Effective exercises or how to remove a double chin at home

Double chin – what is it?

The double chin is a fold of skin and fat under the lower jaw. Appears in men and women, young and old, fat and thin. No one is insured! But it is most noticeable among the fair sex. Maybe we're just more concerned about our appearance?

This repulsive flaw in appearance immediately adds years, weighs down the face and blurs the contour.

Almost every woman sooner or later discovers that she has a double chin. This is as common and often an inevitable sign of age as the widow's hump.

But a young girl can also develop a double chin, and not necessarily due to excess weight. This defect also appears in thin people. It would seem, where does the young and slender get it from? And everything is very simple.

Photos "before" and "after"

Photos “before” the operation and on the 5th day “after”.

Reduction of the cheeks and formation of sunken cheekbones, installation of a Medpor chin implant (USA), laser nanoliposuction of the chin, thread lifting of the lower third of the face. Surgeon - Iskornev Andrey Alexandrovich.

You can ask your questions and sign up for a consultation by calling:

in Moscow, +7 495 989-21-16

in Kazan

Make an appointment online to receive a 30% discount on your consultation. Or buy a clinic certificate and pay for any procedures with a 10% discount.

Why does it occur in women?

Age, excess weight, heredity - all of these, of course, are important factors that provoke the appearance of a double chin.

But the main mechanism is different. Often, the growth of a double chin is caused by poor posture and neck statics. After all, the habit of slouching is accompanied by the fact that the head and neck take an unnatural position and move forward. Because of this, there are:

  • spasm and shortening of the muscles of the anterior surface of the neck,
    which, in turn, provokes the sliding down of the “muscle of youth” of the platysma (a wide flat subcutaneous “collar” muscle lining the anterior surface of the neck and intertwined with the neck muscles),
  • disruption of blood and lymph flow
    due to the fact that spasmed muscles have compressed the vessels; this, in turn, leads to a deficiency of tissue nutrition and to congestion and swelling,
  • sagging tissue
    (withering and loss of skin elasticity are inevitable when the supply of oxygen and nutrients is disrupted; excessive load on collagen and elastin fibers reduces their ability to support subcutaneous fat).

What happens? Flabby tissue hangs down like a pouch, which is quickly occupied by swelling and fatty deposits. Even if you are thin, but with a crooked back, you will have such a hanging “reservoir”, and the body will find something to fill it with.

And while the muscles of the shoulder girdle are in spasm, they put pressure on the blood and lymphatic vessels - blood circulation and lymph flow are impaired - swelling is inevitable, the configuration of the tissues is changed.

We have already spoken many times about the importance of relaxing the platysma and its healthy tone. While it is pinched and pulling the face downwards, it is pointless to fight with a double chin, as well as jowls, drooping corners of the lips, and a fuzzy oval.

Let's summarize. The main reason for the formation of a double chin is incorrect posture. Also influence:

  • Age-related changes.
    Due to muscle spasms and atrophy, the configuration of the muscular system changes, the skin becomes flabby and sags. As a rule, the processes of regeneration and trophism (cellular nutrition) in the dermis and tissues slow down after 45-50 years.
  • Excess weight.
    In obese women, fat deposits stick out in folds, and not only a second, but also a third and fourth chin appears. The folds under the lower jaw are a favorite place for fat to accumulate; under its weight, the lower contours of the face sag.
  • Dramatic weight loss.
    When weight is lost rapidly, the skin stretched by fat does not have time to recover and sags.
  • Genetic predisposition.
    The fold of fat under the lower jaw, as well as the structure and turgor of the skin, can be inherited. As a rule, this is due to metabolic features: slow protein synthesis and slow restoration of collagen in the skin.

Why does it occur in men?

A double chin does not bother men as much as it does women, but they also have it often.

What, all men have a perfectly straight back? Of course not. And for modern people it’s so special! Most of them work at a computer, relax curled up on the sofa, and like to sleep on higher pillows. The head is almost always extended forward and tilted. The muscles of the shoulder and neck regions spasm, the skin under the lower jaw sags and fills with swelling and fat.

Men, just like women, get fat and age. And in both cases, they are at risk of developing a double chin. But they can grow a stylish beard and problem solved!

Prevention of a double chin

Protecting yourself from the appearance of a double chin is, in essence, not difficult.

The main thing is to monitor your posture. This implies:

  • general physical activity
  • performing a set of exercises on the back and cervical spine,
  • proper organization of your work and sleeping spaces,
  • compliance with the rules for wearing bags and shoes,
  • healthy eating.

Correct posture is a separate important and interesting topic. We have written a lot about this - look for articles on our blog.

What else will help avoid the appearance of a double chin?

  • Keeping weight under control.
    We do not exceed the daily caloric intake and move as much as possible.
  • We get into the habit of doing simple neck exercises every day,
    which take no more than 5 minutes a day.
  • Nourish and strengthen the skin
    – we help it maintain firmness and elasticity. Daily facial skin care must be supplemented with treatment of the neck and décolleté area. We apply natural oils, serums, creams and balms with a lifting effect.

    Our hit is multifunctional cold-pressed coconut oil Beauty365 (can be purchased in the online store www.beauty365.ru). Women also fell in love with Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil, which perfectly moisturizes and regenerates.

    An excellent option is a comprehensive and at the same time completely natural remedy, Beauty365 verbena hemp balm (sold in the online store www.beauty365.ru). Its main active ingredient – ​​hemp oil – prevents premature skin aging. And many oils and extracts in the composition (coconut, shea butter, pistachio, calendula, carrot seeds) protect the dermis and help it bloom and renew itself.

  • We do vacuum massage with cups.
    Cupping is good both for prevention and for combating the problem of a double chin that has already arisen. Therefore, we will tell you more about them in the chapter “How to get rid of a double chin at home” - be sure to read to it.


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical method of facial modeling. It is carried out using microinjections under the skin. Improves the metabolism of the skin, subcutaneous fat, saturates tissues with oxygen, prevents sagging and premature aging of the skin.

A cosmetologist uses injections to administer special cocktails of vitamins and medications. A full course will require 8-10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 5-7 days. Results are usually already noticeable after 4 or 5 sessions. The effect will last for at least six months if you follow all the recommendations.

How to remove a double chin

To begin with, we exclude all surgical methods. A double chin is not a pathology of an internal organ, so such huge risks are simply unjustified! So no liposuction or thread implantation (ligature lifting)!

By the way, plastic surgeons will say that threads are needed to strengthen muscles and correct the shape of the face. But often the muscles need, on the contrary, to be relaxed, since a double chin appears due to spasms in different areas of the facial muscle corset. But no: cosmetologists just want to insert foreign material into a living organism and “tighten” the unfortunate muscles more strongly. Never!

Look at your hands - these are your best assistant. We know what we are talking about: we have helped thousands of women get rid of a double chin using self-massage and gymnastics. Our methods work, and there are no health risks!

Popular questions

1. Are exercises effective for double chin?
Massage and exercises are ineffective for getting rid of a double chin. Exercise can only help strengthen the tone of the muscles of the chin and neck, as well as prevent the early appearance of a double chin.

2. How long does chin liposuction last?

Chin liposuction provides long-lasting results. During surgery, excess subcutaneous fat is surgically removed. The use of lipolytics is ineffective because they dissolve over time.

3. How long to wear a compression bandage after chin liposuction?

After chin liposuction, you need to wear a compression bandage for several weeks without removing it. The exact time to wear the bandage will be prescribed by the plastic surgeon after completion of the operation (the duration of wearing may vary depending on additional neck or face lift procedures).




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Author: Lisitsin Ruslan Grigorievich

Plastic surgeon. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Highest category. Work experience 24 years.

How to get rid of a double chin at home

Vacuum self-massage with cups is our favorite way to combat a double chin.

To work on the neck and area under the lower jaw, you need special glass jars for the face. ). Beauty365 has these - look for them in the online store www.beauty365.ru.

Banks have captivated thousands of participants in our online marathons.

How do they work?

  • Creates a lymphatic drainage effect - swelling goes away!
  • They restore the tone of sagging skin - it becomes firm, elastic, and resists stretching from fat and swelling; the oval of the face is tightened; even wrinkles are erased like an eraser.
  • Restore muscle balance - no spasms!

Apply natural oil or Beauty365 squalane to your face, neck and décolleté (this should be done so that the jars glide easily) and begin massaging, moving along the massage lines. It's simple: the movement pattern is indicated on the packaging of vacuum cans. But for greater confidence, you can follow the procedure under the video with instructions:

Cosmetic massage

Cosmetic massage is considered one of the most effective and popular salon procedures, but it must only be performed by a professional, otherwise there is a risk of stretching the skin of the face and cheeks directly.

Vacuum massage is often used, which improves blood circulation and improves metabolism. Muscle tone increases, and the skin of the neck and chin tightens. As a result, the process of aging and fading of the skin slows down, folds and double chin disappear, the skin is smooth and elastic.

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