Recovery after childbirth - recommendations from a cosmetologist

February 21, 13:02

I found it on It helped radically... which surprised me... just rub a piece of ice over your stomach until it turns red (it’s the blood rushing in) then apply cream for skin elasticity (some kind of regular one with aloe).

if it’s very saggy... then it’s unlikely that something will save it, but if not, then a wonderful remedy, a contrast shower, tones the skin, some nourishing and moisturizing oils, the latter are better, and of course some kind of lifting. Try kelp wraps

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So, we list methods that will protect your skin from excessive sagging and dryness:

How to tighten the skin on the abdomen after childbirth with the help of gymnastics and massage?

Before tightening the skin in the abdomen or sides, you should be examined by a gynecologist. If there are no deviations in health, then after 3-4 weeks you can safely do gymnastics or another sport , for example, shaping, fitness, yoga.

The exercises can be done at home or go to the gym.

The time for recovery of the body is long and is at least 1 year. Of course, if you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s knife, this is the best option .

Let's figure out what happens to the abdominal muscles during pregnancy and after. As the fetus develops, the muscles stretch and move away from each other, thereby making room for the baby.

diastasis can occur - strong intra-abdominal pressure. This is what causes a protruding tummy and overly stretched skin.

It should be understood that the muscles were stretched throughout pregnancy and they will need the same amount of time to return to their previous position.

Before you start exercising, you should warm up. Dance to your favorite music, jog in place for a few minutes. Afterwards you can move on to training.

We list effective exercises that help tighten the skin on the abdomen and sides after childbirth:

Pelvic lift

Lie on your back, tense your abdominal muscles, and slowly lift your pelvis up.

10 repetitions should be performed.


The starting position is also lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Exhaling, begin to lift your torso up, pressing towards your knees, and then also lie on your back.

This exercise should be repeated 20 times. For a more effective workout, do several of these approaches.


The starting position is the same, but your legs should be supported by some stationary surface. Also, as you exhale, you should rise up, touching your knees.

It is worth performing the exercise 10 times, preferably 3 approaches. Plank

Your body should be straight, supporting only your forearms and feet. This position should be fixed for 30-60 seconds.

As always, you need to make several approaches.

Squats, lunges and other exercises for all abdominal muscle groups

During pregnancy, you will lead a sedentary lifestyle, so it will not be possible to get into shape just individual abdominal muscles.

Only by doing exercises that challenge all muscles can you tighten your body and achieve a flat tummy and sides.

Massage will also help with sagging. You can do it yourself, at home, using honey, any essential oils, anti-cellulite gels or creams.

There is a massage technique: you can start by stroking the tummy, then move on to patting, or you can pull the skin of the problem area.

For results to appear, you must perform at least 10 massage procedures. Only after some time will your cells renew themselves, excess fluid will come out of them, and blood circulation will improve.

Several types of massage are effective. For example:


All healthy mothers can use it. It is contraindicated for those who suffer from allergies, asthma, varicose veins, or have diseases of the thyroid gland or circulatory system.

When performing it, you should pat your belly with your fingertips. If the pain is tolerable, you can abruptly remove your fingers from the skin.

Cupping massage

It also has contraindications, including fresh scars and stretch marks. Please note that for mothers who have just given birth, it can only be used on the sides and thighs, but not on the stomach!

After giving birth, you must wait at least 2 months before using such a massage. It should also not be performed by pregnant women or those with chronic or gynecological diseases.

Cupping, or vacuum, massage on the sides should be carried out as follows: warm up the area with a hot shower, rub with a towel or washcloth, lie down, apply aromatic oil, attach 2 jars (you can alternate) to the waist line. Then, with slow movements, begin to move the cans from the waist down the thigh.

The technique for performing cupping massage on the stomach is slightly different, but the preparatory steps remain the same. The cups should be attached on either side of the midline of the abdomen and moved slowly in a circular motion around the navel.

Procedure time is 5-10 minutes.

After the massage, rub anti-cellulite cream or gel into the skin, cover yourself with a blanket and lie warm.

Before choosing your massage method, consult your doctor!

Professional cosmetology

It is not always possible to correct loose abdominal skin at home. And here professional cosmetology will help. Of course, you need to pay more for it, but after such procedures you get a lasting, quick result. How to deal with sagging abdominal skin? Specialists in salons can perform the following procedures:

  • leather reinforcement. This happens slowly and hyaluronic acid gels are used here, which dissolve. The cosmetologist injects the drug under the skin using injections. In this way, a framework is formed that nourishes and supports the skin;
  • bioreinforcement with mesothreads. During this procedure, special threads are already used that can support the skin and fix it in the desired position. As a result, it will not sag;
  • LPG massage. Thanks to it, elastin fibers become denser. For this procedure, a special device is used that kneads the skin with roller massage elements;
  • cryotherapy. Low temperatures are used here to tighten the skin;
  • mesotherapy. The specialist injects formulations containing active ingredients under the skin.

We select care for sagging abdominal skin after childbirth - cosmetics and home remedies

All products are good in the fight against sagging skin.

Let's list what you can buy at a pharmacy or store to tighten the skin of your abdomen and remove a few centimeters from the sides:

  • Cream. The assortment is varied. Many people rely on the brand when making their choice. On the contrary, we advise you to pay attention to the composition of the products. If they contain natural substances and components, they will help tighten the skin, but, of course, not in a short time. You can choose a cream according to its intended purpose - with anti-cellulite or lifting effect, against stretch marks, modeling, firming, nourishing, and also read reviews on the Internet.
  • Gel. Its purpose is no different from a cream, but the structure of the product allows it to be used for much longer. When choosing, focus not only on the cost of the product, but also on the quality composition.
  • Mask. An excellent remedy to make your body elastic. The assortment is also pleasing. You can choose a mask based on its composition, brand popularity, and price. Please note that almost all masks are designed to nourish skin cells, so after application, for greater effect, it is better to wrap it.
  • Oil. There is a huge selection of oils that remove sagging belly. They can consist of several oils or be sold separately. Citrus oils are especially effective, but be careful as they can cause an allergic reaction in rare cases.
  • Milk or balm. The products, as a rule, differ only in structure - they are more liquid than a gel and can be applied from a spray bottle.

How can a bariatric surgeon help?

What should you do to lose weight? That's right - eat less. If a person is unable to limit his need for food, if his body mass index is above 35 (which is an obvious indication for surgery), a surgeon will help him - and not a simple one, but a bariatric one. This specialist deals with the surgical treatment of obesity through various manipulations of the gastrointestinal tract. After the operation, he monitors the results and, if necessary, corrects them by repeated surgery or recommending the use of additional techniques.

Operations to correct the volume of the stomach (gastric resection, gastric bypass) are based on reducing its effective volume. As a result, a person begins to eat five times less, but does not feel hungry. A change in diet and restoration of normal metabolism will be followed by significant weight loss.

Prevention of sagging body skin

Here are a few simple recommendations that you should follow to prevent your skin from becoming loose:

  • go in for sports, because the body must constantly be exposed to physical activity;
  • give yourself massages, they can improve muscle tone;
  • lose weight correctly. You don't have to constantly change from one state to another for your weight to fluctuate. This will not only make your skin sagging, but will also provoke cellulite;
  • take a contrast shower. If you have performed water procedures, do not forget to use special creams and oils after them that will maintain water balance;
  • don't sunbathe. The skin and its cells are damaged by the sun's rays, because the latter provoke rapid aging. When you're at the beach, don't forget to use sunscreen;
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet. They will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also saturate the body and skin with the necessary microelements and vitamins;
  • Drink a lot so that enough water reaches the skin along with the blood flow. Thus, water balance is maintained;
  • think about using special vitamin complexes (fish oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E).

How does the cream help?

There are creams with different contents of active substances. Depending on this, their principle of operation differs.

Creams with oils or glycerin

These are some of the popular and affordable means to combat stretch marks. The principle of action is that the oils penetrate the surface and middle layers of the epidermis. Here they are firmly strengthened due to the special structure of the skin. Oils cannot penetrate deeper, since the basal layer contains a large amount of liquid, through which they do not diffuse.

As a result, a kind of protective film is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents excess moisture evaporation. This maintains the saturation of collagen fibers with liquid and, accordingly, slightly reduces the rate of formation of stretch marks.

Silicone based

Silicone creates a fat-like layer in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby also preventing moisture evaporation.

But this component is not as safe for the skin as oils or glycerin, so it is better not to use it for a long time.

Contains vitamins

These creams are also popular. Usually, of all the vitamins, A, E are the most common, and a little less often - C, D and others. The fact is that these active substances penetrate the entire depth of the skin, nourishing all cells and enhancing their ability to recover, increasing resistance to various negative influences. Also, vitamins E, A and D are fat-soluble, i.e. they bind to fatty acids, attracting moisture.

In addition, this group directly affects the properties of the epidermis, increasing the duration of its functioning, and protects against adverse external factors.

Based on hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed proteins

Hyaluronic acid can be high- and low-molecular. The first penetrates to the dermis, binds there with various substances and adsorbs water on itself, “like a sponge.” High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains closer to the surface of the epidermis and works like oils and glycerin.

Hydrolyzed proteins already contain water molecules, which they bring to different layers of the skin, thereby saturating it with moisture and making it more elastic and stretch-resistant.

TOP 8 creams

The cosmetic market offers many products for tightening the skin of problem areas. The most popular belly creams are:

  1. Intenso Burro Corpo Fondente (Guam, Italy). Firming cream. The product has a creamy vanilla aroma and a pleasant texture. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the abdomen, gives smoothness and elasticity thanks to the main component - seaweed. A 250 ml jar is enough for 2 months of daily use. Price – 3400 rub.
  2. Modeling Slimming & Firming (Sothys, France). Lifting cream for tightening the skin in the abdomen and arms. The product helps restore the tone of skin that has succumbed to age-related changes. It can also be used as a cream after childbirth, which should be smeared on the stomach to restore skin elasticity. The main ingredient is glycoproteins with galacturonic acid from soybean seeds. Price for 200 ml – 2250 rub.
  3. Yarrow (Zeitun, Jordan). Milk for tightening the skin of the body and abdomen. The natural composition of the product has a strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Price for 200 ml – 735 rub.
  4. DUO Smagliature Crema Seno-Corpo (Guam, Italy). Lifting cream for body and chest. Seaweed extract in combination with other active ingredients eliminates stretch marks and makes this product a reliable assistant in the fight for elastic, tightened skin. Price for 200 ml – 2050 rub.
  5. Lift-Fermete (Clarins, France). Regenerating and strengthening body cream. Instantly absorbed, eliminates dryness, strengthens the skin in the area of ​​the sides and abdomen, and slows down the aging process of the dermis. Price for 200 ml – 2200 rub.
  6. Dr. Bio (First decision, Russia). Firming body cream that increases firmness. The basic component of the product is snail mucus. The cream does not contain parabens or dyes. The product saturates the skin of the abdomen with allantoin, elastin and collagen, helps to tighten and moisturize it. Price for 250 ml – 280 rub.
  7. Kelp and spirulina (Green mama, Russia). Firming body cream. The composition of the product has a positive effect on skin tone, increases its elasticity and firmness, eliminating swelling and flaking. One of the ingredients is peppermint oil, which tones the skin and pleasantly cools the skin. Price for 150 ml – 250 rub.
  8. Elastica (Workshop of Olesya Mustafaeva, Russia). Body cream. An effective product containing baobab oil. The cream helps get rid of stretch marks during the postpartum period, increases elasticity, moisturizes and tightens the skin in the abdominal area. Price for 120 g – 570 rub.

When choosing creams with a tightening effect, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the body as a whole, as well as the desired effect.

The following operation cannot be performed:

  1. Women planning pregnancy.
  2. For those who suffer from obesity degrees 2,3,4.
  3. Diabetics.
  4. Having heart problems, heart failure.
  5. For those whose scars are located above the navel.

The operation lasts from 2 to 5 hours. Its effectiveness is undeniable. Before carrying out the procedure, we advise you to consult several doctors to avoid negative consequences.

In addition, you should check the license of a private surgeon.

The site warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. Before using the diet, be sure to consult your doctor!


Most often, ready-made skin tightening products contain certain components to be effective, including:

  • Green coffee and cocoa oils.
  • Seaweed.
  • Collagen.
  • Elastin.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Heparin.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Plant extracts.
  • Essential oils.
  • Coenzymes.

The listed ingredients are predominantly natural, therefore they act gently, safely and effectively on the skin.


The reasons for decreased skin elasticity may vary. The skin of the abdomen needs correction using lifting products in the following cases:

  • After childbirth. During pregnancy, the skin gradually stretches and it will take time to recover. A firming cream will help normalize a sagging belly after childbirth.
  • Due to age-related changes. Over the years, the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body slows down, as well as the processes of blood circulation and nutrition, which is why the skin on the abdomen loses its elasticity.
  • After sudden weight loss. Fluctuations in body weight during diets negatively affect the waist area. It has been noticed that losing 5 kg of weight already leads to sagging skin in the most problematic areas, for example, the abdomen.
  • Due to the effect of an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Photoaging of the skin occurs (the lipid barrier decreases, structural proteins are destroyed, and the skin ceases to be elastic). This negative effect accumulates over years.

Many creams and masks for the elasticity of the abdominal skin also treat stretch marks (stretch marks), scars and scars.

Skin Firming Products

Not only external care is important, but also the internal health of the body. Eating right is important for your health and appearance. There are a number of products that can help make your skin firmer and more attractive.

Introduce fermented milk products into your daily diet. Thanks to the high content of amino acids, regeneration processes are launched and the skin is tightened.

A complete set of products beneficial for the beauty of the skin

To strengthen the overall structure of the skin, eat foods rich in zinc: beef, nuts, eggs, avocados.

Omega-3 acids and collagen provide beautiful skin and hair. Therefore, fatty varieties of sea fish (trout, herring, salmon), olive and flaxseed oil, seafood, pumpkin and nuts should be mandatory products on your table.

Don't forget to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, drink clean water (up to 1.5-2 liters per day) and give up alcohol, unhealthy fast food and soda.

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