Facial massage after 40 years - how to avoid mistakes and achieve the best result

After 40–45 years, women try to look in the mirror less often, fearing to see new wrinkles, furrows and folds in the reflection. Of course, it is impossible to stop age-related changes in the body, but reducing their expression on the face is a feasible task. You won't be able to achieve the desired success with cosmetic products alone. Massage treatments will help preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. Cosmetologists especially recommend Japanese facial massage after 45 years. What kind of technique is this, how effective is it in eliminating deep wrinkles, jowls and other age-related imperfections on the face.

Features of mature skin

Skin is an external expression of internal changes in the body, the functioning of organs and systems. Medicine claims that after 40, the process of involution, the reverse development of organs, occurs. Maintaining the same skin condition requires more effort and natural resources than in youth.

Over time, the skin becomes thinner, and the thickness of the muscle fibers decreases. Epidermal cells produce fewer proteins that build the muscular framework of the face, so it is not possible to maintain the integument in tone; they seem to “float” down, forming jowls and a double chin. The first signs of tissue sagging are drooping corners of the mouth and eyes.

Dryness and flaking are another characteristic feature of mature skin, caused by a decrease in mucopolysaccharides (component of the intercellular substance, connective tissue of the integument). Thin, moisture-deprived skin reacts sensitively to solar ultraviolet radiation, chemical components of cosmetics, and a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

What problems does a woman face after 40:

  • skin hyperpigmentation, appearance of brown spots;
  • manifestation of rosacea in the form of spider veins;
  • bags, swelling under the eyes, swelling of the upper eyelid in 35%;
  • feeling of tightness, unusual dryness of the skin;
  • furrows, deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • a cobweb of wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • porosity, looseness of the skin;
  • a “floating” oval, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth - after 40, according to experts, a little more than half of the facial tissues are covered by ptosis.

After 45, the situation with the skin becomes more complicated: itching and discomfort appear, acne becomes a frequent guest, and hopes for a clear contour melt away before our eyes. This is facilitated by changes in a woman’s hormonal background (menopause). Special medications will help smooth out the hormonal surge, and massage and high-quality cosmetics will help reduce the risk of sudden skin aging.

Self-massage of the face after 50

After 45-50 years, age-related changes are aggravated by hormonal fluctuations due to menopause. The dermis is already rapidly fading, the oval of the face is becoming blurry.

To all the age-related changes already described - wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, swelling, dryness, sagging and sagging skin - are added itching, discomfort, and often long-forgotten acne.

We do self-massage, paying special attention to the cheeks and chin. We do not touch areas with acne, rashes, or dilated capillaries.

Indications for testing

Active facial massage will correct many skin problems, especially the following defects:

  • decreased tone and elasticity of tissues;
  • wrinkles, creases, furrows;
  • deepening of nasolabial folds, longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • weakening of the muscle frame, tissue ptosis;
  • itching and discomfort caused by increased dryness of the skin;
  • vagueness of the oval.

Visiting a massage therapist or performing a massage procedure at home will help correct visible defects and prevent them from deepening. The expressed problems are worked out in more detail.

Note! Cosmetologists strongly recommend that facial massage be included in the list of regular cosmetic procedures after 40 years. Such a solution will prevent the rapid aging of the skin and correct existing age-related deficiencies.

Does self-massage help with wrinkles?

It can be difficult for women to believe that you can get rid of wrinkles with your hands, but it is true. Self-massage is the best option in terms of effectiveness and safety. And, unlike invasive procedures, it gets to the root of the problem.

Wrinkles are visible creases, folds of skin and grooves that appear due to disorders:

  • epidermal structures,
  • work of facial muscles (their spasticity, that is, increased tone to an unhealthy state),
  • lymph flow.

And self-massage combats all these disorders.

Expected effect

Facial massage is a set of exercises and movements that can increase muscle tone and affect the speed of metabolic processes and regeneration. The primary task of massaging the skin is to speed up blood circulation, get rid of possible stagnation of lymph (intercellular fluid), and strengthen the facial muscles.

1-2 weeks after the first massage session you will notice significant changes:

  • skin regeneration is enhanced, the natural rejuvenation process is launched;
  • internal processes in the cells of the epidermis and the work of the sebaceous glands are normalized;
  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  • tightening the muscle frame, strengthening the facial muscles;
  • has a pronounced lifting effect;
  • skin tone and turgor increases;
  • sagging and looseness of tissues decreases.

You can enjoy a long-lasting, noticeable effect only with regular massage treatments; a one-time session cannot solve skin problems. It is better to include massage exercises in facial care.

There are many options for rejuvenating massages; Japanese massage from Asahi Zogan is especially popular. The massage technique differs from the usual classic massage:

  • A large role is given to biologically active points and lymph flow lines. In the classic version, the master performs stroking and kneading, taking into account massage lines.
  • Pressure is performed with the palm or pads of several fingers simultaneously.
  • Particular attention is aimed at removing toxins and waste from epidermal cells, eliminating lymph congestion. After 45, toxins and lymph stagnation inhibit the natural regeneration of the integument.

One more moment! Asahi massage after 45 and 40 years is different, this is due to severe skin problems in patients. After 40, special emphasis is placed on solving problems around the eyes, mouth, and eliminating facial wrinkles. As for the massage actions of more mature skin, the master concentrates on the lifting effect, the fight against sagging cheeks, and a double chin.

Facial skin care products after massage

After self-massage, the skin should be cleaned again of sweat and fat. Choose a gentle product. The ideal option is Beauty365 hydrosol (lavender, sage or mint).

We have improved blood microcirculation, and it’s time to nourish the skin with useful substances. We offer only natural products: Beauty365 Coconut Oil, Beauty365 Camellia Sasanqua Oil and Beauty365 Squalane (Sugar Cane Oil). The products are sold in the online store www.beauty365.ru. All of them contain a high concentration of nutrients and provide excellent nutrition, but they also have their own specifics. Coconut oil is especially good for dry and irritated skin. Squalane reduces expression lines. Camellia sasanqua oil whitens age spots, prevents the appearance of freckles and wrinkles.

To eliminate age-related changes, local treatment of problem areas is not enough! After all, the condition of the skin and the work of the facial muscles also depend on a variety of organs: the head, neck, spine, feet, and so on. And you need to influence the body in a complex way.

To make it more convincing, let’s explain with a couple of examples.

  • Wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
    Yes, their appearance is provoked by local changes, namely, spasms of the frontal, pyramidal muscles and the proud muscles. But the cause will not be eliminated if other areas are not worked on: the neck muscles (occipital and trapezius), the masticatory muscle, the tendon helmet.
  • Nasolabial folds.
    They appear due to hypertonicity of many muscles: zygomaticus major and minor, cheek, chin, masticatory muscles, orbicularis oris muscle, lateral muscles of the nose. The problem is aggravated by swelling that occurs due to stagnation in the lymph.

And in general, rejuvenation should begin with correcting posture: there originates what leads to all musculocutaneous deformations of the face. It is also necessary to work on the thoracic region and the “muscle of youth” platysma (lining the upper chest, neck and lower part of the face). And only in this way will local self-massage give a pronounced and long-term result.

The optimal set of exercises for natural rejuvenation is collected in the “Basic Marathon” MelAnnett.

General provisions of the procedure

Asahi facial massage is a therapeutic and rejuvenating procedure. Translated, “Asahi” means “morning sun massage.” On the Internet, this massage is also known as the Zogan technique; its translation exactly coincides with the effectiveness of the technique (“creating a face”).

Not long ago, the Japanese massage technique was partially adjusted by Yukuko Tanaka. In 2007, her book on massage was published, where Tanaka competently differentiated exercises for the face and neck, taking into account the type and age of the client. This greatly simplified the process of performing Japanese massage and brought it closer to doing it at home. The advanced massage technique became known as "Zogan Asahi 2 massage".

The technique of Japanese massage is quite simple, so manipulations are performed without the help of a specialist, at home. Before you begin a detailed study of patterns and directions of massage movements, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for conducting such a massage:

  1. Regularity is the most important criterion for success. Asahi Zogan massage is suitable for daily use and is not addictive.
  2. Pay more attention to working on problem areas (periorbital, frontal zone, contour). If there are significant defects, perform massage movements twice a day.
  3. One rejuvenation session should not exceed 17 minutes. If necessary, repeat the steps in the morning and evening; overexertion causes stretching of the skin and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles.
  4. Please note that massage movements using the Asahi technique are performed along the lymphatic pathways. It is recommended to study their location in advance.
  5. Those with sensitive, thin skin should be extremely careful and control the pressure applied.
  6. Massage movements should be smooth and soft. They should be repeated 3 times.
  7. It is necessary to refuse the rejuvenation procedure if there are contraindications. Contact a specialist, he will select a massage technique that is safe in your case.
  8. Zogan massage is performed only on clean skin, using massage oil (cream).
  9. Pressure during the massage procedure should be intense, but not painful.
  10. Each massage exercise is completed with light, smooth stroking of the skin in the direction of the collarbone through the lymph nodes. They promote the drainage of excess lymph and the removal of toxins, increasing the effectiveness of the actions performed.
  11. After the manipulations, thoroughly remove any remaining massage cream (oil) with a paper napkin, and consolidate the effect with a nourishing mask or skin care cream.

Important point! If the next morning after an evening massage session swelling appears on your face, do not worry. Next time, perform the procedure not in the evening, before bed, but in the morning.

What problems may arise during a massage and how to solve them

Failure to comply with the technique or use of inappropriate cosmetics can lead to undesirable consequences. Below are possible complications.

Skin rash

If the face is poorly cleaned, the massage oil contains comedogenic substances, or there is an infectious rash on the face, all this can lead to clogged pores, subcutaneous inflammation, and new rashes. Solution: stop sessions until the skin is completely restored, use disinfectants and drying agents, and cosmetics with salicylic acid.

Facial weight loss

This is not a complication, but, in fact, the purpose of the massage. If your plans did not include removing volumes, then you should choose other facial procedures.

Morning swelling

This symptom may indicate problems in the lymphatic system, points of lymph stagnation. Solution: stop the sessions and consult a doctor.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.

Step-by-step execution

Instructions for performing face-building exercises depend on the age category of the client and his individual characteristics.

For category 40+

The following exercises will help preserve the beauty of your face after 40 and correct flaws that reveal a woman’s age:

  1. Make a fist with your index finger on top. Work on the nasolabial folds, from top to bottom. From the corners of the mouth, move to the middle of the chin, then along the lower jaw to the ears. The exercise is performed symmetrically, with both hands on both sides.
  2. Spread your elbows to the sides and open your fists. With effort, but without pain, apply pressure while rolling your fists along the lower jaw. When you reach the ear, perform the finishing movement.
  3. Impact the active points on the chin, the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose by applying pressure with your fingertips. Perform each pressure for 2-3 seconds. Smoothly move your palms to your ears and complete the exercise.
  4. Using the fingers of one hand, slightly lift the cheek muscle to enhance the effect, place the fingers of the other hand on top. Slowly move your fingers towards your ear. Then perform a final stroking with one hand, and with the other, massage the skin in the direction from the ear to the center of the chin.
  5. Do the previous massage exercise in the opposite direction.

This complex is recommended for women over 40. Its main task is to correct nasolabial folds and prevent sagging cheeks.

For those over 45

For clients 45+, it is recommended to pay special attention to the cheeks and chin area. Perform the following massage exercises:

  1. Using your fists, apply pressure in the direction of the corners of the mouth - the auricle, along the lower jaw. Make the finishing move.
  2. Work the nasolabial folds from top to bottom using moderate pressure, as if you were smoothing them out. Complete the exercise.
  3. Place one palm on the other and on the temporal area, apply pressure, moving towards the ear. Complete the exercise with one hand, and with the other make smoothing movements in the direction of the chin, along the lower jaw.
  4. With one palm, fix the cheek muscle near the corners of the mouth. Using light pressure on the skin, smoothly move your palm towards the top of the ear. Perform the finishing movement.

Before performing Asahi massage exercises, we recommend watching video tutorials or visiting a massage therapist.

For a thin face

The active effects on the skin suggested by the Asahi massage technique model the correct oval of the face and contribute to its weight loss. For those with a naturally thin face, massage is indicated to combat swelling.

A massage exercise against puffiness under the eyes is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform smooth stroking with the pads of your middle fingers towards the inner corners of the eyes from the outer ones.
  2. Pause for a few seconds on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Move in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid (closer to the eyebrow line).
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds at the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. Return to the inner corners of the eye along the lower eyelid. This time the force should be reduced.
  6. Move towards the outer corners with light pressure.
  7. Apply targeted pressure to the temples.
  8. Perform the finishing movement.

Attention! When the problem is solved, stop exercising, and in this case, age-related deficiencies will be corrected by gymnastics. Otherwise, excessive thinness will only add age and emphasize visible defects.

Honey pleasure

Honey massage is very popular, improving the condition of aging skin. The procedure gently exfoliates dead cells, enriches the epidermis with vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants. The viscous and sticky texture of honey increases resistance when moving the fingers, allowing it to act on all layers of the skin, fatty tissue, and connective tissues. After intensive treatment, the skin becomes fresher, firmer and has a healthy glow. The oval of the face is tightened, pores are reduced, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Honey massage

The essence of the procedure is simple. Liquid honey is applied to cleansed facial skin. The candied product cannot be used; large crystals may leave scratches. The movements are performed with the index and middle fingers of both hands closed. The pads of the finger are applied to the skin and are pulled away from it with force. The entire face is treated in this way, starting from the middle of the forehead and ending with the chin. If desired, you can massage your neck and décolleté in the same way.

The procedure lasts 6-7 minutes, after which the honey can be left on the face for another quarter of an hour. Then the skin is thoroughly rinsed with warm water. Honey massage is recommended to be done in courses of 10-12 sessions. They are often combined with a visit to a Russian bath, hammam, or sauna. When applied to preheated skin, honey is even more active. After the procedure, no additional moisturizing or nourishing of the skin is required; it receives all the necessary caring components from honey.

How many sessions will it take?

The number and frequency of sessions are determined by the degree of the problem, as well as the choice of massage technique. Asahi massage movements after 45 years of age in order to correct imperfections on the face are recommended to be performed twice a day, every day. After a month, reduce the intensity of exposure to 2-3 times a week.

Asahi massage for facial rejuvenation after 40 and 45 years is somewhat different (pattern of massage movements, pressure pressure), so there is no difference in the quantity and frequency of performance. Visit intensive care at least twice a year.

The following actions will help to consolidate and delay the achieved effect longer:

  • adjust your diet by filling your diet with vitamin-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, excluding alcohol, fried and salty foods;
  • use high-quality cosmetics, taking into account age and skin type;
  • Be less nervous, watch your facial expressions, don’t squint, don’t wrinkle your forehead;
  • Gymnastics for the face (face building) will be useful and effective.

Basic marathon “SmeloNET” from MelAnnett

  • The basic marathon “SmeloNET”
    is 21 days of work on the face, neck and back;
  • Assistance in performing exercises and achieving results personally from Annette;
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Well, and most importantly - a young beautiful face, a healthy back and royal posture
with the help of simple exercises and effective self-massage techniques
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To learn more


The cost of the procedure may vary significantly. This is influenced by the rating, the professionalism of the performer, and the location of the salon (beauty center, cosmetology salon). On average, one visit to a massage therapist in Moscow will cost 2 thousand rubles, in the region up to 1 thousand rubles.

In order to save money and self-development, you can perform massage exercises at home. To be sure that your actions are correct, it is recommended to perform 2-3 sessions with a specialist or carefully study the massage training video.


Any massage is an impact on internal systems and tissues, and, like any intervention, it can be healing or harmful. The lymphatic system is a “transporting” system, and with the flow of lymph it is possible to spread infections throughout the body, which means that before the session you need to exclude:

  • respiratory diseases in the acute phase;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • skin infections;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system itself.

It is better if the first sessions are conducted by an experienced, practicing massage therapist, who will teach and monitor the correct execution of the exercises. In the future, having mastered the technique, you can perform massage yourself.

Stylish clothes for women after 40 Which cream around the eyes is 40? The best anti-wrinkle creams after 45

Precautionary measures

The main disadvantage of this transformation technique is the presence of contraindications. These include:

  • rosacea;
  • ailments, chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • ARVI, fever, influenza;
  • lymph related disorders;
  • dermatitis, rashes of an infectious and allergic nature;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

For those who have very sensitive and thin skin, performing a massage on their own is not recommended. Women with thin faces will have to choose a different massage technique.

Errors in performing movements are often accompanied by side effects, in particular:

  • Swelling in the morning is an acceptable phenomenon when the massage is performed before bed. Carrying out massage movements in the morning rather than in the evening will help to avoid swelling.
  • Rash, irritation - the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be neglect of contraindications, performing a massage with dermatitis, acne on the face. Thus, the infection is transferred to healthy areas of the skin.
  • Allergic rashes - the massage product is not suitable; an allergy test was not performed before the procedure.
  • Rash localized in areas of lymph movement - irritation caused by massage. At the first manifestation of a side defect, stop manipulations, replace the massage oil (cream) used, and carefully remove any remaining product after each session.
  • Spider veins, stars on the face - such side defects are often caused by neglecting contraindications; in case of rosacea on the face, the treatment is not carried out or is carried out only by a specialist. A medicinal cream can correct newly formed defects.
  • Sunken cheeks, flat face - the technique is not suitable, turn to face-building or massage without any weight loss effect.

Japanese facial massage after 45 years is a simple but effective exercise. The massage technique is popular all over the world, has received positive reviews from beauty salon clients, and is suitable for home use. Take advantage of the advice and recommendations of specialists, perform massage regularly and be sure that the rejuvenation effect will not take long to appear and will be noticeable after just a few procedures.

Self-facial massage: what is it?

Let's figure it out. What is the most effective way of facial rejuvenation that you know? Are there any other options besides self-massage? Yes, yes, think about it right now and name it, we’ll wait.

Well, what happened? Surgical facelift (rhytidectomy, i.e. removal of excess skin and tightening of the remaining skin, and other plastic surgeries), threads, Botox and filler injections - has any of this crossed your mind? If yes, then, probably, you are not yet very familiar with the problems that have fascinated us for a long time and seriously and made us professionals in our field. Rejuvenation.

We studied all the physiological aspects, tested the most effective methods on ourselves and helped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of women transform themselves and lose a dozen years. We are inundated with positive reviews and they keep coming in because the popularity of our techniques is growing every day. MelAnnett already has 4.5 million followers on Instagram. And here's what we know for sure.

No invasive procedures will bring back youth. We are categorically against all these methods of “punitive cosmetology”: face lifting and smoothing out wrinkles associated with penetration through the skin. No scalpels or poisonous injections! It is dangerous, fraught with many ugly complications, and, most importantly, all this simply creates a temporary cosmetic effect and does not solve the problems of skin aging.

What about self-massage? He decides. That's the beauty of it. Self-massage eliminates the causes of age-related changes and, when used regularly, gives an amazing effect, even in a short time. In our marathons, wrinkles disappear in 2-3 weeks; the upper eyelids, the corners of the lips and the “pecking” tip of the nose rise; The oval, cheeks, neck are tightened, jowls disappear.

Is facial massage difficult? No. We have already done everything that needed to be studied and practiced a long time ago and created a unique method of self-massage of the face - simple and effective, which any beginner can easily master. And don't be afraid! This is not face-building, which is based on pumping muscles and increasing their hypertonicity, that is, on worsening aging. Our techniques relax facial muscles and restore skin nutrition through the blood.

Is facial massage expensive? From cosmetologists - yes, but you do the self-massage yourself, and it is free (or requires a small expense to purchase a marathon).

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