Features of anti-aging biorevitalization with otesaly

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the human body, which is responsible for health and beauty. Thanks to this component, the skin remains elastic, does not suffer from moisture deficiency and does not become wrinkled longer. Hyaluronic acid is synthesized in the skin and connective tissue, but after 25 years this process slows down, so the first signs of aging appear on the face. You can fill the deficiency of the necessary ingredient using special cosmetics or salon procedures. The OTESALY brand offers several types of fillers with hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization, mesotherapy, correction of lip shape, facial contour and more. Find out more about the range of these products and read what professional cosmetologists have to say about them.

What is this procedure

The concept of biorevitalization means saturating the upper layers of the skin with products based on hyaluronic acid. It is she who participates in all processes of proper regeneration and vital activity of skin cells.

Its sufficient quantity allows the face to have a healthy and youthful appearance, with a clear and toned contour.

Hyaluronic acid saturates each cell with a large volume of moisture, thereby achieving firmness and elasticity.

From a certain age, our body begins to gradually lose the ability to produce this life-giving substance inherent in skin cells. The consequence of this is sagging and looseness, sagging and wrinkles, and various age spots appear.

The process of artificial replenishment with hyaluronic acid involves its introduction, using special syringes with the finest needles, into the skin tissue.

The cells begin to be saturated with the missing and essential element for them, resulting in general improvement, which ultimately allows you to get the desired result.

The main goal of biorevitalization is precisely skin rejuvenation with the help of hyaluronic acid. However, this procedure involves the use of many different means, differing in their precise targeted action to eliminate certain problems.

One of these drugs is OTESALY, it is often used for biorevitalization.

Preparation and administration of the drug

You need to trust your health and beauty to professionals with a good reputation. Therefore, first of all, start searching for a clinic and choosing a qualified specialist. He must have a good understanding of facial anatomy and be able to work with hyaluronic acid-based products. Ask your doctor to show you the required licenses, training certificates, etc.

Often women, wanting to save money, visit cosmetologists at home. This is risky, since often the agreement to cooperate is supported only by a verbal agreement. At the clinic, you will be asked to sign an agreement and sent for a medical examination. The doctor must have a complete understanding of the patient’s health status in order to minimize the risk of side effects, and if there are obvious contraindications, dissuade the person from hyaluronic acid injections.

Be sure to ask your doctor if he has experience with Otesaly. Find out what kind of reviews these fillers receive, and how the specialist himself evaluates the quality of the drugs.

Stages of the procedure

If the patient’s health condition does not cause concern, the doctor sets a date for the procedure. Typically it goes like this:

  1. The specialist cleanses the face of makeup and impurities.
  2. The doctor then uses a local anesthetic, such as a cream. This is true both when injecting filler into the lips and during biorevitalization.
  3. Next, the cosmetologist opens the syringe or bottle of Otesaly. The patient must make sure that the drug is new and the integrity of the packaging is not damaged.
  4. After this, the doctor begins to inject filler or biorevitalizant into a pre-selected part of the face, lips or nasolabial folds. On average, the procedure lasts from 20–30 to 40–60 minutes. This depends on the size of the area being treated and the amount of gel used (0.5–2 ml). As a rule, lip correction takes no more than half an hour. Biorevitalization may take longer. The specialist introduces Otesaly using the technology that is optimal for a particular case: pointwise, tunnel method, etc.
  5. Having treated the desired area, the doctor massages it to evenly distribute the gel in the skin.
  6. Finally, the cosmetologist cools the Otesaly injection sites, reapplies the disinfectant and gives the patient recommendations regarding further facial care.

The doctor is obliged to warn you about possible side effects and complications. Explain what condition is considered normal and what requires immediate contact with the clinic, warn how long the rehabilitation process will take.

Cost of injections

The average cost of administering Otesaly drugs in Moscow clinics is about 8,000–12,000 rubles per procedure. The course usually consists of 3-5 visits to a cosmetologist. Many clinics offer discounts and promotions. In this case, the complex of procedures is cheaper.

A little about the manufacturer

The place of development and production of OTESALY drugs is France.

Revitacare is their direct manufacturer. The company has been producing products for cosmetic medicine since 2003, and all of their production is based on its own laboratory research.

Specifically, the OTESALY series was “born” in 2012, and today it is widely and actively used all over the world.

Over the years of its existence, Revitacare has been recognized as one of the best. Its products have international certification, and this is the main confirmation of the high quality and manufacturability of the product.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Despite the fact that Otesaly injectable drugs appeared not so long ago, some specialists managed to like them. The author of this review bought fillers at the company’s company store.

Another cosmetologist notes: the products deserve attention, but you won’t be able to work in a salon with them alone. There are other drugs with a good reputation for this.

Many experts still cannot understand who is the manufacturer of the brand: China or France.

The author of this review has no doubt about who produces Otesaly. At the same time, the specialist continues to work with other, already familiar drugs.


Depending on the specific composition of otesaly used for biorevitalization, as well as on the tasks facing the procedure, 4 types of the drug are produced.

Series of products for biorevitalization with otesaly:

Name Filler 1ml Otesaly Deep Filler 1ml

Otesaly Derm

Filler 2ml

Otesaly Deep

Filler 2ml Otesaly Derm
Compound 1 ml of gel, with a hyaluronic acid concentration of 25 mg/ml, and a particle size of 0.28 - 0.5 mm 1 ml of gel, with a hyaluronic acid concentration of 25 mg/ml, and a particle size of 0.15 - 0.28 mm 2 ml of gel, with a hyaluronic acid concentration of 50 mg/ml, and a particle size of 0.28 - 0.5 mm 2 ml of gel, with a hyaluronic acid concentration of 50 mg/ml, and a particle size of 0.15 - 0.28 mm.

Characteristics of the drug

Otesaly is a relative newcomer to the cosmetics market. Fillers and other drugs have been produced since 2012. They were developed by the French company Revitacare, which has been developing products for aesthetic medicine since the early 2000s. Otesaly production is established in China, in Guangzhou.

Filler composition

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of the fillers of the Otesaly Derm and Otesaly Deep series, as well as the biorevitalizant Skin Rejuvenating Solution Higher Concentration. The latter drug is also enriched with amino acids, vitamins, oligopeptides, minerals, and antioxidants. All this, but without hyaluronic acid, is also found in another biorevitalizant - Skin Rejuvenating Solution.

By the way. In addition, Otesaly produces a hair treatment product Anti-hair Loss Solution, a drug for the correction of fatty deposits Lipolytic Solution, as well as Botox.

Indications and effectiveness of use

Otesaly products are suitable for:

  • smoothing small, medium, deep wrinkles on the face and neck;
  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • rejuvenation, skin hydration;
  • increasing its elasticity;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • prevention of signs of skin aging;
  • facial contour correction.

Most often, Otesaly fillers are used by women who are dissatisfied with the shape or volume of their lips. Gel fillers will also help to correct cheekbones and eliminate age-related sagging of the cheeks. Cosmetic products can be used by patients in the age range of 18–60 years. Before and after this, rejuvenation may be ineffective or even unsafe.

Types of drugs

For facial correction and rejuvenation, Otesaly produces the following products:

  • Skin Rejuvenating Solution . Suitable for biorevitalization. Moisturizes dry skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Narrows pores, increases the tone and elasticity of the dermis, enhances the production of collagen and elastin in women aged 35+. Available in 5 ml bottles.

  • Skin Rejuvenating Solution Higher Concentration cocktail . This drug can be used to revitalize dry, fading dermis. Thanks to the content of hyaluronic acid in a 3% concentration, it regulates the water balance of the skin. Peptides stimulate blood circulation, improve metabolism, and reduce wrinkles. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids activate collagen production. Release form: 5 ml glass bottles.

  • Otesaly Derm fillers 1 ml and 2 ml . Gel based on stabilized hyaluronic acid (25 and 50 mg/ml for 1 and 2 ml preparations, respectively). It is not injected superficially, into the middle layers of the dermis. The filler smoothes out moderate wrinkles and folds. It is also used to enlarge lips. Available in syringe form. In addition to the set there are needles of different sizes.

  • Otesaly Deep fillers 1 ml and 2 ml . Sterile transparent gel. Contains hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 25 mg/ml for 1 ml, and 50 mg/ml for 2 ml. Unlike Otesaly Derm, Deep fillers have slightly larger gel particles, so they are used not only for lip augmentation, but also for correcting nasolabial folds, cheekbones and facial contours, as well as smoothing out medium and deep wrinkles. Another difference between Derm preparations is that they dissolve within 1–1.5 years, while the maximum decomposition period for Deep fillers specified by the manufacturer is 1 year. Release form: syringe + needles.

The Lipolytic Solution fat burning complex is designed to reduce fat deposits throughout the body. But it is also recommended for restoring facial contour, improving skin elasticity, and eliminating the “double chin.”

Cost of fillers

Derm and Deep fillers with a volume of 1 ml can be purchased at a price of 5,000 rubles, 2 ml - 7,000 per syringe. This is the cost of branded products in the manufacturer’s online store. They also sell sets of 5 bottles of Skin Rejuvenating Solution and Skin Rejuvenating Solution Higher Concentration. Price - up to 7500 rubles. In the regions, these products can be bought at almost half the price if you get discounts, promotions or sales.

Attention! To protect yourself from counterfeit products, do not buy fillers from dubious sites, especially those that offer direct delivery of medical products from China. Injectable drugs require special storage and delivery conditions, so do not risk your health.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for biorevitalization with otesaly include:

  • pronounced folds on the forehead in the form of furrows;
  • multiple expression wrinkles around the eyes;
  • deep wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • sagging eyelids;
  • purse-string wrinkles near the lips;
  • sagging cheeks;
  • age-related acquisition of irregular cheekbone contour;
  • loss of beautiful lip shape;
  • large nasolabial cavities.

Main contraindications for the procedure:

  • early age;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • various types of inflammation of the skin of the correction area;
  • acute period of various chronic diseases;
  • taking certain medications;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes mellitus and hepatitis;
  • fear of an injection.

Disadvantages of filler

Despite having numerous advantages, the gel is not a panacea for all skin defects. In addition, the drug has a purely selective effect on each individual patient. In medical practice, there have been cases of complete absence of therapeutic and cosmetic effect after the injection of filler.

The disadvantages of Otesaly gel are:

  1. Short exposure. To maintain the skin in normal condition, it is necessary to take regular injections. On average, the interval between procedures is 6 months.
  2. Possibility of complications. An injection of hyaluronic acid can cause swelling with a fairly large volume. A needle entering a blood vessel causes a hematoma, which disappears no earlier than after 2-3 days.
  3. After injections, small marks from the needle remain on the skin, which creates the illusion of grayness in the treatment area. It is impossible to get rid of such a side effect, since the use of cosmetics after biorevitalization is contraindicated.
  4. Filler injection cannot be combined with other rejuvenation procedures. The patient should avoid massage, physiotherapy and RF lifting. You can use cosmetics only every other day. If swelling occurs, you should not visit the bathhouse until it disappears.

If you experience nausea, fever or severe skin irritation, seek medical attention immediately.

Areas of use

Due to the fact that biorevitalization with otesaly uses various versions of the drug, it is widely used almost everywhere where tissue restoration and replenishment of the required volume are required.

The most common ones are:

  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • folds on the forehead;
  • nose correction;
  • correction of the cheeks and cheekbones;
  • sculpture of the correct contour and shape of the face;
  • lip rejuvenation;
  • smoothing wrinkles near the mouth;
  • earlobe correction;
  • giving youth to the skin of the hands.

Find out what biorevitalization with Yalupro means.

Is it possible to combine biorevitalization and alcohol? The answer is here.

Recommendations from experts

In order for the Otesaly filler injection procedure to be beneficial, you must follow some recommendations.

They consist of observing the following rules:

  • take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and do not focus on the lowest price;
  • during the initial consultation, carefully study the certificates of the drugs used, make sure of their authenticity and integrity;
  • Before the procedure, avoid drinking alcohol and psychotropic drugs;
  • follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations regarding behavior and skin care after the injection.

Proper preparation for biorevitalization and compliance with certain restrictions after it will allow you to achieve excellent results, rejuvenate and improve the skin of the face and other parts of the body.

Side effects

After the procedure, the following side effects are considered normal:

  • slight swelling of the tissue in the correction area;
  • pain;
  • loss of sensation;
  • skin redness;
  • injection marks
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • the appearance of hematomas.

All this is considered normal, and in a short time they will pass on their own, and not a trace will remain of them.

If the following points are observed:

  • temperature increase over 38 degrees;
  • large-scale skin irritation at injection sites;
  • various types of skin rashes and itching;
  • malaise and nausea, you should immediately seek help.

Filler application technology

The use of biorevitalizants is absolutely safe for patients, as it is not associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, the risk of infection and complications. Today this technique has become available to representatives of all segments of the population.

The moisture and elasticity of the skin is maintained due to the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in it. It is held in place by a special substance produced by the body. This substance is called hyaluronic acid, one molecule of which binds up to 600 molecules of water. After 30-35 years, the body's production of hyaluronic acid steadily decreases, gradually stopping completely. Because of this, the skin dries out, folds, spots and wrinkles form on it. The deterioration of metabolism also negatively affects the color of the outer layer of the epidermis. It takes on a grayish tint.

Modern medicine has been able to find a way to synthesize hyaluronic acid and introduce it into soft tissues. In order for this substance to remain in the epidermis, it is mixed with a special biologically inert gel that is not washed out by the bloodstream and lymph.

The filler is injected using very thin needles throughout the entire volume of skin in problem areas. Immediately after entering the skin, Otesaly deep fills all the voids formed with age. Moisture entering the cells is retained by filler molecules. Volume is gradually restored, blood supply and nutrients are improved. This process leads to the complete elimination of minor defects and partial smoothing of deep folds.

The process of saturating the skin with moisture lasts within 3-10 days. Its duration depends on the woman’s age, the characteristics of her body, the extent of the pathology and the number of procedures performed. The therapeutic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Its duration is directly related to compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations, the patient’s lifestyle and the presence of bad habits.

How long does the result last?

Noticeable changes are usually observed almost immediately, even after one biorevitalization procedure with a certain drug. The main advantage of the OTESALY series products is the duration of the results obtained.

Storage time depends on several factors:

  • patient's age;
  • area and area of ​​correction;
  • the drug version used;
  • number of sessions performed;
  • availability of additional cosmetic procedures;
  • certain prevention;
  • experience of the hands of a cosmetologist.

Taking into account all these main points, we can conclude that on average the duration of the obtained effect can last in the range from 9 months to 1.5 years.

Read about the benefits of biorevitalization with Juvederm Hydrate.

How often should facial biorevitalization be done? Read more.

What are the contraindications and indications for biorevitalization? Details here.


When the anesthesia wears off, the patient may experience pain and itching at the injection sites. Sometimes the skin becomes red or discolored, with minor bruising and swelling. All this should go away in a couple of days. If we are talking about lip correction, the maximum period for recovery is a week. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor for advice.


General rules after the administration of drugs with hyaluronic acid boil down to the following recommendations:

  • in the evening after the procedure, do not wash your face;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 1–2 days, touch your face or lips less;
  • for a week after Otesaly injections, do not engage in sports, do not visit baths and saunas;
  • protect your skin from sunlight - use creams with light-absorbing filters;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and some cosmetic procedures, such as peeling, for at least 7 days.

In addition, there are specific care rules that depend on the area where the drug is administered. If the patient has corrected the shape or volume of his lips using Otesaly, he needs to:

  • for the first few days, restrain facial expressions and do not smoke;
  • eat warm food, avoid sour, spicy, salty foods, so as not to irritate microcracks on the lips;
  • remove swelling and pain with ice cubes;
  • with the doctor's permission, perform a light lip massage for better distribution of the gel;
  • when going outside, use hygienic lipstick;
  • For the first 5–7 days, sleep on your back.

One of the advantages of Otesaly is the long-lasting results. On average, the effect lasts for 9–14 months. This is influenced not only by the quality of the drug, but also by the number of sessions, the age of the patient and his compliance with facial care recommendations, the area of ​​application of fillers or biorevitalizants, as well as the skill of the doctor.

How to minimize the effect

Good doctors do their work accurately and expertly, but it happens that a person ends up with an inexperienced specialist. In this case, not only complications are possible, but also an unsatisfactory result from the administration of Otesaly drugs.

Usually, a patient needs to get rid of fillers if side effects, allergies are observed after injections, the symmetry of the face or lips is disturbed, tubercles appear, puffiness, or expectations from the procedures were not met.

There are several ways to remove fillers that contain hyaluronic acid from the body:

  1. Injections. For this, enzyme preparations Lidase, Longidase, etc. are used. First, the doctor must make sure that the person is not allergic to the main component of the medicine - hyaluronidase.
  2. Physiotherapy - microcurrent procedures, darsonvalization, etc.
  3. Sports and other physical activities.
  4. Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, intensive drinking of hot drinks, but not alcohol.

Recommendations and advice from experts

Having collected and analyzed information on this service, you can note important points that should always be remembered.


  • try to treat the upcoming procedure with great responsibility, familiarizing yourself with it as much as possible;
  • choose the clinic and doctor “wisely”, since the result largely depends on their actions;
  • check the quality certificate and integrity of the drugs used;
  • comply with and complete all assignments;
  • listen to the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

In addition to achieving the main goal, biorevitalization with otesaly allows you to saturate the skin cells with an additional volume of hyaluronic acid. It, in turn, starts the process of producing additional collagen, which makes the skin firm and elastic.

The health and youth of the skin directly depend on the state of the cellular composition. It is biorevitalization that provides precise nutrition of cells with the necessary element. It can be used to eliminate and reduce various problem areas and areas.

Patient reviews

Judging by the number of reviews online, very few patients are willing to experiment with these products. Or they are simply in no hurry to share their impressions of its quality and effectiveness. But there are still isolated opinions about Otesaly fillers and biorevitalizants. For example, this girl was pleased with how the drug enlarged her lips, and for a good result, she advises first of all to look for an experienced cosmetologist.

The author of this review did not risk injecting large amounts of Otesaly Deep into her lips, which she regretted a few days later. The procedure itself was painless due to anesthesia; after the injections there were no lumps or seals thanks to the work of the master.

Another patient was satisfied with biorevitalization performed with Otesaly. The woman especially notes the long-lasting effect.

However, there are also not so rosy impressions of the procedure. The reputation of the clinic and the master’s compliance with all the rules of the procedure are important. If you believe this review, not all specialists adhere to strict regulations.

There are also complaints about the consequences of filler injection. At the same time, the girl does not relieve responsibility from the cosmetologist who administered Otesaly.

Many people still don't trust products made in China. If you are one of them, choose fillers and biorevitalizants from European brands. But keep in mind that even the most popular and sought-after drug, which receives many positive reviews, does not guarantee a brilliant result . Therefore, first of all, look for a good cosmetologist. An experienced specialist will not only perform the procedure according to all the rules, but will also advise which filler is suitable in your case. Perhaps it will be something from the Otesaly line.

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