Peeling roll from the times of the USSR or deep cleansing of facial skin at home

The skin of the face is renewed daily through the process of exfoliation, and naturally dead cells remain on its surface. However, stress, environment, hormonal imbalances - all these factors lead to disruption of the natural process. Instead of keratinized cells, keratin scales form on the surface of the skin, which cause inflammatory processes, clogged pores, and changes in complexion. Therefore, the skin needs help, and a peeling roller does a good job of this task.

What is a peeling roller?

Peeling roll is a chemical method of cleansing the skin of keratin scales; in addition, it produces an excellent rejuvenating effect. This procedure came to us from the East, where the peeling roll is called peeling-gommage. Peeling gets its name from the French word “gomme”, which means eraser. The main reason for the popularity of this type of peeling around the world is that the sheet contains only natural ingredients.


To achieve a visible effect in the case of ready-made solutions, 5 sessions at intervals of a week are sufficient. When preparing peeling products yourself, as a rule, more sessions are required - from 8 to 10.

Important point: If you use high concentration calcium chloride, the next cleaning can only be done after a month. During this period, your skin will recover from exposure to aggressive chemicals and acquire a beautiful color.

You shouldn’t get carried away with deep peeling often. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist before the procedure.

What should you remember about using the peeling roller?

  • Instructions for use are different for each peel;
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare warm water for emergency removal in case of severe burning. You cannot tolerate unpleasant sensations, as you can get burned;
  • During the procedure, the roll is not applied to the skin around the mouth and eyes;
  • The roll is massaged and not rubbed into the face - this is very important;
  • After peeling, you should not rub your skin with a towel or napkins; you should let it dry on its own;
  • The home treatment also involves using a moisturizer and applying sunscreen (to avoid skin pigmentation due to UV radiation).

Peeling is performed on any part of the body, but you need to remember that peeling intended for the face can also be used for the body, but not vice versa. In addition, depending on the skin type, the frequency of use differs: for dry skin - once every seven days, for oily skin - twice a week.

You can make a roll using both ready-made cosmetics and homemade cosmetics prepared by yourself.

The modern beauty industry offers a huge number of ready-made formulations. On the shelves there are cosmetics for every taste: from expensive peelings from famous manufacturers to Korean peeling roller. The composition differs in color, smell, texture, components. You can choose either thick or liquid texture, with the smell of strawberries or apples, transparent or colored.

When buying a peeling roller, you should pay attention to the packaging: it is better to give your preference to a jar with a dispenser - using the roller will be much more convenient and economical. As for consistency, it also plays an important role. Liquid rays are used up more slowly, but may be less effective. Thick ones are consumed faster, but they need to be rubbed in and left on the skin longer.

The composition is important. Most rays contain acids, which is strictly contraindicated for dry skin and recommended for oily skin.

If you bought a peeling but don’t notice the effect, don’t rush to throw it away, because the face roll can also be used on other areas of the skin: perhaps it works on the feet or other problem areas. For this reason, it is impossible to say exactly which facial peeling is better, since everyone has their own taste and skin characteristics (therefore, everyone should choose a roll individually for themselves). But cosmetologists can best help with this.

Regardless of the chosen peeling, the method of using the product is the same. We pre-cleanse the skin, apply the composition, avoiding contact with the skin in the area of ​​the lips and around the eyes (exposure time is indicated on the packaging), rub the skin with light finger movements until pellets appear, remove with a cotton pad or rinse with warm water. Finally, apply cream to moisturize the skin.

As already mentioned, the peeling roll can be done at home. The most commonly used means is a peeling roll with calcium chloride.

This roller has the deepest effect on the skin. During the procedure, calcium chloride can have a rather aggressive effect, so it can only be used twice a month.


There are a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account before starting the procedure. It is quite possible that for some it is not suitable at all. Guided by these simple rules, you will be able to avoid sad consequences.

  • There should be no damage to the skin: scratches, abrasions, pimples, wounds, purulent formations.
  • You should open the ampoules very carefully so as not to get hurt or drop a piece of glass into the ampoule.
  • First you should do an allergy test. To do this, it is enough to repeat the procedure on a small closed area of ​​the body.
  • Cleansing is suitable for people with combination and oily skin types. Particular attention is paid to the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). For those who have delicate skin, prone to rashes and redness, or dry skin, this procedure is strongly not recommended.
  • You need to listen to your feelings. A tingling sensation may occur, but if a burning sensation occurs, you must immediately wash off the product with warm water and baby soap and apply face cream.
  • The peeling roll may cause slight redness, which will subside over time, so it is better to cleanse the skin in the evening, before going to bed. You should not go outside immediately after the procedure, especially in direct sunlight. If necessary, you will have to apply sunscreen.

Retinol peeling is a safe procedure that can be done at home

A woman is created to be beautiful. Sometimes beauty just needs a little help. To do this, it is not necessary to attend expensive procedures and buy exclusive products. Everything you need can be nearby. Peeling roller is a vivid example of this.

How to do peeling at home?

In order to prepare your own peeling roll with calcium chloride you will need:

  • one ampoule of calcium chloride,
  • additive-free baby soap
  • baby moisturizing cream,
  • cosmetic clay,
  • aloe leaf,
  • cotton pads.

First, you should remove your makeup and cleanse your skin of various contaminants.

Drain the calcium chloride from the ampoule onto a cotton pad and apply it to the skin of the face (avoid the area around the lips and eyes); after the first layer has dried, you can apply the next one, but don’t get carried away! Then lather a cotton pad and apply foam to the last layer of calcium chloride. After this, massage the skin with your fingertips; pellets should form and should be removed.

Next, we make a mask of clay and aloe. It is best to purchase cosmetic clay that suits your skin type at a pharmacy kiosk. Leave the mask on for 7 minutes and rinse off. Then apply baby cream to moisturize.

Salicylic peeling roll

Just like the previous recipe, this composition provides deep cleansing, but has a non-traumatic effect on the skin. It deeply cleanses pores, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, eliminates oily shine and prevents the appearance of acne. One of the representatives of this type of ray is the salicylic suspension “Boltushka”.

Librederm with chamomile

Peeling roll with chamomile juice is intended for skin with hypersensitivity, as it does not contain aggressive acids that can damage it. Chamomile soothes the skin, reduces bacterial contamination, restores and heals, and also effectively reduces redness on the skin and returns it to its original appearance. In its action, it is very delicate: it does not pinch, does not irritate, does not injure or stretch the skin on the face.

Korean peeling roll

The Korean peeling roller is the most popular. Cellulose, which is part of all such peels, has the expected effect. In addition to it, the peeling contains fruit acids, which have an additional cleansing and stimulating effect on the skin. In addition to the well-known Korean peelings Mizone and Missha, the Chinese Laikou peeling and the Meishoku peeling roller, which is produced by the Japanese Mizon Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel, are also common.

This peeling has a pleasant apple aroma. A mixture of fruit acids removes dead cells and prevents inflammation. This peeling gel is suitable for any skin type except dry skin, as it further increases dryness due to chemical dehydration.

“Oxygen Essence” – peeling from Missha Super Aque Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling

Oxygen essence differs from other peeling rollers in that after its application, instead of rolling off, bubbles appear on the skin of the face. Their effect is no worse than rolling.

In addition to fruit acids, the composition also includes plant extracts, which in turn have a moisturizing effect and fight oxide radicals, leading to premature aging of the skin. This option is more suitable for those with dry skin prone to irritation and inflammation.

“Peeling with kelp” from O HUI O HUI Clear Science Soft Peeling

Peeling with kelp does not contain acids, but only enzymes and kelp extract, which restore the normal water-electrolyte balance of the skin and also give tone. The product is intended for skin prone to dryness, losing tone and elasticity.

Operating principle

In our body, cell renewal occurs every minute, but dead scales do not leave it immediately. Mechanical methods of influence (including a peeling roll) help to get rid of them.

Rolling is a type of peeling designed to cleanse the skin. The process consists of two stages:

  1. With the help of fruit acid, dead epidermal cells are dissolved.
  2. Cellulose microparticles roll dirt into small lumps.

When choosing the frequency of use of the product, do not forget to take into account your skin type : for normal and dry skin, a peeling procedure once a week will be sufficient. Those with oily skin can use a peeling roll 3 times a week.

Peeling roller for face: real reviews

I don’t always have the time and opportunity to run to a cosmetologist and have my face peeled. For myself, I found a very simple way to do it at home - this is a peeling roll using sodium chloride and regular baby soap.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this peeling, I will attach my photos before and after the procedure:

First you need to wash and dry your face well. Open an ampoule of sodium chloride, moisten a cotton swab or pom-pom with it, apply to the face and wait until it dries. Then we take the pompom, lather it with soap and begin to move it over the face. Old, horny skin forms flakes that roll into pellets. After peeling, you can make a mask of clay and aloe, and also apply moisturizer to your face.

Cosmetologists' opinions

On issues of various cosmetic innovations, the opinions of cosmetologists are often divided: there are ardent opponents and supporters of the product. However, cosmetologists still came to a common opinion regarding the peeling roller - exfoliants are necessary, especially as an aid.

Increasingly, cosmetologists are using rolled-up masks and peelings during cosmetic procedures. The peeling roll was unanimously accepted in the country's leading salons. The product has become an indispensable step in cleansing skin, especially sensitive skin.

According to cosmetologists, rolling is the most effective means for removing dead skin cells without serious third-party intervention.

Cosmetologists actively use peeling not only during procedures, but also strongly recommend it for independent use. They also claim that it is best to choose the most suitable bed after consultation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Thus, the peeling roller received not only love from many satisfied girls and women, but was also tested and approved by cosmetologists.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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Rehabilitation period

Immediately after the procedure, rinse off the composition with a neutralizer or cold water. To soothe the skin, use a decoction of sage or chamomile.

The recovery period of the dermis will depend on the individual characteristics of the body, compliance with the recommendations of the post-period and the correctness of the procedure itself. Redness, peeling, and the formation of white spots are possible for several days. If such manifestations do not go away within two days, most likely something went wrong.

Be sure to use moisturizing or nourishing creams at the end of the session and in the following days. Preparations based on D-panthenol or baby cream may be suitable. Some cosmetologists prescribe their patients special creams and ointments based on antibiotics, which will prevent the development of inflammatory processes.


  • do not wash your face for a day; in the following days, carefully wash your face with acidified boiled water and lightly dry with a towel;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 2 days;
  • for the first 2 weeks, do not apply any other products to the skin that are not intended for the rehabilitation period;
  • for the first 3 weeks, massage or steam your face;
  • stay out of the sun for 2 days;
  • When crusts appear, they are not allowed to be peeled off.

Important point: If rashes, severe redness, blisters and age spots develop on the skin that do not go away a week after the procedure, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

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