How to make beautiful cheekbones on the face of guys and girls

When looking at a person, we do not single out any one part of his face, assessing the totality of features as a whole. But according to statistics, it is the outline of the cheekbones that determines the overall impression of one’s appearance. High, chiseled cheekbones are the most prized, but not everyone can boast of them.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help correct the shape of your cheekbones to make your face more expressive and attractive.

  • 3 The meaning of cheekbones as a sign of beauty and youth
  • 4 How to maintain high cheekbones?
  • 5 Methods of aesthetic correction
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Anatomy and structure of cheekbones

    Before you find out what forms of cheekbones exist and how they can be changed, you need to understand what they are – cheekbones. These are large paired arched bones of the facial part of the skull, which are located approximately at the level of the auricle and form the lower border of the eye sockets.

    The zygomatic bone is connected by special processes to the temporal, frontal, sphenoid bones, as well as the upper jaw. This is the strongest bone in the face. Together with the upper and lower jaws, it forms the basis of the face and determines its shape.

    The visual perception of a person’s appearance largely depends on where the cheekbones are located and what shape they have. Due to the presence of a characteristic convexity on the outer side of the cheekbones, their location on the face determines how it appears - wide and round or narrowed and elongated.


    The bandage is removed after two days, and the incisions usually take less than a week to heal. To speed up the process, rinses are used (if the dentures were inserted through the mouth).

    The patient may experience discomfort for some time (up to 10 days). Painkillers are prescribed to suppress them. Bruising and swelling also form on the face, which usually disappear during the same period.

    After 7-10 days, the patient will be able to return to normal life. It may take a little longer for skin sensitivity to recover—up to three months.

    For a month, you should refrain from using cosmetics, physical activity, visiting a bathhouse and solarium, swimming in a pool or open water.

    Shapes of cheekbones depending on face type

    There are several types of cheekbones, differing primarily in shape and location features relative to the skull. There are 5 main types:

    • tall;
    • low;
    • wide;
    • located in the center;
    • small.

    Specialists (such as makeup artists or surgeons) can determine the shape of the cheekbones just by looking at a person. It will be more difficult for a non-professional. One option is to retract your cheeks as much as possible. Then the skin will cover the cheekbones, and their contour will become more pronounced.

    Cheekbones depending on face shape


    When listing what types of cheekbones there are, most will name high ones first. They are considered the ideal of beauty for both women and men. High cheekbones begin at the temples and taper downward, curving near the eye sockets. Regardless of how pronounced this type of cheekbones is, the face will look narrowed at the bottom. Typically, this type of cheekbone is found in people with a long, oval or heart-shaped face.

    Women with this type of cheekbones need to watch their weight. If even a few extra pounds appear, the face will look plump, and a thin face with high cheekbones will look sickly. But you can easily do without contouring and bright cosmetics with such facial features. The face will be expressive even with nude, discreet makeup.

    Those with high cheekbones are credited with such qualities as confidence, determination, and a desire for leadership.


    Low cheekbones are much more common among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, but they are not very uncommon for beautiful ladies. The outlines of low cheekbones in women are softer, rounded, while in men they are more angular and massive. They start from the earlobe and with a smooth bend reach the corner of the mouth. Most often, such cheekbones are found in people with round, square, or triangular faces.

    People with low cheekbones are characterized as calm and persistent people who achieve their goals.


    This type of cheekbones is also called Mongolian, as they are a distinctive feature of people of the Mongoloid race. If you look closely, you will notice that wide cheekbones very often follow the shape of the lower jaw. They are most often found in people with square or round faces. Girls with large cheekbones need to be careful when using contouring products so that the makeup does not look grotesque. This especially applies to those who have a narrow forehead or small chin.

    People with wide, high-cheekbone faces are characterized by such qualities as endurance and determination.

    Centrally located

    Cheekbones located in the center are much less common than other types. Most often their owners are women with heart-shaped, oval or round faces. Their distinctive feature is the appearance of clearly visible “apples” on the cheeks when smiling. Girls with this form of cheekbones should not highlight the cheekbone area too actively, since too strongly pronounced cheekbones of this type attract attention, distracting it from the eyes and lips.

    Little ones

    Small cheekbones are most common in women with round faces. This variety is also called Asian. Those with expressionless cheekbones have cheeks that practically do not rise when they smile. In this case, correct makeup with an emphasis on the cheekbone area will help make your face more sculpted and attractive.

    How to recognize a fracture of the zygomatic bone

    A fracture of the zygomatic bone causes severe pain when opening the mouth.
    The cheekbones protrude on the face, so when bumps and falls often occur, a fracture of the zygomatic bone occurs with or without displacement.

    Signs of a fracture:

    • impaired jaw mobility;
    • The jaw begins to hurt very much when opening the mouth;
    • change in the shape of the face, soft tissues begin to swell, swelling rapidly increases;
    • hemorrhage in the lower part of the eyelid, conjunctiva, hematomas on the upper jaw;
    • nosebleeds from the injured cheekbone;
    • headache;
    • blurred vision.

    If a fracture is suspected, a person’s damaged cheekbone should not be adjusted independently. As first aid, you need to treat the wounds, stop the bleeding, apply a sterile bandage, and apply a cold compress. Further assistance should be provided by doctors.

    The meaning of cheekbones as a sign of beauty and youth

    Numerous studies prove that in most cases, women's cheekbones are more rounded and more prominent than those of men. These are fairly average data, because facial anatomy is very diverse, there are many women with inconspicuous cheekbones and men with prominent ones.

    Young face

    Expressive cheekbones in girls are beautiful. Their owners are often credited with ideal facial proportions. There is actually a simple explanation for this. The cheek bone is a support that maintains the soft tissues and skin of the face in a taut state. With age, bone structures become thinner, and the layer of subcutaneous fat decreases. The zygomatic bone also becomes thinner. As a result, the face loses volume, tissues sag, the contour floats, wrinkles, jowls, and a double chin appear.

    So the longer you maintain pronounced cheekbones, the longer your face will remain young and attractive.

    Strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus (massage, ultrasound, laser and RF influences)

    Loss of facial contour definition usually occurs due to weakening of muscles and ligaments. With age, collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for tissue elasticity, lose their quality and stretch. Puffiness is added, which accompanies the deformational type of aging to which most people are susceptible.

    To restore clarity to the lines, it is important not only to remove excess fat, but also to carry out measures to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and lymphatic drainage.

    • Massage techniques
      that have a good lymphatic drainage, fat burning and tissue strengthening effect (for example, LPG, Endosphere).
    • RF devices
      (radio frequency exposure) allow tissues to be heated, which causes activation of collagen and elastin, restoring tissue density and elasticity.
    • The RF needle lifting procedure
      additionally creates microtraumas in the skin with small needles, forcing the tissue to regenerate.
    • Laser devices and focused ultrasound devices
      provide deep heating of tissues, triggering the formation of new collagen and reducing adipose tissue.

    But if ptosis is too pronounced and there is significant excess skin, it makes no sense to use hardware techniques. In this case, surgical lifting of the lower third of the face and neck is indicated, the results of which will last for a long time.

    If you want to get a tightening effect faster and not have to undergo a long course of hardware procedures, you can turn to thread technologies.

    Ligature lifting is used to harmonize the lower third of the face, restore the contour of the lower jaw, eliminate a double chin and sagging tissue. The fabrics are stitched with special threads and secured in the desired position, while activating the production of new collagen.

    How to maintain high cheekbones?

    In order to maintain beautiful cheekbones, women (and sometimes men) use several methods:

    • massage;
    • special exercises;
    • change in diet.

    Massage is perhaps the most pleasant way to get beautiful cheekbones or visually slightly stretch a wide-cheeked face. The procedure helps improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid, blood microcirculation, and prevents the accumulation of fat in the cheekbones and cheeks. As a result, the face becomes more expressive.

    Facial exercises increase muscle tone, activate blood circulation, combat ptosis and fat deposits, and make the contours of the face more pronounced.

    Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are important. Naturally, there are no products that would help change the shape or location of the zygomatic bone. But a balanced, nutritious diet and adherence to a diet will help:

    • firstly, to prevent the appearance of excess weight, which is primarily reflected on the face,
    • secondly, improve the quality of the skin, including making it more elastic and toned.

    Thus, nutrition indirectly affects the condition of the cheekbones.

    If possible, you should remove sweets, smoked foods, fatty meats, salty and fried foods from your diet, and add more fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, nuts and seeds.


    Adding volume (fillers, lipofilling)

    Filler injections are the most common and fastest solution. The angles of the jaw (and, if necessary, the shape of the chin) are usually formed with a dense filler (a preparation based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite) so that it holds its shape longer.

    It is administered using a special blunt needle - a cannula, which allows less trauma to the tissue. The procedure takes about half an hour, is well tolerated and does not require long-term rehabilitation. However, this method works, as a rule, on fairly thin faces, where it gives a pronounced result that lasts up to one and a half years.

    As for increasing the volume of the cheekbones with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, if you are prone to swelling and some diseases that provoke them (endocrine, renal), their placement should be abandoned.

    Hyaluronic acid tends to attract moisture and thus can aggravate the situation, giving the face a swollen, unkempt appearance.

    The missing volume can also be added using lipofilling – transplantation of the patient’s own fat from donor areas (hips, abdomen). The fat is removed using a cannula, cleaned and injected into the required areas. However, we must take into account that not all fat takes root in a new place, which requires repeated procedures.

    Today, most of us have to spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. Watch your posture - stooping, lowered head, raised, tense shoulders - all this contributes to the rapid “erasing” of clear lines between the chin and neck, the so-called “angle of youth”, which ideally corresponds to 90˚.

    Methods of aesthetic correction

    Proper makeup will help to emphasize your cheekbones or, conversely, make them a little less pronounced. The main thing is to correctly place accents, using dark and light shades, creating the desired balance of light and shadow. Matte blush and powder, highlighter, foundation, and bronzer are suitable for visual correction.

    If the result obtained with decorative cosmetics lasts until the first wash, then cosmetic procedures give a longer lasting effect. Both hardware and injection techniques are used to correct cheekbones. Most often, cosmetologists suggest the introduction of fillers.

    The most radical way to change facial features is plastic surgery. Surgical intervention allows, among other things, to adjust the shape and size of the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. This may include installation of implants, removal of Bisha's lumps, or lifting.

    Jutta Leerdam, 23 years old. Skating. Netherlands

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    Posted by Jutta Leerdam (@juttaleerdam)

    An athlete from the Netherlands is considered the most beautiful speed skater in the world. On the ice, Jutta wins gold medals, and outside the arenas and skating rinks, there is a rush of interest from modeling agencies and global fashion brands, which vying with each other to offer her contracts. Lerdam plans to create her own clothing brand.

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    Posted by Jutta Leerdam (@juttaleerdam)

    Frida Karlsson, 22 years old. Ski race. Sweden

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    Posted by Frida Karlsson (@fridakarlsson)

    Incredible but true: Frida Karlsson has not been involved in skiing since childhood! Until the age of 15, she played football in the Swedish second division, was fond of running and even participated in the European Youth Athletics Championships. What events put Frida on skis remains a mystery, but an unknown combination of circumstances played into the hands of both this brilliant blonde and the Swedish team.

    One of Karlsson's sources of income is advertising sunglasses for a Norwegian designer. Fans also call Frida a magnet for incidents: she once broke a hotel door frame, deciding to pull herself up. There was also frostbite on my hands during competitions and my trousers catching fire while trying to stay warm by the heater.

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    Posted by Frida Karlsson (@fridakarlsson)

    Luna Hendrix, 22 years old. Figure skating. Belgium

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    Posted by (@loenahendrickx)

    Luna Hendricks has been skating for 18 of her 22 years. The blonde followed in the footsteps of her older skater brother. She also admires Russian woman Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. This is an interesting fact.

    In her free time, Luna plays golf and also listens to Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion, which, you see, is strange for a girl whose age is supposed to enjoy the vocals of Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish. After finishing his sports career, Hendrix dreams of becoming... a kindergarten teacher. This is such an original.

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    Posted by (@loenahendrickx)

    Aknar Ardak, 22 years old. Skating. China

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    Posted by Ahnaer Adake

    In general, Aknar Ardak is an ethnic Kazakh woman born in Xinjiang. The girl has been interested in speed skating since childhood, but in 2012 she stopped training. The reason was the death of her father from a serious illness - then Aknar decided to help her mother, who worked as a teacher. But she, despite her modest income, persuaded her capable daughter to return to sports - and, as it turned out, not in vain. It was as if the ice was just waiting for Aknar to return. Victories in prestigious competitions followed immediately.

    Kailani Crane, 23 years old. Figure skating. Australia

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    Posted by kailani (@kailanicraine)

    At the Olympic Games, Kailani Crane has not yet had the opportunity to stand on the podium (after all, our figure skaters are very competitive), but in her country the girl received the highest awards.

    Crane actively maintains his page on Instagram and works as a model in his free time from sports. I must say that the brunette is offered a lot of contracts. So, she recently began working with the global supergiant Pepsi, starring in an advertisement for the popular drink.

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    Posted by kailani (@kailanicraine)

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