Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet's face. What is it, technique, indications and contraindications

A pinch facial massage at home will get rid of acne, blackheads, scars and other blemishes.
There are several pinch massage techniques, which you need to choose based on the task at hand. Whatever technique is chosen, you need to learn all the intricacies of massage. Do not forget that any procedure has a number of contraindications, and pinch facial massage is no exception.

Previously, we introduced readers to the pinch massage technique for weight loss and tummy tuck

What is Jacquet massage and features

Jacquet massage is a therapeutic massage that normalizes the function of skin glands and improves microcirculation of subcutaneous tissues. Effectively eliminates diseases and problems associated with increased oily skin, and is successfully used to treat seborrhea, acne and post-acne.

The advantage of the method is a certain list of medical indications for the use of massage, in which a healing effect is achieved, which inspires confidence in the procedure and the specialists offering it.

The massage is named after its author, the French dermatologist L. Jacquet, who outlined the basic principles of the method at the end of the 19th century. The history of pinching effects on tissue originates in the medicine of ancient China, which was used on various parts of the body, except for the facial area. The French scientist combined Chinese techniques with Western ones in the idea of ​​treating facial skin diseases.

A distinctive feature is the use of a rather painful, intense pinching technique. Pinches allow you to work on the skin and tissues at deep levels that are not exposed to classical massage. Tissue restoration is accelerated due to effects that increase blood flow and improve metabolic processes.

The method uses three main massage techniques:

  • plucking movements;
  • kneading with stroking to warm up;
  • vibrations with pressure.

All methods alternate as they influence each other. The main ones are pinch effects performed by the pads of the fingers - thumb and index. The intensity of the pinching borders on the pain threshold, sometimes exceeding it. All massage movements should be performed smoothly.

In some cases, the technique is used to treat diseases of the chest, back, and hip areas. It is carried out using talc, without oils and creams, to avoid slipping of the fingers during plucking movements. It is performed strictly along certain massage lines.

The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes. and is directly related to skin thickness. The thinner the skin, the shorter the duration of the massage. The best time for the procedure is in the evening; after finishing the massage, it is not advisable to apply makeup. Finger movements are smooth and intense. Stretching and pulling of the skin is not allowed.

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History of origin

Leonard Jacquet (L. M. L. Jacquet) practiced in the 18th century in Paris and was a successful dermatologist. In search of methods for treating skin diseases on the face, he developed a special massage technique, which after just a few procedures brought amazing results: patients’ skin oiliness decreased, comedones and acne disappeared, seborrhea and inflammation of the dermis were cured. At the same time, purely cosmetic changes were noticed - improvement in facial contours, skin tightening, and disappearance of wrinkles.

The technique quickly found recognition in the medical world and until the end of the 20th century was used exclusively as a therapeutic dermatological therapy.

At the beginning of the 21st century, French biochemist and cosmetologist Joëlle Siocco developed her innovative technique - sculptural massage. She took Jacquet’s facial massage as a basis and added her own experience to it. Joel Siocco's massage gained great popularity, and with it the Jacquet method began to be used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Buccal massage by Joelle Ciocco

The augmented massage by Joëlle Siocco differs from the traditional plucking technique for the face by Jacquet in that the massage therapist performs the effect not only on the face, but also through the mouth, from the inside. This creates an even greater effect of rejuvenation and renewal of the skin and facial muscles. The author of sculptural (buccal) facial massage, Joëlle Ciocco, personally teaches those interested how to massage through the mouth correctly, she travels around the world giving lectures, and has also released a number of educational video courses.

Operating principle

The technique of performing the procedure requires special knowledge of the location of massage lines and skills in performing massage techniques. Incorrect amateurish actions by a massage therapist can lead to the opposite effect and give results opposite to those expected.

  • During the session, 3 main massage techniques are used: stroking with kneading, pinching layers of skin, vibration and pressure.
  • The procedure is carried out with vigorous plucking movements, kneading and vibration, working out the subcutaneous fat tissue with the index and thumb.
  • All areas are actively washed, except for the areas around the eyes.
  • The action of pinching movements is reminiscent of squeezing out blackheads with the release of the contents onto the surface of the skin.
  • The deep effect on tissue increases blood circulation and accelerates metabolism.
  • There is an improvement in the supply of oxygen to cells.
  • The regeneration process at the cellular level is stimulated, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • Stagnant foci are eliminated. The accumulation of pus and the development of skin inflammation are prevented.
  • Pigmentation and uneven complexion go away.
  • Muscles are strengthened and skin tone improves.
  • The effect of massage when combined with skin cleansing enhances the healing result.

Jacquet massage: indications, contraindications and recommendations

Jacquet's pinch facial massage, when performed regularly and correctly, can solve many skin problems. The main indications for it are the following:

  • oily seborrhea;
  • scars;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • acne and acne consequences;
  • black dots;
  • milia;
  • acne;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • infiltrates;
  • stagnant areas;
  • high activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related changes such as wrinkles, loss of tone, sagging skin.

If the massage technique is correct, then after 3-4 sessions it will give you the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised by the results.

However, not everything is so smooth. The procedure has a number of contraindications . They are connected, first of all, with the fact that the skin is grabbed extremely intensely when pinched, and the effect on the deep layers of the dermis is quite aggressive, so in some cases massage can lead to disruption of the integrity of the skin and blood microcirculation. To avoid this, you need to make sure there are no contraindications, of which there are also many. These include the following conditions:

  • the presence of damage to the skin, such as scratches and unhealed wounds;
  • flat warts;
  • pinching of the facial nerves, loss of sensitivity and other related problems;
  • herpes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • dysfunction of the joints;
  • any chronic disease at the acute stage;
  • spider veins and capillary network on the face;
  • allergic rashes;
  • hypertension;
  • hirsutism – male pattern hair growth;
  • viral infections;
  • high pain sensitivity.

If you ignore the contraindications, aggressive massage can cause severe redness of the skin and the appearance of bruises, so pay attention to this list in advance.


Jacquet massage is a technique for healing and prevention that helps treat skin diseases and prevent their development. Promotes healing and accelerates the restoration of skin tissue. It is prescribed by a cosmetologist after a preliminary examination of the patient’s skin.

Used for the following indications:

  • increased secretion of fat;

  • acne;
  • large pores;
  • comedones;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • scarring;
  • acne;
  • presence of pigmentation;
  • uneven skin color;
  • the presence of areas of skin with impaired blood circulation;
  • milia - white acne that occurs from blocked glands;
  • hyperkeratosis - scaly keratinization;
  • the presence of stagnation on the skin;
  • age-related decrease in skin tone, sagging, wrinkles;
  • skin problems of adolescence.


Positive changes are visible within a few days after the start of the course. Here's what patients say:

  • Reducing the production of subcutaneous sebum and, as a result, eliminating acne.
  • Evening out complexion.
  • Increases skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Reduction of expression wrinkles.
  • Correction of facial contour.
  • Reduction of pigmentation, old scars and scars.

And an additional bonus is relaxation of facial muscles and prevention of skin diseases (purulent rash, etc.).


Jacquet massage (pinch massage) is a medical procedure, and therefore has some contraindications.

List of indications for which it is not recommended:

  • the presence of non-healing skin lesions;
  • warts, the presence of large moles;
  • increased body temperature above normal;
  • psoriasis;
  • herpes and similar infectious rashes;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • allergic rashes;
  • diseases of blood vessels, varicose veins;
  • viral diseases;
  • neurological disorder associated with hypersensitivity;
  • hypertension and intracranial pressure;
  • severe stages of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • dermatitis, suppuration, eczema;
  • pinching, inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • areas of the face with hair in women (hirsutism);
  • recovery period after peeling with chemical agents.

Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications, but massage should be performed with caution. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 10-15 minutes; in case of severe redness of the skin, an immediate stop of the massage therapist’s actions is required.

The massage is deep and quite aggressive; neglect of restrictions and contraindications can lead to the appearance of hematomas and other deterioration of the skin condition.

Korean myostimulating pinch facial massage

This technique is recommended for use in the presence of deep wrinkles, puffiness and sagging skin. It improves blood flow, significantly increases muscle tone, makes the skin elastic and gives it a healthy appearance.

The peculiarity of this technique lies in the special pinching method. Using the thumb and index finger, a small area of ​​the face is grabbed and squeezed with gentle, pulsating movements 30-40 times.

  1. To get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, you need to start the exercise by massaging the beginning of the eyebrows, moving towards their middle.
  2. To get rid of sagging skin under the eyes, you need to tighten the upper part of the cheeks, and then begin to pulse the entire area under the eyes, moving from the sides to the center.
  3. To improve the contour of the face, you need to grab the edge of the chin, mentally draw diagonal lines coming from the corners of the mouth, and begin pulsating movements along this line.
  4. To get rid of a double chin, you need to tighten the lower contour of the face, then begin to pulse the entire area under the ears, starting at the level of the earlobe and reaching the mandibular bone.

Regularly performing pinch facial massage using this technique provides a good rejuvenating effect and makes the face more toned.

Possible complications

Jacquet massage is a safe technique when performed by a qualified professional.

If the procedure is not followed, complications may arise:

  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • increased skin diseases;
  • increase in acne;
  • the appearance or intensification of skin stretch marks, which lead to the formation of wrinkles;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • violation of facial contours.

What results can be achieved

After a correctly completed course, the result will be visible after the 3rd session, but in order to consolidate the result, you should take the entire course. Eventually:

  • skin oiliness will decrease;
  • pores will close, comedones and acne will disappear;
  • scars will smooth out;
  • the tone of the facial muscles and skin will increase;
  • the facial contour will become clearer;
  • fine wrinkles will smooth out, and deep ones will become smaller;
  • pigment spots will disappear;
  • a beautiful natural complexion will appear.

And as pleasant side effects, the disappearance of headaches, improvement in the quality of vision, and recovery from some diseases of the oral cavity were noted.

Facial massage using the Jacquet method is a very effective means of getting rid of many dermatological and age-related problems. But only if it is carried out in a qualified manner. Neglecting the rules of the procedure can result in very unpleasant consequences for the person, which will take a long time to correct. The lasting effect of the procedure is long-lasting - the result lasts up to 6 months, even with very problematic skin, two full courses per year are enough.


  1. Wash and treat your hands with antiseptic.
  2. Remove makeup.

  3. Cleanse your facial skin. You can make a cleansing steam bath with essential oil or herbal decoction.
  4. Wipe the skin with a 2% salicylic acid solution.
  5. Dry carefully.
  6. Avoid applying cream or oil. To ensure high-quality contact between dry skin and fingers, talc is used. It is applied both to the client’s face and to the specialist’s hands.
  7. Prepare the client psychologically for the correct perception of unpleasant and painful sensations.

Additional Tips

  • If you look at the photo after the procedure, you will notice significant redness; it is advisable not to go outside right away. The skin becomes very hot, a strong temperature change can be dangerous;
  • At home, it is better to start the procedure in the morning, immediately after washing;
  • Sometimes painful sensations from strong pinching are possible, the brow ridges are especially sensitive. But you will have to endure quite a bit, and the reflection in the mirror will allow you to forget about the discomfort. Vibration and stroking smooth out such sensations;
  • It is better to apply makeup the next day: the pores are enlarged and need to breathe, cosmetics will clog them;
  • Sometimes completion of the procedure is accompanied by darsonvalization (electrical treatment) in areas of increased rash. If additional manipulations are not needed, the skin is simply soothed with relaxing movements.

Sequence of massage

Movements are made clearly and strictly along existing specific massage lines in order to obtain the desired therapeutic effect and not harm the skin.

  • Working out the lines of the neck from the décolleté up towards the chin and ears, then from the ears to the beginning of the shoulders along the side lines. At this time, the head should be tilted back as much as possible.
  • Massage of the lower part of the face. Intensive kneading, strong pinching along the line connecting the lower jaw with the earlobes. Eliminates double chin, improves facial contours.
  • Pinching the skin, starting from the corners of the lips, towards the ears, carefully working out the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  • Massage along the lines from the central part of the nose to the ears with thorough warming and kneading of the tissues of this area.
  • Gently apply pressure in the area under the eyes, increasing the pressure towards the temples.
  • Massage the forehead area from the center to the temples, then from the area between the eyebrows towards the hairline. Expression wrinkles are eliminated.
  • Each movement along the massage lines must be repeated 3-4 times.
  • Finally, treat the skin surface with tonic and apply a thin layer of nourishing cream.

The plucking technique initially involves only the superficial layer of skin. Each subsequent repeated movement is accompanied by an increase in the depth and strength of the grip. The purpose of tweezing is to stimulate blood flow and enhance metabolic processes, open pores, remove cheesy mass and rods from the sebaceous glands.

The techniques used in massage are characterized by the complexity of implementation, requiring the correct selection of intensity and adherence to the correct movement along the lines. Therefore, high professionalism of a specialist is very important.

After a quality session, a warm feeling appears on the skin. The cream is well absorbed into treated skin, with high absorption of active ingredients. You can go outside no earlier than 2 hours after the procedure. It is forbidden to apply makeup for several hours. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, and not plan to go out after it.

General rules for pinch facial massage - how to prepare and perform?

At first, it may seem that pinch massage is easy to perform and does not require special skills. But in reality this is not the case, because if you overdo it, existing skin problems can begin to progress.

The procedure takes at most 20 minutes , it is best done in the morning after washing.

Before the manipulation itself, you need to carefully prepare the skin and hands. Since pinch facial massage is performed on dry skin, you need to rid it of sebum using antiseptic drugs. The same should be done with your fingers so that your hands do not slip when gripping the skin. If necessary, talc can be used.

Creams are not used for pinch facial massage due to the peculiarities of the technique.

Video: How to do a pinch facial massage yourself

The technique of pinching facial massage is based on the following actions:

  1. Intensive capture of the skin and subcutaneous layers . The pinches should be fast and deep.
  2. Kneading circular movements affecting the skin and subcutaneous layers. Performed to relax the face.
  3. Patting, reminiscent of vibration . Patting alternates with pinching so that the skin can rest.

One of the tasks of massage is to eliminate subcutaneous inflammation and suppuration.

During the massage, strong pinches are used, which can cause pimples to rupture and their contents to come out.

Regardless of which technique of pinch facial massage is used, the same massage lines .

Groups of massage lines:

  1. The massage line starts in the décolleté area, reaches the chin, then goes to the ears and down to the shoulders.
  2. The massage point starts between the eyebrows, passes above the eyebrows and ends at the temples. Pinching in this area is almost impossible, so the area is massaged with kneading and vibrating movements.
  3. The next group is in the eye area. Massaging movements of the upper eyelid are made from the inner edge to the outer, and of the lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner. Tweezers should not be used in this area.
  4. The massage point starts in the middle of the nose and goes towards the ears.
  5. Massage lines start at the wings of the nose and go to the ears, passing through the cheekbones.
  6. Massage lines start from the corners of the lips and go to the earlobes.
  7. The next group starts in the center of the chin and runs along the mandibular bone in different directions.

Any pinch massage should end with kneading the skin.

At the end of the procedure, the face should be smeared with a cream with a calming effect.

Technique of drawing along lines from the neck

  • The placement of the palms is one under the other. The head is thrown back. The skin of the neck is stretched.
  • Gently stroking is carried out from the décolleté in the central part of the neck towards the chin.
  • Use your thumb and index finger to pinch in the same direction. 5 passes.
  • The side of the neck is worked from the ears to the shoulders, starting with stroking, then pinching.
  • During pinching, you need to gradually increase the depth of grip and the intensity of pressure. Alternate with vibration.
  • Finish with stroking.

  • Due to the therapeutic effect, muscle tone increases and skin sagging is prevented.

Tsvetkova's vector technique

This method is good for shaping the cheekbones and the oval of the face. It is a revolutionary new trend. This is part of medical cosmetology. It can become an alternative to plastic surgery.

The essence of the method is to rejuvenate the face by removing the “nasolabial area”. This can only be done by activating the entire muscle group of the cheekbone. Due to this, it increases and makes the face visually more prominent. The face “lifts”, excess skin disappears, and the face becomes younger.

Such an operation has many contraindications, plus some more manipulations with the face will be required.

Vector massage takes place along four main massage lines, taking into account the location of blood vessels and active areas of the face. This helps to additionally connect the body’s own forces. There are a huge number of active points on our face. By influencing them, we can achieve serious rejuvenation and tone of the facial skin.

Working out the lines from the chin

  • The head is raised and slightly tilted back.
  • From the middle of the chin, stroke with your fingers along the area of ​​the lower jaw in the direction of the earlobes.
  • Then pinch along these lines, increasing the force of the plucking more than along the lines of the neck.
  • Pinch movements should be alternated with vibration, ending with stroking.
  • Helps prevent double chins and improves facial contour.

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Useful tips

The description of the technique of this type of massage allows us to conclude that performing this procedure requires serious training and basic knowledge of the anatomical structure of the human body. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health, but to contact competent specialists.

If such a basis exists, after studying the specifics of the procedure, you can try to perform a massage yourself at home. Some useful recommendations will help you cope with this task:

1) You cannot exceed the established time limit for the procedure - 10-15 minutes.

2) If a burning sensation appears, the manipulation should be stopped immediately.

3) After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for 2-3 hours.

In principle, in the process of action it will become clear how correctly the massage techniques are performed. After 3-4 sessions, the appearance of your face should improve noticeably. If this does not happen, you need to look for an error in the implementation of the technique.

Tags: signs of aging

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Along the lines from the nose

  • Stroking along the lines from the corners of the lips towards the ear.
  • Lightly pinching these lines with your fingers will reduce deep wrinkles.
  • You need to work on both sides of the face with both hands at the same time.
  • After this, from the center of the nasolabial triangle to the earlobes.
  • Pinch a path from the wings of the nose towards the corners of the mouth.
  • The line, starting from the wings of the nose through the cheekbones to the ears, should be developed moderately, while maintaining elasticity. The contours of the cheeks are restored.
  • Tweezers from the middle of the nose to the ears return a healthy glow to the skin.
  • The massage should be carried out with moderately deep tucks, alternating with vibration.
  • Finish with stroking along the massage lines.


It's amazing how much benefit facial massage can bring—reviews from beauty salon clients confirm the results.

  1. After just a few procedures, blood circulation improves and the skin acquires a healthy tone;
  2. Fighting fat cells, pinching at a fast pace gives a lymphatic drainage effect;
  3. Proper execution not only treats, but also prevents diseases of the epidermis;
  4. The oval of the face again acquires natural contours, the lines become clear, with smooth transitions.

Along the lines coming from the eyebrow depressions

  • You need to start by stroking from the center of the forehead along the eyebrows, towards the temples.

  • Pinching is difficult due to the tightness of the skin in this area. It is good to alternate pinching with kneading and vibration.
  • Then along the lines, starting from the fold between the eyebrows, to the sides and from bottom to top to the hairline.
  • Folds between the eyebrows and longitudinally located wrinkles are smoothed out.

Execution technique

Watching the master’s actions during Jacquet’s massage, it seems that there is nothing complicated in the technique. It's a delusion. The technique is complex and requires special knowledge, perfect mastery of the method of influence, and concentration. The following techniques are used during the massage:

  • pinching (deep grasping of soft tissues);
  • kneading;
  • vibration combined with pinching and pressing.

Important! Strict adherence to technology guarantees the desired result. Incompetent use of technology can negatively affect your appearance.

To prepare for the session, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face. The massage therapist must wash his hands and use an antiseptic. The skin must be preheated (light kneading). The use of creams and oils is not intended.

A fatty substance can negatively affect inflammation. To better grip the skin, it is permissible to treat it with talcum powder (baby powder).

The next stage will be the main impact. The massage lines are worked with pinch movements. The capture of the skin is fast, rhythmic, intense, the pace gradually increases.

They work by adding the thumb and index (middle) fingers. They move along the zones, turning downward: forehead, cheeks, chin. The eye area is completely excluded.

After pinching, begin vibration. They move forward in the same sequence. After working through all the zones, do a final kneading. The final stage of the procedure will be treating the skin with cream according to indications. It is advisable to use a light moisturizing or soothing cosmetic product.

Session duration is 10–15 minutes. As soon as redness or excessive burning of the skin appears, the procedure is stopped. Increasing the duration of the session, overcoming pain, is strictly prohibited. The intensive course consists of 10–20 procedures, 2–3 times per week. The frequency of sessions is gradually reduced. It is recommended to repeat a series of effects no more than 2-3 times a year.

Don't despair of getting a positive result. After the first sessions, the picture of the disease may worsen, and the area of ​​inflammation may expand. This is a temporary phenomenon. If the procedure is performed correctly, the skin will begin to clear after 2-3 sessions. Why this happens is clear from the method of influence.

Conducting a session on your own

who knows exactly the impact techniques and the location of the massage lines can massage the skin according to Jacquet, influencing it correctly And it is able to calculate the intensity of the effects based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s face and skin.

Skills and extensive practical experience are important. It is advisable to select and perform a massage performed by a specialist to get rid of certain skin problems. Carrying out procedures on your own in such cases is undesirable.

A simplified version of the procedure can be performed for yourself at home, if you have basic knowledge and follow the rules of massage - neither move nor stretch the skin of the face.

To understand the correctness of your own technique, it would be advisable to visit a massage parlor 1 or 2 times to remember the sensations that arise when a massage is performed by an experienced and qualified specialist.

Description of simplified home massage:

  • important - careful study of massage lines for the correct impact on areas of the facial skin in order to avoid stretching, which can lead to the formation and deepening of wrinkles;

    Jacquet's massage is carried out strictly along massage lines

  • cleanse your face, dry thoroughly;
  • apply talc to fingers and skin;
  • You should start a facial massage by stroking your fingers along the massage lines;
  • when using pinches during self-massage, the pad of the thumb should be on the bottom, and the bent index finger on top;
  • duration of exposure 5-10 minutes;
  • be sure to follow massage techniques and techniques;
  • If on the fourth day there are no signs of improvement in your skin condition, then the best solution would be to stop doing home treatments and seek advice from a specialist.

Preparation for the event

The surface is cleaned of grease and dust, treated with an antiseptic or 2% salicylic alcohol. Hands are also treated with the solution.

It is important that you cannot use cream with this method: slippery surfaces and hands will interfere with confident movements, and some tissues will not be worked.

To make it easier, spray a thin layer of talcum powder on your hands, so it will be easier to grasp the areas. Knowledge about massage lines will come in handy; their directions are marked with a cosmetic pencil until they are remembered.


Positive changes during a course of skin massage treatment will be visible at the end of the third session.

Achieving a lasting effect is observed after completing a course of procedures:

  • The function of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat stops.

  • Existing inflammatory processes are eliminated. The appearance of new inflammations is prevented.
  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • Skin color is restored and evened out.
  • Scars disappear.
  • Skin elasticity increases.
  • Acne and various types of pimples disappear.
  • Skin turgor improves.
  • The contour is corrected, the correct contours of the face are formed.
  • The skin tightens and becomes elastic.
  • The amount of pigmentation decreases or disappears completely.
  • The face acquires a pleasant and fresh color.
  • Wrinkles are significantly smoothed out.

Additionally, it relieves tension, which helps relieve stress. Strengthens the body's defenses, fighting diseases.

The results remain for a long period of time. The course of procedures ranges from 10 sessions daily and can last up to 20 - twice a week. To consolidate the effect, it is advisable to repeat 2 times a year, with a break of at least 3 months.

A rather painful, but useful therapeutic and cosmetological procedure is the Jacquet massage. It doesn’t feel very pleasant during the session, but it is effective and efficient. With the help of pinching effects, skin defects are eliminated, tissue rejuvenation occurs and the overall condition of facial skin improves.

Author: Anna Nika

Article design: Mila Friedan

Anti-aging pinch facial massage technique

If you perform the procedures for 3 months, at least 2 times a week, this will get rid of fine wrinkles and also make deep wrinkles less noticeable. To enhance the effect during the procedure, you can use a facial scrub with the addition of coffee grounds.

Use 3 effective massage methods:

  1. Light tapping with fingers or palms.
  2. Pinching or pulsing movements with two fingers.
  3. Strong pressure on problem points.


Pinch massage

It has not a momentary, but a long-lasting effect. It is not easy to carry out, so you should trust a professional. This procedure is one of the most popular, therefore it is offered by many beauty salons, massage centers and other similar organizations, which means that you will always have a choice. Please note: in high-level establishments, before the massage procedure itself, the cosmetologist will perform a procedure for cleaning your pores, after which he will moisturize you with a high-quality cosmetic product.

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