Bioreparation: what is its difference from biorevitalization. Mesovarton or Mesoxanthine

Verified by an expert
Liliya Anatolyevna Gutsenko


Publication date: January 26, 2022

Review date: November 11, 2022
Meso-Xanthin (Mesoxanthin) F199 is a new generation biorepair for skin protection, restoration, and rejuvenation. Unlike conventional injection biorevitalization or mesotherapy, it activates genes that control the rate of cell renewal.

The word “bioreparant” comes from the English “repair” - “repair, correction, repair,” which well reflects the effect of such drugs.

How it works?

Signs of skin aging occur due to two factors - ultraviolet radiation and age-related changes. The former determine photoaging, the latter – chronoaging. The main reason for these processes is the insufficient rate of division of stem cells from which fibroblasts are formed. As a result, the rate of aging outpaces recovery. As a result, wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dry, thin, flaccid, loses elasticity, its color deteriorates, pigment spots and folds appear.

The drug Meso-Xanthin F199 directly affects the cause of aging at the gene level. This does not mean that it changes the genes that are part of the DNA molecules. Instead, it activates those that control recovery processes.

As a result, the rate of formation of fibroblasts increases, the processes of regeneration, that is, cellular renewal, are accelerated. The dermis begins to actively renew itself, its quality quickly improves.

In addition, Meso-Xanthin F199 restores DNA molecules damaged by age, oxidative processes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or other aggressive environmental factors. Thanks to this, it provides a powerful antioxidant, protective, restorative effect and not only eliminates the signs of aging, but also serves as an effective means of preventing them.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist


Mesoxanthin is an effective drug. Tests have confirmed that its use in cosmetology is justified and safe. The product was tested for mutagenicity, as a result of which it was proven that it does not cause atypical degeneration of epidermal cells and tissues.

However, the clinic’s doctors do not recommend using Mesoxanthin for cosmetic procedures in the following cases:

  • application in the area of ​​installed implants;
  • during acute infectious diseases;
  • in case of inflammation of the skin at the treatment site;
  • during pregnancy and lactation period;
  • for autoimmune diseases;
  • during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the session, the doctor at the medical center conducts a survey of the patient, collecting data on his state of health. This allows us to completely eliminate negative consequences for the patient.

Mesoxanthin is used both on the face and in the décolleté and neck area. Analyzing the condition of your skin, the specialist selects the required amount of the drug injected into each area and the number of sessions required to consolidate the result. Typically, 4-8 procedures with Mesoxanthin are necessary with an interval of 7-14 days. To maintain an attractive appearance, you just need to take the full course annually.

Using the finest games, the drug is injected into the upper layers of the epidermis. Patients with a low pain threshold are given topical anesthesia. Slight redness may be observed at the puncture sites, caused by increased metabolism in the tissues. Bioreparation does not have a long recovery period, so after two days any discomfort completely goes away.

Benefits of visiting our clinic

  • Qualified personnel. Our center employs certified doctors with over 7 years of experience. They are aware of all the new products in the field of cosmetology and modern medicine. To improve their skills, our employees regularly undergo training, as evidenced by relevant certificates.
  • Original drugs. We are responsible not only for the effectiveness of the procedure, but also for the client’s health. Therefore, the clinic’s doctors use only original drugs, the quality of which is confirmed by certificates of conformity.
  • Reasonable pricing. A competent marketing policy allows us to maintain an acceptable price level. Additionally, we regularly make special offers on services that will help you save even more. We also provide you with the opportunity to carry out the entire range of necessary procedures on credit.

Are you interested in our offer? Then hurry up and make an appointment at the clinic by phone. Call us, and the administrator will tell you the cost of the procedure using the bioreparant “Mezoxanthin” and answer all your questions.

What effect do injections give?

Meso-Xanthin F199 injections neutralize the causes of skin aging. Thanks to this, a quick, comprehensive rejuvenating and lifting effect is achieved:

  • wrinkles are reduced, smoothed out,
  • pigment spots fade or disappear completely,
  • skin color becomes young, healthy,
  • skin elasticity increases, it becomes denser,
  • turgor is restored,
  • the vascular pattern disappears,
  • the skin is tightened,
  • oval and facial contours improve,
  • enlarged pores become smaller,
  • The water and fat balance of the skin is normalized.

Thanks to the rapid formation of young fibroblasts, the concentration of collagen and hyaluronic acid increases, its moisture is restored, and dryness disappears. Metabolic processes return to youthful mode.

Popular questions

How long does the result last after a full course of injections?

It depends on the physiological characteristics of the body, the person’s lifestyle and the condition of his skin. On average, the effect completely disappears after 1 year.

Is it possible to combine Mesoxanthine with other ABC LAB drugs?

If the doctor considers it useful, you can use, for example, MezoAi or Mezovarton together with Mesoxanthin.

How to distinguish a counterfeit drug from the original?

Firstly, do not use the services of home-based cosmetologists and dubious clinics organized every week. Secondly, check the packaging. It should be double: the first – in English, the second – in Russian. And thirdly, don’t forget to get one of the two stickers that come with the syringe. You can check the authenticity of the number indicated on them on the website or by sending a free SMS to number 3888.

Checking Mesoxanthine for authenticity

At what age can Mesoxanthin be used?

There are no strict age restrictions regarding bioremediation. At the age of 25-30, it is prescribed to prepare the skin for the beach season, combat dehydration, and solve dermatological problems. At 35-45 they are used as preventive measures against age-related changes and to combat the first signs of wilting. At 50 and beyond, Mesoxanthine often becomes part of a complex combination therapy - in particular, in combination with another ABC Lab drug Mezovarton P199.

What does the drug consist of?

The injection drug Meso-Xanthin F199 (Mesoxanthin) is one of the newest developments of the American company ABG Lab. Its high efficiency is ensured by its complex, complex composition:

Fucoxanthin (Fucoxanthin F-199) is a natural extract from brown seaweed. This carotenoid determines the main effect of the drug. It restores DNA molecules and selectively activates genes that are responsible for the division of stem cells and their transformation into new dermal cells. Thanks to this, a rejuvenation effect is achieved at the genetic and cellular level. New fibroblasts actively synthesize hyaluronic acid and collagen, thereby achieving the effect of biorevitalization and lifting.

In addition, fucoxanthin maintains the stability of DNA molecular chains, protects them from aggressive environmental factors (including photoaging), as well as from oxidative processes.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid improves skin hydration, promotes faster collagen synthesis, and improves metabolic processes.

Growth factors: epidermal, insulin-like plus fibroblast growth factor. These substances activate cell division, their renewal, stimulating regeneration. They accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, prevent aging, improve skin texture, improve microcirculation, cellular metabolism (metabolism).

Thioredoxin normalizes the production of melanin (skin pigment), protects cell membranes from oxidative processes, and has an antioxidant effect.

Copper peptide has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing inflammatory processes, improves microcirculation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, and accelerates cellular regeneration.

Vitamins A, C, E have an antioxidant effect, protect and restore cell membranes, increase skin density and elasticity, and help renew it.

In addition, the drug contains a complex of amino acids, antioxidants and nucleic acids. Thanks to its complex, balanced formula, it provides a rejuvenating effect at the cellular and gene level.


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Who is Meso-Xanthin F199 intended for?

The drug is intended to correct early signs of aging of the face, neck, and décolleté, starting from 25-30 years of age. Recommended as an effective means of preventing skin aging.

Main indications for use of Meso-Xanthin F199:

  • hyperpigmentation (pigment spots),
  • decreased tone, turgor, elasticity,
  • wrinkles,
  • dryness, dehydration,
  • photoaging or chemical damage,
  • post-acne,
  • enlarged pores, greasiness.

In addition, Meso-Xanthin F199 is successfully used at the stage of preparation for plastic surgery, as well as during the rehabilitation period after it, for accelerated recovery after deep or medium chemical peels, intense laser or thermal procedures of hardware cosmetology.

Principle of action and main indications for use

The manifestation of age-related changes on the skin is directly related to the gradual slowdown of the natural processes of its renewal. This is a consequence of a decrease in the rate of division and renewal of stem cells.

The drug Mesoxanthin allows you to solve these and other problems. It allows you to effectively prolong and enhance cell rejuvenation. After completing the full course of the drug, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin tone is significantly improved, pigmentation disappears, the visual expression of the vascular network is reduced, and a pronounced lifting effect is visible.

The biorevitalization procedure with Mesoxanthine is prescribed if the following indications exist:

  • Correction of age-related changes, including decreased elasticity, wrinkles, deformation of the oval of the face;
  • Elimination of hyperpigmentation of the skin, excessive formation of pigments in it, which can form zones of different brightness and size, different in color from the rest of the skin;
  • Restoration of damaged tissue after aggressive peelings, or other chemical and thermal damage to the skin;
  • Eliminating the negative results of photoaging and preparing the skin for prolonged exposure to the sun, the cells will be reliably protected from the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery in the face, neck or décolleté area.

Biorevitalization with Mesoxanthine makes the face radiant and gives it a healthy, fresh look. This result can be observed after the first injection session, and in the future it will only intensify. The consequences of administering the drug are fresh and smooth skin without wrinkles, pigmentation, spots and vascular networks.

How is the procedure performed?

At the initial consultation, a specialist from our clinic will conduct a computer diagnostic of your skin and determine the indications for injections. Based on the nature of chrono- and photoaging, he will draw up a plan and schedule for injections. The number of sessions depends on the degree of violation and the severity of the problems that need to be eliminated.

The drug is contained in a disposable syringe. The sterile packaging is opened before injections in the cosmetologist's office. The volume in individual packaging is 1.5 ml. This amount is enough for one procedure, including the face, neck and décolleté.

Before injections, make-up removal is performed. The skin is thoroughly cleaned and treated with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine solution). To eliminate pain, an anesthetic cream can be applied to the surface.

In the face area, injections are performed to a depth of 4 mm, in the neck area – to a depth of 2 mm. Injections are performed at intervals of 0.8-1.0 cm. After the procedure, you can immediately return to your normal lifestyle. Redness, swelling or other traces of injections disappear on their own within 1-3 days.

Instructions for use

Mesoxanthine injections should only be performed by a cosmetologist who has been trained in the techniques of intradermal administration of drugs. The procedure is carried out with mandatory observance of sanitary standards and is divided into the following stages:

  1. Initial consultation with a cosmetologist. It is recommended to consult a doctor 5 days before the date of the first injection. This extra time will help the patient prepare for the procedure, following all the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Preparing for injections. The skin is cleansed and disinfected. If the patient wishes, it is possible to administer anesthesia, but the drug will be injected with a very thin needle, so the procedure is painless; slight discomfort may be observed.
  3. Carrying out injections. The technique for administering the drug is determined by the cosmetologist in advance. Using a syringe, the doctor injects the selected area, strictly regulating the number of necessary injections. The needle is inserted into the skin to a depth of 2-4 mm. No more than 0.05-0.1 ml of the drug is injected at a time. A noticeable papule forms at the injection site. The entire procedure session takes 15-30 minutes.
  4. Treatment of the skin immediately after administration of the drug. The treated area of ​​skin is wiped with an antiseptic solution. If necessary, cooling, wound healing and skin soothing agents can be used.

Recommendations for care after injections

Upon completion of the procedure, the cosmetologist must give the client advice on skin care, which will help reduce the period of healing and restoration of the skin. On the day of the injections, you will need to avoid washing your face in the evening using soap and other cosmetic products. Do not apply decorative cosmetics to disguise injection marks and healing wounds.

For the entire rehabilitation period, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not sunbathe in a solarium or stay in the open rays of the sun for a long time;
  • Do not play sports, it is advisable to limit physical activity;
  • Do not swim in pools or open water;
  • Do not visit the sauna, hammam or take hot baths;
  • Do not use skin treatments that have not been approved by a cosmetologist.

Patient reviews

Customer opinions turned out to be more diverse. Some, like cosmetologists, call Mesoxanthin an amazing drug without any drawbacks. For example, this woman.

Another woman considered the product to be just another “scam for suckers.”

This woman was satisfied, but noted several minor shortcomings of the drug and suggested that Mesoxanthin shows the best results in combination with other drugs of the same profile.

Effect on skin

The drug Mesoxanthin receives good reviews from clients due to its strong therapeutic effect.
It is explained by the profound influence of the substance on cell genes and skin regeneration mechanisms. The drug significantly increases the production and vital activity of proteins important for the skin. They are the ones who actively participate in the restoration of the intercellular matrix and damaged DNA. In addition, injections help stop the aging process for a long time by enhancing the natural regenerative processes of the skin. It is the independent division of cells within the body that improves the composition of the dermis and its appearance.

“Mesoxanthin” (reviews confirm this) is capable of:

  • remove age spots;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • increase skin tone and elasticity;
  • remove spider veins;
  • actively demonstrate the lifting effect.

Experts' opinions

Let us give examples of statements about the drug by cosmetologists who have already used it to solve the problems of their clients. Here Ksenia from Moscow talks about her impressions after working with the drug and about what age women it is best suited for.

This cosmetologist suggests that Mesoxanthin is extremely useful both for preparing the skin for summer and for preventing age-related changes in young patients.

And cosmetologist-dermatovenereologist Kristina Kozhina even called the drug unique.

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