Puppet wrinkles: how to get rid of the wrinkles of grief?

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: December 05, 2022

Review date: November 19, 2022

Marionette lines or marionette lines, which descend from the corners of the mouth down to the chin area, are often referred to by experts as grief lines.

Indeed, such wrinkles give the face a dissatisfied and sad expression. A person looks 10 years older than he actually is.

Marionette lines are formed by labiomental skin folds. They begin to appear mainly after 30 years. Experts explain that this is the result of muscle relaxation against the background of thinning subcutaneous fat in the nose and lips. This causes the tissues to droop and form folds that outline the sides of the chin.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


Botulinum toxin against puppets

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that blocks the transmission of neuromuscular impulses.
Based on this substance (purified and weakened), such well-known drugs as Botox, Xeomin, Dysport and Relatox are produced. They are used to treat blepharospasm, chronic migraine, spasmodic torticollis, hyperhidrosis and some other diseases. The greatest fame for these medications came from cosmetic procedures based on the injection of botulinum toxin under the skin. Botulinum toxin injections are a recognized method for eliminating facial wrinkles, including deep ones. Most often, botulinum toxin is injected into the upper third of the face, but the method can also be used to correct wrinkles in the perioral area (around the mouth). Correction is especially effective if the appearance of folds is associated with muscle overstrain.

The neurotoxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and thereby relaxes the muscles. The skin over the relaxed muscle is smoothed, wrinkles are straightened. At the same time, facial expressions become a little less active, but do not disappear completely - the face looks alive and mobile.

When correcting grief lines, botulinum toxin is injected into the depressor angle oris muscle. A slight relaxation of this muscle leads to a reduction in the crease. Very often, this correction is performed using botulinum toxin and filler. The toxin relaxes the muscle, and the filler replenishes lost fat volumes, creating a shock absorption effect.

Timely dental treatment and dental prosthetics are very important! Since the oral cavity without teeth makes a person's appearance painful, the soft tissues seem to fall inside.

Factors contributing to the formation of grief lines

In addition to age-related processes, grief lines can occur due to tooth loss. Loss of teeth in the lower jaw deprives the skin in this area of ​​a kind of framework, which is why the folds seem to fall into empty spaces and wrinkles appear.

Marionette lines occur in women who have lost a large number of extra pounds in a short time. At a young age, this is not so scary, because the skin tends to return to its tone, which means that after some time it tightens. But sudden weight loss in a woman after menopause is fraught with severe stretching of the skin and the formation of folds and creases in the mouth area. As we age, the natural loss of collagen and elastin causes the skin to become less elastic.

People who constantly strain their mouth muscles, for example, people who play the flute or trumpet, also experience wrinkles at the corners of their lips. Or those who are forced to talk a lot constantly - the actors leading the show.

Prolonged exposure to the sun or sunbathing in a solarium also contributes to the appearance of marionette wrinkles. Both greatly dry out the dermis and inhibit collagen fibers.

Smoking addiction also leads to premature aging of the skin. This is especially evident in the nasolabial area.

What is plasma lifting

Plasmolifting is a procedure for correcting wrinkles by introducing injections of the patient’s plasma into the facial skin.

Plasma contains a large number of platelets. After injection under the skin, it stimulates cell growth and enhances collagen production. In most cases, the method does not cause allergies.

Lipofilling is a surgical operation during which adipose tissue is injected into the problem spaces of the labiomental folds. Plastic surgery offers longer-term benefits for correcting marionette lines. Other methods of preventing age-related changes in facial skin will help maintain the results after surgical correction: properly selected care, massage, gymnastics.

When choosing a procedure for correcting marionette wrinkles, in order to avoid negative consequences, a specialized consultation with a specialist is necessary.

How to Treat Puppet Lines

The latest treatment to combat deep marionette lines and drooping lips is called Happy Face. The result is literally a happier face! The Happy Face technique uses dermal filler to smooth the lower part of the face. Reducing the depth of the puppet lines and providing lift to the corners of the mouth works. By focusing on these two key areas. Remove nasolabial wrinkles and marionette lines.

Remove nasolabial folds

First, your esthetician will use dermal filler to slightly turn the corners of your mouth. And secondly, to create smoothness and uniformity in the puppet. Add volume evenly through the cannula in both directions. The Happy Face procedure is fast, safe and, most importantly, the results are instant!

Remove nasolabial folds

Important tips for preventing facial jowls

Exercise really does work wonders. But don’t forget about preventive measures:

  • Maintain correct posture and neck position . The condition of your face directly depends on the condition of your skeleton.
  • Get rid of excess weight . The pleasure of eating a pie lasts a couple of seconds. And in order to regain a slender waist and remove chubby cheeks, it will take more than one day.
  • Be responsible when choosing care products . Carefully read the ingredients and recommendations on the packaging. Creams and masks should be appropriate for your age and skin type. After 35, choose products with a lifting effect.
  • Walk more in the fresh air and drink clean water . For an evening walk and 1.5 liters of water a day, the body will thank you for deep sleep and the absence of stagnation of fluid and lymph.
  • Pay attention to the skin of your neck and décolleté . Many women only take care of their face (and then hastily), using the excuse of a lack of time and energy. No massage or exercise to remove jowls. Maximum - cream. Don’t repeat the mistakes of others, and then at 40 and 50 you will be able to be proud of your fit appearance, wear open dresses and blouses, and not hide behind high-necked robes.


You can delay the appearance of the first mournful wrinkles, or marionette wrinkles, using simple rules:

  • give up negative habits - smoking and chewing gum;
  • Massage your face, neck and décolleté every day;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin with day and night cream, treat with serums and micellar water;
  • use products with SPF protection;
  • treat teeth in a timely manner;
  • give up “magic”, “super-effective” diets;
  • control facial expressions.

Contraindications to procedures

An absolute ban on contouring to get rid of marionette wrinkles is prescribed by doctors for:

  • autoimmune and systemic diseases;
  • exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • high temperature and fever of any etiology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of epilepsy and mental disorders;
  • tendency to intense tissue scarring;
  • minority;
  • preliminary introduction of substances incompatible with the proposed filler.

Of the temporary contraindications that can be eliminated, experts note:

  • taking medications - anticoagulants, blood thinners;
  • menstruation;
  • inflammation, herpetic rashes or allergies in the area where the drug was administered.

Prevention of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth

Like any health problem, the appearance of wrinkles from the corners of the lips to the chin should be prevented. To postpone their appearance to a later date, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • do not be exposed to the sun for a long time or use SPF protection;
  • do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes;
  • use cosmetics that have not expired;
  • moisturize your facial skin regularly;
  • if necessary, do massage or facial exercises;
  • Use masks or scrubs 1-2 times a week;
  • review your daily diet;
  • include sports exercises in your regime.

Important! Vitamins and minerals are of great importance for the beauty and youth of the skin. To prevent wrinkles of grief, it is recommended to take vitamins A and E.

Facial correction using liquid thread method

For this method, the drug calcium hydroxyapatite is used. After insertion under the skin, the threads are encapsulated by connective tissue, thereby tightening the skin and forming a frame. Wrinkles are corrected, and facial contours are tightened and look clearer.

If wrinkles of grief have arisen as a result of age-related changes or ptosis, then it is better to use contour plastic surgery, during which the voids of the skin folds are filled with gel-like preparations of 3% hyaluronic acid.

After the introduction of fillers, the effect lasts for about a year, then there is a need to re-fill the areas of tissue deficiency with gel.

Surgical methods

Plastic surgery to remove marionette wrinkles is performed on women after 50–60 years of age, when cosmetic treatment no longer provides a long-term effect of getting rid of wrinkles. It must be remembered that surgical intervention changes the overall facial expressions.

Lifting the corners of the mouth occurs with simultaneous lifting of the cheeks, removal of excess skin and accompanying fat layer. Normally, bruising, swelling, and limited mouth mobility may occur after surgery. When all the areas touched by the surgeon have healed, the final result will be visible. As a rule, this period takes several months.

What cosmetic procedures will help remove marionette wrinkles?

While the depth of wrinkles is small and the skin does not require the use of “heavy artillery,” chemical peeling, cosmetic masks and massages can be used to counteract its aging.

Chemical peeling

Serves to remove dead skin cells, restore its smoothness, and “clean up” shallow wrinkles and scars. Another plus: the acidic solution leaves a kind of burn, which the skin begins to heal, producing new cells and rejuvenating.

Chemical peeling is:

  • superficial – to improve complexion, lighten age spots, get rid of acne;
  • middle - to combat unexpressed wrinkles, scars, spots;
  • deep – for significant skin rejuvenation.

There are homemade types of chemical peeling that use low concentration acid solutions, but they are ineffective against deep wrinkles.

Full course: 1-7 sessions.

Cost: from 800₽ per procedure.

Duration of effect: about 1 year.

Professional massage

Facial massage can:

  • improve lymph flow and reduce swelling;
  • accelerate blood flow and supply cells with nutrients and oxygen;
  • tone muscles and skin;
  • smooth out the relief;
  • restore healthy complexion.

It cannot cope with pronounced wrinkles, but massage can make fine lines less noticeable and delay the aging process. Of course, if it is done by a professional who has knowledge of human anatomy and mastery of several techniques, from which he will choose the optimal one for you.

Full course: up to 10 sessions.

Cost: from 500₽ per session.

Duration of effect: it is recommended to take 2-3 full courses per year or 1 course followed by visiting a massage therapist 2 times a month to maintain the effect.


It would seem that there is nothing easier than applying a mask to your face. Probably every woman periodically does this at home, but the procedure in a beauty salon has its advantages. This:

  1. consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will select the desired composition of the mixture and conduct an allergy test;
  2. high-quality cleaning of the face from makeup and dust with professional products;
  3. preparing the skin to receive beneficial substances - a hot compress or steam treatment with ozone (vaporization) to open the pores as much as possible;
  4. distributing the mask with all the care and precision that is not possible when applying it yourself;
  5. careful removal of the mixture and final treatment of the skin with a cream suitable for its type.

Full course: 5-20 sessions.

Cost: from 400₽ per procedure.

Duration of effect: depends on the condition of the skin. Typically, maintenance procedures are required at least once a month.

Hardware procedures against marionette wrinkles

Science has come very far in recent decades, and many procedures that were previously considered the prerogative of beauty salons have now become available for home use. However, for visible results, it is better to make an appointment with a cosmetologist the old fashioned way: a specialist has more knowledge and experience, and the equipment is an order of magnitude more powerful than devices for home use.

Radio frequency lifting (RF lifting)

The emphasis is on high-frequency radio waves, which painlessly penetrate the deep layers of the skin and have a thermal effect on them. Warmed cells begin to intensively reproduce collagen and elastin proteins, tissues are tightened, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Radiofrequency lifting

Full course: 5-10 procedures.

Duration of effect: up to 1.5 years. It can be extended by signing up for maintenance radiolifting procedures from time to time.

Laser tightening and resurfacing

In the skillful hands of a specialist, a laser beam not only destroys and removes old dead cells from the surface of the skin, but also forces younger ones to intensively produce collagen and elastin, without which there can be no youthful skin. Depending on the power set by the cosmetologist, the laser can refresh the face, reduce wrinkles, and smooth out scars.

Laser resurfacing

Based on the type of resurfacing, lasers are divided into:

  • erbium - intended for the most delicate areas of the face (eyelids, lip area, neck);
  • fractional - for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body;
  • carbon dioxide - for removing scars and deep scars.

Full course: 1-6 sessions.

Duration of effect: 5, and with luck, 10 years.

Microcurrent exposure

This time, the task of reaching the deep layers of the skin is assigned to galvanic currents. Firstly, they have a gentle effect on cells and force them to produce substances necessary for youthful skin. Secondly, before the procedure, the skin is treated with various moisturizing and nourishing lotions, and currents help their components penetrate deeper into the skin.


Full course: 3 procedures as a preventive measure, 8-12 to correct visible defects.

Duration of effect: about 1 year.

Ultrasound correction

Here, instead of radio waves and currents, ultrasonic vibrations penetrate deep into the skin, but the essence of the procedure remains the same. Ultrasound triggers rejuvenation processes in cells and delivers particles of caring cosmetics to the deep layers of the dermis, where they cannot penetrate on their own. Blood moves more actively through the vessels and capillaries, the surface of the skin is leveled, and excess tissue is tightened.

Ultrasound correction

Full course: up to 7 procedures.

Duration of effect: several years.


Problem areas of the face are treated with light pulses. They pass through the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin, heat the cells and lead to increased production of “youth proteins” - collagen and elastin. In addition, broadband light lightens age spots.


Full course: 4-6, sometimes 12 procedures.

Duration of effect: about 1.5 years.


To revive skin that has lost its elasticity, the targeted action of low temperatures is used in combination with cosmetic mixtures for various purposes. Cryolifting accelerates blood flow, stimulates cell regeneration, and tightens tissue.


Full course: 3-6 sessions.

Duration of effect: 2-4 years.


In fact, this name hides ordinary mechanical face resurfacing. It occurs due to the smallest diamond particles, and the skin is pre-treated with a special agent for better glide of the nozzle. The procedure does not cause pain and extremely delicately removes the upper dead layer of cells. Skin permeability increases, tissues are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, complexion improves, wrinkles become smaller.

Microdermabrasion - diamond resurfacing

Full course: 1-2 sessions.

Duration of effect: 3 months.

Cost table for hardware procedures

MoscowSaint Petersburg
Procedure nameApproximate cost, ₽Approximate cost, ₽
Radiofrequency liftingfrom 3000from 2500
Microcurrentsfrom 1000from 1000
Ultrasound correctionfrom 9000from 7000
Photorejuvenationfrom 4000from 3000
Cryoliftingfrom 1500from 1500
Microdermabrasionfrom 1500from 1500

How to deal with the problem yourself

If, having crossed the thirty-year mark, you suddenly begin to notice slightly visible wrinkles around the lips on your face, this is not scary, since age-related changes were noticed at an early stage.

In such a situation, you can easily deal with marionette wrinkles at home, without investing much financially or physically.

Smoothing masks

The most common option is how to remove such folds using masks. From their wide variety, I would like to highlight several simple and effective recipes:

  1. Mix crushed banana pulp, egg yolk and 5 g of natural honey. If the skin is normal, then add 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. If it is oily, replace it with kefir; if it is dry, replace it with olive oil.
  2. Finely grated 1 carrot is combined with 10 g of honey. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas.
  3. Take pomegranate (carrot) juice and sour cream in the same ratio.
  4. Combine a tablespoon of live yeast and the same amount of milk. Stir until a thick consistency is obtained.

The masks are applied for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The standard course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

No less effective can be used individual products that, after preliminary preparation, are applied to wrinkles:

  • slightly warmed honey (in a water bath or in the microwave);
  • avocado mashed into pulp;
  • tomatoes are cut into slices and applied to the “puppets”.

After any of the proposed procedures, it is necessary to moisturize the epidermis with tonic.


If you are not lazy and do facial exercises at least every other day, then only the marionette wrinkles that appear can be smoothed out quickly. This event will not take much time - 15-20 minutes in the morning.

How to remove “lines of sadness”:

  1. The index fingers are placed at the corners of the lips and lift them.
  2. The muscles in the mouth area are tensed and at this time, with your fingers, move the extreme points of the mouth towards the center.
  3. They stretch the wrinkles downward, thereby trying to straighten them.
  4. Puff out your cheeks as much as you can and hold in this state for 2-3 seconds.
  5. A tube is formed from the lips up to 18-20 times.
  6. Puff out your cheeks one by one.


After masks or gymnastic facial exercises, it will also be useful to do a massage. This improves blood microcirculation, restores the tone of the dermis, and normalizes lymphatic drainage of blood vessels.

How to do a massage:

  1. First of all, the face is warmed up by applying a warm compress.
  2. Hands are washed with soap.
  3. Apply any essential oil or massage cream to your fingers.
  4. Sit comfortably in front of a mirror (sitting or lying down).

With progressive movements of the fingers, without much pressure, move exclusively along the massage lines:

  • from the center point of the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the hollow under the lower lip to the ears;
  • from the groove above the upper lip to the temples;
  • from the edges of the lips to the ear tragus.

During the massage, in addition to stroking, light pinching, tapping and rubbing with finger pads are acceptable.

Chin correction - description of the procedure

The leather surface is processed and marked.

First, the chin was lifted. It’s amazing that when you watch the video, it seems that in the frame there are not the hands of a doctor, but a sculptor. See how the features of a renewed chin are formed, as if from plaster. And it turns out not just any, but exactly similar to the one that was. Nobody noticed the change.

After the procedure, only slight redness remains from the anesthetic treatment.

How to prevent marionette lines

Methods of dealing with “puppets” may vary depending on age. What helps girls under 30 is not always acceptable for older ladies.

Therefore, it is worth starting to prevent facial wrinkles early, without waiting for their appearance.

Expert advice:

  1. stop smoking;
  2. don’t get used to chewing gum;
  3. systematically perform gymnastics for the facial muscles;
  4. use protective creams when exposed to the sun for a long time;
  5. watch your facial expressions;
  6. Do not sunbathe often, including solariums.

When wrinkles are already present, but appeared not so long ago, then it is worth resorting to homemade masks and other non-salon methods of rejuvenation.

But women over 50 have no choice but to turn to a professional cosmetologist for help.

In their case, plasma lifting, contour plastic surgery and other hardware correction methods will be effective. Botox injections are used in particularly advanced cases.

Question answer

Yes, it is possible to remove annoying wrinkles. Modern cosmetology is developing and offers many procedures that will help improve your appearance. A particularly excellent effect can be achieved thanks to contour plastic surgery.

To get started, one procedure will be enough. But in the future you will have to repeat the session every six months, as the effect gradually disappears.

If they are very pronounced, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them using traditional methods or the use of various cosmetics. It is worth contacting a cosmetologist, he will help you cope with the problem.

Why do jowls appear on the face?

It's probably easiest to blame the deformation entirely on age and gravity (yes, gravity makes your face droop).

Indeed, these are the dominant reasons.

But besides them, other factors also influence the intensity of the distortion of proportions. And if you are powerless before the law of universal gravitation, then you can well influence these aspects:

Excess weight

Excess fatty tissue on the face, as well as on the body, does not just look unaesthetic. Over time, the skin on the cheeks of obese people sags more intensely than that of their slimmer peers. This does not mean that you need to urgently and dramatically lose weight. The amount of fat will actually decrease. But there is a risk of developing a new problem in the form of folds of sagging skin. Lose extra pounds gradually and, if possible, under the supervision of a nutritionist.

“Harmful” professions and hobbies

At risk are people whose lifestyle or professional activities involve prolonged head tilt (massage therapists, manicurists, seamstresses, smartphone lovers). This position is dangerous due to overstrain of the neck muscles and compression of blood vessels. And this leads to premature sagging of the skin on the face. If you find yourself on the list, think about how to neutralize the “costs of harmful production.” Take frequent breaks and stretch to relax your muscles.


Smoking, alcohol, overeating, unbalanced diet, sedentary work, uncontrolled use of medications - all this does not have the best effect on the overall health and skin. Comments are unnecessary here: even schoolchildren know what a disregard for oneself leads to.

Loss of teeth

An irresponsible attitude towards oral health (delayed treatment, tooth extraction) leads to deformation of the gums, sunken cheeks and, ultimately, distorts the natural relief. Meet with your dentist more often!

Hormonal imbalance

Pregnancy and menopause are often accompanied by sudden surges in hormones. Such “swings” can also ruin the skin. Find a good endocrinologist who will give practical recommendations.

As you can see, your face has every reason to blur ahead of time. Therefore, task No. 1 is to do everything to prevent this. And the sooner you start the fight, the more effective and durable the result will be. After all, as you age, it will become increasingly difficult to remove jowls, wrinkles and a tired look from your face.

Now you can see this for yourself.

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