Cracks in the fingers - causes, quick and easy methods of combating

August 16, 2021

Peeling on the hands is a signal that the skin is not hydrated enough. In diagnostics, this sign is called “xerosis.” The causes of dry and flaky hand skin are not always pathological. Often this only means that you need to change your household habits. If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, the symptoms increase, you need to contact a dermatologist for an examination.

Cracks in the fingers - probable causes

The condition of the human body can be assessed by the skin, which is a true indicator. In case of any violation, the reaction first appears on the epidermis.

Thus, cracks in the fingers can serve as the first symptoms of the development of certain diseases inside.

There can be several reasons for cracking, where both external and internal factors cannot be excluded.

This occurs due to dehydration of the superficial skin layer, which leads to loss of elasticity.

This happens in the following cases:

  1. A sharp change in temperature, which has a detrimental effect on the particularly sensitive skin surface around the nails. This refers to hypothermia. External manifestations are more likely to resemble an allergic reaction. If nothing is done urgently, the skin soon begins to burst.
  2. Poor hand care and lack of protection from external negative influences (wind, frost, hard water, dust). It is important to systematically treat with nourishing creams so that the skin is not dry, and to select clothing according to the season.
  3. The destructive effects of household products that are constantly used at home (powders, gels, sprays). Their aggressive influence is aggravated in the presence of allergies.
  4. Damage to the integrity of the skin in combination with harmful external influences and a lack of vitamins.

Diseases that can lead to cracks in the fingers:

  • dermatological (psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema);
  • infectious (fungal, pyococcal);
  • vitamin deficiency (deficiency of vitamins A and B, magnesium, fatty acids);
  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis);
  • neurological disorders (neurosis, depression);
  • helminth damage.

Types and forms of the disease

Treatment for finger eczema depends on what stage of development the disease is at. It is characterized by a wave-like course: exacerbations are replaced by periods of remission. Hands are most often affected by dry eczema, in which papules with exudative fluid do not form on the skin. The disease can occur in one of the following ways:

  • Ostrom. Symptoms appear suddenly, swelling quickly develops, and redness forms. The disease develops within a couple of days, and sometimes even in a matter of hours.
  • Subacute. Eczema does not develop as rapidly and is less pronounced than in the acute form. The disease itself lasts for several months and only then subsides for an indefinite period of time.
  • Chronic. The most common form of eczema, in which relapses and periods of improvement regularly follow each other.

Where do cracks typically occur?

Cracks may not necessarily appear near the nails, as shown in the photo.

In the most difficult cases, the skin begins to burst in the folds of the palm, between the fingers and on the folds, near the phalanges, and on the soft tissues of the pads.

The areas where the fingers bend are the most affected. There, the affected surface layer of skin is more thin and breaks at the slightest tension.

Such wounds take a long and painful time to heal. But calluses often form on pillows, which crack over time.

This is a standard situation with eczema. Psoriasis is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the epidermis on the palms.

In case of a lack of vitamins and minerals, external symptoms appear in the area around the nail plates.

Nutrition and drinking regime

Nutrition should be balanced (balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and include vitamins and microelements beneficial for the skin. Among them are:

  • seafood (fatty fish, oysters, shellfish) - rich in Omega-3, moisturize and nourish the skin, promote the healing of cracks;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), bell peppers - contain vitamin C, which is necessary to maintain healthy skin;
  • green and red vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, herbs, bell peppers) - contain vitamin A, which has an antioxidant effect and fights dryness, peeling, and cracks. This vitamin is also found in pork and beef liver, cod, salmon, butter and milk;
  • nuts are rich in vitamin E, which rejuvenates, eliminates flaking and cracks, and prevents dry skin;
  • onion - includes mineral salts, proteins and fats that are beneficial for the epidermis, organic acids, vitamins B, E, essential oils.

Drinking regime is very important. You should drink enough water per day. For an adult, the norm is approximately 1.5-2 liters.

What causes the skin on a child's fingers to crack?

Parents often note the appearance of cracks in their child’s fingers and toes, which causes not only discomfort, but also very painful sensations.

In this regard, emergency measures must be taken, since infection can penetrate through open wounds and the process of rotting can begin.

In order to select a productive treatment and quickly eliminate the disease, you need to understand the possible causes.

In addition to the same provoking diseases as in adults, these may be:

  • trophic changes in skin processes, which are associated with nutritional deficiencies in animal protein;
  • impaired blood circulation resulting from systematic wearing of compressive shoes;
  • vitamin deficiency, causing disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • fungal skin lesions (in addition to cracks, there is excessive peeling of the skin with separation of scales).

The therapeutic approach for children is chosen depending on the primary source of the development of the pathology. To identify it, you should first consult a doctor.

Features of treatment

Before starting treatment, it is worth identifying the causes of dryness and cracks. With prolonged exposure to wind and frost, these problems may arise. The solution is simple. Avoid contact with aggressive environments and wear gloves.

In this case it will help:

  • fatty baby cream with vitamin “A”;
  • compresses with vegetable oils;
  • honey applications.

It is important to immediately take measures to eliminate cracks.

Otherwise, they can lead to complications:

  • premature aging;
  • infection with scabies, lichen, and other infections;
  • coarsening;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • unpleasant pain;
  • discomfort.

Question answer

For severe pain caused by too deep cracks, medical glue BF-6 (sold in pharmacies) can bring relief. Do not be afraid to use it, as the product is absolutely safe and effective. It is enough to apply a few drops to the gap and after a short wait until the composition hardens, you can continue to do your usual business. Such fixation promotes rapid healing and at the same time protects against infection. After 6-7 days of using the glue, they switch to nourishing creams.

First of all, this is a violation of the integrity of the skin, as a result, it is easy for infections to penetrate, and you can encounter an inflammatory process. If an infection occurs and enters the bloodstream, internal organs may be damaged.

Be sure to wear gloves when doing housework (washing dishes, washing the bathroom, etc.). If you start a renovation, also don’t forget to protect your handles. The same gloves are suitable for this. Do not forget about gloves in winter and autumn, treat diseases in a timely manner, and make sure that the proper amount of vitamins enters the body. Apply cream systematically to your hands.

Hand skin care tips

Hand skin care rules:

  • regularly wash your hands with products that do not contain drying ingredients;
  • wipe with a dry, clean towel until moisture is completely removed;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing creams daily;
  • wash dishes and do wet cleaning only with protective gloves;
  • to avoid vitamin deficiency in the body, regularly take multivitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Carry out home spa treatments 1-2 times a week - baths, masks, compresses.

Experts recommend using professional cosmetics for preventive purposes.

What do you do first?

Preventive and therapeutic measures regarding cracks in the fingers should begin with basic care actions. It is recommended to get used to the following:

  1. Wear gloves before starting work in the garden or cleaning the house using household chemicals.
  2. Protect your hands when going outside in frosty or windy weather by treating them with silicone cream.
  3. Wash your hands exclusively with non-alkaline soap.
  4. Regularly apply nourishing products to the skin of your hands.
  5. Rebuild your nutritional diet by adding more healthy foods.
  6. In the autumn-winter period, drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

If you read women’s statements about this problem on forums, you will notice a certain pattern.

Thus, ladies over 40 years of age are more susceptible to cracking of the skin on their hands. This is due to the restructuring of the body due to age, which negatively affects the epidermis - it becomes thinner, dries out and becomes vulnerable.

Women of Balzac age are advised not to neglect daily procedures for nourishing and moisturizing their hands.

To do this, they use a different approach: ointments, masks, herbal baths. Much of this is easy to prepare at home.

Drug therapy

Only well-chosen treatment guarantees a speedy recovery. It is for this reason that it is necessary to first find out what caused the cracks in the fingers.

The first thing a dermatologist prescribes when a patient presents with such a problem is scraping the skin on the affected areas.

This will rule out mycosis or mycelium (fungus). If a positive result comes, then antifungal drugs are prescribed.

In case of minor damage near the nails or on the pads, it is acceptable to use universal pharmaceutical ointments or balms containing emollient and anti-inflammatory components. Herbal creams also help.

The most effective creamy formulations:

  • "Boro+";
  • "Rilana";
  • "Green Pharmacy";
  • "Bioderma";
  • "Rescuer";
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • "Pantoderm";
  • "The keeper";
  • "Miramistin".

According to the degree of impact on the skin, all products to combat drying and flaking are divided into 3 categories:

  • strong;
  • moderate;
  • weak.

In case of serious complications, the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. In particularly advanced cases, potent medications are prescribed:

  1. Antiseptics in combination with wound healing agents
  2. Antibiotics (for bacterial infection).
  3. Medicines that stimulate metabolic processes in tissues (Actovegin, Methyluracil)
  4. Corticosteroid ointments (Flucinar, Fluorocort, Prednisolone ointment) and emulsions with active ingredients (aloe, tar, grease).

If a child's skin peels, creams are selected according to age.

Causes of cracks near the nail plates

Here we must recall the anatomical structure of this zone. The skin on the tips of a person’s fingers in the area surrounding the nails is quite thin, since they are responsible for sensitivity and contain many nerve endings; in addition, due to imperfect nail growth, the skin can be easily injured.

Attention. External reasons why nails on the thumb or other fingers crack may be: changes in ambient temperatures, dry air, prolonged exposure to water, chemical and mechanical irritants.

After exposure to cold factors, a person instinctively tries to warm up and stretches out his hands to:

  • fireplace;
  • ovens;
  • or battery.

In this case, the effect of a contrast shower occurs, which, in general, is not bad, but cooled skin cannot always withstand such an effect. After a few hours the following occurs:

  • mild hyperemia;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • a thin crack coming from the nail.

The next day, the pain is still minimal and does not seem to require attention, but if no measures are taken, throbbing pain may occur in the area of ​​the fingertip. Common situation?

Use of folk remedies

If the skin on your hands is rough and begins to burst in some places, but the cracks are not deep, then folk remedies will help.

Universal options to improve the condition of the skin, which are applied in the form of a mask:

  • almond oil is mixed with oily vitamin E (bought at the pharmacy);
  • crush banana fruit;
  • combine coconut oil and cocoa;
  • mix 1 egg yolk and 20-25 g of natural honey;
  • combine pure yogurt with lemon juice;
  • massage the hands using any vegetable oil or rich sour cream;
  • Dry the plantain leaves in the oven and grind them, then add Vaseline until a thick consistency is obtained.

To soften the epidermis, you can wrap your hands with a piece of cloth soaked in cedar oil. Keep it on for half an hour and remove it.

How to prepare your own medicinal ointment for healing superficial cracks:

  1. Measure out 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers, calendula and plantain leaves. The raw materials must be dried.
  2. Steam the mixture with boiling water and place in a water bath. Keep it over steam for 25-30 minutes.
  3. After this, remove and filter.
  4. Add 30 g of honey and the same amount of butter to the resulting broth. Mix thoroughly.

The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Apply every day before bed and wear cotton gloves.

For cracking of the epidermis on the fingers near the nails and on soft tissues, a nourishing potato mask with a regenerating effect helps well.

To prepare it you will need:

  • mashed potatoes – 1 glass;
  • sour cream – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile (burdock) oil – 1 tsp.

Mix everything and place the brushes in the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. This composition not only promotes rapid healing of damage, but also makes the skin softer.

The most effective treatment recipes for children, depending on the cause, are presented in the table:

PurposeProvoking diseases
Lubricate with a mixture of liquid glycerin and tea tree oil (take a ratio of 4:1).Fungal infection
Use slightly heated olive oil.Contact dermatitis
Marigolds and chamomile (40-45 g each) are poured with boiling water (400 ml). Add 1 liter of slightly warmed water. Hands are immersed for 20-25 minutes. After this, wipe dry and apply sea buckthorn oil. Poor circulation

Dry hand skin care products

The best professional hand skin care products:

  1. Estel Beauty Hair Lab Winteria Mask. Mask based on cocoa, shea butter, sunflower, almond. Provides intensive nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. Gives velvety, softness. With regular use, your hands acquire a well-groomed, neat appearance.

  2. Ollin Service Line Nourishing Hand&Nail Cream. Cream with the addition of almond oil and ceramides. Creates a protective film on the surface, protects against aggressive environmental factors. Prevents dryness and flaking. Has a softening effect and prevents nail brittleness.

  3. Estel Professional M*Use Hand Cream. Saturates the dermis with nutrients, restores hydrolipid balance. The skin becomes soft, elastic, velvety.

  4. Gehwol Gerlasan Hand Cream. Moisturizing cream with aloe extract, topioca starch, urea, jojoba oil. It has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a sticky layer. Has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly heals wounds and cracks.

  5. Ayoume Enjoy Mini Makgeolli Hand Cream. The cream is produced in small pyramids. The composition is rich in nutrients that provide the necessary level of hydration. The packaging is convenient to take with you on trips, just carry it in your cosmetic bag.

  6. Insight Body Nutritive Cream. Suitable for dry, severely cracked hand skin. Effective in the fight against existing free radicals. Regular use of this product provides anti-aging effects.

  7. Sothys Velvet Hand Cream. Velvet cream, rich in vitamins and oils. Well nourishes, moisturizes, restores the skin of the hands. It has powerful softening and regenerating properties.

  8. Davines OI Hand Balm. A rich balm with a delicate texture developed using an innovative formula. Provides intensive hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis. It is an excellent prevention of the appearance of age spots. Has anti-aging, anti-radical action. Promotes active production of melanin, prevents the destruction of epidermal cells when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

  9. Holy Land Hand & Body Cream. Delicate cream enriched with fruit extracts. Evens out the skin structure and prevents overdrying. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, adds velvety, softness.

  10. Christina Illustrious Hand Cream SPF15. The cream protects the skin from the negative effects of direct sunlight. The composition is enriched with glycerin, curcumin extract, vitamin E, jojoba oil. Such a powerful cocktail quickly removes dry hands and normalizes the hydrolipid balance.

  11. La Ric Liquid Glove. A product for instant hand skin care. Protects the epidermis in adverse weather conditions. Envelops the surface, creates a film that ensures complete safety. The protection period is 6-12 hours.

  12. Secret Key Hug Me Moisture Steam Hand Cream Citrus. The cream is made using innovative steam technology. Has a pronounced moisturizing and nourishing effect. Quickly soothes irritated, damaged skin. The composition includes almond, coconut oil, lavender extract, rosemary, oregano. Does not contain chemicals or fragrances.

Professional hand skin care products are basic cosmetics that relieve dryness. They are also useful for preventive purposes. The Maroshka online store offers various lines aimed at combating dry skin on the hands. In our catalog you will find the most effective creams, masks, balms, gels. After placing an order, delivery is carried out within 1-2 days in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekb, and other cities of Russia.

Hand baths

Baths will bring no less benefits:

  • 40 g of potato starch per 500 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 100-120 g of oat bran are pre-boiled and left for 10 hours, filtered;
  • mix milk and water (500 ml each) in equal proportions, add corn starch (50 g) and glycerin (4 drops);
  • starch (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil (2 tbsp) are added to the potato decoction.

Immerse hands in a medicinal bath for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe dry and lubricate with moisturizer.

Deep tears that cannot be treated at home are recommended to be shown to a dermatologist.

Such disorders can be caused by fungal or infectious infections, and therefore require a special approach. In such situations, it is unacceptable to resort to self-medication, which can cause serious harm to health.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

The situation gets worse if cracks on the fingers near the nails appear due to some internal malfunction in the body. Then it is advisable to carry out complex and long-term treatment, since universal external preparations are not effective. In case of serious health problems, the localization of the lesion spreads to other places: palm, interdigital space, pads.

Aisha Baron

Associated symptoms

What disease has affected the body can only be determined by a doctor. But every person can observe themselves and understand the causes of pathology.

  • Itching and cracking of the palms can occur due to stress. But stress can also be a disruption at the hormonal level. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after determining the cause.
  • With hypothyroidism, cracks first appear on the elbows and knees, then it comes to the hands.
  • With diabetes, the wounds that appear do not heal for a long time. We need to pay attention to this.
  • Pellagra covers the hands with an unusual crust.
  • Sjögren's syndrome is manifested not only by cracks in the hands, but also by dry eyes, itching, pain, and photophobia. In this case, cracks appear on the lips, joints and kidneys begin to ache.

What to do if associated symptoms are detected? Don’t wait for the disease to get old; consult a doctor. He will prescribe blood, urine and allergy tests and prescribe treatment.

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