12 best salt scrub recipes for body and face

Updated: 05.11.2021 13:21:08

Expert: Arefieva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

Salt is used in cooking, household and folk medicine. It has many useful properties that ensure its demand. It is also used in home cosmetology. It makes excellent masks, bath solutions, and also highly effective scrubs. And you can easily make them yourself by adding useful active substances.

The benefits of salt scrubs

Salt scrubs made by yourself have a great advantage over store-bought ones: you determine their composition yourself and can be completely confident in its naturalness and safety. The use of this type of home cosmetics provides:

  1. gentle exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis;
  2. elimination of oily or dry skin (depending on additional ingredients);
  3. fight against pigmentation on the face and body;
  4. moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis;
  5. stimulation of blood circulation;
  6. lymphatic drainage and massage effect;
  7. cellulite breakdown;
  8. giving freshness, smoothness and radiance to the skin;
  9. reduction or complete removal of stretch marks;
  10. elimination of edema;
  11. fight against blackheads and rashes.

Salt scrubs are no less beneficial for hair than for skin. The use of this cosmetic product allows you to strengthen the strands, make them soft and shiny, stimulate their growth, and stop hair loss and splitting. Such effects are achieved due to the fact that the scrubbing properties of the product massage the epidermis of the head, stimulating blood circulation and saturating it with nutrients.

Indications for the use of salt scrubs

The use of a cosmetic product is necessary, first of all, to cleanse the skin. But the components that are present in such a product are also suitable for eliminating many defects:

  1. acne and blackheads;
  2. striae;
  3. orange peel (a defect that is one of the signs of cellulite);
  4. sagging and sagging skin;
  5. pigmentation;
  6. swelling;
  7. scars and scars;
  8. enlarged pores;
  9. dryness of the epidermis;
  10. excessive oily skin;
  11. photoaging;
  12. dehydration of the skin.

Salt scrubs help fight various hair problems. A properly selected composition will help eliminate oiliness, dryness, fragility, hair loss and dullness of strands. And for this purpose it is very good to use homemade cosmetics that combine the functions of a scrub and a mask.


The second component – ​​oil – is selected based on the purpose of using the scrub. For example, rose oil helps smooth the skin, increase its elasticity and even fights minor wrinkles. Orange oil has an anti-cellulite effect (like all citrus fruits), stimulates carbohydrate-fat metabolism, and promotes skin regeneration. Peach oil is hypoallergenic, perfectly nourishes and softens. However, essential oils are added in quantities of no more than 4-5 drops per serving. Therefore, ordinary olive oil is used as an oil base. It contains a lot of vitamin E, has an antioxidant effect and protects against sun damage.


Even a homemade salt-based scrub has contraindications for use. Among them:

  1. naturally hypersensitive skin;
  2. inflammatory processes in the treatment area;
  3. previous surgical operations;
  4. previously performed injection procedures;
  5. infectious dermatological pathologies;
  6. individual intolerance to any scrub components.

If there is at least one of the above contraindications, you should not use the cosmetic product to avoid the development of side effects.

Recommendations for women

A homemade scrub will not help you get rid of cellulite if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and regularly eat junk food. Here are some simple tips for women who want to stay in great shape:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. In addition to it, it is also recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eat more vegetables. This advice is especially relevant in the summer, when seasonal vegetables grow in the beds.
  • Do exercises in the morning, try to walk more.
  • Ensure yourself a healthy and sound sleep (at least 7-8 hours).

Be beautiful!

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What should be included: useful ingredients for a homemade scrub

A homemade body scrub can contain more than just salt. It is, in fact, an abrasive responsible for exfoliating epidermal cells and cleansing it. But the main ingredients are necessary to achieve the expected result from scrubbing. Active and excipients can be:

  1. Oils.

    Basic or essential, or a combination of these two varieties in one cosmetic product. Of the esters, the best oils are lavender, orange, lemon, grapefruit, myrrh, rose, and tangerine. Some of them can be combined with each other in one composition, or used alternately. The main thing is to choose the right component that will help eliminate a specific skin problem. Of the base oils, all products without exception are suitable.

  2. Coffee.

    It will be an additional abrasive, which, however, has a wide spectrum of action. Helps tone the skin, fight cellulite and stretch marks.

  3. Zest

    citrus fruits, ground oatmeal, almonds, crushed fruit and berry seeds.

This is a standard set of components that is also used in professional cosmetics. But, if it is possible to use them as part of homemade cosmetics, then why not try?

Which salt to choose for scrub?

To make a homemade scrub, you need to choose the right abrasive component, that is, salt. Types of product used:

  1. Salt.

    The very last option you can pay attention to. Kitchen salt does not contain the beneficial substances that the skin needs. Although it has antiseptic, antimicrobial and cleansing properties. It scrubs well, removing dead skin cells, but this is where the list of its benefits in home cosmetology ends.

  2. Sea salt.

    One of the best abrasive options for the face and body. It is obtained by evaporating sea water, after which it goes through the stages of purification and grinding. It contains a set of valuable minerals, including iodine, manganese, selenium, potassium, cobalt, copper and others. It is this type of salt that is most often used in the manufacture of store-bought scrubs.

  3. Magnesia.

    A type of salt that contains a high concentration of magnesium. The product is able to remove toxins and impurities, saturating the skin with beneficial components.

You can try all the salt options to find the best option. The main thing is to take precautions and grind the product well before use. Otherwise, large salt crystals can damage and injure the epidermis.

Pros and cons of homemade salt scrubs

Any cosmetic product, including homemade ones, has its advantages and disadvantages. A salt-based scrub also has them, and this must be taken into account. Pros of this product:

  1. availability of the main component: if it is not possible to use sea salt, then the product can be found in any home;
  2. effectiveness as an abrasive substance with exfoliating properties;
  3. can be used for any purpose - to combat cellulite, stretch marks and other defects;
  4. a large selection of home recipes;
  5. naturalness of ingredients;
  6. ease of preparation of a cosmetic product;
  7. hypoallergenic salt.

The disadvantages of salt scrubs include:

  1. risk of skin injury from salt particles;
  2. the likelihood of an intense inflammatory process when using a scrub for damaged skin;
  3. it is impossible to use the product before going outside in the hot season, since salt can destroy the skin’s natural protection against exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Excessively frequent scrubbing leads to damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, which can cause serious consequences.

In general, the cosmetic products in question are safe and beneficial for the skin. It is prepared quickly and applied without difficulty.

Salt facial scrubs: 3 best recipes

Salt can be used for scrubs used not only for the body, but also for the face. But it should be remembered that the abrasive must be fine, so the salt must first be ground in a coffee grinder or blender. It should not be allowed to scratch the epidermis or cause pain during the scrubbing process. Otherwise, skin injuries cannot be avoided, and this is fraught with undesirable consequences. The same condition must be observed when making a hair scrub.

The best recipes for facial cosmetics:

  1. Scrub with salt and sour cream

    . For weakened, dry, irritated and damaged facial skin, a scrub based on a salt abrasive mixed with rich sour cream is suitable. It is allowed to use any other fermented milk product, and even mayonnaise. The components are taken in equal proportions; no other ingredients need to be added.

  2. Sugar and salt scrub.

    It can be used rarely, and only for express facial cleansing. It acts quite aggressively, but is highly effective, so it helps remove even the most severe dirt and clogged pores. To prepare it in equal proportions, you need to take finely ground sugar and salt, mix with a small amount of any base oil and apply to your face. Massage the skin for no more than 2 minutes, after which rinse off the remaining mixture with plenty of water.

  3. Kefir-salt scrub.

    For oily and problem skin, you can prepare this product. Mix 1 tsp. salt with 0.5 tsp. soda and add 5 ml of kefir. Stir and immediately apply the composition to the face with massaging movements. After 3 minutes, rinse with cool water.

It is worth noting that salt scrubs for the face cannot be called a delicate method of cleansing the skin. They are quite aggressive, although they are highly effective in combating many defects. Therefore, they must be used with precautions, and only if there are no alternative options at the time of facial cleansing.

With onion

A strengthening scrub made from sea salt and onion. Onions have irritating properties, so they are optimal for stimulating hair growth. You need to take ½ tbsp. salt, preferably sea salt, and 1 onion.

A mixture of onion and salt accelerates hair growth and makes it thicker

The onion should be thoroughly chopped in a blender to a paste. The resulting mass is mixed with salt. Heat a little until warm, and then rub into the scalp. Leave the mixture on the hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.

Recipes for the 3 best scalp scrubs

Daily use of hair cosmetics gradually depletes the structure of the strands and follicles. Restoring it sometimes turns out to be difficult, but nothing is impossible. If you are patient and use homemade scalp scrubs, you can significantly improve the situation. You can prepare the cosmetic product according to the following recipes:

  1. Scrub to stimulate hair growth

    . To prepare it, sea salt must be mixed with olive oil. The proportions should be such that a homogeneous mass is obtained that does not crumble or spread. The product must be used immediately after preparation. Massage the resulting mixture onto the scalp from the back of the head to the forehead for 3 minutes, then rinse off the remaining mixture with shampoo and apply a strengthening balm.

  2. Scrub for sensitive scalp prone to flaking

    . Sea salt in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. Mix without a slide with blue or white clay (2 tbsp.) and 30 ml of linden or chamomile decoction. Use according to the standard scheme.

  3. Scrub to combat dandruff. You can get it by mixing 1 spoon of blue clay, fine sea salt with 0.5 spoon of chamomile infusion, 1 chicken yolk, 5 ml of honey and a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Place the scrub in a jar with a lid and use it for its intended purpose no more than 2 times a week.

Even expensive scrubs can be made affordable if you are not lazy and make the product yourself. And there are plenty of recipes, so you won’t have any difficulties choosing.

With soda

After using a soda-salt scrub, the hair becomes softer, fresher, the scalp is cleansed, and the hair stays clean longer.

To prepare, you will need sea salt and baking soda in equal proportions. The quantity is taken at your own discretion. You can dilute the dry ingredients with plain water or a herbal decoction, such as nettle or chamomile. After application, keep the composition on your head for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Rules for using salt scrubs

The effectiveness and safety of salt scrubs depends on compliance with certain rules regarding their use. Basic recommendations:

  1. scrubs must be applied to pre-steamed skin;
  2. During scrubbing, massage movements should be performed;
  3. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes;
  4. The procedure can be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.

If there is a little composition left after scrubbing, you don’t have to throw it away. You need to put it in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The product is suitable for use within a week, but if it has not been used up within this period, it is better not to risk it and prepare a new scrub for the next procedure.

With aloe

Aloe juice moisturizes not only the scalp, but also the hair, making it silky and manageable. Salt must be combined with aloe juice. The juice is squeezed from the fresh leaves of the plant.

It is best to harvest leaves from an old plant, no younger than three years old. An older plant has more nutrients. There is no specific proportion; you need to ensure that the composition is convenient to apply to your head.

Distribute the composition with massage movements over the scalp, and then rinse off after a while.

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