Does peach oil for the face help against wrinkles: reviews and opinions of cosmetologists

When summer comes, I don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the divine taste of peaches. I know that they are not only tasty, but also healthy.

The fruits are recommended to be consumed after illness due to the content of vitamins A, B, E, C, P. I also make masks during the season: I grind the fresh, juicy pulp into puree, apply it to the face, neck, décolleté, and after 20 minutes wash it off with water. After several procedures, the skin looks fresh, moisturized, and radiant.

And recently I saw cosmetic peach oil on a shelf in a pharmacy. I had heard about ear cream, but didn’t really know anything. Therefore, I immediately decided to ask: what is peach oil made from and how is it useful for the face? I asked my cosmetologist at the salon, read the literature and learned a lot of interesting things, which I hasten to share.

"Golden Core"

For starters, a little chemistry. It turns out that peach oil is obtained not from the pulp of the fruit, but from the seeds . The cold pressing method is used for this. This means that the seed transfers maximum nutrients to the product.

The oil extracted from the very heart of the fruit is fatty or base oil. It has a dull yellow color, a mild aroma, a mild taste and is well tolerated without causing irritation.

Peach pits are inedible because they contain amygdalin, a combination of cyanide and benzaldehyde. When the substance reacts with water, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is formed. However, amygdalin does not react with fat, so oil can be added to salad dressings without fear.

Here are the benefits of peach oil for the face:

  • rejuvenates;
  • stimulates metabolic reactions;
  • restores tissue after injury;
  • moisturizes and softens, restores firmness and elasticity;
  • gives a healthy color.

The fat obtained from peach pits is used to treat dermatological diseases - eczema, dermatitis, inflammation, burns, diaper rash. The drug fights such “female” problems as cellulite and decreased elasticity. The product cares for the most delicate areas of the epidermis on the lips and eyelids , making nails strong and healthy.

These effects are possible thanks to the chemical composition, which includes:

  • vitamins B, E, carotenoids;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • fatty acids - oleic, stearic, palmitoleic, linoleic, linolenic.

The product is used in its pure form or mixed with other oils - grape, avocado, and added to finished creams.

What is peach oil

Peach oil is a squeeze from the kernels that are located inside the seeds of the fruit of the same name. The product is produced by cold pressing, due to which the product retains the maximum amount of useful substances from the original raw materials. The main stages of oil production are as follows:

  • Collection of ripe fruits.
  • Extracting kernels from fruits.
  • Extracting the seed, which is located inside the kernel.
  • Cold pressing.
  • Multi-stage filtration. At this stage, harmful substances and impurities leave the product composition.
  • Hydration, neutralization and whitening. Practiced only in mass production. If the oil has passed these stages, it is considered refined and becomes less healthy. This product is practically odorless, but has a delicate aftertaste.

Peach oil has a light yellow tint

Unrefined oil has a rich yellow color, a pronounced nutty-fruity aroma and a pleasant taste. This product is most often used in cosmetology, and not only at home. For this reason, it is difficult to find an unrefined product, but this is what you will need for quality facial care.

Peach oil is a base oil, which means it can be used both in its pure form and as part of home cosmetics: masks, scrubs, creams and massage mixtures.

Chemical composition

Peach oil contains the following main active components:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic and others. These substances protect the treated skin from the aggressive effects of external factors: ultraviolet radiation, wind, etc.
  • Antioxidants. Help neutralize free radicals in cells and fight early tissue aging.
  • Vitamins: B15. Effectively improves the tone of aging skin.
  • E. It has a preservative property, which means it allows the skin to remain young and elastic longer.
  • A. Helps maintain the integrity of skin cells and strengthens cell membranes.
  • D. Helps strengthen all tissues of the body, including the epidermis.
  • Others: R, S, etc.
  • Mineral components: calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Necessary for the normal functioning of skin cells.
  • Other substances: carotenoyls, tocopherols, phospholipids, etc.
  • How to select and store a product

    When choosing peach kernel squeeze, pay attention to the following points:

    • Purchase method. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy, supermarket, aromatic shop or on the Internet. If possible, try not to buy the product online. The fact is that in this way you deprive yourself of the opportunity to smell and taste the oil, as well as evaluate its color.
    • Date of manufacture. Good peach oil must be produced after harvest, i.e. in the second half of autumn.
    • Shelf life. Must be specified for both closed and printed media.
    • Package. As a rule, peach oil is sold in a dark glass bottle. It is highly not recommended to buy the product in bags or by bottle.
    • Packaging integrity. The bottle should not have cracks, chips or other damage.
    • Certificate of quality. Make sure the product is natural by asking the seller for the appropriate document.
    • Color. The squeeze from peach kernels has a yellow tint. The product may be a little cloudy or clear. In the first case, you most likely shook the bottle, causing natural sediment to rise from the bottom. The latter is a sign of high-quality unrefined oil.
    • Aroma. It should be pleasant, fruity and nutty. If the pomace smells too strong, it probably has added flavorings. These substances, when regularly exposed to the skin, can harm its health.
    • Taste. If you can try the oil at the store, do so. The taste of the product is subtle, and a few seconds after swallowing you can feel a nutty taste. If the latter is too pronounced, then the product is most likely enriched with special additives. These substances are usually of unknown origin and can negatively affect the condition of the dermis.
    • Price. High-quality peach oil costs at least 200 rubles per 100 ml of product.
    • Manufacturer country. The best pomace is produced in Italy and other European countries.

    Peach oil should be stored in dark glass containers

    Peach oil should be stored in a dark container, preferably in a bottle or bottle. In this case, the lid or stopper must be tightly closed or pressed. The fact is that when interacting with oxygen, the product deteriorates faster. In addition, it is not recommended to store the pomace in a damp environment (for example, in a bathroom). The temperature in the room where the product is located should not be higher than 25°C and lower than 5°C. However, small deviations are still allowed. Unopened oil has a shelf life of 2 years, but opened oil should be used within several months.

    Side effects and precautions

    Side effects when using peach kernel juice for the face can only appear if contraindications are ignored and precautions are not followed. In these cases, the following consequences may occur:

    • For the skin of the face and lips: severe itching,
    • rashes,
    • redness,
    • greasy shine,
    • pimples and blackheads.
  • For eyebrows and eyelashes:
  • thinning,
  • dropping out.
  • To avoid side effects, take the following precautions:

    • Before you start using the product, do a test for individual intolerance. Apply oil or homemade oil-based cosmetic product to the inside of your elbow or wrist. If after 24 hours no signs of irritation have arisen, you can use the squeezer. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to use the product. Remember that the test must always be done when you change the oil manufacturer or prepare a new composition based on the product. The thing is that the skin of some people reacts negatively not to the squeeze itself, but to certain combinations of it and other ingredients.
    • Do not mix oil with store-bought cosmetics. The fact is that the latter always contain a certain proportion of harmful components. The peach kernel squeeze, in turn, helps other ingredients in the composition penetrate into the tissue. Harmful substances that gain access to the deep layers of the dermis will have a negative rather than a positive effect on skin health.
    • If you have an oily skin type, try not to use the product separately. This use provokes an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which makes the skin condition worse.
    • Apply the squeezer only to dry and clean skin. This is true not only for the dermis, but also for eyelashes and eyebrows. Under no circumstances apply oil to areas that have not been cleaned with decorative cosmetics.
    • Do not use expired or spoiled pomace. Over time, the oil oxidizes and goes rancid, which is why its composition is enriched with substances harmful to the skin.
    • Do not use the product continuously. Be sure to take a 2-3 week break from the product every few months. If you don’t do this, you can provoke a violation of the skin’s water balance and other unpleasant consequences: acne, blackheads, etc.


    The main contraindications to the use of peach kernel juice for facial care are:

    • Individual intolerance to the drug. Don't forget about the sensitivity test.
    • Very oily facial skin. In this case, the squeeze is not applied separately.
    • Diseases of the eyes and eyelids in the relapse stage. In this case, any external influence can aggravate the situation.

    Women with excessive facial hair (for example, in the upper lip area) are not recommended to use peach oil for skin care. The fact is that the product stimulates hair growth, which makes the problem worse.

    Peach kernel oil for face: reviews

    But no matter how much manufacturers praise their products, the consumer has the last word.

    That's why I started studying the opinions of women who had already tried this remedy. I learned a lot of interesting things not only about the tolerance of peach oil, but also about its application.

    Of course, the lion's share of reviews is related to the property of peach seeds to restore youth to the skin.

    Susha : “Peach oil is an affordable natural facial care product. This is a pleasant and unexpected find. the product to moisturize, remove makeup, remove mascara (at the same time I strengthen my eyelashes) . I didn’t expect to see results in just a week. The product removes makeup, smoothes out fine wrinkles, especially under the eyes, and is easily absorbed by the epidermis.”

    It turns out that the product is also used for acne and problem skin.

    Mimosa : “I discovered peach oil, which helps fight acne. I have oily skin. Previously, I used many products for problem skin, which did not help much. Finally, I found reviews about peach oil on the Internet and decided to try the product.

    One day I read an interesting article about caring for my skin type. In it, the author points out a common mistake . Thus, most anti-acne products have drying properties. But the skin then, in defense, produces more fat, which makes the disease worse. The author of the article recommended using moisturizers so that the sebaceous glands do not work so intensely.

    At the pharmacy I bought a bottle of peach oil, which I began to use after washing my face. What was my experience like? And the result surprised me:

    • In the morning after waking up, I didn’t notice any greasy film or stickiness on my face (there were no marks on the pillow either);
    • after a week, the relief leveled out, the skin became smoother and more elastic;
    • The acne gradually began to disappear, and after a month my face cleared up.

    This is how I use the product. Before going to bed, I wash my face with the usual gel and apply it in a thin layer . One bottle lasts for a month and a half.”

    Beneficial properties of peach oil for the face

    When caring for your face, a squeeze of peach kernels has the following effects:

    • Effectively cleanses the skin surface.
    • Deeply nourishes and moisturizes cells.
    • Restores skin elasticity. The fact is that regular use of oil helps normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These substances, in turn, are responsible for the turgor of the epidermis.
    • Reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles.
    • Fights peeling and also prevents its occurrence.
    • Serves as a prevention of early aging and death of epidermal cells.
    • Helps even out the color and texture of the face.
    • Improves blood microcirculation.
    • Accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.
    • Softens rough skin.
    • Helps fight skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, burns and so on.
    • Heals minor injuries.
    • Relieves inflammation. Especially relevant for skin prone to irritation.
    • Forms a thin film on the surface of the face that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. This is why residents of both cold and hot countries like to use oil.
    • Prevents the development of skin cancer.
    • Relieves pain at the site of application.
    • Helps other nutrients penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis.
    • Relieves the feeling of tightness, which is especially important for very dry skin.
    • Increases the thickness of eyebrows and eyelashes.
    • Awakens dormant hair follicles.
    • Strengthens hairs, preventing their loss.
    • Heals microcracks on the lips.

    Video: benefits of peach oil for the face

    Other Applications

    As already mentioned in the description of the product, it is used not only to improve the condition of the skin, but also for hair.

    For hair

    Cherry : “I buy peach oil for my hair. I use lightening dyes, so my hair is porous and prone to breakage. To maintain the health of your curls, you have to take care of them with double diligence.

    I apply the product over the entire length, usually at night, so that the hair takes all the necessary substances. In the morning, I wash my hair with sulfate-free shampoo. Sometimes I mix peach seed oil with ylang-ylang essential oil (2-3 drops), which creates a pleasant aroma.

    Essential oils (ylang-ylang) differ from base oils. The former have a concentrated aroma and evaporate quickly; they are obtained by distillation and extraction from the most aromatic parts of the plant.

    After such masks, the hair acquires softness, friability, volume and elasticity . I carry out the procedures 1-2 times a week. I apply peach oil to the ends, but then I don’t wash it off.”

    Alteya : “I abused hair straighteners, which caused my hair to thin out and split ends. I didn’t use budget care products because I don’t really trust them because of their synthetic composition. I decided to save the situation using this remedy. Before going to bed, I took a little oil in my palm, distributed it through my hair, starting from the middle, and braided it. In the morning I washed my hair as usual.

    I also make a mask with castor oil (15 ml), which I heat in a water bath, add 10 drops of peach seed oil, hair balm (10 ml). I leave it to absorb for 30-60 minutes. After that, I wash my hair with sulfate-free shampoo. The result is soft, thick, shiny hair.”

    Natalya : “I enrich my shampoos with peach oil: I take 10 drops of oil for one portion of detergent. I saw the result after the second use. The curls became fuller, softer, the oil content decreased, but without dryness of the scalp, the hair stopped falling out.”

    Enrichment of shampoos is a way to enhance the caring properties of a detergent. For this, not only oils are used, but also other products - mumiyo, milk, honey, etc.

    Recipes with peach oil

    Every woman usually has products for homemade scrubs, lotions, creams and masks in her kitchen, so preparing something according to these recipes will not be difficult.

    Homemade cream


    1. Take the yolk of 1 egg.
    2. Add 1 tsp to it. vodka and 1 tbsp. l. peach oil
    3. Combine ingredients and shake until smooth.
    4. Apply the cream to your face in the evening, following the massage lines.

    Facial lotion with rose petals


    1. Mix 100 g of rose or rose hip petals and 30 ml of peach oil.
    2. Warm the composition in a water bath until the inflorescences lose color.
    3. Cool and leave for a day.
    4. Then strain the mixture and dilute with distilled water.

    You can wipe your face with this lotion at night, it will give it a healthy color and relieve dryness and irritation. This product is suitable for normal and dry skin.

    Peeling scrub with sea salt


    1. Take 30 ml of peach oil and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.
    2. Mix.
    3. You can supplement the composition with a couple of drops of your favorite ether.
    4. Massage your face with this mixture and rinse.

    Scrub with honey


    1. Mix 25 ml of peach seed oil and the same amount of liquid honey.
    2. Add some crushed peach kernels.
    3. Apply the mixture to your face and massage for 5-7 minutes with delicate movements.

    Scrub mask with oatmeal


    1. Heat some peach oil and mix it with oatmeal until you get a paste.
    2. Apply the composition to the face, massage and hold on the face for 15 minutes.
    3. Rinse off.

    This peeling will improve the condition of dry and inflamed dermis.

    Anti-wrinkle mask


    1. Dilute 6 g of sodium alginate (sold in a pharmacy) in 50 ml of distilled water and leave for 5 hours.
    2. Then add 15 g of badyagi powder and 14 drops of peach oil.
    3. Mix.
    4. Apply the mask in an even layer.
    5. Leave for half an hour, remove.

    To visibly eliminate age-related skin changes, you should use this mask for a course of 2 weeks. Its beneficial properties will help get rid of traces of photoaging, and with regular use it will protect against harmful UV radiation.

    Acne mask


    1. Mix 8 drops of peach kernel oil with 14 g of chickpea flour,
    2. Add a few drops of tangerine oil.
    3. Apply the mixture evenly to steamed skin, wait 15 minutes, then rinse.

    This mask copes well with the problems of teenage skin, helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, evens out the color and narrows the pores on the face.

    Anti-wrinkle mask with sesame oil


    1. Mix 10 ml of peach and sesame oil.
    2. Heat oil in a water bath.
    3. Add 5 g (1 tsp) of blue clay to them and mix thoroughly.
    4. Apply to cleansed skin and leave until the clay begins to dry.

    This mask is one of the most effective in the fight against wrinkles for aging skin.

    Anti-pigmentation mask


    1. Mix 15 g of clay (preferably yellow) and 12 g of cocoa powder.
    2. Add 10-12 drops of peach oil.
    3. If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it with calendula infusion.
    4. Apply to the skin along the lymphatic lines and leave for 20 minutes.

    The mixture perfectly moisturizes and whitens the surface of the skin, helps get rid of age spots and acne marks.

    Mask against dry skin


    1. Grind 24 g of dried kelp and mix with distilled water.
    2. Add the contents of 1 ampoule of retinol (vitamin A) and 18 drops of peach oil.
    3. Apply the mixture to washed skin and leave for at least half an hour.
    4. It is best to wash off such a mask with chamomile decoction, then use cream or olive oil.

    The recipe will be relevant for dry and dehydrated skin, especially in the cold season, as the mixture will help restore the lipid metabolism of the skin, saturate it with minerals and vitamins and relieve flaking and dryness at low temperatures.

    Mask for oily skin


    1. Take 1 fresh tomato without skin and chop using a blender.
    2. Add 12 g of yeast and 7 drops of peach oil extract to the vegetable.
    3. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with mineral water.

    The product saturates the skin with minerals and vitamins, normalizes the natural pH balance of the skin, and improves appearance.

    Nourishing mask


    1. Grind the pulp of 1 avocado to a puree.
    2. Add to it 12 drops of peach seed oil and 6 drops of castor oil.
    3. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for 40 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad.

    The product provides comprehensive nutrition and hydration, helps smooth out age and expression wrinkles.

    Brightening mask with lemon


    1. Mix 4 g of grated lemon zest, 12 g of blue clay and 15 drops of peach oil.
    2. Apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes.
    3. It is recommended to wash off the mask with distilled water, and then moisturize the skin with a product containing hyaluronic acid.

    This composition will cope with uneven pigmentation and rashes of various types.

    Mask with cottage cheese


    1. Grind 20 g of cottage cheese with 1 yolk.
    2. Add 12 drops of peach oil and 15 g of honey.
    3. Apply the mask to steamed skin and leave for 15 minutes.

    The product tones, activates metabolic processes in the skin, helps strengthen blood vessels, thereby reducing the manifestations of rosacea.

    Cream mask


    1. 2 tbsp. l. Grind chopped peach pulp with 1 tbsp. l. peach oil.
    2. Add 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream.
    3. Apply a homogeneous mass to the face.
    4. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
    5. Rinse with boiled water.

    This mask tones and soothes dry and sensitive skin.

    Hot mask with almond bran


    1. Heat 1 tbsp. l. peach kernel oil.
    2. Add the same amount of almond bran to the mixture.
    3. Apply the composition to damp skin with massaging movements and leave.
    4. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
    5. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with cream.

    A hot mask effectively combats dryness and flaking.

    Oil lotion with lemon


    1. Heat 2 tbsp. l. peach oil
    2. Add 5 drops of lemon ether to it.
    3. Moisten a napkin or cotton towel in the resulting mixture, apply to the desired area of ​​skin and hold for at least 15 minutes.

    Versatile Action

    Ekaterina Simonova : “I found advantages and disadvantages in peach oil.

    About the advantages . One of the main advantages is the price from 60 rubles, while the consumption is minimal. There is no smell. After long-term use, my skin became healthier and my acne disappeared. I applied it to my lips and it helped with dryness and flaking. I tried the product on my eyelashes and they stopped falling out.

    About the shortcomings . Unfortunately, they exist too. The consistency is unpleasant, slimy (I admit, this depends on the manufacturer). Immediately after application, the skin shines.

    I read online that this cosmetic product strengthens nails, but I cannot confirm this from personal experience. Moreover, the nails peeled off the next day. Therefore, I do not recommend using the product this way.”

    Belchonok : “There are a lot of oils in my collection. One of them is made from peach pits. This is a salvation for people with sensitive, dry skin prone to flaking. Briefly about how I use the cosmetic product:

    • on lips in winter - wounds, cracks heal, peeling disappears;
    • for eyelid skin - dryness is eliminated, elasticity increases, moisture is more difficult to leave the upper layers of the epidermis;
    • for cuticles and nails, hand skin - the skin is moisturized, acquires turgor, nails are strengthened;
    • for the face - peeling and allergic rashes disappear, complexion improves.”


    For a rejuvenating face mask with peach oil, take:

    • yolk - 1 pc.;
    • honey - 5 ml;
    • peach oil - 15 ml.

    The products are mixed and applied to the face, left for 20 minutes. Then they wash their face, wipe their face with toner, and, if necessary, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

    And here is the direct speech of cosmetologists about the use of the product. Does peach oil for the face help against wrinkles? The reviews are as follows.

    Expert opinion Alena Nikolaevna SinitsinaPrivate cosmetologist, practice for 17 years “The product improves the health of problem skin. It is used in its pure form, applied pointwise to inflamed areas or added to cosmetic products. To deeply cleanse the pores, scrubs are made: the same amount of bran (rice, almond, oatmeal) is added to one part of the oil. This product is used to wipe the skin after washing.”

    Karina : “Peach oil for the face against wrinkles - is its use justified? My clients often ask about this. My opinion is this. It is good to use cosmetic oils in moderation.

    However, you cannot overdo it with them - this leads to overfat and causes allergic reactions. It is dangerous to replace skincare products with oil for people with problem skin, especially acne . At first, the result may please you, but then cause an exacerbation of the disease. In its pure form, the oil is allowed to be applied to the scalp, used for massage, but not instead of a day or night cream.”


    Despite the fact that peach oil is well tolerated when used externally, it has contraindications - individual sensitivity . Although the product is approved for use even in childhood, it is better to first find out the opinion of doctors about such treatment.

    As you can see, there is a lot of information, sometimes contradictory. However, the product will find a home in my makeup bag. Since I use dyes, I will try to make my hair healthier. I liked the recipes for cellulite. For example, like this:

    The required amount of peach oil is mixed with a few drops of citrus oils - grapefruit, orange, lemon. Instead of citrus fruits, another composition is used - juniper, lemon, geranium oil (1-2 drops each).

    But I wouldn’t risk replacing my day or night cream with peach oil—I’ll listen to the advice of cosmetologists. Maybe I'll try adding a couple of drops to the cream around the eyes and for the face .

    Another reason why you should pay attention to this product is its healing properties. During the cold season, it helps fight the runny nose. To do this, 2-3 drops are instilled into the nasal passages.

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