All about biorevitalization: effect, features of the procedure, drugs

The name of the beauty procedure consists of several words: “bio” - natural, “re” - return, “vita” - life. Simply put, this is the return of the skin to its living, natural beauty and freshness. After the introduction of hyaluronic acid facial gel, the skin looks as if new life has been breathed into it.

The key to an effective result is the deep penetration of the drug - a superficial effect gives short-term and not so pronounced changes. Therefore, facial biorevitalization involves several methods of delivering components to the border of the dermis and epidermis.

· Injections (popularly called “beauty injections”).

· Hardware influences (using laser, current, ultrasound, etc.).

What is the procedure?

Biorevitalization of the face compensates for the deficiency of natural components - the very ones that nature provided us with during our youth. This is an absolute plus - the skin receives from the outside only those elements that are initially “native” to it.

By returning them to the dermis, we create a supply of moisture due to the fact that the gel with hyaluronic acid for the face acts as a “molecular sponge”. It restores the hydro reserve, attracts and retains water, providing a long-term moisturizing effect. Additionally, it helps to organize the chains of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis framework. Thanks to this it is possible to achieve:

· effective prevention of aging;

· rapid facial rejuvenation;

· improving the appearance of the epidermis, greater smoothness and elasticity;

· color alignment;

· increased tone;

· solving the problem of age-related pigmentation on the face;

· launching deep restoration processes.

How to choose a biorevitalizant for the eyes and other areas

Professional products for biorevitalization are available in abundance on the market. But when choosing a drug, it is worth considering several important points.

Factor #1. HA molecule size.

The bottom line. Hyaluronic acid (HA) comes in different forms. The usual native one (not chemically modified) closely matches what our skin produces. But the lifespan of such molecules is 1-2 days. The smaller the mass of HA, the faster it is destroyed in tissues after administration. Accordingly, the effect will be short-term and not sufficiently pronounced, since due to the small mass of the molecule, it cannot retain much moisture.

Conclusions. Preparations with regular native hyaluron should be used in a course with high frequency. For example, a month and a half once a week. In this case, look for a composition with a molecular weight of HA from 1800 kDa.

Factor #2. Chemical modification of HA.

The bottom line. Greater effectiveness can be achieved if you use cross-linked or stabilized hyaluronic acid. It is also called chemically modified. As a result of production in HA molecules, single protein chains are either cross-linked or their connection is strengthened with the help of the drug Mannitol. Cross-linked or stabilized molecules have a longer lifespan - from 10 days to 4 weeks.

Conclusions. Procedures based on this HA are carried out less frequently - once every 2-4 weeks, which is preferable for the patient. The effect is more noticeable and lasts longer.

Factor #3. Non-animal origin of HA.

The bottom line. Different manufacturers produce hyaluron in different ways. The BLUM GEL brand does not use HA of animal origin to minimize the risk of allergies.

Conclusions. If you are allergic, pay attention to this. But even if such manifestations have never happened, it is better to play it safe and choose a reliable manufacturer who does not make secrets about the origin of HA in its compositions.

Factor #4. HA concentration.

The bottom line. Each person has their own concentration. For mesotherapy, the optimal HA content is 0.3-0.5% (a course of 10-12 procedures every 7 days). For young skin – 1.3% concentrate (= 12-13 mg/ml). To lift skin that has crossed the 35-year mark, a concentration of 1.5-2.0% (15-20 mg/ml) is required.

When is biorevitalization indicated?

Due to age-related changes in the skin, various unpleasant changes occur. The formation of important proteins such as elastin and collagen is reduced. After all, it is their sufficient presence that ensures the vital activity and flexibility of the skin. In addition, the formation of hyaluron and its energy relative to the binding of water molecules is minimized.

Biorevitalization can be useful for:

  • Dehydration;
  • Decreased turgor due to illness, emotional stress, rapid weight loss, and so on;
  • Premature withering of the skin, which is provoked by toxic influences from the outside, this can be the use of strong drugs or smoking;
  • Preparation for laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, plastic surgery;
  • Photoaging;
  • Prevention of all of the above phenomena.

Biorevitalizants BLUM GEL low and medium concentration

They are suitable for young skin or as a component for multitherapy.

The highlight of BLUM GEL preparations is that, depending on the needs of the skin, you can assemble a lot of individual combinations from them, like from a puzzle. The protocols make it possible to carry out both monotherapy on their basis and combine the products of the line. As a result, it is possible not only to slow down the aging process, but also to respond to the special wishes of the patient. For example, raise the corners of the eyebrows, smooth out creases along the contour of the lips, wrinkles on the forehead.

Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL AMBER SHINE EYES 0.8%

This is a real find, allowing you to restore thin, delicate and dry skin around the eyes. The product with hyaluron and succinic acid is adapted to this specific task and achieves maximum effect.

· Removes signs of fatigue.

· Removes bags and circles under the eyes.

· Stimulates lymph flow, eliminating congestion.

· Copes with swelling and pastosity.

Succinic acid (sodium succinate) stimulates the synthesis of ATP in tissues, and they are the “energy station” of our cells. The tone increases, flabbiness and sagging contours go away, oxygen saturation improves, and antioxidant protection increases. Add to this all the declared effects of GC and you will get an optimal, well-designed new generation drug with a clinically pronounced effect.

Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL CLASSIC 1%

This is the same native hyaluron that we mentioned in the previous section. The manufacturer made it as close as possible in molecular weight, concentration, structure to HA contained in the intercellular fluid of the skin. It is embedded in the space between collagen fibers, restores volume by retaining water, structures protein chains, thereby improving


Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL CLASSIC 1% is a basic drug that often becomes the basis for mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

What effect can be achieved with biorevitalization?

After the procedure, improvement is observed:

  1. the skin is moisturized and receives nutrients;
  2. improves tone, restores elasticity and metabolic processes;
  3. regeneration accelerates and complexion improves;
  4. wrinkles are smoothed out, facial skin is tightened and the oval shape is improved;
  5. pores become smaller, acne disappears;
  6. puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, pigmentation, scars and stretch marks disappear.

The rehabilitation period is very short and ranges from 1-2 days, and at this time it is not recommended:

  1. During the first 24 hours, touch the treated skin surface and apply makeup;
  2. within two days, use drugs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects;
  3. For a week after the procedures, refrain from visiting the solarium, sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool and intense physical training.

The effect of a course of biorevitalization procedures lasts up to 6 months.

It is important to remember that, like any procedure, biorevitalization has contraindications, which include:

  1. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  2. facial skin diseases;
  3. autoimmune diseases;
  4. acute infectious diseases;
  5. individual intolerance to the drug, etc.

Before carrying out the procedure, consultation with a specialist is required.

BLUM GEL preparations with high concentration and DMAE

They are suitable for patients 35+, as they provide a distinct lifting effect and rejuvenation. In this case, hyaluronic acid alone is no longer enough; preparations based on DMAE, peptides, amino acids, and RNA complexes are needed. Especially for them, BLUM GEL has released a series of highly concentrated preparations. They are also used as one of the components for treating young skin according to indications.

Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL PROLIFT 1.5%

The composition contains an optimal ratio of HA (15 mg/ml) and DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol). Its role in the human body is unique; it stimulates the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the tone and elasticity of the skin, the clarity of the oval of the face, and the firmness of tissues. With age, their content drops catastrophically, so the forms lose their elasticity. DMAE, contained in the biorevitalizant BLUM GEL PROLIFT 1.5%, triggers their production, deceiving


Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL AMBER 1.5%

This is another composition based on HA and succinic acid, but unlike the already described drug BLUM GEL AMBER SHINE EYES 0.8%, it has a more universal purpose. It can be used not only for the area around the eyes, but also for the face

in general.

Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL AMBER 1.5% perfectly eliminates signs of aging, age-related pigmentation on the face, removes puffiness and sagging tissue. Due to the alkaline environment, it fights rashes, acne, seborrhea, and improves skin immunity. Thickens the epidermis, brightens it, evens out tone and reduces wrinkles.

Biorevitalizant BLUM GEL ZINC 1.8%

In addition to HA, it contains zinc, an element traditionally used in cosmetology.

· It regulates sebum production.

· Fights inflammation, acne and post-acne.

· Increases local immunity.

· Has an antioxidant effect.

· Protects skin from negative environmental influences.

· Increases its density.

Hyaluronic acid, in turn, is responsible for hydration, smoothing wrinkles, elasticity, and smoothing out the relief.

PHILOSOPHY preparations

One of the most popular and effective drugs is Philosophy. This is also confirmed by reviews of patients who used these biorevitalizants.


This biorevitalizant is a drainage energy ensemble. It contains components characterized by a tonic effect. It improves microcirculation, strengthens vascular walls, activates metabolic processes, has a significant decongestant and drainage effect, and removes toxins from tissues. It can be used for both the facial area and the body.

Main components:

  • Extract of meliloto, ginkgo biloba, Asian centella and green tea;
  • Silicon;
  • Rutin.

DRAINAGE PHILOSOPHY can be purchased in a glass bottle with a rubber cap, which contains 6 ml.


This drug contains non-stabilized hyaluronic acid (1.5 million) in its structure. Hyaluron and amino acid components are considered building materials for the formation of protein molecules.

REVITA DERM is recommended for the treatment of photo- and biological withering, decreased vital activity, biorevitalization, and dehydrated and tired skin. In addition, it can be used during the rehabilitation period after plastic interventions and peelings.

The result of using this product is the leveling of the relief, improving the shade of the cover and increasing the reparative capabilities.

Main components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate;
  • L-lysine;
  • L-carnosine;
  • L-ornithine;
  • L-leucine;
  • L-phenylalanine;
  • L-methionine;
  • Sodium chondroitin sulfate.

The manufacturer produces it in a 6 ml glass bottle with a rubber stopper.


This cocktail is an active anti-aging drug for the facial area. It effectively eliminates sagging, wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation and evens out skin texture.

DMAE is able to restore muscle flexibility and tone at its best, increases the impermeability of the skin and removes inflammatory processes on the skin. It is characterized by a powerful lifting effect and eliminates excess skin on the face.

DMAE also creates tightening and firming of the skin. The product is used in the fight against gravitational-type skin drooping. It evens out skin tone and is indispensable in the complex treatment of atrophic scars, post-acne and stretch marks.

Main components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate;
  • Tartaric acid;
  • 2-dimethylaminoethanol;
  • Organic silicon.

The drug is available in a volume of 6 ml in a glass bottle with a rubber stopper.


This is an anti-cellulite complex for cellulite therapy. This drug speeds up metabolism, affecting adipose tissue. This is an excellent lipolytic. Its structure contains phosphatidylcholine, which is famous as an effective fat solvent, as well as phospholipid, which is an element of the cell membrane.

LYPO COMPLEX is used in the treatment of excess fat, cellulite, local fat deposits, impaired skin relief, tissue hypoxia, disruption of microcirculation and unevenness after liposuction.

Main components:

  • Biotin;
  • Sodium deoxycholate;
  • Phosphatidylcholine;
  • Vitamins of group B and C.

The form of release of the drug is a glass bottle equipped with a rubber stopper. The volume of the drug in the bottle is 6 ml.


This product nourishes the scalp, revives the hair base and hair follicle, stimulates the growth of fresh hair and prolongs its lifespan.

Thanks to the complex of active components, hair growth increases, its structure improves and hair loss stops. In addition, microcirculation is stimulated and the necessary supply of necessary nutritional components, which are useful for the formation of the hair base, is ensured.

Experts recommend MESO HAIR for the treatment of hereditary or hormonal hair loss, alopecia caused by overexertion, fatigue, seasonal hair loss or pregnancy.

And in addition to this, for preventive and therapeutic measures after the use of antibiotics, thin and tired hair, dryness and fragility, itching and seborrheic dermatitis.

Main components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins C and H;
  • Folic acid;
  • Myo-inositol;
  • L-alanine;
  • L-cysteine;
  • L-histidine;
  • L-isoleucine;
  • L-glutamic acid;
  • L-glycine;
  • L-asparaginase.

The product is sold in glass bottles with a rubber cap, 6 ml in volume.


This remedy has a seborrhea-regulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Its structure contains elements that allow you to control excessive secretion of seborrhea and carry out keratinization in the sebaceous follicles. It is used for post-acne and subacute acne.

Main components:

  • B vitamins;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Copper and zinc gluconate;
  • Sodium hyaluronate.

The product is available in a glass bottle (6 ml) equipped with a rubber stopper.


AMINO TONIK is a nourishing and restorative cocktail, the structure of which includes hyaluronate and amino acids. It activates fibroblasts. This prevents the formation of a deficiency of matrix elements between cells, including hyaluron. Its effect is focused not only on therapy and correction of the injection zone, but also on restoring the elasticity, tone and hydration of the skin.

The drug has a significant tightening effect. It is often used for preventive and corrective purposes for age-related skin changes, biorevitalization and hydration of the dermis.

Elimination of deep facial folds, chrono- and photoaging, decreased elasticity and turgor, restoration of shade and restructuring of tissue, getting rid of alopecia - all this is possible with the help of biorevitalization with this product. Reviews about it are only positive.

Main components:

  • 1% sodium hyaluronate;
  • Tyrosine and glycine;
  • Alanine and cysteine;
  • Ornithine and threonine;
  • Aspartic and glutamic acid;
  • Proline and valine;
  • Otryptophan and ornithine;
  • Histidine and leucine;
  • Lysine and phenylphthalein;
  • Serine and methionine, isoleucine.

AMINO TONIK can be purchased in a 6 ml glass bottle. The bottle has a special rubber stopper.

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

The price for this service depends on a number of factors: the region of the Russian Federation, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the salon’s pricing policy, the solvency of its target audience, and hardware equipment.

The minimum price threshold for biorevitalization using a high-quality drug starts from 5,000-7,000 rubles per session. Often, when concluding an agreement for repeated courses, salons offer clients discounts.

Skin care after the procedure

Post-treatment recommendations speed up the recovery process and prolong the success achieved.

· Do not use decorative cosmetics for 2 days.

· Use care products approved by a cosmetologist.

· Do not touch the skin with your hands, do not press on papules, pimples, etc.

· Arnica-based preparations are suitable for getting rid of hematomas.

· If the cosmetologist recommended taking antiviral drugs 3 days before the procedure, then they are taken the same amount after its completion.

· Within 7 days, refuse eyebrow correction or hair removal of the treated area.

· Do not go to fitness, sauna, or swimming pool for the same amount of time if biorevitalization was injected.

· Taking a bath is replaced by a warm shower.

· Limit exposure to the sun for 14 days.

· It makes sense to stop drinking alcohol at first. It dehydrates the body and worsens the effect of the procedure.

After a couple of days, all traces of manipulation are visually smoothed out. And the freshness and youth of the skin delights from 3 months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

How does biorevitalization differ from mesotherapy?

Both procedures are based on injections or hardware administration of drugs. But meso-cocktails are made up of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts and other components. The percentage of hyaluron content in them is much lower than in biorevitalizants.

What is better: mesotherapy or biorevitalization?

There can be no clear answer to this question. Everything is determined by the individual needs of the skin. Note that with biorevitalization, the effect is visible from the first visit to the salon. With mesotherapy, it is cumulative, and there may be no noticeable changes after one treatment.

What types of biorevitalization exist

There are several of them, they differ only in the method of delivering the active substance inside the skin. It acts in the same way in all cases - it slows down aging.

No. 1. Non-injection biorevitalization

Physical energy of various origins is used to deliver hyaluron.

· Cryobiorevitalization. Involves the use of cold liquid nitrogen.

· Electrobiorevitalization. Occurs on the basis of low-frequency current.

· Iontophoresis. Implies a stable galvanic current.

· Magnetophoresis. Transportation of HA is carried out under the influence of oscillations of magnetic waves.

· Oxygen biorevitalization. Uses oxygen as a “courier” delivering hyaluron to cells.

· Ultraphonophoresis. Uses the energy of ultrasonic waves.

In each case, the skin is not damaged, so only low molecular weight HA can be used for manipulation.

No. 2. Injection biorevitalization

The drug penetrates the skin as a result of injection with a syringe with an ultra-thin needle. The doctor can perform the injection manually or using a hardware attachment. In the first case, the effect is less aggressive, but the correct selection of doses of the drug and puncture sites depend on the qualifications of the specialist. With the second option, these moments are automated, but the impact is more painful.

No. 3. Laser biorevitalization

Does not violate the integrity of the skin. The laser beam delivers the required amount of biorevitalizant for the body strictly to a given depth. Errors are reduced to zero, but the procedure is not cheap, and a lasting effect requires at least 5 sessions.

Frequency of sessions

Skin cells are periodically renewed, so manipulations have to be repeated. To prevent aging, three sessions with an interval of 3-4 weeks every six months are enough. For therapy, the frequency of repetitions is determined by the cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization is an instant procedure.
The first effect can be assessed already in the clinic. It will finally become clear after the skin has been restored for 3-7 days. Be prepared that immediately after the procedure there may be papules from injections, redness from the laser and other consequences of mechanical administration of the drug. There is no need to be afraid of this - as soon as the drug is distributed and the epidermis “calms down”, the skin will take on a fresh and rested appearance, and you will notice how youth has returned to you! Share:

Biorevitalization: how many procedures need to be done

Biorevitalization: duration of the course of rejuvenating procedures

There is nothing more natural than every woman’s desire to look younger than her biological age.
Modern cosmetology offers her many ways to chase the slipping time. One of them is biorevitalization - an innovative method of rejuvenation using natural means. It is used no earlier than 35 years, since until this age the skin retains high compensatory capabilities for producing the required amount of its own hyaluronic acid (HA). By the age of 35, reserves are depleted, and the time for biorevitalization comes. The introduction of hyaluronic acid, the most important natural component of the dermis, under the skin not only gives stunning visual results, but also changes the very structure of the skin, making it a worthy replacement for plastic surgery. It is necessary to evaluate the effect of biorevitalization in parts. In the first hours we see a quick result of the procedure: smoothing of wrinkles. A couple of weeks after biorevitalization, when the cells begin to produce their own hyaluronic acid, a delayed effect occurs - complete restoration of the skin.

To obtain the “soft filler” effect, it is sufficient to use preparations with a hyaluronic acid concentration of more than 1.5%. The amount of necessary hyaluronic “top-ups” is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s age and the condition of his skin. Typically, these are three to five procedures.

Rejuvenation mechanism

Baby's skin is velvety and soft by nature. These qualities are provided by hyaluronic acid, which controls the water balance of the dermis. This is a hydrocolloid that can not only moisturize, but create conditions for the normal functioning of all components of the skin after biorevitalization: maintain a protective water-lipid film on the surface of the epidermis, activate fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, guarantee the regenerative abilities of the cell, and maintain its energy balance.

With age, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, background radiation, natural disasters, stress, and poor nutrition, the dermis loses moisture. Hyaluronic acid, attracting water to itself, compensates for losses, but over time, internal reserves become depleted. To keep the skin young, HA is administered externally. It does not biodegrade immediately, but lingers in the body for quite a long time. While such a “crossed” HA is present under the skin in the laboratory, it:

  • Moisturizes the dermis (about 500 water molecules are fixed on 1 HA molecule).
  • Restores intercellular communication between the epidermis and subepidermal layers.
  • Activates fibroblasts, protein synthesis, collagen, elastin, increases skin elasticity and its ability to regenerate.
  • Stimulates angiogenesis, potentiates the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of substances entering the skin from the outside.
  • Helps remove free radicals, rejuvenating the skin.

The visual effect of aging replacement therapy is that:

  • Superficial skin folds disappear after biorevitalization, deep ones are smoothed out.
  • The skin regains lost firmness and elasticity and becomes velvety.
  • As a result of normalization of blood recirculation, the shade of the dermis becomes a soft flesh color and pigmentation disappears.
  • The listing effect appears, the contours of the face are drawn.

Types of biorevitalization: how many procedures need to be done

Cosmetologists know two ways to introduce HA under the skin:

  1. Injection, when hyaluronic acid is injected into the dermis pointwise, at the end of a needle, therefore it has a small area of ​​influence and requires multiple repetitions. In this case, the structure of the acid remains as identical as possible to the dermis’ own HA. Immediately after the procedure, marks from needles and papules are visible, which resolve on their own, but require compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period. The procedure is carried out once a month, which saves money compared to other similar methods. Five or three procedures are enough for a course.
  2. Hardware-based, when hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin from a special gel under the influence of infrared rays. It partially changes its structure, becomes pigmented and dehydrated, which helps open chromosomes - skin transport channels, and create a HA depot. The impact area is extensive. The procedure is painless, has virtually no side effects, the results are visible immediately, and is more long-lasting (up to six months) and effective. The course consists of six to ten procedures at intervals of one to three sessions per week.

There is another gradation of types of procedure:

  • For the purpose of prevention, when the manipulation is aimed at eliminating the water imbalance of the dermis with hyaluronic acid. As a rule, such a course consists of two sessions, with an interval of 3-4 weeks. As a result: the process of skin aging slows down. Similar prophylaxis is used for the skin of the face, lips, and hands.
  • The treatment uses hyaluronic acid, which can restore already withered skin. The meaning of the procedure is the introduction of anta hydrate into the deep layers of the dermis. The doctor decides how many sessions are needed for such a restoration. Typically, the course consists of three to five sessions at intervals of a month.

Due to the fact that mesotherapy, based on the introduction of vitamins and microelements under the skin, is also called “beauty injections,” it is necessary to distinguish between these procedures, their purpose, and results. Mesotherapy is possible after 25 years, while this age is taboo for biorevitalization.


Biorevitalization is most often prescribed in cosmetology if:

  • The patient's skin is dry and requires a “sip of water.”
  • Reduced skin turgor.
  • Pigment spots appear.
  • It is necessary to correct scar changes and post-operative skin defects.
  • It is necessary to restore the skin after excessive ultraviolet irradiation (natural, artificial).
  • It is necessary to eliminate the consequences of laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, and other hardware procedures.


Not a single cosmetic procedure is complete without restrictions. Biorevitalization is not carried out if:

  • In the area of ​​the planned intervention there is inflammation, herpetic eruptions, dermatoses, and keloid.
  • The patient suffers from chronic somatic diseases or autoimmune diseases.
  • There is an allergic predisposition of the body or individual intolerance to GC drugs.
  • The patient is breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • The patient is prescribed anticoagulant drugs (they reduce blood clotting).
  • High temperature of unknown origin, ARVI, ARI.
  • Tumor processes (benign, malignant).

Carrying out the procedure

Injections of HA carry out its dosed and targeted delivery to the skin. The injection site is first disinfected. If the patient has an increased pain threshold, the skin is treated with an anesthetic. But usually the procedure does not cause pain.

Inside the dermis, water molecules attach to HA and are assimilated by cells. Moisture stimulates tissue restoration. The essence of the procedure is to trigger the synthesis of your own HA, which leads to the activation of collagen and elastin, optimization of water balance, and restores skin elasticity. To consolidate the effect, the procedure is repeated.

Hardware biorevitalization involves intensive exposure to the problem area simultaneously with several radiation sources. In this case, the maximum effect is achieved in a minimum time. The procedure does not require any preliminary preparation, is safe, combines treatment of the skin with infrared rays and the promotion of a gel with HA into the dermis. The restoration sequence is identical to the injection technique.

Biorevitalization gels

Hyaluronic acid is considered the best biorevitalizant. But today, drugs are popular in which it is the base, and vitamins, minerals, amino acids, peptide chains and even growth factors are added to it. The composition of the drugs determines their capabilities and safety, the choice is made by the doctor

The IAL System is considered the “gold standard” of gels in this group due to the almost complete identity of its hyaluronic acid and HA, synthesized by the human body. This guarantees the procedure is hypoallergenic and effective. Usually two drugs are used at once: with stable and unstable HA. The combination of gels allows, in addition to restoring skin turgor and facial contours, to reduce the production of sebum (sebum)

The latest generation Austrian gel Princess Rich is the drug of choice for gel contouring. It contains HA, obtained using the innovative “SMART” technology, with the addition of glycerin, which potentiates its properties. This will prolong the result up to six months.

Gel from Switzerland Teosyal Redensity contains amino acids that stimulate collagen production, trace elements, antioxidants and vitamin B6, which promotes regeneration. It has a mild effect and is very effective.

Russian gel Repleri is a biodegradant of stabilized HA, which has excellent plasticity, safety, and long-lasting results.

Viscoderm is a group of monopreparations. Contains hyaluronic acid in increasing concentrations. The minimum concentration (0.8%) is used exclusively to smooth out crow's feet and other fine wrinkles of dry skin. Hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 1.8% - in the very first stages of aging (35-40 years) or when preparing the skin for surgical plastic surgery or hardware procedures. 2% hyaluronic acid is used to deeply moisturize thick skin over forty years old. (RestylaneVital also works).

Italian-made Skin R is a newcomer to the service market, but has managed to prove itself from the best side. Contains 2% hyaluronic acid, amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis, a carbonate buffer that normalizes pH and prolongs the effect of the gel. Shows high antioxidant protection and is used as a lifting agent.

Chinese cosmetic companies offer Hafiller Aqua gels with unstable HA of increasing concentration (from 14 to 30 mg/l), restoring microcirculation and moisture balance in problem areas. Used until old age.

The Americans created Mezovarton and Mesoxanthin - the latest generation gels with HA and active additives (up to 50 ingredients). The meaning of the effect is based on the stimulating effect of stem cells. It is so gentle and safe that in the USA it is recommended from the age of 20. However, our experts recommend it only after 40.

Possible complications

If we talk about complications, then there are two sides of the same coin: side effects dependent and independent of the doctor and the patient.

The first group includes:

  • Unprofessionalism of the doctor.
  • Lack of proper examination.
  • Ignoring advice from related specialists.
  • Irresponsibility of patients (hiding data about their health).

The second group includes unforeseen circumstances: there are no contraindications, the gel was chosen correctly, and side effects were the result of an individual reaction to its components. Most often, sensitive skin reacts this way, so biorevitalization is not always the procedure of choice for it. If complications arise, they are so serious that they deserve special attention. There are mild, moderate and severe reactions to the procedure, immediate and delayed complications.

The first group includes the following side effects and complications:

  • Vascular embolism (tissue necrosis). Eliminated by timely administration of hyaluronidase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid.
  • Artificial “vitiligo”, depigmentation.
  • Hematomas.

The second group includes:

  • Loss of sensation.
  • Subcutaneous seals.
  • Keloid.
  • Inflammation.
  • Local autoimmune reaction.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you should first make sure of the qualifications of the doctor to whom you entrust your face. Modern cosmetology is personalized. Almost every salon offers similar procedures, but it is not so easy to find a responsible professional doctor. Therefore, “your own” cosmetologist is not an empty phrase, but an urgent necessity.

For or against?

There is no doubt that biorevitalization:

  • Gives maximum improvement in appearance in minimal time.
  • It has affordable prices and a wide age range.
  • Uses almost natural leather ingredients.

On the other side:

  • In rare cases, a decrease in endogenous (independent) production of natural HA by the skin leads to the need for a constant supply of gel to the dermis.
  • It is necessary to take into account the invasiveness of the procedure, as well as the dependence of the result on the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

You can learn more about biorevitalization and receive individual recommendations regarding the duration of the course of anti-aging procedures at a consultation with a medical cosmetologist (Moscow).

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