Drapolen cream in the treatment and prevention of diaper dermatitis in children in the first months of life

When a baby stays in diapers for a long time, diaper rash almost inevitably occurs. For their treatment and prevention, it is recommended to use Desitin ointment. This is an inexpensive and effective remedy that is suitable for adults and children of any age. You can purchase it at the pharmacy chain without a doctor's prescription.


Drapolene (benzalkonium chloride + cetrimide) is a combined external antiseptic with antibacterial and disinfectant properties. It acts mainly on gram-positive microorganisms and, to a lesser extent, on gram-negative ones. Does not affect acid-resistant bacteria. Used for the prevention and treatment of contact dermatitis in children that develop as a result of exposure to damaging factors on the skin (diaper fabric or diaper, high temperature or humidity, ammonia, digestive enzymes, bacteria, etc.), which are irritating, and with prolonged exposure - toxic effect on highly sensitive baby skin (so-called “diaper dermatitis”). Another area of ​​application of Drapolene is providing first aid for minor damage to the skin (cuts, scratches, small-area burns, including sunburn). For external use only. Before applying the cream, wash and dry the affected skin area. When the first symptoms of inflammatory skin lesions appear (local irritation, diaper rash, hyperemia), the drug is applied three or more times a day, depending on the severity of inflammation, as a rule, with each diaper change. For preventive purposes, apply to the skin in contact with diapers and nappies before bedtime, because at this time, the child can stay in damp diapers longer. In case of mechanical damage to the skin (cuts, scratches, etc.), the cream is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area (it can be used under a gauze bandage).

Drapolene is not intended for use on infected surfaces or deep wounds. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions may develop. The effectiveness of Drapolene in the treatment and prevention of diaper dermatitis (ND) was studied in the Department of Neonatal Pathology of the MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov. The study involved 93 children under two months of age. The use of the drug began when the first signs of inflammation appeared. The cream was applied 4-5 times a day every day when swaddling. In most children, obvious improvements were noted already on the second day of using the drug: redness of the skin became less pronounced, the rash disappeared, and the affected area decreased. The use of Drapolene was continued until the skin manifestations were completely eliminated, which amounted to an average of 4 days. In children with moderate PD, Drapolene turned out to be less effective: after 3-5 days of drug therapy, no noticeable clinical effect occurred, and Drapolene was discontinued and other drugs and therapeutic procedures were prescribed. The effectiveness of Drapolene as a means of preventing PD was also studied. The drug showed 100% effectiveness: diaper dermatitis did not develop in any child receiving Drapolen. Thus, the study showed that this drug is an effective treatment (with the exception of moderate and severe forms of the disease) and prevention of PD, has a favorable safety profile and convenient packaging.

Indications and contraindications

The product is intended to treat the following disorders:

  • diaper dermatitis in children;
  • burns, including from sun rays;
  • wounds, including those due to cuts;
  • abrasions, scratches.

The only contraindication to the use of the cream is individual intolerance to the active or additional components. Side effects are not described. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. If such symptoms occur (rash, itching, redness), stop using the ointment. It is recommended to consult a doctor for a possible change in medication.

Cream "Desitin": description, composition

The drug is produced in the form of a viscous cream. Its active substance is zinc in the form of oxide. The composition also contains water, cod oil, which gives a characteristic smell of fish, talc and other substances.

Ointment refers to drugs that have an astringent effect. Well protects the skin from spoilage. The composition applied to the surface forms a protective layer on the surface, thereby reducing the impact of moisture and irritants. Therefore, the skin recovers faster, which helps treat diaper rash, wounds, abrasions, burns, cuts and other damage to the skin.

The product has a softening effect, which manifests itself already in the first day after use. It protects the skin mucosa, especially at night. Also, the active components prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

special instructions

The drug is safe for the skin, but contact with the eyes should be avoided. In this case, they need to be rinsed under moderate pressure of running water. The product is used to treat skin rashes in childhood. But if the symptoms do not disappear within 2-3 days after the start of treatment, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

The use of Desitin on infected damaged areas of the skin is not allowed. In this case, other drugs are used for treatment. Cases of overdose have not been described. There are no data on drug interactions with other drugs.

Instructions for use of Desitin ointment

Rules of use depend on the indications:

  1. In the presence of diaper rash, the composition is applied to the skin in a small layer 3-4 times a day until the symptoms are completely eliminated. It is recommended to wash the skin first and let it dry. Usually the ointment is applied after each diaper change. The drug can be used by children at any age.
  2. To prevent a rash, the cream is applied to the surface of the skin, which is covered with a diaper or diaper. It is especially important to do this at night, when the child may be in a wet diaper for a long time.
  3. If there are skin lesions, rub a small layer of cream onto the appropriate areas. If necessary, clean gauze can be placed on top.
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