Calluses: causes, types and methods of control

There are five main types of calluses, which form when there is pressure or rubbing on the bone area. They can be extremely painful if they put pressure on a nerve ending.

How to treat calluses?

  • To reduce pressure between your fingers, use special foam pads .
  • You can try special callus plasters. Use them with caution as they may damage healthy areas of the skin. Before you put on your shoes, make sure you apply the patch directly to the callus.
  • If you are unable to defeat the callus on your own, consult a doctor who will remove it with one or another professional instrument.

Remember, once you get rid of a callus, you need to make sure that you have successfully eliminated the cause of its occurrence.


Calluses are a phenomenon that occurs due to prolonged friction or pressure on the skin. They are more often found in men; if left untreated, they can cause significant discomfort and even serve as a favorable environment for the development of infection. The “favorite” places for chafing to appear are the heel, the area between the first and second toes, and the edges of the feet. You should be more attentive to your health if calluses appear frequently - perhaps this indicates problems with an overloaded spine and your feet are signaling you about this.

Reasons for appearance

Callus develops due to many factors:

  • tight shoes that don't fit;
  • high heels and uneven load on the feet;
  • elements of shoes cutting into the skin;
  • Socks that are too big and cause chafing;
  • individual characteristics of the skin with a tendency to severe keratinization;
  • a consequence of specific professions with heavy workloads (athletes, farmers, etc.);
  • mycoses of the foot, age-related dry skin;
  • increased sweating.

Some diseases can also cause calluses. These are flat feet, diabetes, psoriasis, and also a lack of vitamins in the body. The first signs of the imminent appearance of calluses are redness of the skin, slight swelling, and pain when touched.

Types of calluses

Calluses are divided into several types:

  1. Wet:
    looks like a bubble filled with liquid (lymph). Its color is usually transparent, but if small blood vessels are affected, it becomes reddish. The remains of a burst bladder give rise to the growth of dry callus.
  2. Dry:
    This is a slightly raised area of ​​keratinized cells that is grayish-yellow in color. Consists of several layers of hardened tissue.
  3. Rod (with 1 or several rods):
    in the center of such calluses there is a hole where a rod grows, going deep into the dermis. Deeply growing core calluses bring pain;
  4. Corns:
    Similar to dry calluses, but still different. Calluses appear on both the hands and feet and have visible boundaries, while corns are characteristic only of the lower surface of the feet and are larger in size, and they do not have a clear limitation or core.


A podiatrist can determine the type of callus by its appearance. It must be distinguished from heel spurs (internal growths on the bone) because the spurs cannot be treated with therapy designed to remove calluses. Any callus is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a potential opportunity for infection, so this problem should not be left untreated.

Callus removal

It is better to remove calluses in a clinic where the patient is offered a suitable type of defect destruction - medical pedicure, laser burning, cryodestruction. All these methods are effective and safe for the body, allowing you to quickly get your skin in order. Core calluses require special attention, because a core that is not completely excised can cause relapse. After removing the formation, the skin is treated with an anti-inflammatory (and, if necessary, antifungal) agent. It is mandatory to select orthopedic shoes and reduce the load on the foot by wearing insoles, pads, and arch supports.


 Corns

Removal of complicated corns when pain occurs (1 unit)500
Removal of uncomplicated corns (1 unit)350
Application of unloading material when removing corns - level I (1 unit)350
Application of unloading material when removing corns - level II (1 unit)550
Recommendations and instructions for foot care500
Unloading dressing (1 unit)350
Applying an antibacterial and antiseptic bandage to the problem area - level I (1 unit)550
Applying an antibacterial and antiseptic bandage to the problem area - level II (1 unit)550
Bandaging the problem area (1 unit)500

Calluses: causes, types and methods of control


When wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time or simply under the influence of prolonged friction or pressure, thickenings appear on the skin (often painful and unsightly), and it is not so easy to get rid of them. These are calluses . Calluses are essentially hardening of dead skin cells that do not have time to exfoliate. When there is prolonged physical impact on an area of ​​skin, the body perceives this as a threat and tries to protect its integrity by growing a thicker layer of cells on it.

Causes of calluses

Most often, the formation of calluses on the feet is caused by improperly selected shoes. But doctors note that sometimes calluses can indicate various disorders in the body. For example, calluses on the toes can signal problems with the cardiovascular system. If there are such on the right leg, then this may also indicate poor liver . A callus on the big toe may indicate dysfunction in the female organs. Thus, the appearance of calluses can signal the onset of serious diseases in the body, when obvious symptoms are not yet visible.

Types of calluses

  • Dry, hard calluses are rough areas on the skin that have been trampled or formed as a result of prolonged physical activity and often require treatment.
  • Soft, watery calluses form due to friction, such as from tight shoes. These calluses fill with lymph and are often painful. Here we should highlight one more variety among them, namely, blood calluses . They are also formed due to friction, but filled inside not with transparent lymph, but with blood . This type of callus is especially dangerous because the blood inside indicates that it is located directly on a blood vessel . And this is an open gate for infection to enter the body.
  • It is also necessary to distinguish a separate type of calluses - bone calluses , which look like hardening under the skin and feel like a hump to the touch. This type of callus cannot be treated externally and can only be removed surgically .

Treatment of calluses

First, we should talk about the treatment of wet calluses , since they are dangerous for the body. Under no circumstances should you pierce them or squeeze out lymphatic fluid, especially blood . This can lead to infection. There is no need the callus ; this will make it take even longer to heal. It is necessary to determine the cause of the formation of such a callus , eliminate it, and the callus with an antiseptic. If such a callus grows on its own, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic as quickly as possible and seal it with an adhesive bandage, otherwise inflammatory and purulent processes may develop.

Treating hard, dry calluses often takes a long time. Of course, it is better to entrust this to doctors or cosmetologists, then you will be sure that everything is done properly without risk to health.

Effective in the fight against dry calluses is a clinical laser method for removing calluses , but before using it you should definitely consult a specialist.

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

 Calluses and warts

Removal of complicated warts and deepened calluses (1 unit)1500
Removal of complicated warts and deep calluses – level II (1 unit)2000
Removal of complicated warts and deep calluses – Level III (1 unit)2500
Removal of complicated warts and deep calluses – level IV (1 unit)3000
Removal of complicated warts and deep calluses – level V (1 unit)3500
Unloading dressing (1 unit)500
Treatment with an antiseptic, applying a bandage when removing the problem area (1 unit)3500
Removal of callus (1 unit)3500
Treatment for hyperkeratosis (1 unit)6500
Laser treatment of the problem area - Level I. (1 unit) 2500
Laser treatment of the problem area - Level II. (1 unit) 3500
Hardware processing - Level I. (1 unit) 1500
Hardware processing - Level II. (1 unit) 2500
Hardware processing - Level III. (1 unit) 3500
Hardware processing6500

Reasons for their appearance

The skin of the legs has very few sebaceous glands, which is why it is prone to dryness.
Also, constant stress affects the keratinization of the skin. The result is severe coarsening, cracks and corns. Sometimes roughness appears due to certain diseases. However, problems are often related to mechanical stress and concern specific people:

  • Corns on the feet most often appear in women due to the choice of uncomfortable but beautiful shoes. High heels and uncomfortable lasts put a lot of stress on the feet.
  • They also affect people who regularly experience heavy loads on their legs: hikers, dancers, athletes.
  • The thickness of the fat layer of the skin decreases with age, so older people are at risk. However, in young people, the sweat glands work more actively, which also affects the formation of calluses.

Summer problem - calluses


Calluses occur as a result of damage caused by pressure and friction of a foreign object on the skin. The skin in those places where excessive friction occurs becomes denser and rougher. But if this did not happen, bloody wounds would form on the skin. Most often, calluses appear in the heel and on the toes .

There are several types of calluses:

  1. dry calluses . They are formed by friction and look like a rough layer of skin. These calluses cause pain and there is a desire to get rid of them quickly. But it was not there! Dry calluses have their roots deep into the skin, so it is difficult to get rid of them;
  2. wet callus . It looks like a bubble filled with water. In fact, there is lymph fluid inside this bladder. It also occurs from friction. This damages the skin tissue. You will notice the appearance of such a callus She will make herself known to you with acute pain;
  3. bloody callus . if the vessels at the sites of damage are located close to the skin, then the wet callus becomes bloody. In this case, the bladder is filled not with lymph, but with blood ;
  4. Plantar calluses occur primarily on the balls of the feet. They are formed due to the constant pressure of body weight and the pressure of shoes.

How to deal with calluses that have formed?

A wet callus should not be covered with a regular band-aid. In this case, the wound will not heal. For these purposes, it is better to use a special bactericidal patch with a soft gauze pad. If a bubble with liquid is pierced, then it is necessary to treat the damaged area with some kind of antiseptic.

To get rid of dry calluses , you will have to work a little more. First you need to make sure that it is really a callus and not a wart, for example. A wart consists of living tissue and cannot be damaged. Cutting dry calluses is not recommended. Not only is this ineffective, since the callus may appear again, but an infection can also be caused.

How then can you get rid of calluses?

  • Use special creams and ointments. These ointments contain salicylic acid and other auxiliary components that soften the skin. Before applying the ointment, you should steam your feet . The ointment must be left for 6 hours and then carefully removed with a scraper.
  • Remove callus in the pedicure room. They use a special procedure using a boron installation.
  • To remove old calluses with deep roots, laser and liquid nitrogen are used. callus removal is absolutely painless. With the help of a laser unit, the callus is burned completely, to the very end.

How to prevent the formation of calluses?

  • Change your shoes throughout the day. When you get home, change into shoes that are comfortable for your feet . It’s better to go without it altogether.
  • Excessive sweating of the feet can lead to excessive friction of shoes on the feet , and, as a result, the appearance of calluses .
  • It is better to buy new shoes in the late afternoon, because at this time your feet swell a little. Shoes bought in the morning may not fit your feet in the evening.

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

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