Natural oils in FEMEGYL® cosmetic products

Sebum is a natural moisturizer for our skin, creating a protective mantle on the surface of the epidermis that prevents moisture loss.

For the most part, fatty lubricant consists of lipids - fatty acids, wax esters and cholesterol, but its chemical composition is individual and different for each person, which means the balance can also be different.

Low activity of the sebaceous glands, due to various reasons, can lead to a deficiency of sebum and, as a result, to increased dryness of the skin, and in some cases to irritation and peeling.

In this case, base oils for dry skin come to the rescue, which have recently become very popular, as they are an excellent alternative to traditional cosmetics due to their high moisturizing properties and the ability to regulate the secretion of fatty lubricants.

What is the difference between oils and face cream? Both promote hydration, but the cream is usually made by emulsifying oil and water, and to ensure they mix well, add an additional ingredient, such as wax, which is melted at elevated temperatures to reduce the activity of the antioxidant components. Plus – the presence of preservatives that do not benefit the epidermal layer.

Homemade Makeup Removers

Unlike creams, oils contain a huge amount of essential natural compounds necessary for the epidermis and, along with their low cost, are effective in facial care procedures.

Below are several proven oils that are excellent for dehydrated epidermis and have a high level of compatibility with human skin.


Perhaps the best oil for dry skin, which actually consists of fats and wax esters, the composition of which is as close as possible to natural sebum, which makes it a powerful natural moisturizer. The product has a rich composition and has the ability to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

When applied, it creates a protective film that prevents moisture loss. It is recommended to use as a base before applying makeup or at night, and also as an additional component to creams, lotions, and masks. You can read about the properties of the product and how to use it in this article.

The Best Moisturizing Facial Oils for Dry Skin

Below are facial oils that are effective for dry, flaky, dehydrated, dry, age-related skin with wrinkles. They are perfect for these types of epidermis and have a high level of compatibility with the skin.

Coconut oil for dry skin

The butter is ideal for caring for sensitive, dry and dehydrated epidermis that has already been affected by age-related changes.

Consists of: fatty acids (lauric, stearic, oleic, palmitic, etc.), vitamins C, E, K, group B, choline, folic acid, minerals (calcium, zinc, iron).

How it works: moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates flaking. In addition, it soothes and heals the skin. Thanks to the presence of fatty acids, coconut oil restores the damaged lipid barrier of the skin, retains moisture, and helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

The product is comedogenic, so it is better to mix it with other, lighter base oils.


  • Coconut oil face mask for dry skin

Oils: avocado, sweet almond and coconut (5 ml each) + sandalwood ether (2-3 drops). Mix and apply to face. Course: 1 time every 1-2 weeks.

  • Coconut oil for face instead of cream for dry skin

An oil product for this type of epidermis can be used in its pure form for the area around the eyes, neck and décolleté. It is better to use a refined product. Course: daily.

  • For wrinkles and dry skin

Gelatin and coconut butter (1 tablespoon each) + cold water (4 tablespoons). Melt the butter, pour gelatin with water, heat it a little and pour in the oil component. Apply to face, neck (décolleté), rinse with clean water after 20 minutes.

Coconut oil masks

Olive oil for face for dry skin

The product is suitable for dry, normal skin types and epidermis prone to flaking.

Consists of: fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic), squalene, phosphoritides, phosphatides, vitamins D, E, A.

How it works: softens, nourishes, promotes moisture retention in cells, accelerates recovery and slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles and helps get rid of flaking.

It has a rather dense texture, so it is not recommended for daily use - 2-3 times a week is enough. If there is a need, then the recipe for use every day is as follows: 90% almond and 10% olive oil.


  • Olive oil and avocado face mask for dry skin

Oil remedy (2 teaspoons) + avocado puree (2 tablespoons) + neroli ether (5-7 drops).

Combine avocado pulp with the rest of the ingredients and apply to the face, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash as usual.

In this recipe, instead of fresh avocado puree, you can use an oil extract from this plant. In addition, olive oil for dry epidermis can be used in its pure form. Tandems of olive with castor or wheat germ oil in a 50/50 ratio are beneficial for the face.

Olive oil masks

Shea butter for dry skin

Super moisturizer suitable for dry, sensitive, aging facial skin.

Consists of: fatty acids (50% of which are oleic), vitamins E, A, C, K, F, PP.

How it works:

  • moisturizes and promotes the production of your own collagen;
  • has regenerating and healing properties, these qualities are indispensable in anti-aging skin care;
  • creates a protective barrier from adverse environmental influences;
  • Gives firmness and elasticity to the skin.


  • Shea butter for face instead of cream for dry skin

The oil product has a solid texture (batter), it is easily and quickly absorbed by the skin, therefore it is suitable for use in its pure form instead of face cream.

Before use, you need to hold the batter in your palms for a little while; it will begin to melt from body heat. After this, the oil can be applied to the face along massage lines. This procedure is especially effective in the evening, before bedtime.

Also, cosmetic shea butter is excellent for making creams for dry skin at home with the addition of honey, aloe, other plant bases, esters and herbal decoctions.

  • Oatmeal mask

Olive and shea butters (shea), oatmeal (1 tablespoon of each component). Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add the oil ingredients. Apply to face, massage like a scrub, rinse as usual.

Shea butter masks

Cosmetic wheat germ oil for face for very dry skin

This product is recommended for dry, normal and flaky skin.

Consists of: vitamins A, F, PP, B, E, amino acids, oxidants, minerals (selenium, iron, zinc), fatty acids.

How it works: tones, protects against UV radiation, fights wrinkles and creases, strengthens capillaries; restores water-lipid balance, eliminating flaking; helps restore facial skin elasticity and firmness.


  1. For dry facial skin against wrinkles: castor and wheat germ oil (5 ml each). Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the face for 20 minutes.
  2. For recovery and nutrition: peach, almond or olive oil (optional - 3 teaspoons) and wheat germ (1 teaspoon). Mix and apply to face instead of the usual cream.

This is interesting

How to care for your face with wheat germ oil.

Flaxseed oil for face - for dry skin

For dry, aging epidermis prone to flaking.

Consists of: phytoestrogens, folic acid, fatty acids (Omega 3,6,9), vitamins A, E, B, K.

How it works: quickly moisturizes, increases tone and elasticity, affects the production of your own collagen, eliminates inflammation and heals wounds, has a lifting effect.


  • Face mask with linseed oil for dry, chapped and flaky skin

Yolk + oil and honey (1 teaspoon each). Stir, heat slightly in a water bath, apply to cleansed face with a wide brush or sponge. Exposure time: 15-20 minutes, after which you need to wash with clean water.

  • Moisturizing Blend

Flax oil, sour cream, honey (1 teaspoon each) + lemon juice (3-4 drops). Apply to skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off as usual.

Masks with flax oil

Castor oil for dry skin

For dry, sensitive, aging and problem skin.

Consists of: fatty acids, one of which is ricinoleic acid - not found anywhere else, and vitamins E and A.

How it works: helps retain moisture in cells, eliminates irritation, dryness, flaking, fights inflammation, making facial skin healthy, velvety and soft.

It is not advisable to use it in its pure form due to the presence of ricinoleic acid in the composition, which can cause an allergic reaction.


Before using castor oil, like any other oil product, it would be useful to conduct an allergy test.


Face masks with castor oil for dry skin

  1. Nutritional: yolk + castor oil (1 tablespoon) + grated potatoes + milk. Warm up the mixture a little and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water.
  2. Moisturizing, smoothing wrinkles: castor oil, jojoba (½ teaspoon each) and grape seed oil (3-5 teaspoons) + lavender ether (7-8 drops).
  3. Moisturizing lotion: calendula infusion (1 glass) + castor oil (1 teaspoon). Use to wipe your face daily.


To enhance the moisturizing effect of any oil product, after applying it, you can add a layer of moisturizer on top. The oil will serve as a conductor of beneficial substances from the cream and enhance its healing properties.

Peach oil

It is useful to use peach oil for dry skin, normal skin, prone to flaking, age-related and even oily.

Consists of: vitamins E, A, C, P, fatty acids, minerals (phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium and magnesium).

How it works:

  • eliminates dryness, helps retain moisture in skin cells;
  • relieves tightness, irritation and peeling;
  • absorbs perfectly without leaving a greasy sheen;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • makes the skin velvety “like a peach”;
  • Suitable for facial massage.


  1. For moisturizing: peach oil squeeze (1 tbsp.) + peach pulp (1/2 pcs.) + light moisturizer. Mix and apply to cleansed face. Exposure time: 15 minutes.
  2. Scrub: peach (1 piece) + bran (1 tablespoon). Apply to face, massage in circular motions, leave for 15 minutes and rinse.

Masks with peach oil

Grapeseed oil

Indications: dry, sensitive, oily and combination skin.

Consists of: fatty acids (linoleic acid predominates), vitamins A, C, E, B, PP, antioxidants.

How it works:

  • Thanks to linoleic acid, the oil product has strong anti-aging properties, evens out the complexion, reduces dryness and flaking;
  • due to the large amount of vitamin E, the oval of the face is tightened, firmness, elasticity and turgor of the skin return, wrinkles are smoothed out.


  1. Universal moisturizing mask: jojoba and grape seed oils (5 ml each) + patchouli, sandalwood or jasmine ether (optional – 1-2 drops). Apply to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, then remove with a napkin. The mask can be used for delicate skin around the eyes (for 5-7 minutes)
  2. Ingredients for wrinkles with a tightening effect: castor oil, olive and grape oil (5 ml each) + any ester as desired or according to skin type (1-2 drops). Heat the oil components slightly in a water bath, then add ether. Apply for 15-20 minutes, remove the mask using a clean dry cloth or wash your face with chamomile decoction.

On a note

There are many more interesting things about grape seed oil for the face.

Jojoba oil

Helps with dryness, sagging, itching and flaking of the skin.

Consists of: alcohols, fatty acids (especially gadoleic acid), amino acids.

How it works: moisturizes, increases elasticity, eliminates flaking, restores elasticity, rejuvenates.


  1. Jojoba oil for the face for dry skin in winter: yolk + jojoba wax, sour cream or cream, wheat wax (1 teaspoon each). Apply to face for 20 minutes, lie down with the mask, and rest.
  2. It is useful to mix jojoba with olive, almond, grape, and apricot oils in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to face, wait 10 minutes, then wash with clean warm water.

Masks with jojoba oil

Rose hips

The product is rich in essential fatty acids and contains valuable vitamins such as E, C, D and beta-carotene. This composition allows you to effectively protect the epidermis from moisture loss, provide maximum hydration, reduce signs of aging and restore the elasticity of the skin.

The oil is easily absorbed and can be used in combination with other oil bases or serums as an intense moisturizer.

How to mix correctly

In order for the prepared oil mixture to preserve the beneficial substances as much as possible, you must be able to prepare it:

  • to mix oils, use glass or plastic dishes, never metal;
  • for 1 tsp. (5 ml) of base oil, take 1-2 drops of ether;
  • if several types of esters are used to prepare mixtures, they are not added all at once, but maintained at a two-hour interval. It is not recommended to use more than 5 esters at the same time;
  • the mixture is infused for 4 days;
  • The prepared mixture must be stored in the refrigerator; it retains its beneficial properties for two months.


Valuable marula oil, obtained from the fruits of an African tree, is an indispensable skin care product due to its versatility and a huge number of biologically active compounds.

The product is rich in fatty acids and contains 60% more antioxidants than most other oil base oils. Used as a strong moisturizer and anti-aging agent. Excellently fights peeling and irritation, nourishes and reduces wrinkles.

Successful combinations

It is useful to combine vegetable oils. Then synergy arises when one product enhances the effect of another. You can use only base oil on your own, but not just any oil. Those that are not suitable for self-application are mixed with other types of oils.

But how to compose such compositions correctly?

Cosmetic oils for oily skin do not conflict with each other, so they are combined as desired, but taking into account the characteristics of the skin. You can combine up to 4&minus.5 types in one product, choosing an ensemble that suits your skin best. Carrier oils have virtually no odor, with the exception of those obtained from seeds and nuts.

It is generally accepted that in facial products the proportion of essential oils is 0.5&minus.1%, that is, for 200 drops of base 1&minus.2 drops of “ether”, or 3&minus.5 drops per 10&minus.15 ml of base.

For essential oils, different compatibility rules apply. They are classified according to high, medium and low volatility. It is recommended to take 2 drops of high volatility oil, 1&minus, 2 medium and 1 low volatility. Of course, you can get by with just one scent.

Select scents carefully. This can be done using the picture with “seven flowers”. Each color here corresponds to the name of the aroma group - floral, exotic, gums, spices, trees, herbs, citrus. The compounds are most harmonious if aromas are taken from one or neighboring groups .

Shea butter

Super moisturizing and very gentle, shea or shea butter is perfect for both dry and sensitive skin. The creamy texture and rich composition of the product make it an indispensable product for deep hydration and nutrition of the epidermis.

Thanks to its solid consistency, shea butter is ideal for preparing homemade creams with the addition of almost any ingredients (aloe, honey, oil bases, essential oils, herbs, etc.). Before applying, shea butter should be held between your fingers a little so that it becomes softer based on body temperature.


To use oil or not to risk it? There are no strict rules, and what is good for one person will cause the opposite reaction for another. The choice of oils should be approached carefully and tested. If during the first week of use there is no result or the condition worsens, then you should discard the product and replace it with another.

To prevent ready-made cosmetic mixtures from deteriorating and becoming rancid, store them in dark glass containers in a cool place. After use, wipe the neck of the bottle dry to prevent a rancid smell.


Another one of the few oils with strong moisturizing properties. The product, which is obtained from the fruit of the argan tree, is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (80%), contains high levels of vitamin E, squalene, carotenoids and ferulic acid.

Thanks to antioxidants, it protects the structure of the epidermis from damage caused by external factors, has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing effect, and provides deep hydration to the skin.

Apple peeling – cleansing and rejuvenating the skin

With regular use, fatty acids and squalene (a powerful moisturizing agent) maintain the structure of the hydrolipid barrier, replenish the deficiencies of the fatty components of the skin, providing the necessary balance of fatty lubrication, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Olive oil has a natural ability to retain moisture and is very beneficial for dehydrated skin. The product contains various types of beneficial compounds, vitamins and antioxidants that provide nutrition.

Fatty acids and squalene regulate the secretion of fatty lubricants, protect the lipid layer from moisture loss and do an excellent job of flaking.

This product has a thick consistency, so it is not recommended for daily use. To achieve results, it is enough to use 2 times a week, or at least 3 times in case of extreme dryness.

For daily use, cosmetologists advise preparing a mixture of 10% olive and 90% almond oil.

Effective recipes for masks and oil mixtures: top 3 best remedies

It is best to use oils to care for oily skin in the form of masks or combined mixtures. You can prepare them according to the following recipes:


  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. any cosmetic clay with 1 tsp. filtered or boiled water. Pour in half a teaspoon of calendula alcohol extract or fresh lemon juice. Add 3 drops of lavender essential oil, stir and apply the mask to your face. Leave until the clay dries, then wash with plenty of running water.
  2. Any type of base oil in an amount of 15 ml is mixed with 2 drops of lemon ether, 1 drop of eucalyptus, neroli and mint ester. Stir everything thoroughly, preparing a mixture of oils according to the principle described earlier. Using a cosmetic brush, spread the mask over the surface of the face, paying special attention to the most problematic areas. Leave for a maximum of 15 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture if necessary.
  3. Mix 10 ml of base oils – hazelnut, grape seed and jojoba – into 1 container. This mixture is prepared without adding esters. It copes well with increased oily skin and enlarged pores, acne and inflammation on the face.

It is recommended to choose the optimal recipe and use it on an ongoing basis.

Mango fruit

The advantage of mango oil for dry skin is its rich composition. Effective hydration of the epidermis is promoted by saturated and unsaturated acids, which are the building blocks of cell membranes, restore the hydrolipidic barrier of the epidermis and replenish hydration in the dermal layers.

Despite its solid consistency, the product melts quickly and is easily absorbed. When applied, it forms a thin film that protects against moisture loss and exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation, eliminates itching and flaking. The skin after use becomes soft and silky.

Possible side effects

If you use oils without neglecting contraindications, no side effects should occur. But in the process of applying mixtures and mixing components, it is necessary to avoid contact of oil particles with the mucous membranes of the eyes and the respiratory tract. Otherwise, the following may develop:

  1. respiratory rhythm disturbances;
  2. tachycardia;
  3. a sharp deterioration in general health;
  4. redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  5. bronchospasm;
  6. rashes and swelling on the skin.

Other adverse reactions are also possible - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Often, the symptoms described above appear when you are allergic not to base oils, but to essential oils. An overdose or their use in pure form can cause a burn.

The ban on the use of oils for those with oily skin types is just a myth. The right choice of product will reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, improve the general condition of the epidermis, dry it and remove rashes.


The leader in the content of a strong moisturizing and anti-aging component is squalene. Its concentration in the product reaches 10%. Another powerful moisturizer is omega acids. Natural cosmetics are also a valuable source of natural antioxidants and vitamins.

All of the listed oils for dry skin are indispensable in home therapy and should be included in daily care, as they allow you to get rid of the problem in a short time.

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