How does Chinese massage with a Guasha scraper differ from other massage techniques?

  • Prices
  • Guasha massage on the face
  • Guasha massage on the body

Massage, which has become firmly in fashion, which, according to responses, “works wonders,” “really rejuvenates” and is “a must-have of the season,” is not at all an innovation in cosmetology.
This is far from a modern invention of aesthetic medicine. This is a type of ancient Chinese massage. Chinese massage with a Guasha scraper is an oriental technique of influencing the tissues of the body and face, which allows you to prevent diseases, solve health problems and cope with cosmetic defects.

Chinese scraping gua sha massage: indications, procedure techniques, cost

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is known for its unusual approach to treatment.
It is unusual, of course, only for Europeans: in China, traditional methods have long been included in the healthcare system at the state and local level. Some TCM methods have spread far beyond China and are now officially recognized by the World Health Organization. These are, for example, well-known acupuncture and herbal medicine. Today we will talk about a less popular procedure in Russia - gouache massage.

Customers' opinions

“Before visiting the salon, I read a lot of reviews about Guasha massage. The pictures with the bruises were a little scary. I went to the first session with a friend. First, they smeared me with some very tasty-smelling oil. Then Dr. Chao kneaded for a very long time (it seemed to me) and pressed on certain points. It was a little painful, but pleasant. After that, they scraped me along some lines with a special scraper. Soon a feeling of warmth appeared. I felt a little dizzy. The doctor advised me to drink a lot of water and not eat anything for now. In the evening I went to bed early because I felt tired. On the third day the bruises disappeared. I feel great. I'm going for a back massage soon."

Victoria, 30 years old.

“I read about the benefits of Guasha on the Internet. I will share my personal impressions. She came, undressed, and lay down on the table. Everything is the same as with a regular massage. They smeared my skin with oil with a very pleasant smell. Then they stroked me for a long time, pressed on some points and scraped the meridians with a plate. Although it doesn't hurt at all, those who saw my back think that I was tortured. At the end, the massage therapist told me which organs were acting up. He determined this by the spots. Everything coincided with my card at the clinic. They even knew from my back that I smoked. After the session there was a feeling of flying. As expected, I drank a lot of water, and on the second day the spots went away. I decided to go to Guasha every week.”

Yulia, 35 years old.

“I first heard about the Guasha technique from a massage therapist friend who, as it turned out, had been practicing it for a long time. The feelings from the first session were ambiguous: I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. The procedure is performed with a bone scraper and is sometimes painful and sometimes ticklish. In principle, Guasha is a healing massage, but it helped me lose weight. After the third session, the body was noticeably toned, the excess volume was gone, and the mood improved. Once again I was convinced that the Chinese understand massage better than anyone else.”

Mila, 29 years old.

What is special about therapeutic gua sha massage?

Chinese gua sha massage dates back to around 550 BC. Proof of this is the jade scrapers found by archaeologists - it is with them that therapeutic gua sha massage is performed. By the way, the name is translated as “scraping out the disease.”

What is the gua sha massage technique? According to Chinese philosophy, our body contains 14 special channels, meridians, through which the vital energy qi circulates. Each meridian supplies energy to a specific organ. The effect of a jade scraper is carried out directly along the meridians and biologically active, or acupuncture, points located along them.

There are three options for gua sha massage:

  • cosmetic – eliminates visual defects of the face and body,
  • preventive – prevents various diseases and their exacerbations,
  • therapeutic and diagnostic - directly identifies and eliminates ailments.

This massage also promotes the production of hormones such as endorphin, dopamine and serotonin - bioactive points on the body are associated with the corresponding parts of the brain. Thus, gua sha scraping massage relieves not only physical, but also mental stress. Pragmatic modern medicine explains the effectiveness of gua sha body massage by the fact that the effect of a scraper improves blood circulation and, therefore, activates the functioning of the body. In addition, experts recognize that therapeutic gua sha massage helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and other unnecessary waste products.

It is worth noting that this is a rather intensive procedure. Chinese doctors are sure: the more redness, bruising and bruising remains on the skin, the more stagnation in the body that requires treatment. Moreover, based on the size, location and intensity of the spots, an experienced specialist can determine specific pathologies.

It is better to undergo treatment with gua sha massage in a specialized medical institution - in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic: then you can be sure that the procedure is carried out by a licensed specialist. It is optimal if the massage therapist comes from China: TCM is inextricably linked with philosophy, and only a person growing up among the color of this country can understand all the intricacies of the gua sha massage technique.

Indications and contraindications for sessions

As we have already said, a massage course can be taken for preventive purposes: the scraping method activates the production of interferons and strengthens cellular immunity. Guasha massage also helps with a genetic predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system: the effect on the joints removes accumulated salts and uric acid, thereby reducing the risk of pathology formation. Treatment of gynecological diseases is also the area of ​​application of gua sha massage: improving blood circulation in the pelvic area has a beneficial effect on women's health. Working out the abdominal area relieves tension, eliminating congestion in the intestines, and has a beneficial effect on liver function. Osteochondrosis, cholecystitis, joint and spinal pain, muscle spasms, vascular diseases - the list of indications can be continued for a long time. After all, the principle of traditional medicine is the healing of the whole organism, and not the treatment of a separate organ.

In addition, intense physical activity helps fight excess weight and get rid of cellulite. Scraper massage is also used in the treatment of acne and post-acne: the scraper “removes” toxic substances and activates tissue regeneration.

Among the contraindications to the use of gua sha massage:

  • hypertension;
  • decreased platelet count;
  • skin damage in the massage area;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergies, especially to massage oil components;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • fractures in the healing stage;
  • tumors;
  • poor blood clotting.

In addition, pregnant women and people with hypersensitivity should avoid gua sha massage: the procedure is quite painful in the first sessions.


Two to three hours before the session, you should avoid coffee and cigarettes, and you should not take aspirin or other blood thinners. And fans of hirudotherapy are advised to refrain from placing leeches two days before a gua sha massage.

Technology of massage procedure

There are three main methods of influence when performing Chinese gua sha massage:

  • se-gua - strong pressure, fast movements;
  • bu-gua - slow movements and gentle pressure;
  • pin-bu pin-se - slow movements, strong pressure.

Scrapers for gua sha massage come in many different shapes and colors, but a must for all of them is the presence of a curved, rounded edge that has protruding parts or small teeth, also rounded at the ends. Jade stone is the most popular material for making scrapers, but they are also made from stone, buffalo horn, rose quartz, and even silver and copper. The shape, size and thickness of the product are selected individually for each client: for example, a more gentle thick scraper is suitable for children and thin people with sensitive skin. Guasha facial massage is usually done with a fish or crow's feet scraper, and for body massage, scrapers in the shape of a spatula, rectangle or square are considered the most effective.

Guasha massage is a sequential movement of the plates from the center to the sides or from top to bottom. The legs and arms are massaged towards the fingers, the back and stomach - from the spine towards the chest. The procedure itself lasts about half an hour, and with the correct technique, the effect usually occurs after the first session. The appearance of “sha” spots indicates that a powerful cleansing process has begun in the body. The course is considered complete when, after the massage, no new marks appear on the body: this means that all the “garbage” accumulated in the body is gone. This usually requires five to ten sessions. The recommended interval between visits to a massage therapist is three to five days, so that the body has time to rest after a gua sha massage. The cumulative effect of this procedure lasts several months.

Cost of gua sha sessions

The cost of the service is influenced by the qualifications of the specialist, the pricing policy of the clinic and even its location. Of course, the price of a course of treatment directly depends on the number of sessions.

If we talk about average prices in Moscow, then in specialized Chinese medicine centers one session of gua sha body massage costs about 1,500 rubles, and a gua sha facial massage will cost the client approximately 2,000 rubles. At the same time, many such medical institutions provide discounts when paying for the full course of therapy.

It is difficult for a person far from Chinese philosophy to understand the principles of TCM treatment. Terms such as meridians and chi energy may seem strange and almost magical. Therefore, it is very important that the first acquaintance with traditional Chinese medicine takes place under the supervision of a true professional who loves his job and is ready to answer any questions.

Where can I book a massage?

It is necessary to separate concepts such as domestic and therapeutic massage. The first is aimed at relaxation, it is suitable for healthy people, many spas provide this service. But therapeutic massage, including gua sha, must be performed by a person with a medical education, which means you should contact a medical institution.

You should look for specialists who practice gua sha massage in traditional Chinese medicine clinics. One of the most famous in Moscow is the TAO clinic. In addition to therapeutic massage, other areas of TCM are presented here. Its leading doctor Zhang Ziqiang spoke more about the clinic:

“Our clinic has been operating since 2006, during which time TAO has formed a permanent staff of specialists, of whom we are rightfully proud. All of them are true masters of traditional Chinese medicine, having graduated from the best universities in their homeland. Our doctors were recommended by Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with which TAO has an exclusive agreement.

The range of services provided by the clinic is wide: these are various types of massage, herbal medicine, acupuncture, electropuncture. But we do not set ourselves the goal of necessarily “selling” the client a medical service he does not need, therefore massage and any other procedures are prescribed only based on the results of the examination.

The TAO clinic offers various discounts and promotions for regular customers. For example, a 15% discount is provided when paying for a course of treatment lasting ten sessions or more. This offer also applies to massage.”

* License to carry out medical activities No. LO-77-01-000911 dated December 30, 2008, issued by the Moscow Department of Health.

Review of rollers for home use

Roller facial massager AMG335, Gezatone

An elegant and stylish device with a vibration and plastic 3D massage function will help strengthen and tighten the skin of the face and neck, smooth out wrinkles, reduce the appearance of a double chin, tighten the oval of the face and get rid of puffiness.
Two multifaceted nozzles with 350 edges rotate 360 ​​degrees, efficiently working out every wrinkle and relaxing facial muscles. As a result of this effect, the skin is tightened, toxins are eliminated, and swelling is eliminated. The roller massager enhances the effect of cosmetics, strengthens facial contours, and helps relieve stress after a busy day. The device is easy to hold in your hand, it is quite compact and will fit into any cosmetic bag. MORE DETAILS

Face roller massager made of natural jade, double-sided AMG330, Gezatone

Ergonomic roller massage, made of natural jade, has 2 rotating rollers, which allows you to work on the face and neck.
The massager improves microcirculation and lymph flow, enhances oxygenation and eliminates spasms of facial muscles. Regular use of a roller massager increases skin density and elasticity, improves complexion, corrects age-related changes, accelerates the elimination of toxins, and eliminates puffiness. The roller massager outlines the contours and tightens the lower third of the face, combats overstrain of spasmed muscles, reduces the severity of bruises in the eye area, and enhances the penetration of active components of cosmetic products. The massager is easy to use; it will replace a full-fledged session of a classic massage with a specialist. Just 10-15 minutes a day, and within 2 weeks you will notice significant results. MORE DETAILS

Set of jade facial roller massager and Guasha scraper AMG331, Gezatone

A beauty set made of natural jade will allow you to carry out a professional massage of the face, neck and décolleté every day.
The roller massager and Guasha scraper improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, relieve spasms of facial muscles, and tighten atonic muscles. The beauty set evens out the microrelief, eliminates puffiness, tightens the contours of the oval face, and narrows the pores. The use of jade massagers will allow you to get positive results at any age: for younger people it is a great way to get rid of signs of fatigue and slow down the appearance of wrinkles, for mature people it is to reduce signs of age-related changes and cleanse the skin of accumulated toxins. Use the two gadgets together or separately to achieve dramatic results. MORE DETAILS

Double-sided facial roller massager made of natural white jade, Beauty Style

A double-sided white jade massage roller will help rejuvenate the skin, improve its general condition, increase blood circulation, remove excess water from tissues and cleanse the face of various rashes.
Having two rollers will allow you to massage different areas: the large one is for the face, neck and décolleté, and the small one is for the area around the eyes. As a result of regular roller massage, you will get a radiant and toned face, healthy and even skin tone, get rid of swelling and reduce the severity of wrinkles. The ergonomic handle fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip out during the entire massage session. MORE DETAILS

Double-sided facial roller massager made of natural amethyst, Beauty Style

A double-sided roller massager made of luxurious purple amethyst will help restore your skin's former radiance and youth.
The massager improves complexion, brightens the brightness of age spots, eliminates swelling and bruises, and helps reduce fine wrinkles. The roller is suitable for use on any skin. MORE DETAILS

Double-sided facial roller massager made of natural rose quartz “Rose Gold”, Beauty Style

Double roller massager made of natural rose quartz stimulates blood circulation, eliminates puffiness, stimulates lymphatic drainage and removes toxins.
The stone improves complexion, evens out tone, and soothes irritations. After a roller massage, the skin is supplied with oxygen, cell nutrition improves, and metabolic processes are accelerated. As a result, the face looks more well-groomed, youthful and healthy, and acquires a beautiful glow. A roller massager is a great gift for yourself and your loved ones. With it, you can forget about going to a cosmetologist for a professional massage, since it will be available at any time and anywhere. MORE DETAILS

Roller massager for face with vibration and iontophoresis m809, Gezatone

An ultra-modern, miniature and compact beauty gadget combines three treatment methods, which allows you to comprehensively care for the face and area around the eyes.
The iontophoresis function has the ability to deliver cosmetic substances directly into the deep layers of the epidermis, increases the level of hydration, replenishes nutritional deficiencies, removes toxins, reduces wrinkles and improves skin tone. Roller stimulating massage improves microcirculation, saturates tissues with nutrients, relieves tension, and prevents the formation of skin wrinkles. High-frequency vibration massage can effectively combat swelling, decreased skin turgor and tone, relieve muscle spasms, remove toxins and improve complexion. The mini-device fits into any handbag, so it will always be with you and ready to go. You can take the gadget with you on a business trip or vacation without interrupting your care sessions. MORE DETAILS

Roller microcurrent massager-myostimulator for face Biolift m100, Gezatone

A 3D roller massager for tightening the skin of the face and neck additionally combines the functions of microcurrent therapy and myostimulation. This helps to more effectively combat any age-related changes in facial skin. The beauty gadget is used to correct creases and folds, expression lines and age-related wrinkles, with decreased skin tone and gravitational ptosis. The device is effective in changing the contours and double chin, atony of the skin, swelling and dull complexion. With regular use of the massager, you can achieve visible changes: the skin will become smooth, toned, firm and elastic, muscle structures will be strengthened, and a healthy glow will appear. Due to the fact that the device is incredibly light, compact and battery-powered, you can take it with you anywhere.READ MORE

Guasha massage: what is it?

Beauty Health


What is gua sha massage, why is it interesting, how is it performed and what are its benefits for losing weight and removing toxins?

Throughout the history of existence, humanity has invented an endless number of ways to stretch tired muscles and muscles after hard work or sports, to get rid of toxins and excess weight, to diagnose diseases in the body. Over time, the main difference between the Western school of massage and the Eastern one appeared.


Today, beauty salons and medical institutions offer three options for Guasha massage:

Cosmetic Guasha massage

  • Cosmetic – aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects of the face and body.
  • Preventive – the purpose of its implementation is to prevent certain diseases.
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic – carried out to detect existing diseases and treat them.

According to Chinese teachings, many diseases develop under the influence of external factors: heat and cold, wind and dampness. They enter the body mainly through the skin. Logically, their withdrawal will also be most effective through the skin. This is exactly the problem that scraping massage solves.

Difference between Western and Eastern methods

The first formulated methods for working out individual muscles and the whole body - on their basis, classical therapeutic massage was born, which allows you to relieve tension from the deep layers of tissue and remove lactic acid from the body. Osteopathy is the second broad direction: it works primarily with the spine. It is believed that removing clamps and blocks can cure diseases in tissues and even organs.

The Eastern school of massage assumes a fundamentally different approach - starting with diagnosis and continuing with methods of working with the body. Often the healing process for various diseases occurs in a complex manner: at the level of normalization of lymph and blood flows, then the development of biologically active points throughout the body occurs. The impact can be either very light or quite serious - as, for example, with acupuncture.

Guasha massage

This type of massage is a bright representative of the eastern direction. Literally the name translates as “removing, or scraping out, negative energy and toxins.” The essence of the method is to remove toxins from the body through the skin. This becomes possible thanks to a special technique of influencing the body with a special scraper. The movements can be completely different - scraping, stroking, patting, point-piercing. The intensity of pressure of the scraper on the skin ranges from very weak, almost imperceptible, to quite strong. However, the latter does not occur very often; in this technique, the goal is not to focus on the muscle layer or deeper.

How does toxin removal occur?

The Guasha massage technique should be performed in full cycles consisting of ten sessions, the interval between which should be at least a week. Despite the fact that the procedure is painless, after the first sessions, hematomas and bruises appear on the patient’s skin, which heal over time and become lighter. There may be an unpleasant odor coming from the back, but experts in the field of Gua Sha claim that in this way the body gets rid of toxins. After healing, the patient’s skin tightens and takes on a healthy appearance, and his well-being noticeably improves.

History of Guasha

According to legend, the gua sha technique was invented by Chinese peasants several dozen centuries ago - they needed to be able to quickly recover after hard work. Initially, gua sha was performed with a coin or shell; quite quickly, special scrapers appeared, which were used to perform healing movements throughout the body. For a very long time, the massage technique, on the one hand, was honed and improved, on the other, new branches appeared at the junction of gouache with the techniques of static load and pinch massage, acupuncture and traditional oriental methods.

The mechanism of action of the gua sha technique

The massage is performed with a special scraper: initially it was made from animal horns, now you can see many options made from stone - jade, for example, bone. Sometimes even high-tech synthetic alloys are used, including those with the addition of silver and copper. The meaning of gua sha massage is this: the scraper acts only on the skin, while the movements of the massage therapist’s hands can be either fast and energetic - with a deep effect on the epidermis - or light. When the scraper rubs against the skin, a local increase in temperature occurs, in this place blood circulation and lymph flow improve, deep healing processes are launched and immunity is increased.

The massage is carried out using oil - an individual composition is selected for each specific case, but there are also quite universal types based on natural raw materials. Coconut oil is often used as a base - it additionally moisturizes and cleanses the skin. Rubbing the upper layer of the epidermis leads to irritation of skin receptors, improves blood supply and disperses lymph. The massage therapist’s movements are not chaotic, as it may seem from the outside: hands with a scraper move along the so-called meridians, this practice is very typical for many eastern types of massage.

Inflammation in the muscles, lactic acid and breakdown products are excreted through the pores of the upper layers, in practice they look like huge bruises, sometimes black. The gua sha massage procedure itself is completely painless, and the spots disappear without a trace in two days, there is no harm from them.

Indications for gua sha

All indications for this type of massage can be divided into three groups. The first is the most extensive; any person potentially falls into it. Massage for this category is performed preventively, to cure those diseases that have not yet had time to manifest symptoms, being in their infancy in the human body.

Colds are the second reason for using gua sha. It is highly recommended to use such a massage in the autumn-winter period at the first signs of malaise: aching joints, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, difficulty breathing.

Diseases diagnosed by “sha” spots are the third key indicator for massage. The fact is that bruises can only occur over damaged and diseased organs and tissues - accordingly, the master performing the technique in a particular case has the opportunity, after an accurate diagnosis, to apply a scraper to the required point of the body. Sometimes it can be a whole limb or the back, part of the chest, or abdomen.

Contraindications for gua sha

There are very few of them: mostly open wounds, acute inflammatory processes in various organs and chronic diseases in the acute stage. Pregnant and lactating women and people with any type of skin damage should not do gua sha.

For everyone else, gua sha massage can be safely recommended at any age and for any problems. It can be performed on the face and body - even adjusting for possible stains while removing toxins. An experienced massage therapist will select the most suitable type of scraper for a particular case and select the optimal technique of influence. By the way, gouache for the face is the latest trend among Hollywood celebrities, which also indicates its effectiveness.

Advantages of the technique

Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.

If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.

For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.

The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

  1. Affordable price.
    Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.
  2. No pain.
    If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.
  3. Combination with salon procedures.
    Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.
  4. Just 5 minutes a day.
    For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.
  5. Versatility.
    The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

Secrets of the Chinese gua sha massage technique

Guasha massage is one of the oldest types of Chinese massage. The name translates as “scraping off all the bad things.” To carry out the procedure, special scrapers made of natural material are used. With the help of these plates, certain areas of the body associated with internal organs are treated. Reflex irritation promotes regeneration of skin tissue, restoration of organs and cleansing of toxins from the body. Mastery of the gua sha technique opens up new possibilities for healing and strengthening the immune system.

Indications for massage

Massage has a healing effect when:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints, spine, bones);
  • impaired blood circulation and lymph flow (swelling of the extremities, constantly freezing hands and feet);
  • muscle spasms;
  • osteochondrosis of the back and neck;
  • excessive deposition of fat cells (anti-cellulite massage);
  • inflammatory processes in muscles and some internal organs;
  • age-related decline of certain body functions.
  1. In the field of sports medicine, gua sha is used for the speedy recovery of athletes after injuries and heavy loads (competitions).
  2. Chinese gua sha massage masters claim that this technique treats infertility, both female and male.
  3. Therapeutic gua sha massage is also used in beauty salons to improve skin condition.

The cosmetic effect after gouache is visible after two to three days: the skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and complexion improves.

From the history of scraping massages

Thanks to the analysis of plates and tools found by archaeologists during excavations in ancient China, it became known that this technique appeared as early as 6 thousand years BC. from rural doctors. During the massage, they used plates made from livestock horns. Later, these scrapers were made from baked clay or stones. For a long time, scientists could not understand what shape the universal scraper should have been, because each master had an individual one. Later it became known that the shape of the plate did not matter, and the main factor was ease of use.

In modern China, to this day Guasha occupies a place of honor. The quality of scrapers has noticeably improved, and the variety of shapes is surprising: square, triangular, with jagged edges, round, scallop-shaped and more. The Guasha technique is used not only for serious diseases, but also as a preventive measure. It is believed to promote longevity, help maintain good skin condition and improve well-being.

Impact on the body

The effectiveness of the gouache technique is predetermined by the instrument itself. The masseur operates with two scrapers. The raw materials for production are jade or natural horn plates. Each scraper is used for a wide variety of movements and effects on the human body. It influences the bioactive points of the human body, activating certain processes.

With these scrapers, a massage therapist can:

  • smooth the body;
  • scrape it;
  • press the handle on active points, etc.

The easy sliding of scrapers over the surface of the body is due to the use of oil (these can be either massage or aromatic oils, depending on the purpose of the massage). This method is useful for metabolic disorders.


You cannot do gua sha massage if there are any violations of the integrity of the skin:

  • microtraumas (abrasions, scratches, etc.);
  • burns, including sunburns.

Such massage is harmful for chronic inflammatory diseases and in cases where doctors diagnose the presence of a tumor. For example, you should not massage your belly if a woman has uterine fibroids. An absolute taboo for gouache is the mammary gland. You can massage only the sternum line with scrapers.

  • Moles, especially raised ones, warts and other convex formations on the skin are an obstacle to massage.
  • Guasha sessions are extremely undesirable during pregnancy and on menstrual periods in women. The consequence may be excessive, painful bleeding.
  • Skin diseases and allergic dermatitis also prevent massage.

When the result is visible

The effect of the massage occurs almost immediately: the treated area turns red, then a burning sensation appears. “Sha” spots appear in areas of the projection of the pathological process, which is due to the increased content of lactic acid. Sometimes the spots are black - this is the so-called “lifeless blood”. Large areas of redness may cause pain.

Since the effect of massage often manifests itself already during the session, it can (and is even recommended) be carried out in the acute phase of the disease, to eliminate severe symptoms.

A persistent improvement in condition is observed after the full course. Complications are only possible if massage is performed if there are contraindications.

What you need to know

  1. Each session can be called stressful, it is so unusual. Water procedures immediately after a gua sha session are contraindicated. A bath or shower can only be taken six hours after the massage. Until this time, you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water, the more, the better. After the procedure, you will experience profuse sweating and the urge to urinate. This fluid removes waste from the body.
  2. The best time for a massage is the second half of the day. It is advisable to do gua sha the night before the weekend to give your body a rest.
  3. It is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium before or after the procedure.
  4. After performing the massage, the body becomes covered with stripes or spots, they are also called shea spots. The color of these spots can range from bright red to black. These are not just bruises, they are evidence that the body is cleansing itself. You cannot proceed to the next session until the marks on the skin disappear. This will take no more than 3 days.
  5. A gua sha massage session should not last more than 25 minutes.

Important Tips

If you perform the procedure yourself, pay attention to the following:

The skin does not stretch if you use oil. 3-5 drops are enough for the entire treated area. It is advisable to use non-comedogenic formulations (for example, argan oil). Water-based skincare products are not suitable as they are quickly absorbed.

  1. At the end of the procedure, the remaining oil is wiped off with a dry cloth. Do not leave the product on the skin, especially around the eyes - this will lead to swelling.
  2. Apply only light pressure to the scraper. If you overdo it, hematomas and burst capillaries will appear on your face. Both are unaesthetic and contradict the very idea of ​​Guasha massage: to remove swelling and make the skin tone even.
  3. You should always follow the pattern of movements during massage. Do not move the scraper against the massage lines - this will create new wrinkles and swelling.
  4. After each session, the plate must be washed with soap. If this is not done, the oil and bacteria from the stone will enter the pores of the skin and cause acne.
  5. Movements during the session should be intense to accelerate the flow of blood and lymph.

The first 2-3 times Guasha massage may be painful. The pain is due to the fact that the muscles are not accustomed to such an impact. After a few sessions, the discomfort will go away and the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

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Video lessons

In this video, the massage master shows all the possibilities of using the gouache technique on the facial area. She treats the skin with the flat and side surface of the scraper, presses the bioactive points with the handle, and alternates stroking and kneading movements. When the head is treated, the technique is more gentle than that used for other areas of the body.

The effect on the body using the gouache technique in this video should not be scary: bright red stripes appearing on the skin of the back are a completely natural phenomenon. Most patients do not experience pain. Treatment of the body with scrapers made of natural materials allows you to activate the points responsible for the functioning of organs. Intense movements are replaced by lighter ones. After a massage session, a person experiences relief bordering on euphoria.

Veronica: A constant feeling of fatigue that could not be relieved by anything, constant colds, irritability - all this made it so difficult to live fully... I began to feel that I was getting old: wrinkles, aging skin, bags under the eyes... An employee shared her impressions of a gua sha massage session, and I I really wanted to feel it all too! But you can’t even imagine how much the real impressions and the result of the massage itself exceeded all expectations!

Alexandra: In our family it’s hereditary, the tendency to be overweight. But I’m only 24 years old, and I really wanted to sunbathe on the beach without being ashamed of my body... I found an advertisement for gouache and decided to try this massage (I’ve already tried a lot of things). I couldn’t believe my eyes when, after a month, the cellulite was almost completely gone, my “thick” jeans were dangling on me, and I calmly put on my favorite old swimsuit!

Olga: After forty, problems with my back and legs began – many years of sedentary office work took its toll. Pain in the spine, swollen joints and swollen legs, and with all this I came to a gua sha massage. After the first session the sensations were quite severe, but they quickly passed. Three days passed and I went for a repeat session. This time it was easier. After the third session I felt much better.

Almost unknown in Russian reflexology is Chinese gua sha massage. Translation of this name: gua - movement in one direction, scrape; sha - bad, i.e. “scrape all the bad.” This is the oldest type of Chinese massage. For the impact, a small plate is used, which is used to treat certain areas, including various points and reflexogenic zones of the body, face and head. There are 3 types of gua sha massage: preventive, cosmetic and therapeutic-diagnostic, which is discussed in this article.

Guasha massage ideally combines ease of implementation and effectiveness, which makes it available for widespread use by Russian doctors. This excludes the difficult stage of precise localization of points, which is necessary for acupuncture or cauterization. There is also no need for painstaking placement of needles or other impact on a single point. Instead, the impact is carried out on fairly large treatment areas, and the skill of using the plate is acquired after several lessons next to an experienced mentor.

Guasha massage includes 3 main methods of influence: se-gua - fast movements, with strong pressure (dispersion method); bu-gua - slowly with gentle pressure; ping-bu ping-se: slowly with strong pressure. Scrapers of various configurations made of jade or Chinese animal horns are used. The massage is carried out using special oil.

The session lasts 20-25 minutes. The effect of the treatment occurs immediately: first, the treatment area turns very red, and a burning sensation may appear. Hemorrhages appear on the skin in places where the pathological process is projected - “sha” spots. Thus, the “waste” of this process appears on the skin, and an increased content of lactic acid is found in these places. The spots can be almost black in color - this is “lifeless” blood. The appearance of these hemorrhages may be frightening to the patient, but the procedure itself is usually minimally painful. Only sometimes, with an advanced process and large hemorrhages, the patient may feel pain, which goes away immediately after the impact on the area stops.

During the massage, metabolic processes in the skin are improved, toxins are removed, so the skin is cleansed and wiped. Often a gouache session is complemented by a cupping massage and warming with a wormwood cigar. During the day you need to drink warm water to ensure increased removal of toxins from the body. After the session, severe fatigue may appear, as after physical activity: the effect of the impact is comparable to running a distance of 20 km.

Bruises subsequently appear at the site of hemorrhages, which quickly disappear in 2-3 days. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week after the bruises from the previous massage disappear. The course includes from 10 to 20 sessions. It is advisable to conduct such courses 2 times a year.

The effect of a gausha massage often occurs already during the procedure. Therefore, it can be used in the acute phase to relieve severe symptoms of the disease. The treatment process may undergo an exacerbation, so the patient needs to be warned and reassured if the symptoms of the disease intensify on the second day. An unpleasant body odor may appear. In Chinese medicine there is a rule: “No exacerbation - no treatment, but only relief.” A full course of gua sha leads to a lasting improvement in the condition and has a preventive effect through the launch of deep healing mechanisms.

Without touching upon all aspects of the theory of the occurrence of diseases and the principles of traditional Chinese medicine in this article, we note that the doctor, using gua sha massage, affects the entire body, normalizes internal interactions between organs, which leads to the disappearance of a specific pathological process, general health and rejuvenation. In TCM terms, “heat and cold, wind and dampness” that enter the body “come out.” The processes of exchange and excretion are intensified. Constant use of this method slows down aging.

In modern China, gua sha massage has become widespread. It occupies an important place in the system of a healthy lifestyle and preventive approach to diseases, which distinguishes Chinese medicine and is accepted in the traditions of the life of the Chinese people. The result of this approach is an impressive average life expectancy of the population (more than 80 years), and most importantly, quality of life, high activity until old age.

The scope of application of gua sha massage is very wide. Let us give several examples of its therapeutic effect, covering diseases often encountered in medical practice.

  • With osteochondrosis, blood circulation in the affected areas improves, lymphatic drainage increases, due to this, swelling is removed and the associated pain syndrome disappears, muscle spasm is relieved.
  • Impact on active points around a sore joint relieves swelling of surrounding tissues, restores normal blood and lymph flow, relieves pain, and improves joint mobility.
  • For colds and bronchitis, the effect on the projection points of the lungs relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, improves the drainage function of the respiratory tract, relieves shortness of breath, and reduces cough.
  • For cholecystitis, the gua sha procedure relieves spasms of the gallbladder, normalizes its motility, relieves pain, and relieves the feeling of nausea.
  • Carrying out a gua sha massage on the reflexogenic zones of the lower back and abdomen improves blood circulation and normalizes lymph flow in the pelvis, which removes blood stagnation in this area, relieves inflammatory processes and normalizes the functional activity of the pelvic organs, leading to the resorption of adhesions.
  • Impact on certain areas of the body improves the condition of the cardiovascular system: blood pressure decreases, heart rate normalizes, and shortness of breath caused by heart disease is relieved.

Guasha massage improves the condition of the skin - due to the removal of toxins, pigmentation and acne are removed, and the skin is rejuvenated. There is a beneficial effect on the nervous system: sleep improves, anxiety is relieved, and appetite, impaired due to nervous diseases, improves. There is a general improvement of the body, tone and resistance to infections increase.

You should keep in mind the contraindications for using gua sha massage: allergies; infectious skin diseases; thrombocytopenia; injured skin surface; fractures until bones heal; decreased kidney function; dropsy (with cirrhosis of the liver); anasarca; high blood pressure; pregnancy.

What the patient should know

The client should be warned in advance that bruises and bruises will appear in the areas where the massage is performed using scrapers. It is also worth talking about intoxication. After the first massage sessions, many patients may experience flu-like or cold-like symptoms. This consequence of Guasha should not be treated with medications and medicines; the patient’s condition will normalize on its own within a few days.

The specialist’s task is also to explain to the patient that drinking fluids is very important during the cycle. Waste and toxins will leave the body faster if you consume the right amount of water or tea.

For overweight clients, Guasha masters recommend switching to proper nutrition or a low-carbohydrate diet during the course. It is with this approach that the healing effects of massage will be more effective.

Indications for Guasha massage

The scope of application of Guasha massage is very wide. Here are just a few examples of its therapeutic effects.

Osteochondrosis – impact on active points around the diseased joint relieves swelling of surrounding tissues and muscle spasm, restores normal blood and lymph flow, relieves pain, improves joint mobility.

Colds, bronchitis - the effect on the projection points of the lungs relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, improves the drainage function of the respiratory tract, relieves shortness of breath, and reduces cough.

Cholecystitis – a gua sha session relieves spasms of the gallbladder, normalizes its motility, relieves pain, and relieves nausea.

Carrying out a gua sha massage on the areas of the sacrum and lower back, as well as the abdomen, improves blood circulation and lymph flow in the pelvis, which removes blood stagnation in this area, relieves inflammatory processes and normalizes the functional activity of the pelvic organs, leading to the resorption of adhesions.

Guasha has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: sleep improves, anxiety is relieved, and appetite, impaired due to nervous diseases, improves. There is a general improvement of the body, tone and resistance to infections increase.

Like any action that came from the East, Gua Sha massage is endowed with a deep spiritual meaning; it is based on the energetic effect of natural materials on the human body. During the massage, vital energy is redistributed, the state of Yin and Yang is balanced, and a person’s physical and intellectual capabilities increase.

The procedure is divided into two stages:

  • The first is manual action. The massage therapist, using light movements and gentle pressure, will relax the body muscles and apply oil to the skin;
  • The second is the use of a scraper. Movements may vary depending on the effect the client wants to achieve. For a cosmetic effect, use slow movements and gentle pressure; preventive – slow movements and strong pressure; therapeutic - fast movements and strong pressure.

The direction of the effects of the scraper goes along the so-called meridian lines on the human body from top to bottom and vice versa. The effect is visible to the naked eye just a couple of minutes after the session. Red marks will appear in places where discomfort, discomfort or pain was felt. The spots can be of different colors:

  • Pale – blood stagnation;
  • Red – inflammatory processes;
  • Purple or crimson – stagnant blood (“bad” blood);
  • Blacks are very “bad” blood.

The Chinese call such spots “sha”. They are characterized by a high content of lactic acid. You shouldn’t be afraid of stains - these are toxins and waste from processes in the body. Petechiae (microbleeds) provide additional information to the doctor in which parts of the body the malfunction occurred and will disappear within 3-4 days. With each procedure there will be fewer hematomas - this means a decrease in the amount of congestion in the body. Often a Guasha session is complemented by a cupping massage. After the session, severe fatigue may appear, as after physical activity: the effect of the impact is comparable to running a distance of 20 km. Congratulations, your massage therapist has just helped you get rid of a lot of junk in your body!

After the Guasha massage procedure, you need to dress warmly, do not shower for 6 hours and drink warm, not boiled water all the time to ensure increased removal of toxins from the body.

How to prepare for the procedure

Guasha is a body massage that is performed in different areas. Decide which areas you will work on, study the pictures and videos. Before the session begins, it is necessary to clean the pores and wipe the skin . This will promote better removal of toxins. Apply special massage oil to your body. It is important that the room temperature is comfortable.

On the day of the session, be sure to drink at least two liters of water. Since the body loses a lot of fluid during the elimination of toxins, the water balance must be restored. Massage with a gua sha scraper is done no earlier than an hour after eating . Experts recommend doing it on an empty stomach.

How to choose a scraper for gouache?

It is important not only to properly prepare for the procedure and carry it out, but also to choose a high-quality gua sha scraper for the face and body. It is made from:

  • black buffalo horns;
  • natural crystals (jade and rose quartz);
  • copper;
  • wood;
  • turtle shell.

In China, they use a scraper for the procedure, which is made from black buffalo horns and boiled into potions. According to ancient teachings, such processing gives the object the ability to restore energy flows. Regular use of a scraper helps maintain youth and beauty.

Guasha scrapers

Gua sha scrapers for the body, which are made using stones, are also popular. For example, jade. This stone has a positive effect on the human body. The shape of the scraper does not matter - on sale you can see round, rectangular and triangular scrapers, as well as devices that resemble a hairbrush.

Choose one that is comfortable to hold in your hand and treat the required area . Be sure to carefully check the edges of the scraper - they must be perfectly smooth so as not to harm the skin in the process. Devices made of wood are suitable for home procedures, because the effect of this material on the skin is the most gentle.

To carry out the procedure yourself, you can purchase the Ixuetun device for gua sha massage. In the kit you will see a scraper and a set of necessary attachments. This device is easy to use and no special oil is required.

In addition to the scraper, you will also need oil. It is recommended to use olive or coconut. To make the effect even more noticeable, you can use additional ingredients. Try mixing the base with vitamin E, vanilla powder, rosehip oil, cocoa powder, cocoa butter. The base can be coconut oil. It is enough to take 1 tsp. remaining ingredients.

Contraindications for Guasha massage

  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy
  • Tendency to internal bleeding
  • Exacerbation of allergies
  • Various skin injuries: wounds, cuts, rashes

We recommend having a Guasha session 1-2 times a week, after the bruises from the previous session have disappeared. The full course includes from 10 to 20 sessions as recommended by our doctor.

If you have a chronic diagnosis or for preventive purposes, you should undergo a Guasha massage course 2 times a year.

Some restrictions

There are certain contraindications to Guasha massage. The procedure is not prescribed if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • allergies to the oils used;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • injured skin surface on the treated area;
  • fractures until bones heal completely;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • kidney problems;
  • dropsy that developed against the background of liver cirrhosis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe heart failure;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • anasarca (extreme edema syndrome);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • menses.
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