Facial rejuvenation after 40 years at home: the fight for youth

Recommendations for facial rejuvenation at home

After 40 years, age-related changes in soft tissues, blood vessels, and skull bones appear. They occur differently for each woman, and the speed of the aging process depends on various factors:

  • heredity;
  • skin structure;
  • lifestyle;
  • quality of facial care.

How exactly your appearance will change after 40 years is determined by the type of aging. This is a set of age-related processes that are observed in people depending on the type of skin, face shape, weight and physique. It is recommended to create an anti-aging care plan only after determining your own type of aging.

Table: how to determine your type of aging

Aging typeAppearance typeCharacteristic signsRecommended care
  • slim or slightly plump body type;
  • oval or diamond-shaped face;
  • normal or combination skin.
  • the skin loses its freshness and elasticity early;
  • nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds appear;
  • bags appear under the eyes;
  • upper eyelids droop;
  • the corners of the eyes droop;
  • slight ptosis is observed.
Using cosmetics with fruit acids and vitamin C, using moisturizing masks, performing massages and facial exercises. Additional recommendations: drinking plenty of water and walking in the fresh air.
finely wrinkled
  • thin build;
  • oval or triangular face shape;
  • dry skin.
  • the skin becomes dull, peels and becomes covered with fine wrinkles (primarily around the eyes and lips);
  • ptosis is most often absent;
  • the facial contour remains clear and even.
Using cosmetics with moisturizing ingredients and peptides, applying cosmetic oils under the cream, using moisturizing and nourishing masks, and regular superficial peeling. Additional recommendations: quit smoking and alcohol (bad habits dehydrate already dry skin).
  • full physique;
  • round or square face;
  • oily or combination skin.
  • the skin turns red;
  • the vascular network appears;
  • the face swells, especially in the lower third;
  • severe ptosis is observed;
  • jowls and a double chin appear.
Using cosmetics with plant extracts and vitamins (arnica, horse chestnut, algae are suitable), applying cleansing and moisturizing masks, performing massage and facial gymnastics. Additional recommendations: losing excess weight.
  • athletic build;
  • oval or triangular face shape;
  • normal skin.
A face may look young even at 40 years old, but then it ages dramatically:
  • drooping eyelids and deep wrinkles appear;
  • severe ptosis of the middle third of the face is observed.
The use of cosmetics with moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid, collagen), with an SPF filter, regular vibration massage and procedures using the Darsonval apparatus. Additional recommendations: monitoring diet and sleep patterns.
MixedIt is observed in women of any type of appearance.Typically, a tired or finely wrinkled type of aging predominates, but there are also signs of deformation:
  • fine wrinkles appear in areas with dry skin;
  • swelling is observed on the cheeks and chin;
  • the contour of the face “floats”;
  • The nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds deepen.
The choice of cosmetics should be determined by the prevailing type of aging; facial gymnastics, massage, superficial peeling, as well as the application of cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing masks are required.

Regardless of the type of aging, you should follow general recommendations for facial care:

  • cleanse the skin every morning and evening using a soft foam cleanser and micellar or mineral water;
  • Every morning and evening, use a ready-made tonic or wipe your face with a herbal infusion or green tea (you can use ice cubes based on one of them);
  • Apply serum in the morning, and on top of it - daytime moisturizer, in the evening - nourishing cream.

What benefits will a woman receive after undergoing professional peeling?

The very name “professional peeling” implies the influence of a cosmetologist on the skin. It is worth understanding that such a procedure is impossible at home; it only requires stationary implementation. It uses stationary equipment and professional knowledge of a specialist, which guarantees excellent results and complete safety for human health.

By performing professional peeling from a specialist, you can get a number of benefits:

  • All procedures are performed strictly under the supervision of a cosmetologist, who clearly knows the cleaning rules and the features of each device. The specialist knows what unforeseen situations may arise, what needs to be done to avoid the development of complications at the initial stage;
  • It is the use of professional equipment that guarantees that all the effects will be precise, aimed at a specific area of ​​facial skin. During peeling by a professional, the risk of thermal or chemical burns is minimal, possible damage to healthy tissue or insufficient cleaning during deep intervention is reduced to zero;
  • only a professional doctor will be able to accurately determine the skin problem, choose the best option for the procedure, and develop an individual approach to each client;
  • certified beauty salons that value their name and reputation, do not use low-quality cosmetics and ingredients for equipment, monitor the serviceability of each device, and conduct regular maintenance;
  • a professional cosmetologist will definitely draw up a complete program for the planned manipulation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences, talk about preparation and subsequent care after cleaning;
  • beauty salons that directly specialize in this procedure will certainly offer several options for solving one problem. The patient will have the opportunity to choose his option based on the characteristics of the skin and the price list.

Despite the enormous benefits of professional peeling, you need to understand that any effect on facial skin can also have negative consequences. The most common are:

  • hyperpigmentation. This problem can occur in isolated cases among representatives of the fair sex who have fair skin. Some areas affected by the devices may acquire a dark tint;
  • hypopigmentation. This problem occurs in women with dark skin. Some areas become very light;
  • erythema. Some women face a problem when the skin has redness in certain areas of the face for a long time;
  • rosacea, telangiectasis. After cleaning, blood vessels on the face may rise to the surface of the skin;
  • scarring. These are isolated cases that almost never occur.

Problems after the procedure occur extremely rarely; in most cases, they are caused not by skin characteristics, but by an error by the doctor who performed the procedure. Therefore, when you decide to perform professional peeling, ask what kind of education the cosmetologist has, how long he has been performing these procedures, and what reviews there are about the doctor’s work. Remember that you are giving not only a lot of money for the work, but also your face, mistakes on which will be difficult to correct.


Indications for anti-aging procedures after 40 years

Procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation are needed by all women after 40 years of age to solve problems such as:

  • loss of tone and aging of the skin;
  • tissue dehydration, feeling of dryness and flaking;
  • thickening of the layer of keratinized cells, paleness of the face;
  • deepening of old wrinkles and appearance of new ones;
  • sagging skin due to ptosis;
  • loss of clear features and smooth oval face;
  • drooping upper eyelids and the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Rejuvenation thanks to giving up bad habits

After forty, it is important to monitor your posture so that the oval of the face does not lose its shape, the neck does not wrinkle, and the cheeks do not sag. It is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium for a chocolate tan. You can rejuvenate your face by quitting smoking, because the poisons contained in a cigarette prevent beneficial substances from reaching the tissues. Drinking alcoholic beverages also dries out the skin and prevents it from absorbing vitamins C and E. The face of coffee drinkers who use a diuretic to remove water from the skin becomes sagging and the skin becomes less elastic.

Stress negatively affects the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Women who sleep on their stomachs develop wrinkles on their faces faster. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room so that the room is humid and the air is fresh. To maintain skin tone, you should place humidifiers in the room or spray your face with thermal water from a spray bottle. It is important to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. With little sleep, your skin ages quickly. You should not wash your face with regular toilet soap. It is necessary to use foams and gels with neutral acidity.

Contraindications and possible consequences of face lifting at home

The risk of performing home anti-aging procedures is small. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is that she will not see the result of her efforts. The reasons for this may be different:

  • Cosmetics that do not correspond to age, skin type or are not suitable in composition (it happens that the skin simply “does not accept” the cream or serum). Therefore, many go to a cosmetologist for recommendations on choosing suitable products.
  • Failure to comply with the technique of performing massage and (or) facial gymnastics. Both require some skill: you need to know where to press, with what force and how to work deep tissues. You should perform your first massage session in a salon and learn the technique.
  • Ungroomed and dehydrated epidermis. Age-related changes can be so serious that it is no longer possible to cure the skin using home methods alone; treatment with professional cosmetics and salon procedures are required.
  • inflated expectations - such as, for example, from treatment with folk remedies.

The main unpleasant side effect of home treatments is an allergic reaction. To find out about it in advance and not cause irritation to the skin of the face, always test for its possible occurrence.

Contraindications to mechanical procedures, massage and exercises are as follows:

  • skin injuries;
  • vascular diseases;
  • recently undergone facelift surgery.


Effective facial rejuvenation requires rejuvenation of the entire body. This includes giving up bad habits, following a sleep and work schedule, hardening, proper nutrition, etc. As for the face itself, masks are easy to make at home and, in some cases, they will even surpass care in a beauty salon. But be careful, you need to use only fresh products. One of the simplest and most affordable face masks: beat an egg white into a strong foam, add a teaspoon of olive oil and squeeze half a lemon into it. Like most masks, leave on your face for about 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. Quite easy, for every day. Also, the market is flooded with anti-aging cosmetics, but be careful when choosing brands. And try to buy creams and masks in good stores, and not in the subway!



Hello. I have Darsonval De212 Karat with 4 attachments, I bought it on the Internet for 3000. I use it for hair growth and treated skin diseases. My mother uses it for wrinkles, the deep ones have smoothed out significantly, and the small ones are no longer noticeable. She applies it for 5 minutes about once every three to four days before bed, then night cream. And by the way. If you have a lot of fuzz on your face, use it more carefully!



As a rule, I don’t do anything special or expensive for my facial skin, I just lightly lubricate my skin with any face cream. But you need to know when and how to lubricate. You can’t use it on dry skin - the cream will then harden into a layer without being absorbed and will only clog the pores. I believe that the cream should only be applied to slightly damp and completely clean skin. It should be lightly driven in with your fingertips, without moving or stretching the skin. You can do a very light massage along the lines along which the skin stretches less. And if I want to look younger, I make any nourishing masks once or even twice a day for a couple of days (from mashed cottage cheese or rolled oats diluted with yogurt or eggs or from other products), plus separately lotions from cooled black tea on almost closed eyes ( you need to let a little tea get into your eyes while you lie with these lotions on your eyes).

Vera L.


There are a huge number of exercises; after studying the literature or signing up for a master class, everyone can choose what they like. The effect began to appear after 1 week of training. Of course, the effect was not immediate. But the longer I did the gymnastics, the more visible the results were. After almost 2 years of regular exercise: The wrinkles on the forehead disappeared (although I confess that when I get carried away with facial expressions and forget that I shouldn’t wrinkle my forehead, they begin to appear - control is needed here). The nasolabial folds have noticeably smoothed out, and now they only appear when you smile. In a calm position they do not hang over and are almost invisible. There are no mimic nasolabial wrinkles either. Lips became plumper and more voluminous. But, of course, not like the girls after the injections - they did not double in size. Such miracles did not happen to me). The vertical fold in the jaw straightened out. A toned oval face, the skin seems to be stretched, there is no double chin. The cheeks have become more elastic, although there is a slight hollowing. But these are not flabby, sunken cheeks, but elastic ones with clearly defined cheekbones. I repeat, I have never had a thin face or cheeks. The tip of the nose is elastic, and the nose itself looks more harmonious on the face.



Facial rejuvenation after 40 years is possible at home. But it will not give such a quick and noticeable result as after salon procedures. At home, you can strengthen your muscles, improve your skin condition and slow down the aging process. However, you won’t be able to cure deep wrinkles and look several years younger on your own; to correct age-related changes, you need to contact a cosmetologist.

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Vitamin peeling

Retinoic (or retinol) chemical peels are often called yellow peels. It is recommended very often because it is not too aggressive, gives good results and is affordable.

The main active ingredient in this case is retinoic acid (one of the forms of vitamin A). If retinol is used instead of retinoic acid, then the peeling will be retinol. They are almost identical in performance.

During the procedure, the removed skin is painted with this component in a bright yellow color, which is why it is also called “yellow peeling”. This scary-looking yellowness does not remain on the skin. On the contrary, after the procedure the face becomes significantly lighter. The effect is so mild that even sensitive or dry skin can be cleaned.

There are practically no complications after yellow peeling, and the periods of skin recovery are very short. It can be carried out even in the summer, when other types of peelings are not recommended. True, you still can’t go to the beach for a while. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to the sea, then it is better to hold off on peeling.

The anti-aging effect lasts for 3-4 months.

There are several types of retinoic peeling:

  • one-day - the composition is washed off 12 hours after application to the skin;
  • two-day - the face is treated with a chemical composition two or three times, the next day everything is repeated.

Thus, for one or two days you will have to scare everyone with a yellow face.

Yellow peeling guarantees maximum safety and minimum discomfort, so it is recommended to almost everyone. Indications for its implementation are:

  • severely clogged facial skin pores;
  • increased fat content or dryness;
  • skin irregularities;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • freckles and age spots caused by the sun;
  • skin photoaging;
  • dull complexion associated with age-related changes;
  • acne scars;
  • black and whiteheads;
  • hyperkeratosis.

For problem-free skin, yellow peeling is not prescribed.

Contraindications for the procedure are as follows:

  • seborrheic dermatitis on the face, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • previous hepatitis;
  • fresh sunburn;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin (papillomas, acrochordons, fibromas, lipomas, atheromas, and so on);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • purulent acne, inflamed areas;
  • wounds, scratches, scratches.

Before carrying out the yellow peel itself, you first need to undergo a series of examinations to identify contraindications, and if there are none, the skin is first prepared. To do this, formulations of fruit acids or creams with retinol are applied to the skin for several days. This loosens the upper stratum corneum, and it is easier to respond to the action of basic drugs. During this time you cannot sunbathe, go to the solarium or the beach.

Yellow peeling is best done in a salon, but if you wish, you can do it yourself - the corresponding compositions are freely sold in stores. Detailed instructions are included with the product.

The effect of soft compounds lasts about one and a half months, after which cleaning can be repeated. But before each course, you need to again consult with a cosmetologist and carry out the appropriate preparation.

After the procedure, the skin must be spared and intensively nourished. In the first 2–3 days, swelling may appear on the face, itching (sometimes severe) and even a rise in temperature. After about a week, the face begins to peel off profusely (but sometimes this goes completely unnoticed), and after another couple of days the final result appears on the skin.

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