Sculpting a new look: all about sculptural facial massage

Muscle tension on the face is responsible for most of the signs of aging: deep nasolabial folds, glabellar folds, purse-string wrinkles around the lips, etc. Muscle spasticity leads to disturbances in blood flow and lymph circulation. This means that the tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, which leads to loss of skin turgor, tissue swelling and the accumulation of toxins in the body. The result is a dull complexion, bags under the eyes, puffy eyelids and drooping cheeks due to water retention. This is where buccal massage comes to the rescue.

What is buccal facial massage

Buccal massage is one of the facial massage techniques specially designed to tighten sagging cheeks. This is a widespread problem area. Although many try to tighten this area with external remedies such as creams and facial oils. But, of course, no oils or creams work on such deep layers as muscles. Therefore, all cosmetics can only be effective in combination with massage. In terms of effectiveness, buccal massage is even equated to the procedure for introducing fillers or Botox injections. Only massage, unlike injecting drugs into the skin, is completely safe.

This technology was developed by French biochemist and cosmetologist Joël Siocco. The essence of the technique is that the cheeks are massaged both outside and inside. It is completely safe if you wash your hands well or wear latex gloves. There may be some slight pain during the session, but it can be easily tolerated. They certainly cannot compare with the pain during and after surgery.

This massage should definitely be tried by those who:

  • Goes to bed late
  • Drinks a lot of alcohol or foods high in sugar or sodium

If at least one of the above points applies to you, then most likely inflammation may periodically occur on your skin, and your face may look puffy or puffy. The procedure will help cope with these symptoms. It can also be useful if you often feel nervous. During times of stress, the whole body tenses, including the muscles of the face and jaw. And this massage is aimed at relaxing them.


Among the disadvantages of massage, limited localization of effectiveness is noted. During and after the procedure, the following areas remain untouched: upper face, décolleté and neck. Experienced specialists strongly recommend combining buccal massage with sculptural massage, because together they can rejuvenate the face by ten years, thereby changing it beyond recognition.

Types of buccal massage

There are three types of buccal massage:

  • Sculptural-buccal.
    This massage, as the name suggests, consists of two stages: sculptural and buccal. Sculptural is aimed at working the muscles with certain movements along massage lines.
  • Buccal-plastic.
    This type also combines two techniques: external and internal intensive effects on the muscles.
  • Buccal-topological.
    And this type already combines three techniques: buccal, acupuncture and treatment of biologically active points.

Number of sessions

A massage course may consist of a different number of sessions. The minimum course lasts five procedures, but 10 sessions are considered optimal. In this regard, there are also often reviews about sculptural-buccal facial massage. The number of procedures directly depends on the patient’s age, the condition of his skin, the presence of individual effects, as well as personal wishes. For some, only 5 procedures will be enough to feel like a young and energetic person, while for others, they will need to visit a specialist about 10 times, but in the end they will still get the same effect.

What is unique about the technique?

This technique allows you to quickly and thoroughly work out the facial muscles, working on both sides. That is, the effectiveness of the massage doubles, processes in different layers of the epidermis are activated. When performing a buccal massage, every muscle is warmed up.

A huge advantage of this technique is that it is truly an excellent and safe replacement for Botox. After all, it is injected into the muscles to “relax” them, but in reality they paralyze so much that it becomes simply impossible to express simple emotions with the help of facial expressions. And this is not the worst consequence, although it is also quite unpleasant. Due to the fact that part of the muscles is paralyzed, another part takes over their work. As a result, these “hard-working muscles” become overstrained and wear out faster, which leads to the formation of new wrinkles and creases.


The result of the massage directly depends on the professionalism and capabilities of the master. Any wrong movement, wrong grip, or too much pressure on the tissue will do no good. Such mistakes can only do a fair amount of harm, but nothing good should be expected from them.

To protect yourself from adverse consequences, you need to know the main signs of a good and competent massage. These include the following:

  • the first changes will be observed after the first procedure: the skin will become smoother and the face will become more toned;
  • all painful sensations should not last too long - they disappear without a trace almost immediately after the session;
  • the cheeks may increase slightly in volume due to swelling, but it soon subsides;
  • at the end of the session there should be no bruises or abrasions, bruises or other visible marks on the face;
  • During the first procedures, unusual sensations may be observed, which experts include: fatigue of the facial muscles, stiffness (closer to the 4th-5th procedure, the face will get used to it, so nothing like this should occur).

What does buccal massage give: the effect of the procedure

This procedure significantly reduces swelling and improves the natural curves and structure of the facial bone tissue - facial features become clearer, more defined, and more refined. Massage can improve blood circulation and stimulate recovery processes in the skin. It also promotes facial rejuvenation.

By removing excess fluid that accumulates in soft tissues, the natural structure of the facial bone tissue, including the cheekbones, is emphasized.

Here are some other benefits of buccal massage:

  • Relieves tension in the jaw
  • Helps reduce cheek volume
  • Contours the face
  • Reduces folds and wrinkles in the mouth area
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Removes fine wrinkles and jowls
  • Smoothes nasolabial folds
  • Gives lips volume

Characteristics of methods

The most common method is to cleanse the face manually. The skillful hands of a cosmetologist make this operation very effective, especially for oily skin.

To open the pores, special products are used, which contain medicinal components. With their careful protection, the procedure is completely safe.

Mechanical facial cleansing ends with anti-inflammatory measures. Exposure of the skin to D'Arsenval currents, special masks and cryomassage help reduce traumatic manifestations. In general, mechanical cleansing of pores is considered a painful and traumatic procedure.

Vacuum facial cleansing is safer, although it can also injure sensitive skin. A special device literally “sucks out” comedones. The device copes well with shallow pores. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to combine vacuum and manual facial cleansing.

Ultrasonic cleaning method is considered the most atraumatic. This is the most comfortable and painless method. The highly effective action of the ultrasonic device leads to the complete destruction of pore blockages. In addition to the face, ultrasound can clean the back area.

Professional cosmetologists will be able to suggest the best cleaning option for each client.

How to do a buccal facial massage: technique

This treatment is very similar to a traditional lymphatic drainage facial massage, except that it is performed in the mouth. It belongs to the category of sculptural massage techniques. They are aimed at activating the work of muscle fibers.

  1. First, you need to thoroughly clean your hands and, if desired, wear medical gloves.
  2. Now warm up. To activate lymph flow, you must first massage the décolleté area, the sides of the neck and the submandibular lymph nodes. Then we warm up the facial muscles: this can be smoothing movements, tapping, pinching or vibration. All movements are performed from the center of the face to the periphery.
  3. Let's move on to the massage. First, the orbicularis oris muscles are worked. The thumbs are placed inside, the index fingers are placed outside. The massage is performed in a circular motion. When self-massaging, it is better to work on each side in turn. These movements improve blood flow and saturate tissues with oxygen. This stage ends with a slight pull of the lower lip onto the upper one: pull - wait - release - repeat.
  4. Then we start working on the nasolabial fold. The thumbs are also in the mouth. The muscles are massaged with the same circular movements. Then the massaged area is slightly stretched: first down, then towards the cheekbone.
  5. The cheeks are worked in the same way as the nasolabial folds.
  6. The session ends with light stroking movements.

To determine the quality of a massage, pay attention to several factors:

  • During the massage there was no severe pain, maximum mild discomfort
  • There are no bruises, bruises or other signs of manipulation on the face
  • After the massage there is a slight pain in the muscles (this is due to their stagnation), but it quickly goes away

To get a truly pronounced effect from the procedure and not let it evaporate, it is recommended to do one or two sessions per week for eight to ten weeks. And then, after completing the entire course, you need to repeat the massage once a month to maintain the result. After the fourth procedure, changes in the condition of the skin and face become visible to the naked eye.

Here's a video of how this massage is performed.

This technique not only removes purse-string wrinkles, but also enlarges the lips.

  1. Wash your hands. Place your thumbs on the inside of your lip, your index fingers on the outside.
  2. Massage the muscles with circular movements.
  3. Then gradually move on to working on the cheeks and chin.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Any type of massage has its contraindications, sculptural is no exception. You should refuse execution if you find:

  • inflammation;
  • skin diseases;
  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • open wounds;
  • high blood pressure;
  • infections of various etiologies;
  • thyroid diseases.

Any of these problems can only worsen the situation, which means you need to either wait for recovery or find another way to rejuvenate. If there are no contraindications, then if you have the following problems, you can use the sculptural massage technique:

  • oily skin up to 30 years, in other cases after;
  • scars or acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • double chin;
  • swelling;
  • decreased elasticity;
  • sagging facial contour;
  • drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Any massage must be performed according to certain rules, as well as supplemented with other means, in order to achieve the most positive result.

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