What are the benefits of cucumber facial lotion and what are the best products of all?

Do you want to get rid of acne, smooth out wrinkles and reduce oily shine? Prepare cucumber face lotion! Made with your own hands, it will bring more benefits than any purchased product.

I'll tell you what my grandmother did when there was little choice in stores. Today the assortment is orders of magnitude wider, but real cucumber lotion will confidently compete with branded cosmetics.

Cucumber is the first summer vegetable. It is loved for its sweet taste, juiciness and delicious crunch. But it is suitable not only for vitamin salads. Its healing power has been known for several centuries. Green fruits tone, give freshness, and preserve youth.

There are many preparations containing cucumber juice on the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets. As a rule, they include dyes, fragrances, and preservatives. Learn to make healing lotion at home. Natural ingredients are a guarantee of safety and environmental friendliness.

Benefits of cucumber lotion

Cucumber lotion is a cosmetic product for facial skin care, which is made on a water or water-alcohol base with a high content of cucumber extract.

Cucumber lotion has the following beneficial properties:

  • Cleansing. The product cleanses the pores and microrelief of the skin well, and also removes makeup residues.
  • Toning. Cucumber extract provides a cooling effect and instant toning and refreshing of the skin.
  • Moisturizing. Especially if the product contains oils, it moisturizes and nourishes the dermis well.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial. Cucumber lotion relieves inflammation, soothes the skin and prevents problems with it in the form of acne, acne, enlarged pores, etc.
  • Anti-aging. The skin becomes elastic and tightened not only due to external saturation with the composition, but also due to the awakening of natural metabolic processes.
  • Whitening. Lotion with cucumber extract lightens pigmentation and post-acne, evening out the complexion.

Due to the active ingredients included in the lotion, it can have specific, pronounced properties, so when choosing it, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product.

Ideal composition

Do you know what to look for when choosing a toner? We should be interested in what the product is made of, the degree of its usefulness and safety for the skin. As for odors: preparations from companies that support the trend of naturalness do not contain artificial flavors, but the smell is not strong, but barely perceptible.

This is achieved due to the presence of plant extracts and essences in the composition. Agree, strong smells of berries or flowers in most cases will scare away customers, causing an association with an air freshener for the toilet, and not with a facial product. But a product that gently smells of fresh grass, fruit or field will be perceived easily and naturally

As for odors: preparations from companies that support the trend of naturalness do not contain artificial flavors, but the smell is not strong, but barely perceptible. This is achieved due to the presence of plant extracts and essences in the composition. Agree, strong smells of berries or flowers in most cases will scare away customers, causing an association with an air freshener for the toilet, and not with a facial product. But a product that gently smells of fresh grass, fruit or field will be perceived easily and naturally.

So, regardless of what system of naturalness and safety your favorite alcohol-free facial toner is certified with, it:

  • 90-100% consists of natural ingredients;
  • has a short shelf life due to the lack of preservatives;
  • has a pale color (there are no dyes in the composition);
  • does not contain fragrances, radioactive substances, petroleum products;
  • has the mark of the standard, quality and certification body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cucumber face lotion is becoming increasingly popular among girls due to its benefits:

  • Versatility. It combines several cosmetic products at once.
  • Safety. Allergic reactions and other side effects usually do not occur when using it.
  • Availability. The product often has a low price, and you can buy it at a regular pharmacy or cosmetic store.
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Possibility of daily use.

But the lotion also has disadvantages:

  • Often leaves a sticky feeling on the skin.
  • Containing alcohols and acids, it can dry out the skin.


Cucumber face lotion is generally considered a safe and gentle product that only improves the health of delicate skin. Because of this, there are no strict contraindications for its use.

The only thing is to first make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the components included in the product in order to avoid allergies.

Also, be careful when handling compounds containing acids and alcohols, as they are aggressive. Do not use them daily on dry skin, and if burning, itching, redness or other adverse reactions occur when applying the lotion, wash your face and stop using it further.

Ingredients for tonic

You will find all the components at home, so you can start making.

What is it for? Lotions are designed to cleanse and tone the dermis, so, as you can see for yourself, you can’t do without them!

When you see the list of functions, you will be surprised what this simple cosmetic product can do.

Many women do not have a toner at all, thinking that simply washing their face with foam will solve their cleansing problems.

But this is far from true. After all, grease and dirt penetrate too deeply, and lotions prepared at home contain substances that actively destroy this debris.

Daily care with this product will help:

  1. Improve blood circulation;
  2. Remove particles of dead epithelium;
  3. Smooth the skin, quickly relieve fatigue;
  4. Narrow pores
  5. Restore acid-base
  6. Accelerate metabolic processes;
  7. Renew cells, speed up the rejuvenation process;
  8. Slow down aging, improve complexion;
  9. Increase the effectiveness of the cream that is applied after the tonic.

Have I convinced you? So, let's start making!

Choosing cucumber lotion

Consider 3 main criteria when selecting it:

  1. Compound. It should not contain aggressive components or chemicals, but only natural and beneficial ingredients that will care for delicate facial skin.
  2. Promised effect. Cucumber lotion can be aimed at basic cleansing and toning of the skin, or it can have a bright antibacterial effect, dry out pimples and inflammation, so consider the properties of the product, based on your desires.
  3. Reviews. Read or find out reviews and recommendations from those who have already used cucumber lotion.

What kind of cucumbers do we use?

Under no circumstances should they be store-bought, especially in winter. These fruits can contain a lot of chemicals - nitrates, pesticides - that our skin does not need at all.

Therefore, we will prepare our lotion only in the summer, when you can take cucumbers from your own or your mother’s garden, or, in extreme cases, buy them from a trustworthy grandmother at the market.

It is better to take large, ripe, even yellowish fruits - they have the highest concentration of active substances.

Back to the beginning of the article

Indications for use

Based on the benefits and effect of cucumber lotion, it is recommended to use it in the following cases:

Problems with skin water balance

Excessive oiliness or dryness is quickly eliminated by using cucumber lotion.

Inflammation, including acne, acne, etc.

Cucumber extract neutralizes inflammation and its external manifestations.


The lotion soothes delicate skin.

Uneven complexion, pigmentation and post-acne

Lightening the dermis and evening out the tone of the face are some of the properties of the product.

Reduced skin tone, lack of elasticity and density

Due to its liquid consistency, the lotion penetrates deep into the skin and promotes its internal saturation with useful substances and the restoration of natural processes.

TOP 10 best cucumber face lotions

Let's look at the TOP 10 best cucumber face lotions, which are popular among girls with different problems and skin types and are often recommended by cosmetologists.

1New dawn Cucumber lotionMore details
2HappySkin Cucumber&AloeMore details
3ElikSi Salicylic alcohol cucumber lotionMore details
4Say Yes Facial Hydrating TonerMore details
5Baps Amrut Divine Moisturizer CucumberMore details
6SELENDERM Fresh Cleansing lotionMore details
7Dawn Cucumber waterMore details
8Holy Land Always Active Cucumber LotionMore details
9MARIO BADESCU Special Cucumber LotionMore details
10One Hundred Beauty Recipes Super Food CucumberMore details


New dawn Cucumber lotion

Produced in Russia under the Novaya Zarya brand. A popular cucumber lotion that comes in a transparent bottle with a screw-on cap and a small hole dispenser.


  • Cleanses and refreshes the skin.
  • Quickly dries out pimples and inflammations.
  • Neutralizes fat content.
  • Evens out facial tone.
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Can be used as a disinfectant.


  • Dries the skin.
  • Not suitable for sensitive skin or daily use.

The lotion has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, since it contains alcohol, which fights inflammation and redness, including acne. The product also helps to even out the overall tone of the face, eliminate pigmentation and post-acne.

It is not recommended to use it constantly, since cucumber lotion will begin to dry out the skin and make it less soft and tender. It is recommended to use it locally - for example, on specific pimples or inflammations, or completely wipe your face with it 1-2 times a week before bed.


HappySkin Cucumber&Aloe

Produced in Russia under the Happy Skin brand. It comes in a light green plastic bottle with a screw-on cap and a push-to-press dispenser that dispenses a small amount of product.


  • Convenient dispenser.
  • Cleanses and tones.
  • Dries out pimples and acne well.
  • Cleanses and tightens pores.
  • Eliminates fat.
  • Restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


  • Not suitable for dry skin.
  • Leaves stickiness on the skin and needs to be washed off.

Due to the content of salicylic acid and alcohol in the composition, the lotion cleanses the skin well, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and effectively fights irritation, acne, acne and other redness and inflammation.

Despite this, it does not dry or tighten the skin, without causing discomfort when used, and
when used correctly, softens and tones it.
Can be used locally (daily) or on the entire face (no more than 2 times a week).


ElikSi Salicylic alcohol cucumber lotion

Produced in Russia under the Elixi brand. Salicylic cucumber solution is produced in a dark, opaque bottle with a screw-on cap and a small hole as a dispenser.


  • Cleanses and tones.
  • Soothes the skin.
  • Neutralizes irritation.
  • Neutralizes redness and inflammation - has antibacterial properties.
  • Suitable for problem skin.
  • Has a useful composition.


  • Over time it becomes addictive.
  • Strong smell.

The lotion contains extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils, due to which the product cares for the skin. And disinfectant and antibacterial properties are provided by alcohol, which, despite its high content, does not dry out or tighten the epidermis.

The lotion not only cleanses the skin and has tonic properties, but also soothes it, neutralizing redness and inflammation, softens and eliminates irritation.

You can use the lotion twice a day, but every month it is recommended to take a break from it for a few days.


Say Yes Facial Hydrating Toner

Produced in Russia under the SAY YES brand. The lotion is produced in a classic plastic bottle with a screw-on cap and a small dispenser.


  • Safe and healthy composition, no alcohol.
  • Cleansing and toning the skin.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Moisturizing the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Soothing redness and inflammation.
  • Narrowing of pores.
  • Creating a protective barrier on the skin that prevents external influences on it.


  • Not detected.

The product is suitable for skin care of any type. It moisturizes, tones, and nourishes due to the content of aloe vera, plant extracts and oils in the composition. Cucumber extract provides cooling and soothing effects - tightens pores, removes irritation, eliminates inflammation.

It is recommended to use cucumber lotion daily before bed. After removing makeup, wipe your face with it, and then carry out your usual care.


Baps Amrut Divine Moisturizer Cucumber

Manufactured in India under the brand BAPS AMRUT. Cucumber lotion is produced in a small opaque plastic bottle with a small pressure-operated dispenser, which is protected by a lid.


  • Convenient dispenser.
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Useful and safe composition.
  • Skin healing and restoration.
  • Nourishment and softening.
  • Acceleration of dermal regeneration.
  • Cleansing and toning.
  • Not addictive.


  • Not detected.

The lotion also has a safe, beneficial composition that includes plant extracts, oils and aloe.

Due to this, it soothes, moisturizes, heals damaged skin, tightens it and helps accelerate natural processes, including the regeneration of new epithelial cells.

The product cleanses and tones the skin well, so it is recommended to use it twice a day.


SELENDERM Fresh Cleansing lotion

Produced in South Korea under the Selenderm brand. Professional fluid lotion with cucumber extract is available in a plastic bottle with a starter dispenser, which is convenient to use.


  • Safe composition.
  • Convenient format.
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Removing makeup residue from the face.
  • Moisturizing, toning and nutrition.
  • Neutralization of inflammation and irritation.
  • Restoration of skin elasticity, resumption of natural processes in it.
  • The skin becomes soft and silky.
  • No addiction.


  • Not detected.

The lotion removes remnants of cosmetics from the face, cleanses it well, neutralizing blackheads and other impurities. Due to its beneficial composition, it moisturizes the skin well, it becomes soft and silky.

The fatty acids contained in the composition help restore skin elasticity and density. Her tone is evened out, and wrinkles and other unevenness in the relief are smoothed out, making the girl’s face younger and fresher. Redness and inflammation are also neutralized.

It is recommended to use the lotion twice a day daily.


Dawn Cucumber water

Produced in Russia under the Rassvet brand. The lotion is produced in a plastic bottle with a classic cap and a dispenser in the form of a hole, similar to the packaging of shower gel or shampoo.


  • Pleasant aroma.
  • No alcohol in the composition.
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Evening out facial tone.
  • Does not dry out the skin.
  • Moisturizes and tones.
  • Cleans well.


  • Inconvenient dispenser.

The lotion has a pleasant cucumber aroma with a fresh note of citrus and a safe, alcohol-free composition, making the product suitable for the most sensitive and problematic skin.
With prolonged use, the product lightens pigmentation and post-acne, evening out the overall skin tone and making the face visually fresher and healthier.

You can use it daily - 2 times a day. After using it, the feeling of tightness and dryness on the skin disappears after washing with plain water, it becomes more hydrated and toned.


Holy Land Always Active Cucumber Lotion

Produced in Israel under the HolyLand brand. A professional facial lotion, which is often recommended by cosmetologists to restore damaged skin or maintain the health of sensitive skin. It comes in a white plastic bottle with a dispenser on the lid. It is not completely sealed, which may cause some product to spill during transportation.


  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Safe composition.
  • Hydration.
  • Cleansing, toning.
  • Cumulative effect.
  • The skin becomes radiant and fresh.


  • Inconvenient dispenser from which product may spill.
  • The skin gradually gets used to the lotion, which is why it is recommended to periodically give it a break from it.

The product itself has a pleasant aroma and a safe composition, which is aimed at toning and cleansing the skin, as well as removing puffiness and even redness. After using it, the skin becomes fresh, moisturized, nourished, and has a healthy shine and radiance. With regular use, pores narrow and redness decreases.

It is recommended to use the lotion twice a day - morning and evening, wiping the face, neck and décolleté with it.


MARIO BADESCU Special Cucumber Lotion

Produced in New York under the Mario Badescu brand. The lotion belongs to professional cosmetics and comes in a classic plastic bottle with a small dispenser.


  • Suitable for problematic and sensitive skin.
  • Cleansing and toning.
  • Soothes the dermis and neutralizes redness and inflammation.
  • Neutralization of fat content.
  • Narrows pores, cleanses blackheads.
  • Disinfectant properties.
  • Cumulative effect.


  • Strong chemical aroma.

The product cleanses the skin well, and the cucumber extract contained in it soothes it and neutralizes acne. In addition, it eliminates oily facial skin, including in the T-zone.

Due to the alcohol content in the composition, it also has disinfecting properties, therefore it neutralizes pathogenic microflora, however, the lotion does not dry out the skin and does not lead to peeling and a feeling of tightness.

You can use it twice a day every day.


One Hundred Beauty Recipes Super Food Cucumber

Produced in Russia under the brand One Hundred Recipes of Beauty. The lotion not only cares for the skin, but also plays the role of micellar water, as it is suitable for removing makeup from the face, and especially from the eyes. It comes in a small plastic bottle with a dispenser in the form of a hole in the neck under the cap.


  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Removes makeup from the face.
  • Complete skin cleansing.
  • Moisturizes and tones.
  • Does not cause burning eyes or dry skin.
  • Cleanses pores.
  • Safe composition.


  • Leaves stickiness after use.
  • Needs rinsing.

The product has a thick consistency, due to which it quickly removes makeup from the face, moisturizes and nourishes delicate skin. Unlike regular micellar water, it does not cause burning or tightness of the skin and is gentle on it.

You can use the lotion every night, but after using it you will have to wash your face extra to remove the stickiness.


Lotion is an essential product for women that helps to effectively cleanse the skin. The evolution of its appearance began in the Stone Age, when ancient people used natural remedies to maintain the softness and elasticity of their skin.

The scrolls of Ancient Egypt mention that the Egyptians used special lotions made from plant extracts for moisturizing.

Women began to use fruits, vegetables and other products to prepare products that help effectively care for their skin. This is how cucumber lotion appeared, which is especially popular, which is water of a delicate green color with a pleasant aroma.

Features of application

If cucumber lotion does not contain alcohols, strong acids and other aggressive components, due to which it may not be suitable for classical use, you can use it daily - morning and evening.

Before using the lotion, do an allergy test. To do this, apply it to your wrist or the inner surface of the elbow for 10-15 minutes, and then see if an allergic reaction occurs on your delicate skin. If everything is fine, you can use the product on your face.

It is applied as follows:

  1. The skin is cleansed of makeup (if there was any).
  2. The face is washed with regular running water, and then the excess moisture is blotted with a paper towel.
  3. Lotion is applied to cotton pads and then wiped over the entire face.
  4. The lotion is completely absorbed within 3-5 minutes, after which you can continue your evening skin care or start applying makeup.

When using salicylic cucumber lotion, which works locally, it should be applied to existing redness and inflammation with a cotton swab. Such products often contain not only acids, but also alcohols, which, if used frequently, can dry out the skin and lead to dehydration.

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