How to remove the second collection without surgery: Technique from a plastic surgeon

January 17, 2022, 14:00 - Public news service - OSN A double chin changes the shape of the face and visually adds age. But tissue prolapse in an aesthetically significant area can be corrected, and this does not always require surgical intervention. Why does tissue ptosis occur? How to remove a double chin quickly? And how can we prevent it from appearing again? Plastic surgeon, head of the plastic surgery department of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Russia, Viktor Shcherbinin, answered these questions to the Public News Service .

Why does a double chin appear?

The chin is formed by the bones of the lower jaw, which determine its shape, as well as by the muscles of the facial and cervical region. Anatomically, a person has only one chin, and the appearance of its “understudy” in the submandibular region is due to the accumulation of fatty deposits here. As the volume of adipose tissue increases, the skin in the submandibular area sags: it is too thin and cannot effectively retain fat masses.

“The main reason for the appearance of a double chin is excess weight,” comments plastic surgeon Viktor Shcherbinin. “In the chin-neck area, fat begins to accumulate first, so even slight excess weight can trigger the occurrence of this defect.”


Typical reasons

Other factors also contribute to the formation of a defect.

  1. Genetics. If most relatives have a double chin or it appears at a certain age, it means that the person is at risk for this problem. With a high degree of probability, he will also develop an aesthetic defect.
  2. Anatomical features of the structure of the jaw and neck. Protrusion and drooping of tissues in the submandibular region are caused by malocclusion, pathologies of the masticatory-speech apparatus, and a large angle between the jaw and neck. In men, the problem is caused by a low position of the Adam's apple.
  3. Posture disorders. Despite the unobvious relationship, this is one of the most common causes of the problem. According to statistics, curvature of the spine leads to the development of this defect in 90 percent of cases.

In women and men

You need to massage your facial skin along the lines of lymph movement:

  • from the point between the eyebrows up to the hairline;
  • from the same point to the temples along the brow ridges;
  • also from this point along the back of the nose to the tip and down the wings;
  • from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, then from the outer to the inner;
  • from the sinuses to the temples;
  • from a point above the upper lip to the middle of each ear;
  • from the point under the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • from the earlobes down the neck to the collarbones;
  • in front from the collarbones along the larynx up to the chin.

It is necessary to make movements in these directions to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Is it possible to reduce or remove a double chin?

An aesthetic defect can be corrected; its result largely depends on the following factors.

  1. Reason for appearance. If the defect is caused by problems with bite or poor posture, it will not be possible to cope with it without eliminating the cause. If the appearance is caused by excess weight, a decrease in body weight will also lead to a decrease in protrusion in the submandibular area.
  2. The degree of skin sagging. Minor sagging is easier to deal with than severe sagging. Therefore, the sooner the fight against them is started, the more noticeable and faster the result will be achieved.
  3. Age. Since skin elasticity decreases over time, after 45 years of age it will be more difficult to cope with the problem than at 30 years of age. In adolescence, the problem can be easily corrected.

However, even in adulthood and with a pronounced, noticeable defect, it can be visually reduced and the chin made more toned.

Method 5: RF liposuction

Price from 30,000 rub. per procedure

The method is a very successful “duet” of classical tumescent liposuction and RF lifting. As with classic liposuction, Klein's solution is injected into the chin area, and liquid fat is removed using the finest cannulas. But at the same time, the cannula is also an electrode. The second electrode is located in a nozzle located above the skin and generates a current of a certain frequency. Radiofrequency energy, in the area of ​​influence of which is the fat fold, firstly, melts the fat, facilitating its removal. Secondly, it warms up the tissue, providing a lifting effect. This is especially important when the procedure is performed on thinned skin that has lost its elasticity. The advantages of this method of getting rid of a double chin include the fact that the spread of energy is limited only to the skin fold. And also the optimal temperature for starting the production of new collagen is 38.5 - 40 degrees. After the procedure, it is mandatory to wear compression garments.

One procedure is required.


  • If the procedure is not carried out correctly, the possibility of fibrous formations and skin burns cannot be excluded;
  • in patients over 55 years of age, with lost elasticity and thinning skin, poor skin contraction is observed in 10% of cases.

How to get rid of a double chin and restore facial contours

To solve the problem, you can use several methods or a combination of them:

  1. gymnastic exercises;
  2. massage;
  3. the use of cosmetics with a lifting effect;
  4. non-invasive cosmetic procedures;
  5. lifestyle correction.

Let's consider each of the methods in detail.

Daily care helps to cope with the problem (Photo:

Gymnastic exercises

Gymnastic exercises help to remove a double chin quickly and effectively at home. They are suitable for women and men, and their action is aimed at improving blood circulation in the problem area, which increases tissue tone, gives them elasticity, makes them more toned and dense.

  • Head tilts. Tilt your head back, raising your chin as far as possible towards the ceiling. In this case, the tongue must be pressed against the upper palate.
  • Movements of the lower jaw. Lift your chin up and forward. You should feel the muscles of the problem area stretching.
  • Upward movements and head turns. Tilt your head back and turn to the right, pushing your lower jaw forward. You should feel as if you are stretching your chin in a given direction. Then repeat the same thing in the other direction - this time to the left.
  • Pressure on the palms. Form your palms into fists and bring them together. Place your lower jaw on your fists and, tensing its muscles, press down on your hands.

“Each position must be fixed for 10 seconds,” advises Victor Shcherbinin. “Then you should relax the muscles and perform the exercise another 5-10 times.”


Massage techniques also help to remove a double chin at home and lose weight in the face. A simple and effective technique for correcting the oval of the face consists of only three manipulations.

  • Patting. With the back of your hand, move from the center to the ears. Patting movements should be light but noticeable.
  • Tingling. Using your thumb and forefinger, lightly pinch the skin, moving from the center of the problem area to the ears and back.
  • Rubbing. Using smooth movements, rub the areas worked by patting and pinching from the center of the chin to the bottom of the neck and ears.

The effectiveness of massage is based on several factors. The first is improving blood circulation in the problem area due to mechanical action on it. Blood flow improves tissue nutrition, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened. The second is the elimination of congestion and swelling through rubbing.

Massage should be performed daily, preferably over a course of 10-14 days. If you are prone to the problem, you should make a massage part of your daily self-care routine: in the evening, after cleansing the skin, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream, then do a light massage. This will not only remove the second chin, but will also tone the muscles of the cheeks and neck, thereby improving the contour of the face as a whole.

Self-massage makes a double chin less noticeable (Photo:

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics will become an aid in the fight against sagging tissues. It does not work on its own, without massage, gymnastics or lifestyle correction. However, it is necessary to use special cosmetics in order to increase the elasticity of tissues and help them tighten due to the lifting effect. Creams, serums, and caring masks based on:

  • hyaluronic acid - a component with a pronounced moisturizing effect;
  • collagen - renews the structure of the epidermis, tightens tissues, gives them tone;
  • snail mucin - has a moisturizing and lifting effect.

“These components have a lifting effect,” says Victor Shcherbinin. “They increase the elasticity of tissues in the problem area and reduce the impact of age-related changes.”

How and what will help consolidate the result

Once you are convinced of the effectiveness of the massage, you want to maintain the effect. But how? There are options.

  1. Proper nutrition and enough water. No matter how banal it may sound, there is no way without this. The skin must receive moisture and nutrients in the required volume. The body must maintain balance on its own.
  2. Face and neck masks. This can be cosmetic clay, mashed potatoes with milk, dry yeast with milk, yolk with olive oil and lemon.
  3. Contrast compresses. Hot and cold towels are applied alternately to the chin for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to soak them in decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, linden, nettle is ideal) or a solution of sea salt.
  4. Exercises to keep the muscles of the problem area in good shape.

There are no unsolvable problems! The main thing is to choose the right strategy and follow it to the end. You can get rid of a double chin, even if it takes some time and patience. And if you still can’t cope alone, let’s remember a more radical method. But that is another story…

How to remove a double chin using salon procedures

Cosmetic procedures can correct the oval of the face, cheeks and problem areas. They are highly effective and it is with them that you need to start working with the problem area if home methods do not bring the expected result.

In addition, it is important to remember that even if you have the desire and opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, you should not ignore these techniques. According to Viktor Shcherbinin, plastic surgery is prescribed only if there is no effect from conservative, that is, non-surgical treatment methods.

Salon procedures will help solve the problem (Photo:


Method of applying cold to a problem area. It is based on the low resistance of fat cells to low temperatures, due to which controlled cooling stimulates their destruction. The death of fat cells is natural - it is achieved through the process of apoptosis, therefore it is safe for the body and is not accompanied by inflammatory reactions.

Among modern techniques, this is one of the procedures that allows you to get rid of a double chin quickly: the reduction in the volume of the problem area is noticeable after just one or two procedures. The number of treatments is recommended by the doctor; courses of one to three procedures are carried out every 2 months.

Lipolytic mesotherapy

An injection technique that involves introducing fat-burning components into the subcutaneous fat. Lipolitics destroy adipose tissue cells, allowing you to correct the contours of the treated area. Additionally, the cocktails may contain vitamins, amino acids and other substances that help increase skin turgor, elasticity, and moisture.

The procedure is moderately painful, as it involves multiple skin punctures in the correction area. Due to the fact that the neck area is highly sensitive, it is important to consider its discomfort, as well as the likelihood of swelling and redness of the tissues persisting from several hours to several days. Correction requires six procedures.

You can use injection techniques (Photo:

Thread lifting

The procedure allows you to remove a double chin after 40 or 50 years by introducing mesothreads into the corrected area. The technique is minimally invasive, involving minimal intervention in the tissue structure. The doctor inserts self-absorbable or non-absorbable threads into the required areas, which strengthen the facial frame and return it to shape.

The procedure is painless as it is performed under anesthesia. After it, redness and swelling may be observed, which disappear within two to three weeks.

Ultrasound therapy

A non-invasive and painless method that involves exposing the problem area to sound waves of a certain frequency. They perform micromassage of tissues, helping to improve blood circulation in the problem area and improve skin permeability. The use of cosmetics with a lifting effect during the procedure additionally tightens the skin and gives it tone.

Ultrasound therapy is carried out in a course, the duration of which is recommended by a cosmetologist.

Microcurrent therapy

During the procedure, the muscles of the neck are exposed to low-power currents, which increases blood circulation and stimulates the saturation of tissues with nutrients and oxygen. The effect will be noticeable after the first exposure, since microcurrents accelerate the outflow of venous blood and support lymphatic drainage: accelerating the outflow of fluid from the problem area visually reduces its volume.

The procedures are also carried out in a course. How much will be enough to remove a double chin will be determined by a cosmetologist.

Hardware techniques are effective in solving the problem (Photo:

RF lifting

Another procedure for tightening the skin and reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat. The effect is achieved by heating the deep layers of the skin by exposing them to radio waves of a given frequency. Thanks to heating, the fat layer becomes thinner, blood vessels reflexively dilate, which improves blood flow and helps accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.

Changes that occur with collagen fibers also help to get rid of 2 chins: long and stretched (which is typical for the age after 40 years), they shrink, which leads to a noticeable tightening of the treated area.

The RF lifting course should be completed 1-2 times a year, depending on the severity of the problem. Today, there are devices for home use that allow you to perform procedures at home.

Causes of a double chin

  • Genetics. For some people, the skin in the problem area sags at a fairly young age. This is due to the hereditary characteristics of metabolism and skin structure, the low rate of protein biosynthesis, which slows down the processes of collagen formation. And in the case of the negative influence of external factors, this problem becomes obvious early, and the question arises of how to remove a double chin.
  • Anatomy of the mandible, hyoid bone and neck. A short neck, a flattened shape of the lower part of the face, and a low-lying hyoid bone contribute to sagging tissue. People with similar genetics usually face the problem of how to remove a double chin.
  • Incorrect posture. It appears as a result of a weak muscle corset or the habit of slouching, holding your head low, sedentary work, etc. Due to increased load, elastin and collagen fibers lose their ability to retain subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  • Age-related changes. Every year the dermis becomes less elastic as a result of a decrease in the rate of natural regeneration and nutrition in the skin tissues. Under the influence of gravity, the epidermis, which becomes drier with age, begins to sag. Muscle tone weakens. And the combination of a weak subcutaneous neck muscle with obesity leads to the formation of the so-called turkey neck.

Women affected by this problem are beginning to look for ways to effectively remove a double chin in order to restore a more aesthetic appearance to their neck.

  • Excess weight and lack of physical activity are negative factors for the occurrence of fat accumulation in the lower jaw area. At the same time, fat is deposited in the neck and chin area very easily, but getting rid of it is difficult. This is the “fat trap” zone.
  • Sudden weight change. With rapid weight loss, the fat layer is lost, and excess skin does not have time to shrink after it, and the tissues sag as a result of gravitational forces. In such cases, representatives of the fair sex who care about their appearance have to look for ways to remove a double chin.
  • Hormonal imbalance . When hormones are imbalanced, a redistribution of adipose tissue is observed with the appearance of fat in the lower jaw area. Dangerous periods for women are pregnancy and menopause.
  • Endocrine system disorders, for example, hypo- and hyperthyroidism. With a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, general obesity and fat deposition in problem areas are observed. An excess of hormones causes an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which begins to visually appear through the skin, forming a goiter.

    Problems in the lower part of the face occur in people with diabetes, especially for a long time, who suffer from increased body weight and severe pancreatic insufficiency. In such cases, women who want to maintain a well-groomed appearance are looking for ways to effectively remove a double chin.

Every year the situation is only getting worse, so it is necessary to quickly find ways to deal with this problem. Cosmetologists offer all kinds of procedures, some turn to the help of plastic surgeons, but still the safest are traditional methods. Their number is large, and there is always the possibility of selecting a suitable home method, and sometimes several. If the problem is solved comprehensively, then positive results will appear soon. Let's look at options on how to quickly remove a double chin.

Read material on the topic: Modeling the oval of the face: methods, possible effects, advantages of the procedure

Popular questions about fighting a double chin

Here we have collected answers to popular questions about the problem and techniques to combat it.

How to remove a double chin in a day

There are no ways to deal with a defect in one day. You can turn to professional techniques (cryopolysis, thread lifting), but they will only “smooth out” the problem during one procedure, and will not get rid of it.

In addition, it is important to take into account the condition of the skin: with its reduced tone, lack of elasticity and pronounced sagging, even professional techniques are not able to bring quick results.

How to quickly remove a double chin in a week

You should combine home care techniques and professional treatments. This result can be achieved by combining, for example, exercises, massage, cryolysis or RF lifting procedures.

In this case, the result will greatly depend on the initial state of the body, the problem area and age: the older the patient, the more difficult it is to restore the required tone to the tissues of the submandibular region.

But maintaining a normal weight and daily self-care, including massage and gymnastics for the submandibular area, will be an effective way to combat and prevent the problem at any age.

Let us remind you that the Public News Service previously told how to properly care for your skin in winter and gave 10 simple tips from a cosmetologist.

Method 4: Laser liposuction

Price from 50,000 rub.

The method combines the capabilities of classical tumescent and laser liposuction. To get rid of a double chin, microscopic punctures of the skin are used, through which Klein’s solution is injected into the chin area, then the fatty tissue is “melted” with a laser beam and sucked out using thin tubes - cannulas with a diameter of 1 mm. After removing the fat, the skin is again treated with a laser from the inside, which leads to its reduction and compaction. During the operation, the light pulse is visible through the skin, this allows the doctor to monitor the movement of the needle and remove fat deposits evenly and with maximum precision. Other advantages of this method of getting rid of a double chin are minimal blood loss and the risk of hematomas due to the ability of the laser to “seal” the walls of damaged vessels, as well as the possibility of using local anesthesia.

The ability of the laser to shrink and tighten the skin allows us to recommend this method to patients of any age. For good results, wearing a compression bandage is mandatory.

One procedure is required.


  • Illiterate use of a laser can lead to skin burns;
  • This is an effective method to remove a double chin, but it does not promise miracles. In patients over 55 years of age with lost elasticity and thinning skin, poor contraction is observed in 10% of cases.

Method 6: Platysmoplasty

Price from 100,000 rub.

The listed methods will not help if the double chin “flows” into the neck. This is due to sagging of the neck muscle - the platysma: like two petals, it descends from the lower jaw to the collarbones. With age, the tone of the muscle decreases and it begins to sag (the “turkey neck” effect), or its edges diverge in different directions (so-called cords are formed). Platysmoplasty is the most radical way to remove a double chin and improve the shape of the face - it allows you to restore a good chin angle even with pronounced age-related changes. It includes two options. Using lateral platysmaplasty, the stretched muscle is pulled up and to the sides through incisions behind the ear, and excess skin is removed. Using a medial platysmoplasty, the divergent edges of the neck muscle are connected and fixed through an incision under the chin. Very often, platysmaplasty is accompanied by liposuction or combined with a general face lift. The duration of a neck lift operation depends on the volume and averages 1-2 hours; complete rehabilitation takes three months, but the method allows you to get rid of a double chin for up to 10 years.

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