Let me introduce myself, lantox! What do we know about the new hero of aesthetic medicine?
The drug Lantox is a botulinum toxin type A drug, the effect of which is to block the transmission of nerve
Physiogel packaging
Physiogel description, characteristics, application and reviews
Physiogel cream is a medicinal cosmetics product that has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the skin and
Aloe vera oil for the face: unique properties and rules of use
A picture from childhood - a pot with a thorny plant on the windowsill. Aloe was practically in
Rosacea on the face: symptoms and treatment
Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Editor: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich Date of publication: 08/14/2018 Date
Sea buckthorn oil helps with acne
Sea buckthorn facial oil for acne, real reviews, does it help?
Acne is a pressing problem for millions of people. Unfortunately, it is impossible to “outgrow” it; rashes often
What results should you expect?
Laser treatment for acne: indications, contraindications, reviews, before and after photos
Home >> Acne and pigment The appearance of acne and age spots today is quite
What causes water pimples on the legs and body: causes and treatment
A rash in the form of pimples often appears on the hands. Dusty air, consumption of “unhealthy” food and
endoscopic lift
Endoscopic forehead lift: how to rejuvenate your face quickly and with minimal rehabilitation
Indications Contraindications Preparation Types of surgeries Recovery Many patients turn to a plastic surgeon when they
Treatment of acne on the face
Treatment of dysbiosis as the first step in getting rid of acne
Acne is a defect of the epithelium, leading to an inflammatory process, accumulation of sebum and pathogenic microorganisms
What causes a rash on a child's feet?
Coxsackie virus: calm, only calm
A rash is a change in the color and texture of the skin in the form of nodules, blisters, spots,
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