First aid for chemical skin burns
Last update: 03.03.2021 Chemical burn occurs when the skin comes into contact with acids, alkalis, or heavy salts
burn blister
Many people do not know whether it is possible to burst a burn blister and how safe it is.
When a burn blister is localized in an inconvenient place (arms, feet), many are tormented by the thought:
how to treat iodine burn
How to treat a burn from iodine on the skin? First aid and further therapy
Iodine in solution is widely used in medical practice for local treatment of intact skin.
How to treat a thermal burn?
A thermal burn is a specific injury to the skin and (sometimes) underlying tissue due to exposure to high temperatures.
Help with electric shock
Electrical burn: types, features and how to treat
Current (contact) - occurs directly when a person comes into contact with a live part, when the electric current
oral burn
Chemical and thermal burns of ENT organs: danger, first aid and treatment
A burn of the oral cavity is damage to the oral mucosa through exposure to high
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How does a water callus form? A callus forms where the skin is exposed to excess
The main types of dressings for burns and the rules for applying them
Burn injury is one of the most common traumatic injuries in the world. Often in front of patients
First aid for burns
First aid for a burn: what to do and what not to do?
A burn is a type of injury in which the skin is damaged and destroyed.
removal of callus with liquid nitrogen
Causes and methods of treating bumps between the phalanges of the fingers
Indications and contraindications Prevention Callus is a skin lesion small in size and depth that occurs
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