What is ultrasonic facial cleansing and how is it done?

In cosmetology centers you can find many methods of facial cleansing. Specialists use various creams, gels, fruit acids, lasers, and solid particles. The most popular procedure is ultrasonic facial cleansing. Mesotherapy is recommended for all people, but it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the technology of the procedure.

Contraindications to ultrasonic facial cleansing

Contraindications for facial cleansing with ultrasound are all kinds of skin diseases (inflamed pimples and blackheads, boils, pustules, allergic rashes, herpes, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer and others).

Therefore, before signing up for a procedure at a beauty salon, inflammatory and other processes on the face must be cured.

Even if a capillary mesh is noticeable on the skin, you will have to abandon hardware cleaning, since ultrasound expands the blood vessels and pores in order to “knock out” dirt from them.

Moles, papillomas and other formations (both malignant and benign) are also a significant obstacle, since during the procedure blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the dermis are increased.

In other words, ultrasonic cleaning can provoke increased growth of tumors.

If your skin has suffered from any injuries, if there are wounds and abrasions on it, ultrasound is contraindicated until they are completely healed.

At the same time, hardware cleaning cannot be carried out on the skin around the eyelids and eyes, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, brain, and so on.

In the event that there are implants in the form of crowns, brackets, braces, pins, you need to consult with the doctor who will perform the procedure. If he can cover the implant with a wooden “spatula,” then ultrasound exposure is possible. Otherwise there is a risk of burns.

Cleaning is also not carried out in areas with gel contouring and silicone implants.

An even more serious contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker (or similar devices) in the body, since ultrasonic waves can cause the device to malfunction.

The list goes on:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased body temperature;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • circulatory failure;
  • nosebleeds;
  • vegetative-endocrine dysfunctions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • period less than 3 months after surgical interventions in the face or head;
  • chemical peeling;
  • rejuvenation with the help of “golden threads”;
  • discoloration of spots on the face (vitiligo);
  • acute sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • glaucoma, eye hypotony, retinal detachment, neuralgia, etc.;
  • facial paralysis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris;
  • pulmonary, liver, kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis, cholelithiasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroses, hysteria.


For me personally, ultrasonic facial cleansing is a necessary and almost irreplaceable procedure. Moreover, I advise many of my clients to purchase a portable device and do it regularly at home on their own. This will keep your skin in good condition at all times. Its undoubted advantages are:

  • safety and painlessness;
  • ability to work on thin and sensitive skin;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • no preliminary preparation required;
  • can be performed at any time of the year;
  • there is no redness or irritation;
  • the skin does not dry out;
  • no contact with chemicals;
  • the protective hydrolipidic layer is not damaged.

In fact, a very delicate atraumatic exfoliation and removal of keratinized epidermal scales occurs mechanically.

Benefits of Ultrasound

The procedure is very popular among the fair sex. During the session, the woman does not feel any discomfort or pain. Compared to other cosmetic procedures, ultrasonic cleaning offers certain advantages:

  1. Gentle on the skin.
  2. Complete cleansing of pores.
  3. Removal of the stratum corneum of the skin.
  4. During the procedure, not only facial cleansing is carried out. Ultrasonic waves perform micromassage. A woman’s skin becomes young, fresh, and the metabolic process in cells accelerates.
  5. Opening of clogged sebaceous glands. After the procedure they become less noticeable.

Facial treatment with ultrasonic waves is suitable for any skin type. There is absolutely no danger of injury. The skin is softened and moisturized, swelling decreases. Experts recommend using a cream or mask after the procedure. This way, the active components of the cosmetic product will penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis due to the removal of dead skin.

Question answer

Experts advise using this procedure regularly. The time interval between cleansing falls within the framework of 7 days - 2 months, which is determined by skin type. For the greatest effect, 5-8 sessions are required, after which monthly maintenance manipulations are included. Expert advice will help you get and maintain the results of ultrasound facial cleansing.

With its help, you can get rid of dead cells, which adds smoothness to the skin. The pores are also cleaned of dirt. In addition, ultrasound waves smooth out the appearance and improve the complexion.

This procedure will be useful for many women and girls. If you want to cleanse your skin, transform yourself, and provide proper care to your face, then feel free to go to a specialist.

Features of the procedure

The procedure does not require special preliminary preparation. This is a big additional advantage. As well as the fact that there are no traces left after such peeling. This means you can do it at any time convenient for you, and if you have a portable device, anywhere.

Execution technique

To perform the procedure in salons, a special conductive gel is used. It can be pure or with beneficial additives: multivitamins, collagen, etc. You can buy this product for home use online or in professional stores. Sometimes it is found in Medtekhnika, but without additives.

The procedure for doing it at home or in the salon is the same:

  • hair is tucked under a cap or headband;
  • perform a thorough make-up removal;
  • wash your face with warm water and gel;
  • in case of severe contamination, pre-peeling is done with lotion with a low concentration of acids;
  • conductive gel is evenly distributed over the skin;
  • set the required operating mode on the device;
  • slowly moving along the massage lines, cleanse the face;
  • Remains of the gel are removed with a paper towel and washed off with water.


Ultrasonic cleaning is an atraumatic procedure, after which there is no severe redness. However, over the next 24 hours, the skin remains more sensitive to external influences than usual. Therefore, I advise you to observe the following restrictions during this period:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • do not sunbathe or go to the solarium;
  • do not steam your face in the shower or bath;
  • do not do massage and hardware procedures;
  • do not use scrubs and peels;
  • Do not apply masks prepared according to folk recipes.

The last point often causes criticism. Clients argue, proving that there are only natural beneficial substances that cannot harm the skin. I completely agree, but during ultrasonic peeling, the pores open and the skin becomes slightly irritated. There is no way to control the content of acids and other biologically active substances in homemade masks. This means that there is a risk that they will cause a negative skin reaction, even if it did not exist before. Moreover, you can return to your favorite products within a day after the procedure.


Let's read the reviews of people who have already experienced the pros and cons of this procedure, look at the before and after photos.


“I’ve been doing ultrasonic cleaning for 1.5 years and I’m very satisfied. I visit the salon monthly with a visit to the selected specialist. He has a medical education and considerable professional experience. I believe that you can only trust your face to specialists. I apply for the procedure at the end of the menstrual cycle. On the eve and on critical days, manipulation is accompanied by swelling, and the process becomes more difficult. This kind of cleansing really helps to maintain the good appearance of problem-free skin.”


“At first I did ultrasonic facial cleansing in a salon. But then, after the advice of a cosmetologist, I purchased a home device. And I didn’t regret it at all - it justified the cost of it for the 3 procedures that I performed in the first 7 days after the purchase.”


“I trust my face to the professionals at the salon. I perform an ultrasound procedure once a quarter. The skin is evened out and slightly tightened, wrinkles “run away”. The result lasts up to 3 months. Much depends on the types of creams used in the salon and the time spent on ultrasonic cleansing. There are “specialists” who manage to spend 40 minutes on manipulation. Whereas the masters carry it out in an hour and a half. They first steam the skin with mineral water, then apply a mask, cleanse the face again and finally, after a facial massage, use a new mask. It makes my face tingle.”

Recommendations for skin care after the session

Since the pores remain open for some time after the procedure, it is very important to prevent them from clogging and drying out the skin. Recent Posts Is it possible to give a mirror as a gift: how to protect yourself from bad omens It became known about the influence of cell phone towers on human health Is it possible to eat bananas bought in Russia?

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  • For 8–15 hours after cleansing, you should not use decorative cosmetics, or dye your hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • During the day you cannot visit the swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, beach or solarium.
  • 1–2 times a day, you should wipe the skin with ice cubes from herbal decoctions (chamomile, celandine, mint, etc.), and then moisturize generously with cosmetic creams or lotions.
  • 2 times a week you need to apply restorative masks to your face with seaweed, cosmetic clay, sea buckthorn oil, yeast, egg white, lemon juice or raw potatoes.
  • To moisturize the skin from the inside, it is also recommended to increase your fluid intake.

Ice will not only help keep your skin clean and prevent it from aging

How to do ultrasonic facial cleansing at home?

Conducting an ultrasonic cleaning session of the epidermis at home is not difficult.

To do this you need:

  1. Prepare everything you need for the session in advance.
  2. Perform cleansing and steaming procedures.
  3. Carry out ultrasonic cleaning strictly according to all the rules.
  4. Carry out subsequent activities aimed at maintaining the obtained result.

Before starting a session, it is important to read the instructions for the device. During the procedure, the device must not touch the area near the eyes, and you should also avoid the thyroid gland area.

During the procedure, the device must not touch the area near the eyes, and you should also avoid the thyroid gland area.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Proper preparation for ultrasonic cleaning determines how visible the result will be.

As preparatory measures, cosmetologists recommend:

  • Completely remove all makeup.
  • Use a special milk or lotion to cleanse the skin.

It is better to use your usual milk or lotion, which does not cause allergies.

Carry out steaming.


  • take 3 – 4 tablespoons of dry chamomile;
  • pour 300 milliliters of boiling water over them;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • then hold your face over the chamomile infusion for 3 – 4 minutes.

Thanks to steaming, the pores open, therefore, the effectiveness of the procedure will be 2–3 times higher.

Cosmetologists recommend doing a light facial massage 2–3 minutes before the start of the session.

Cleaning process

At home, ultrasonic cleaning must be carried out strictly in stages. Otherwise, not only will it not be possible to achieve the desired result, but there is also a significant risk of harming the skin.

In general, the cleansing process is done according to the following algorithm:

A special product that has a moisturizing effect is applied to the face in a thin and even layer.

For such sessions, you should purchase a professional product that is sold in specialized stores.

The device is taken and cleansing is carried out using a special spatula.

You should smoothly and without pressure move such a spatula over your face, paying special attention to problem areas

You should know that moving a spatula over dry skin is prohibited. Any device is programmed in such a way that if it comes into contact with non-moisturized dermis, it automatically emits a sound signal and turns off.

Upon completion of the procedure, you should take a clean napkin and remove traces of the cosmetic product.

As the final stage, cosmetologists recommend lying down for 15 minutes and being in a relaxed state with your eyes closed.

What is the essence of the cleansing method?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing for delicate and gentle removal of impurities and dead particles from the skin surface is carried out using ultrasonic waves. They are produced using a special tool - a scrubber in the form of a small metal spatula. The device, in addition to cleansing the skin, also achieves other improvements in the skin layers. This is due to the ability of ultrasonic waves to drive several reactions:

  • Thermal is aimed at activating metabolic processes in cells, heating the surface of the epidermis, and stimulating lymphatic drainage.
  • Chemical-physical increases the restoration of the dermis, saturates it with oxygen.
  • Mechanical acts like a light massage, activating microcirculation and increasing elasticity.

The simplicity of the proposed methodology is also captivating. It doesn't require a lot of time.

The skin should be cleansed every day, morning and evening. But beyond that, your skin requires a deeper clean, which ultrasound can provide. Dermatological surgeon Jessica Kim

So what to expect from the procedure? After an ultrasound session, the following positive changes are observed:

  1. Deep cleaning, narrowing pores.
  2. Increased tone, lightening of the skin, reduction of scars and swelling.
  3. Reduces excessive oil production from pores.
  4. Acceleration of collagen production.

But there are times when people are dissatisfied with the result because they expected more from it. You need to understand that this is not a magical procedure and you should not expect a radical transformation. Ultrasound cannot remove sebaceous plugs that are too deep. In this case, mechanical cleaning will help. Also, this method cannot cope with inflamed acne.

In addition to cleaning, ultrasound provides a slight lifting effect. Plastic surgeon Jennifer Walden


Before attending the procedure, it would be a good idea to seek preliminary consultation with a specialist. The cosmetologist will not only tell you the main nuances of ultrasonic cleaning, but will also determine its feasibility by asking about possible contraindications. In order not to harm the patient’s health, this kind of exposure is not provided in the following cases:

  • Malignant tumors and oncology.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Hypertension.
  • Epilepsy and nervous disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • The presence of an intrauterine device, pacemakers, braces, metal pins, silicone or gel implants, gold threads.
  • Neurological diseases of the face.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Pigmentation disorder.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure;
  • Herpes, burns, allergic rashes and other similar manifestations on the face.

In addition, ultrasonic facial cleansing is not carried out after plastic surgery, tightening, skin rejuvenation, chemical peeling and other aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Separately, we should touch upon the issue of carrying out the procedure during pregnancy; here the opinions of cosmetologists are divided. Most experts claim that expecting a child is a direct contraindication to ultrasound, while others believe that the absence of pathologies and complications allows expectant mothers to care for their facial skin in a similar way. In any case, additional consultation with a gynecologist for a pregnant woman in these matters will be very useful.

Precautionary measures

Before carrying out cleansing, you should familiarize yourself with the existing restrictions and possible negative consequences of cleansing.


Identifying contraindications is one of the important tasks when choosing a cleansing procedure. Ultrasonic cleaning is harmful when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology and neoplasms in the affected area;
  • rosacea;
  • purulent inflamed elements on the face;
  • arrhythmias;
  • have pacemakers.

Ultrasonic peeling cannot be performed on inflamed and weakened skin, immediately after chemical peeling, mechanical cleansing or surgery. An ultrasound will worsen the situation and delay the recovery process.

Fever and weakness in the patient also prevent cleaning. You can resort to it after strengthening the body and the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

It is not recommended to use hardware techniques after biorevitalization, injection of fillers and Botox. Physical factors and heat will accelerate the biodegradation of hyaluronic acid.

Side effects

Violation of the procedure technology, prolonged exposure to ultrasound on sensitive areas contribute to the development of such unpleasant consequences as:

  • redness of the skin;
  • soreness, inflammation;
  • local burns;
  • severe peeling of the epidermis, feeling of tightness;
  • swelling;
  • increase in acne lesions.

You can avoid the development of side effects by seeking the help of only an experienced and qualified cosmetologist.

Carrying out ultrasonic cleaning at home

During the session, experts recommend following a certain sequence:

  1. A special gel should be applied to the areas of the face to be cleaned.
  2. Hold the device at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Move the device over the treated areas.
  4. For the first procedure, 2-3 minutes are enough. The secondary session lasts 3-4 minutes.
  5. After ultrasonic cleaning, your facial skin will be dry.

Before the second session, a special gel should also be applied. It is recommended to start cleaning from the lateral facial areas, gradually moving to the wings of the nose, forehead, and cheeks. After the session, remove any remaining gel using a paper napkin.

The massage function improves the cleaning result. You can use vitamins, creams or gels by first applying cosmetics to the special nozzle of the device. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before a night's rest. After cleansing, the skin will be red, in the morning the inflammation will subside and you can apply decorative cosmetics.

False promises

The popularity of cosmetic services also causes the opposite effect: unscrupulous marketers often exaggerate the effect of sound waves on the skin when describing the procedure. Because of this, women who decide to undergo ultrasound facial peeling place too high expectations on it and, having not received the promised result, speak negatively about the service.

Ultrasound is not able to eliminate the following defects:

  • skin inflammation;
  • comedones;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • scars, scars;
  • hyperpigmentation.

High frequency waves are only suitable for superficial cleansing of facial skin. To fix serious problems, a more radical approach is needed. In some cases, you can limit yourself to deep mechanical cleaning, but sometimes taking medications or even surgical intervention is necessary.

Ultrasound peeling is not a panacea for acne and pimples. Moreover, the presence of acne is a direct contraindication to the procedure, since it is possible to introduce an infection and spread the rash to healthy areas of the skin.

Promises about increasing the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are also nothing more than a publicity stunt. The intensity of high-frequency waves emitted by the device is low: they do not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and do not affect metabolism.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Ultrasonic cleaning is a wonderful procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It is often also called ultrasonic peeling. With the help of a scrubber, ultrasonic waves are emitted, which, in turn, provoke vibrations, as a result of which dead cells are separated. Don't worry, because the procedure is completely safe. Of course, with its help it will not be possible to globally rejuvenate the face, but it will improve the condition of the epidermis. In addition, ultrasound does not particularly affect collagen production, as is often stated in advertisements.

Heather Richardson

plastic surgeon

Ultrasound cleaning will benefit a person and professionally cleanse the skin, which is unlikely to be achieved with conventional means.
But if you experience the appearance of acne in the acute phase, there are dermatological diseases, an inflammatory process, then postpone this cleansing, since in this case you can only harm yourself. And I would not advise girls in this position to undergo the procedure. The position of dermatologists and cosmetologists is that ultrasonic cleaning is the most gentle manipulation in comparison with other cleansing measures. Doctors value the method for its ease of use and effectiveness in obtaining results. It is possible to resort to it if the patient does not have serious dermatological problems.

Stages of implementation

The procedure is carried out in several stages.


This is the phase of preparing the face for exposure to ultrasound. During peeling, 20-50% of the stratum corneum of the epidermis is removed. First, the specialist applies a thin layer of a special gel, distributing it over the surface with an electrode or ultrasonic probe. In the process, small steam bubbles appear, which burst when interacting with the skin.

Sound vibrations, interacting with water molecules, form microcavities, so-called cavitation bubbles (see cavitation). At the same time, the follicles are cleansed and surface pigmentation disappears.

Then the cosmetologist applies a solution of fruit acids (see enzyme peeling). Its concentration can be different (10-50%). Lactic acid is considered the most gentle peeling agent. After peeling, the skin is cleansed, refreshed, and becomes more elastic.

Exposure to ultrasound

Direct ultrasonic cleaning lasts on average 10 minutes. The cosmetologist runs a special scraper along the surface of the face, to which ultrasound is applied. During its action, the contents of the pores are pushed to the surface. The process is absolutely painless.

There may be a slight tingling sensation. Microcurrent therapy normalizes the condition of the epidermis by applying moderate electric current. An ultrasonic probe gently strokes the surface, which ensures cellular regeneration and healing.

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