How to massage lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

  • 174189
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 0

Every woman wants to be beautiful and look natural at the same time. Not everyone is satisfied with their natural beauty, especially the shape and size of their lips. Hyaluronic acid is used to increase them. But in order to maintain a beautiful effect after a cosmetic procedure, it is important to properly stretch your lips after augmentation and follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

What results can you expect after lip augmentation?

Lip augmentation by injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid allows you to solve several aesthetic problems in a matter of minutes:

  • Increase volume.
  • Eliminate dryness and flaking.
  • Correct asymmetry.

Here it is important to understand how long it takes for lips to heal after augmentation: on average 5-10 days. It is recommended to finally evaluate the result after 2 weeks.

When the recovery period passes, the lips will become moisturized and attractive, while maintaining their natural mobility and sensitivity.

Cosmetologist K. O. Shmeleva answers the question “What can and cannot be done after lip augmentation.”

In the following days you need to:

  • moisturize lips with masks, softening gels;
  • protect from ultraviolet radiation with special means;
  • do a light massage.

Lip corrections.
Photo from Instagram lidiakogan. There are contraindications, consultation is required. More information about injection cosmetology, as well as “before and after” photographs can be found in the corresponding section on the clinic’s website.

Possible consequences of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

To enlarge the lips, the cosmetologist injects the drug to a depth of approximately 3-4 ml.
Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are biocompatible and absolutely safe, because... it is produced by our body. The risk of any complications is minimal. What you might encounter:

  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  • Edema.
    This is a normal reaction of the body to intervention. It goes away within a few days.
  • Bruise.
    It is not dangerous and also goes away within a few days.
  • Lumps in the lips.
    They may arise if the patient does not comply with the recommendations of the cosmetologist after the procedure. Less often due to a specialist error during the procedure.

Knowing what you can and cannot do after lip augmentation , you will avoid unpleasant consequences and shorten the recovery period.

In what cases is massage required?

Before massaging the lips, first of all, you need to identify signs of the need for the procedure. It is imperative to massage the skin if the following factors are present:

  • The use of anesthetics and fillers. These are additional components used for enlargement. They are not considered biological in structure and may cause adverse reactions in the body;
  • Formation of tubercles and bumps. It doesn't matter where exactly they appeared;
  • If an excess amount of filler was introduced, which ceases to be distributed proportionally.

If lip massage is necessary, it is carried out only a few days after the injection of the augmentation component.

A professional cosmetologist will tell you how to perform the movements correctly and in what cases you need to massage. In this case, the client just needs to listen carefully and remember.


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