Furuncle of the external auditory canal: causes, symptoms, medical care

  • Pimples in the ear: causes and features
  • What to do if it's a boil
  • Pimples in the ears: how to prevent

Pimples in the ear area are always unpleasant, and the most unpleasant thing is a pimple inside the ear, because, firstly, it is difficult to reach and not so easy to eliminate, secondly, as a rule, a pimple in the ear hurts a lot, and thirdly , such localization of the inflammatory process - close to the inner ear and intracranial structures - is fraught with serious complications. That is why it is so important to have complete information about this pathology.

Clinical picture

The main symptom of the occurrence and development of a boil in the external auditory canal is pain, which can radiate to the eye, neck, teeth, or spread diffusely throughout the head.
It intensifies when talking or chewing, because the head of the mandibular joint is displaced (moved). Pain in the ear intensifies when pressing on the tragus and pulling the auricle upward or backward. In the ear canal you can see a raised area of ​​hyperemic (reddened) skin, which has a rounded shape and narrows its lumen. In some (but rather rare) cases, several boils form at once. It is very difficult to insert the ear funnel into the external auditory canal with severe swelling and inflammation. Infiltration of the skin of the ear canal often extends around the auricle, as well as into the soft tissue of the mastoid process. There is an increase and thickening of regional lymph nodes. When palpated, severe pain is noted. If the boil is located on the front or lower wall of the external auditory canal, then the inflammatory process can spread to the parotid salivary gland, which will lead to its inflammation. Body temperature depends on how severe the intoxication is. In some cases, there is a sharp increase in temperature and chills. When the boil of the external auditory canal matures, it can open on its own. Then the pain decreases, and the patient’s general condition improves significantly. But with such a combination of events, there is a possibility of relapses in the development of the boil.

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The basis of etiopathogenetic therapy is the prescription of antibiotics and strengthening the immune system. Alcohol turunds, bactericidal ointments, UV irradiation, UHF are used locally. In case of rapid painful development, the abscess is opened surgically, observing all antiseptic precautions; The rod is removed, rubber drainage is used according to indications, then treatment is carried out according to the above scheme. The prognosis is favorable in case of timely adequate intervention, sanitation of existing foci of chronic infection (teeth, tonsils, etc.) and effective correction of endocrine and metabolic processes, if necessary.


The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, medical history and characteristic clinical picture.
This disease should be differentiated from mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process). With the development of a boil, the pain is most pronounced around the auricle, especially in the area of ​​its attachment; no changes are observed in the eardrum, but with mastoiditis, the eardrum is infiltrated and hyperemic. Make an appointment right now!

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Pimples in the ears: how to prevent

First of all, you need to keep your ears and everything they come into contact with completely clean. You should not bring piercing or cutting instruments to your ears. Do not squeeze out acne in the ear area. It is necessary to promptly remove wax plugs with the help of an otolaryngologist. Before swimming in open water and public pools, always treat your ears with antiseptics. If there are animals in the house or if work involves them, wipe the ears with boric or salicylic alcohol. When treating acne with a cosmetologist, do not forget about these formations in the ears. Regarding earlobe piercing and ear piercing, contact only certified specialists with medical education.

Taking good care of the skin of your ears will help prevent serious problems that are possible, including when a pimple appears in the ear.


Ignoring an appointment with a dermatologist often leads to atheroma. This is a characteristic neoplasm, the location of which is the internal cavity of the earlobe. If left untreated, the growth will grow rapidly.

To get rid of the problem, in most cases surgery is required. When suppuration occurs, nearby soft tissues are involved in the inflammatory process.

In the absence of treatment, a pimple can provoke the formation of a colloidal scar (caused by frequent trauma to the auditory organ) and epidermoid cysts (the provoking factor for the appearance of a bump is the rapid division of epidermal cells).

Why you shouldn't squeeze pimples

When a purulent formation appears on the face, the only desire that arises is to eliminate it as soon as possible.

The development of ear dermatitis is possible. The disease manifests itself as redness, small specific rashes, and severe itching. If treatment is ignored, the disease affects surrounding tissue structures.

The following complications may occur with boils:

  • relapses;
  • scarring;
  • furunculosis.

When you try to squeeze out a pimple yourself, some of its contents may penetrate deep into the tissue and enter the blood. This condition causes the spread of infection in the body, which leads to sepsis, as well as brain damage.


  • healthy eating;
  • maintaining immunity, water-salt and hormonal balance;
  • compliance with hygiene rules, use, if necessary, cosmetics for problematic oily skin, for example, tar soap;
  • avoidance of allergenic products and products;
  • the use of hats in the cold season, during strong winds or drafts;
  • taking care of the cleanliness of phones, headphones and other items that regularly come into contact with the ears;
  • timely removal of moisture from the ears after swimming, for example, using cotton swabs;
  • correct use of ear sticks.

Features of ear hygiene

What to do

Before carrying out any therapeutic measures to eliminate a pimple in the ear, it is necessary to establish the cause that triggered the development of the tumor. In addition, it is important to differentiate a common cold rash from atheroma, which is a subcutaneous formation and can quickly turn into a pustular lesion. It can only be removed through surgery.

If a pimple appears on the surface of the ear, then there is no need to contact a surgeon. The main thing to remember is that you should never try to squeeze it out. Pus can easily enter the bloodstream, leading to more serious consequences.

The main task of treating a pimple in the ear is to prevent the spread of inflammatory and infectious processes. To eliminate pathogenic microflora, antiseptic agents are usually prescribed, which have a comprehensive effect on problem areas. For severe purulent inflammation, antibiotics may be required.

Among the general principles of therapy are the following:

  • carrying out disinfection measures of the affected area;
  • applying an alcohol or warming compress ;
  • using drops when a pimple forms in the ear canal;
  • obtaining advice from a specialist for purulent inflammation;
  • the use of cosmetic methods to help get rid of black pimples.

For the treatment of boils, ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointment have proven themselves well. The product must be applied directly to the inflamed area and secured with an adhesive tape.

When the boil is deep in the ear canal, tampons are used, which are pre-treated with ointment.

They are placed inside the ear with careful movements. It is recommended to apply a bandage or warm compress externally.

Psychosomatics of acne

The skin on the human body is a kind of natural spacesuit that protects it from the negative effects of the external environment.

If the rash in the ear is of an allergic nature, then it can be eliminated with the help of antihistamines, which can be used both externally and internally.

Ointments help relieve itching and irritation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate swelling, redness and pain.


Small pimples may not cause concern to a person and go away on their own - the immune system successfully fights them. Large formations, on the contrary, cause a lot of inconvenience and are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • Redness and swelling of the affected area;
  • Itching;
  • The appearance of a bubble and dense growth;
  • Painful sensations aggravated by pressure;
  • Purulent discharge;
  • Discomfort in hearing and jaw movement.

Behind the ear

A pimple may also form behind the ear. This is a warning to beware of betrayal. A loved one will stab you in the back. At the most crucial moment, he will not live up to expectations. Most likely we are talking about someone from the household.

The sign says that you need to be alert and not relax. It is advisable not to entrust important matters to individuals who are not trustworthy. Also, do not turn to people you don’t know well for help. The more things a person takes into his own hands, the better results he will achieve.

It is also recommended to observe people from your inner circle. There is an opportunity to detect a fake friend and expose his insidious plans. This precaution will help you avoid serious danger.

On the right ear

What other options are there? It is also possible that a pimple may form on the right ear. The sign associated with this is good. It promises a person a successful outcome of events. Popular rumor claims that there is a guardian angel on the right. He brings only good news. What to expect in the near future?

  • Support from friends. A pimple on the right ear means that a person is surrounded by reliable people. Friends say only good things about him and are proud of his successes. In a difficult situation, you can rely on these people.
  • Praise. The appearance of a pimple may mean that someone is uttering words of praise towards the person. These could be relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues. Praise is deserved and is associated with good deeds and achievements.
  • Pregnancy. What does it mean for a woman to have a pimple on her right earlobe? The sign promises pregnancy for a representative of the fair sex. The long-awaited addition to the family will soon occur. The man soon learns that the woman he loves is expecting a child from him. Also, a skin rash may mean that a baby will soon be born to one of your relatives. This news will make the person happy.
  • Love. An exciting romance awaits single people. The larger the pimple, the stronger the feelings will be. If a person already has a relationship, then one should expect its rapid development. You won't be bored anytime soon.
  • Good news. The person will soon receive good news that he has been waiting for a long time. However, the sign warns that euphoria may be followed by serious disappointment. There is a danger that joy will turn into sadness.
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