler is better to choose?

There are many different companies developing fillers not only based on hyaluronic acid or collagen, as was originally the case, but also products with other compositions, for example, poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or polymethyl methacrylate microspheres. To make it easier to choose the best fillers from all this variety, the rating presents the leading manufacturers:

  • Allergan, Plc (Surgiderm 24 XP, Juvederm Voluma) is an Irish pharmaceutical company founded in 2015. The main field of activity is healthcare, the development of innovative biological and pharmaceutical agents, devices, and products to improve the quality of human life.
  • Q–Med (Restylane Perlane, Touch) is a Swedish laboratory that is part of the large concern Galderma. Engaged in the development and sale of Restylane lines of drugs for contouring. The effectiveness of the technique is 92%, which is why the products are in great demand.
  • Sofiderm is a budget brand of injectable drugs owned by China. Patented German technologies are used in production; safety is confirmed by clinical studies.
  • Sinclair Pharma (Ellanse) is an international pharmaceutical company specializing in the field of aesthetic dermatology. Collaborates with European laboratories and specialists from different countries. The greatest success has been achieved thanks to polylactic, hyaluronic acid, biodegradable threads for lipofilling procedures.
  • Croma - Pharma GmbH (Princess Volume) is a private company from Austria, operating since 1976. It is one of the leading European companies selling hyaluronic acid. We have a personal research and development department that produces over 8 million units of products annually.
  • Teoxane (Teosyal Kiss) is a Swiss company engaged in the production of cosmetics for skin care. Most products contain hyaluronic acid, which maintains youth. Our own laboratory was created in 2003. Aesthetic products are used by cosmetologists and surgeons in more than 80 countries around the world.
  • Success (Success TOUCH) is an Israeli company providing professional cosmetics for skin care. The range includes fillers for correcting the shape of the face, a series of creams and other products to combat wrinkles and dermatological problems.
  • Lador (La'dor Hair filler) is a Korean company that produces professional cosmetics for hair care. Each product is based on keratin for treatment and restoration of hair structure. The unique formula developed by scientists normalizes the hydrolipid coating of the rod, which provides professional care.
  • Belita-Vitex (Belita Vitex “Beauty Injection”) is a Belarusian company founded in 1988. Initially, the activity was aimed at creating hair care products. Success and great demand made it possible to expand production; today creams, hair fillers, and other skin products are sold under this brand.
  • Librederm (Librederm Transforming Cream-BLUR 3D) is a Russian trademark registered in 2015. The brand was founded with the goal of combining scientific achievements and modern trends, resulting in high-quality cosmetic products. Safety and effectiveness have been clinically proven.
  • L' Oréal L' Paris a French company founded in 1909. Today it is a leader in the production of high-quality perfumes and cosmetics in the middle price segment. In addition to this brand, the company produces products under various other names, for example, Giorgio Armani, Garnier, Maybelline, Yves Saint Laurent, etc.

The best mesoscooters


The introduction of fillers, both Rejeunesse and any other, should always be preceded by a consultation with a specialist, since this cosmetic product, although seemingly harmless, has many contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • colds and viral diseases accompanied by fever;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • violation of skin integrity, irritation, inflammation, acne, herpes in areas of the face and body that require filler injections, as well as the presence of implants in them.
  • Predisposition of connective tissue to the formation of keloid scars.

The best filler creams

Filler creams are no longer a new product in the field of cosmetology; they are produced by almost all major cosmetic companies. It is an alternative treatment for smooth, firm skin without the intervention of injections. The components and the principle of their action will be similar. The best facial filler creams were selected based on real reviews as well as expert ratings.

Librederm Transformative Cream-BLUR 3D

A unique product from a well-known Russian manufacturer combines 2 products - a moisturizing filler and a primer. The main active ingredient in the composition is 3D hyaluronic acid, which has molecules of different weights. It promotes deep natural hydration of the skin. Also here you can see reflective particles, color pigments that transform the complexion. After regular use, pores are noticeably reduced, nasolabial folds and wrinkles are smoothed out.


  • Strengthened composition;
  • No parabens;
  • Light oily texture;
  • Evening out complexion;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Convenient packaging with dispenser.


  • Fragrances in the composition;
  • Not always suitable for sensitive skin.

Among the presented filler creams from different brands, Libriderm offers a good composition, effectiveness along with a low price. Most women note the evening of facial tone, the elimination of pores, and the prevention of wrinkles. Cosmetologists write that BLUR 3D cream is not always suitable for those with sensitive skin.

L'OREAL Paris Revitalift Filler

The great demand for this product is due to its clinically and time-proven quality. One of the best cosmetics manufacturers offers the Russian market a new hyaluronic filler product - Paris Revitalift Filler cream for the skin around the eyes. It gently moisturizes delicate skin, relieves puffiness, masks expression lines, and fills it with useful substances. Perfectly absorbed by any skin type. The main components are hyaluronic acid, caffeine. Contains no soap, sulfates, or fragrances.


  • pH maintenance;
  • Proven effectiveness;
  • Versatility;
  • Use during the day, at night;
  • No harmful substances.


  • Price;
  • Age limit: 40 years.

In fact, the manufacturer offers a whole series of products with this name. This is a cream for the skin around the eyes, allowing you to fight fine wrinkles, swelling, a day cream for moisturizing, a night cream for intensive nutrition. The only disadvantage women note is the price. In addition, the product line is intended for ages 40+.


The cosmetologist collects anamnesis and calculates contraindications, determines whether the introduction of fillers will be useful in the case of each specific patient and selects from the Rejeunesse collection the version of the drug that will be most useful for her.

Indications for the use of fillers are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • loss of elasticity, sagging;
  • pallor, dark circles, overall unhealthy color;
  • lack of volume in the lips or other parts of the face;
  • asymmetry, sagging of the oval of the face or drooping corners of the lips;
  • the client's dissatisfaction with the shape of her nose, cheekbones, chin;
  • aesthetic problems in the genital area.

For rejuvenation purposes, it is recommended to start using fillers at the age of 40. To solve various cosmetic problems not related to age-related changes, Rejeunesse biofillers and revitalizants can be prescribed after 18 years of age, but only by a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before undergoing the procedure, it is important for patients to evaluate the advantages of a collection of fillers and learn about possible disadvantages.


  • affordable price;
  • painless implantation;
  • solving cosmetic problems of different age groups;
  • prolonged retention of results;
  • fast recovery;
  • economical consumption, gel plasticity.


  • carried out by a certified cosmetologist on an outpatient basis;
  • an allergy to lidocaine is a contraindication for use;
  • controversial information about certification in Russia.

How is the introduction procedure carried out?

Let's start with the fact that it is unacceptable to inject yourself with fillers, even if you have some experience in injection cosmetology. It is strictly forbidden to do this with a cosmetologist who receives you at home, where it is impossible to create an environment of complete sterility.

Don't forget, with Rejeunesse you are already taking a risk because you are purchasing an uncertified product from someone who is not its official supplier. Roughly speaking, what you are going to inject under your skin could have been riveted together in an underground workshop and brought to Russia in potato sacks, so the minimum you can do for your safety is:

  • choose a doctor (dermatocosmetologist) with good reviews and high qualifications;
  • do not chase a low price, which only indicates that the seller saved on taxes when importing the goods, which means you are likely to see a counterfeit;
  • follow all instructions of the cosmetologist.

And above all, start with proper preparation.


The task of the preparatory stage is to do everything so that the biofiller is “favorably” accepted by the skin, reduce the likelihood of side effects and shorten the recovery time after the procedure.

What should I do?

  • One month before the biogel is administered, you should not take antibiotics or medications that affect blood clotting. If for some reason you had to do this, wait 30 days, and only then plan injections.
  • For 3-4 weeks, do not do laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, tattooing and other skin-traumatic procedures
  • A week before the injection of fillers, avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and strong tea. It is also better to limit salt. At this stage, it’s time to abandon mechanical home scrubbing as a cosmetic procedure.
  • On “Day X”, do not smoke or wear makeup.

Stages of the procedure

Before starting injections, the cosmetologist must tell in detail what he is going to do, warn about side effects, and ask to sign a consent to administer the gel. And only after that do they move on to the main stages of the procedure.

  1. Cleansing the patient’s face of all types of contaminants (sebum, dust, cosmetics), treating the skin with an antiseptic so that needle punctures do not get infected.

  2. Treatment of the face with a special ointment (for example, Emla) for local anesthesia. However, since each of the drugs contains icecaine, the anesthesia step can be skipped.

  3. Injection of filler into prepared areas of the face.

  4. Repeated skin disinfection and use of a soothing mask.

The whole procedure takes no more than an hour. The filler injection is often accompanied by a massage to ensure even distribution of the gel.

Administration techniques

Preparations Fine, Deep and Shape are biofillers. Their primary task is to fill wrinkles and create volume, while moisturizing, stimulating cell renewal and lifting are “side” actions. The following techniques are used to manage biofillers:

  1. Linear. The needle is inserted to its full length parallel to the top layer of skin, and then removed, simultaneously pressing the syringe rod. As a result, the gel is located in the form of a thin line strictly under the wrinkle that needs to be smoothed out.

  2. Fan. As in the previous case, the needle is inserted horizontally into the tissue, but after introducing the gel, it is not removed, but turned at an acute angle to the resulting linear trace of the gel and reintroduced. The whole process is repeated several times, after which the biofiller lies under the skin in the form of rays emanating from one puncture point.

  3. Grid. It is based on the same linear technique, but this time a kind of reinforcing mesh is created under the skin, first making several injections parallel to each other, and then perpendicular.

  4. Spot. The gel is injected under the skin along the wrinkle through a series of pinhole punctures located close to each other, with the needle positioned at right angles to the surface of the dermis. As a result, a chain of gel microbeads is formed, which fills the wrinkle or creates volume.

  5. Tunnel. The technique is used to inject large volumes of gel. A cannula is inserted into a puncture or miniature incision, which reaches the deep layers of the skin, and then filler is injected through it.

The drug Sparkle is a biorevitalizant, therefore in its case it is more often used:

  1. Papular technique. The needle is inserted into the skin to a depth of 2 mm at an angle of 45° or 30°, the doctor injects a small amount of gel, makes the next puncture at a distance of up to 1 cm from the previous one - and so on until the entire desired area has been treated. After such manipulations, the skin remains covered with bumps-papules for some time.
  2. Micropapular. The difference lies in the size of the papules, which turn out to be quite miniature, and in the minimum distance between them. The technique is used to treat the area around the eyes.

The task of biorevitalization is to fill the skin with moisture.
There are other, less popular methods of administration, but due to their complexity they are rarely used.


When the filler is injected under the skin, the cosmetologist kneads the injection site with his hands, giving it the desired shape. But even after this, there is a possibility that the drug may accumulate and bulge. Sometimes the patient simply feels lumps when palpated. There are also worse cases in cosmetology, when bumps and irregularities are literally visible under the skin. This occurs due to poor purification of the drug or due to the fact that it is not plastic. According to reviews, Rejeunesse fillers are very flexible and work well. Patients and cosmetologists note that lumps do not form either immediately after the procedure or over time.

Rehabilitation period

The speed of restoration of disturbed body tissues varies from person to person, but usually primary healing of injection marks occurs within a week, although it is better to continue to carefully care for the skin in the area where fillers were injected over the next 30 days.


  • give up makeup for 2-3 days;
  • abstain from alcohol and coffee for at least a week and add as little salt as possible to your dishes;
  • avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool and avoid physical activity - sweat, heat and chlorinated water at this time are too dangerous for micro-wounds;
  • hide the areas of skin treated with fillers from the sun for at least a month using dark glasses, scarves and hats;
  • use a cream with UV filters, not only during the rehabilitation period, but also after it.

Step-by-step instruction

Stages of the procedure:

  1. The skin area is treated with an alcohol solution.
  2. An anesthetic is applied.
  3. Prepare a syringe that should contain about 1 ml of the product. For difficult areas, sometimes a larger amount is used, but not more than 2 ml.
  4. Slowly inject the gel into pre-designated points.
  5. Disinfect the work area.

Depending on the amount of substance and the treated area, different administration techniques are used.

Experienced specialists apply compresses to the working area immediately after injections to prevent swelling, bumps and hematomas from forming.

How long does the result last?

The duration of action of Rejeunesse products depends on the degree of reticulation of hyaluronic acid, the condition of the skin and the patient’s lifestyle. On average they hold:

  • Fine – 8-12 months;
  • Dip and Shape - all 1-1.5 years old.
  • Sparkle - up to a year;

However, an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet and poor drinking regime, bad habits, stress, or excessive involvement in sports activities greatly reduce the time period indicated by the manufacturer.

A healthy lifestyle improves skin quality and extends the life of the biofiller

Best eye fillers

Expression wrinkles appear most quickly in the area around the eyes. Therefore, the greatest demand among women of all ages is for fillers around the eyes. Reviews of the best drugs of this profile made it possible to identify the leaders of the current rating. These are the most delicate low concentration formulations for eliminating superficial wrinkles.

Restylane Touch

This product from an already announced manufacturer is intended for targeted treatment of wrinkles. It is injected into the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove, around the eyes. High plasticity allows you to maintain the result for up to 10-12 months. The composition contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin; according to recent testing, it has been confirmed that this is the safest and best filler for wrinkles. No rehabilitation is provided, except for the refusal of physical activity and a bath for 14 days. The final result will be obtained 4-5 days after administration. Combination with other fillers and drugs, including botulinum toxin, is acceptable.


  • Versatility;
  • Safety;
  • Stable effect;
  • Composition of non-animal origin;
  • Low price.


  • Weak effect on deep wrinkles;
  • Possible complications if administered incorrectly.

As reviews confirm, fillers with Restylane hyaluronic acid are well absorbed into the skin layers and break down evenly. Possible complications arise only in case of inept work of a specialist.

The product called “Touch” is used only for superficial wrinkles, even if it is an area with branched vascular network. The filler will cope poorly with medium and deep folds.


This product is intended for long-term and lasting smoothing of wrinkles in the eye area. A special component is responsible for this - polycaprolactone, widely used in classical medicine. The manufacturer emphasizes that it is hypoallergenic, harmless, and completely decomposes after its expiration date. After administration, the natural production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the epidermis, increases. In addition, the face acquires a healthy shade. The visible result lasts up to 4 years and does not cause serious side effects.


  • Long-lasting drug;
  • Uniform distribution without accumulation in tissues
  • Safety, hypoallergenic;
  • Effective filling of wrinkles;
  • Maximum validity period;
  • Complete removal from the body.


  • High price.

When compared by price, Ellanse will cost 2-3 times more than most hyaluronic products. But this drawback fully justifies the validity period of 4 years; during this time, the introduction of classical fillers will have to be repeated 3-4 times.

Side effects

The standard reaction to a biofiller can be considered:

  • rash;
  • redness;
  • painful sensations;
  • itching or burning sensation;
  • slight swelling;
  • migration of the introduced biogel.

If the negative consequences of the procedure do not cause real discomfort and disappear within a week, everything is fine. But when side effects do not disappear after 7-8 days, you should consult a doctor. Additionally, if there is significant gel migration, a second procedure may be required to correct it.

Video: How to avoid complications after hyaluronic acid filler injections

Answers on questions

How safe are Reginess fillers?

The hyaluronic acid in the composition is completely identical to natural, it does not cause rejection or allergies.

How long does the procedure take and how quickly are positive changes visible?

The result of the injection appears after fifteen minutes. All manipulations last no longer than an hour.

Is it possible to do injections immediately after peeling?

No, after deep cleansing procedures, the skin requires a recovery period. You should consult with a cosmetologist about the sequence of manipulations.

Comparison with analogues

A drugHomeland of the brandNumber of drugs in the lineHyaluronic acid contentDuration of actionPrice for 1 package in rubles
RejeunesseSouth Korea420-248 months-1.5 years1900-6000
RestylaneSweden5206 months-1 year4100-9600
PrincessAustria418-236 months-1 year2000-3400
JuvedermFrance618-301-1.5 years4000-12500
SuccessIsrael518-261 year-16 months5000-5800
TeosyalSwitzerland715-252 -18 months5400-15000

Which filler is better to buy?

Most of the fillers under consideration are universal in purpose, that is, they can be used for different areas of the face. For example, to increase the volume of the lips, correct the tip of the nose with filler, emphasize the cheekbones, smooth out wrinkles of varying depths in the tissues. To make the right choice, you need to take into account age, the nature of the defects, the pros and cons of the products presented. During the comparison, the leaders of the review were named:

  • Targeted anti-wrinkle treatment, compatible with other drugs - Restylane Perlane;
  • An affordable filler of medium density and high quality for working with the deep layers of the dermis, a rejuvenation effect in 1 procedure – Sofiderm Deep;
  • The most lasting long-term result without accumulation in tissues is Ellanse;
  • Compliance with international safety and quality standards - Teosyal Kiss;
  • Effective result, ease of administration - Princess Volume;
  • Best value for money - Juvederm Voluma;
  • The most inexpensive but effective filler is Librederm Transforming Cream-BLUR 3D.

To sum up the rating, we can say that it is impossible to name one best product for plastic surgery with fillers. But the presented nominees with their characteristics significantly narrow the search range, suggesting what you can consider, buy, try. The main thing is not to skimp on your own beauty and health.


Perhaps the main secret of the popularity of Regeness fillers in Russia lies in the moderate price:

  • preparations Fine, Deep and Shape cost, on average, 1900-2000 rubles;
  • Sparkle Lidocaine is supplied at a price of 5000-6000 rubles per package (remember, it contains 3 syringes of 2.5 ml each).

Compared to analogues, the price of which ranges between 2300 and 5200 rubles (for 1 syringe), the offer looks tempting. But remember the folk wisdom about cheap fish and filthy fish, and do not make the low price tag the main argument when choosing. Weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits of Regeness fillers

Korea, with its cosmetic products, can easily compete with such cosmetology giants as France or Sweden. So, if you are wondering: “Which fillers are best to choose? After all, the famous Juvederm, Sujiderm, and Restylane are on sale. Or choose the lesser-known “Regeness”?”, then you will not receive a clear and categorical answer even from cosmetology professionals.

Despite the fact that the cost of French and German fillers is several times higher, Regeness is confidently in demand among consumers. And this is due not only to the affordable price, but also to the good quality. Regeness fillers are good because they are hypoallergenic and do not cause swelling. This filler distributes very well under the skin and falls into place.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after injection of Rejeunesse No. 1 fillers

Photos before and after injection of Rejeunesse No. 2 fillers

Result of injection of Rejeunesse No. 3 fillers

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 4

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 5

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 6

Indications and benefits of use for lips

Regeness is a safe lip filler that is actively used for aesthetic purposes. Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of the drug and the minimal risk of side effects.

The biologically active composition is used in the presence of the following indications:

  • excessive dryness of the skin;

  • violation of hydrobalance in tissues;
  • signs of sagging and gravitational ptosis of tissues;
  • loss of elasticity, turgor, negative changes in relief;
  • unhealthy and uneven skin color;
  • displacement of oval lines, asymmetry;
  • desire or need for lip augmentation;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds and tear grooves;
  • the presence of “crow’s feet”, creases in the periorbital area, static and facial wrinkles;
  • violation of lip symmetry, drooping corners;
  • the presence of stretch marks, scars;
  • the need to correct the shape of the nose;
  • loss of tissue volume in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin.

All types of Regeness are effective if used according to indications.

The main advantages of the South Korean line of fillers include:

  • quite affordable price in comparison with analogues;
  • high plasticity of the biogel and, as a result, economical consumption of the drug;
  • hypoallergenic composition and minimal risk of tissue swelling;
  • painless filler injection and minimal risk of complications.

Biogel is safe because the fermented acid, which is the active component, is identical to the substance produced by the body. That is why the drug does not cause rejection or severe allergic reactions. One of the main distinctive advantages of the Rejeunesse composition is its lasting aesthetic effect, thanks to the prolonged properties of the active formula of the drug.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about Rejeunesse fillers are rare on the Internet. Perhaps the fact is that they are afraid of ruining their reputation by dealing with uncertified goods.

This cosmetologist completely trusts the drug.

And this one, based on his experience, assures that the drug is worthy of trust.

Here the cosmetologist compares several fillers at once, giving each one his own assessment. He is quite pleased with Regeness.

Is it possible to inject filler yourself?

According to some women, it is not difficult to introduce filler yourself. You can even find home videos of ladies injecting the product into their lips themselves or filling in wrinkles and folds. There are even records where it is clear that the procedure was quite successful. This encourages many girls to experiment like this.

On the other hand, you can find advice on the Internet on how to cut out your own appendix or fill your teeth, but it is unlikely that a sane person will follow these tips. If you make the wrong hand movement, you can disfigure your own face. This is why fillers are administered by cosmetologists after undergoing special training.

It is unlikely that you will want to make an appointment with a doctor who does not have the proper experience and grateful clients. For this reason, fillers are not sold in pharmacies; they can only be ordered in specialized stores, very often upon presentation of a cosmetologist’s certificate. But even if you get your hands on such a product, you should not risk your own appearance, save money and carry out such manipulations yourself.

Patient reviews

Clients of beauty salons receive varied reviews of the drug. This girl is completely happy with her new lips, corrected with filler.

This one is worried about problems with the migration of the gel after it is introduced into the bridge of the nose.

And this one updated her review twice, so it turned out to be a whole mini-diary.


Cosmetic fillers are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, persons under the age of eighteen, patients with autoimmune diseases, or people with individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

It should be taken into account that before using cosmetic filler, the patient must inform the doctor about the presence of allergies, immune diseases or infections.

Hyaluronic acid injections should not be combined with any other aesthetic dermatology techniques, including laser therapy or chemical peels, if they were performed less than three weeks ago.

*Information about this drug is for informational purposes only. *The online store offers only original Rejeunesse products, which are manufactured by NewMedic.

Where and for how much can I buy

You can purchase from the official representative of Prollenium Medical Technologies, which supplies products from the manufacturer. Sold only to certified specialists, this helps prevent side effects when used by non-professionals.

Sales are also carried out on other trading platforms, the price of traffic rules, plantex, touch from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles, lipsticks - from 9,000 rubles. When purchasing, you need to check the certification and compliance with the batch number.

Application of Rejeunesse in plastic surgery and cosmetology

Once under the skin, hyaluronic acid spreads evenly throughout the space and improves appearance due to:

  • Hydrophilic properties.
  • Ability to connect and maintain cell integrity.

It creates the required volume and acts as a filter that blocks the spread of bacteria and infections in the affected tissues.

Rejeunesse fillers are used to:

  • eliminating imperfections in the shape of the face and neck;
  • elimination of wrinkles, including facial wrinkles;
  • treatment of scars and stretch marks;
  • changes in the shape of the nose and cheekbones;
  • improving the contour of the lips, giving them volume;
  • alignment of facial symmetry.

Possible complications

If all the nuances are taken into account before the procedure - the injection technique is chosen correctly, no contraindications to filler injection are identified, the risk of developing side effects is minimal. After the procedure, slight redness and swelling may be observed in the corrected area.

The rehabilitation period after injection therapy lasts no more than a few days, during which all visible side effects disappear naturally. If the condition worsens, you should immediately contact a specialist to identify the causes and prescribe treatment.

Possible complications may manifest themselves as follows:

  • development of severe swelling and erytherma;
  • the appearance of hematomas;
  • formation of subcutaneous seals at injection sites;
  • development of line asymmetry;
  • soreness, rashes, itching;
  • migration of the gel to neighboring zones;
  • inflammatory process, fever, increased body temperature.

The outcome of the procedure and its effectiveness depend on the correct choice of technique for administering the drug, as well as compliance with the rules of septic tanks. The key to aesthetic success and minimizing negative side effects is the choice of a highly qualified licensed cosmetologist.

Average cost of the procedure in Moscow clinics

Invasive correction can be carried out in many cosmetology clinics and salons. When choosing, it is important to choose a certified specialist, pay attention to the portfolio, customer reviews. Cost of 1 ml renaissance from 8000 rub. up to 20,000 rub. the final price depends on the type of filler, volume of the drug, and additional cosmetic services.

Advice. Please note that the manufacturer recommends repeating the procedure after 3 weeks.

How to store

New generation cosmetic injectable preparations are stored and transported according to the conditions specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. For storage, you must choose a dry place, protected from sunlight, and ensure a temperature of up to +25 degrees.

Regeness is a highly effective, affordable and safe filler for lips and other areas of the face, neck, and intimate area. Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of biorevitalization. A noticeable effect is noticeable after the introduction of 1 ml of biogel, and the prolongation of the result can last for 12-18 months.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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