Laser peeling against age and skin imperfections

  1. Why do you need peeling?
  2. Features of laser peeling
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. Contraindications in this case are the same as for other hardware procedures.
  5. Delicate processing
  6. Rehabilitation

Laser peeling is a relatively new procedure that has already gained popularity due to its high efficiency. Let's consider what problems can be solved with its help.

Why do you need peeling?

The skin is constantly renewed: old cells that form the stratum corneum are exfoliated, and new ones replace them. If this process slows down, the skin becomes rough, dull, and uneven. The solution to the problem is peeling. It allows you to eliminate keratinized scales, even out the shade and texture of the skin, giving it freshness and youthful radiance.

This effect can be achieved in different ways - there are chemical (acid), mechanical, and hardware peels. Among the latter, laser peeling using the SmartXide DOT device is very popular. Its main advantage is the combination of efficiency with low trauma.



TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 70%12,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 50%10,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 25%8,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 15%6,000 rub.
Retinol yellow peeling (Timeless Peel/Lightening Cream) – face5,000 rub.
Retinol yellow peeling (Timeless Peel/Lightening Cream) – face, neck7,500 rub.
Retinol orange peeling (Purity Peel)4,000 rub.
Blue Peel4,000 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face5,000 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face + neck7,500 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face+neck+décolleté9,000 rub.
ENERPEEL JR (Jessner Peel)5,000 rub.

Face cleaning

Features of laser peeling

The basis of many cosmetological techniques is the principle of controlled trauma to the skin. Even minor damage causes a violent reaction in the body: regeneration processes are launched, the production of protein compounds increases, the skin is rapidly renewed and rejuvenated.

With laser peeling, the process is carried out using laser radiation. Fractional laser SmartXide DOT affects the skin as delicately as possible, causing not continuous, but pinpoint microdamages. Thanks to a special nozzle, the beam is divided into separate fractions. Areas of microdamage alternate with unaffected areas of the epidermis - in one session no more than 25% of the skin area is exposed to the laser. Recovery after such treatment takes a matter of days.

Study of the features of fractional technology

Thanks to the adjustable depth of exposure, laser peeling provides not only superficial rejuvenation of the skin, but also the correction of defects such as scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and pigmentation. In addition, after the procedure, the skin noticeably tightens, becomes more elastic and dense. The technique is ideal for smoothing the relief of post-acne and correcting aging skin.

Laser peeling is sometimes confused with carbon peeling, which also involves the use of laser radiation. However, the operating principle of the procedures is completely different. During carbon peeling, a special gel is applied to the face, penetrating deeply into the pores, and then, under the influence of a laser, pushing out their contents. At the same time, keratinized cells are sloughed off from the surface of the epidermis. This technique is not suitable for tightening the skin or eliminating significant imperfections such as scars.

How to independently prolong the effect after laser neck skin rejuvenation

Home peeling

The first and main procedure, excellent for rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck, is peeling. It allows you to easily remove dead cells from the top layer of the skin.

Most likely, you have salt, soda, oatmeal at home (you can make it yourself by grinding rolled oats in a blender) and kefir.

You will need one large spoon of each ingredient. Combine them and mix. If you have very dry skin, add any unrefined vegetable oil to the mixture. Using a brush with soft bristles, massage your face, neck and décolleté using gentle circular motions. Continue doing this for two to three minutes. Then rinse the mixture with water and apply nourishing cream.

Homemade masks

  • You will need 30 g of fresh yeast (or 1 packet of dry) and ½ small spoon of olive oil. Yeast must be diluted in 60 ml of water, adding oil. Mix everything thoroughly and wait five minutes. The mask should be applied in four layers, and each subsequent layer should be applied to the dried previous one.
  • You will need 25 g of oatmeal. They need to be filled with 120 ml of hot water and allowed to cool. Next, the mask must be applied to the skin, covered with parchment, and insulated with a towel.

Neck wrap at home

You should heat linseed oil (or olive oil) to +40 °C, then apply it with a brush to problem areas, cover with a thin cloth and secure as you wish. It is recommended to leave this unusual compress on the neck until the morning, since the applied oil will be absorbed into the skin overnight and will not need to be washed off.

In order for the skin on your neck to become even and smooth, you should perform this procedure a couple of times a week.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!


  • Post-acne (scars, stagnant spots).
  • Striae.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Dull complexion.
  • Uneven surface of the epidermis.
  • Flabbiness of the skin.
  • Pigmentation.

Before the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required. It includes examination and medical history. If there are no contraindications for laser peeling, then you can immediately begin treating the skin: no special preparation is required.

Important! Laser peeling can be done at least two weeks after chemical peels! Be sure to tell your doctor what procedures you have had in the last month.

4D rejuvenation Fotona

Purpose: facial lifting and rejuvenation, improving skin quality

How it is achieved: at one time, a cosmetologist performs four types of procedures at once, affecting all tissues in turn: facial muscles and ligaments (SMAS layer), subcutaneous fat, dermis and epidermis. This synergy of laser technologies reconstructs facial tissues, forms a new collagen framework, restoring youth to the skin and facial contours.

Read more about Fotona 4D rejuvenation here

Contraindications in this case are the same as for other hardware procedures.


  • Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Oncological and autoimmune diseases.
  • Any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic illnesses, elevated body temperature.
  • History of keloid scar formation.
  • Rashes in the treatment area.
  • Taking medications that increase sensitivity to light (photosensitizers).

Delicate processing

Fractional laser peeling compares favorably with classic laser tightening due to its soft, gentle effect. Due to the pinpoint, delicate damage to the skin, the procedure is well tolerated. One session can take from 5 minutes to half an hour depending on the treatment area. After the procedure, mild swelling and hyperthermia are observed, and red dots can be seen on the skin. Feelings of heat and burning are possible. After 2–4 days, all these phenomena disappear without a trace, and then the effectiveness of peeling can be assessed. The skin tightens, brightens, becomes young, smooth and soft.

Depending on what problems need to be solved, a short course of procedures may be required. Immediately after treatment, regeneration processes begin and continue for several weeks. Every day the face looks more fresh, the skin smoothes and brightens.

Possible side effects

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation procedures are extremely rare. Most often, negative consequences are observed due to the unprofessional actions of a cosmetologist who neglects the processing instructions. Sometimes side effects occur due to the client's failure to follow skin care recommendations.

Most likely complications:

  • severe hyperemia of the skin, which goes away on its own after three days;
  • swelling;
  • dark skin tone;
  • excessive dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • burns;
  • scars and cicatrices;
  • white or yellow milia raised above the surface (dense nodules that form under the skin);
  • inflammatory processes in damaged areas;
  • the phenomenon of hyperpigmentation (may appear as a result of exposure to sunlight).

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation will not appear if you prepare well before the procedure, choose a reliable clinic and an experienced professional.


The low invasiveness of the procedure ensures quick recovery. To make the process go even faster, it is recommended to use cosmetics recommended by your doctor.

Redness and swelling disappear completely within 4 days. During this period, you need to avoid thermal procedures (hot baths, steam baths, saunas) and alcohol, as well as intense physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to carefully protect your face from the sun. Tanning is prohibited, and even in cloudy weather you must use sunscreen. Such strict restrictions are due to the fact that after laser peeling, sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases, and the risk of pigmentation increases.

The reward for observing these restrictions will be renewed, soft skin on your face or body.

On the most modern laser

Today, laser facial peeling is one of the most popular and very effective aesthetic procedures for improving the patient’s appearance, and above all, thanks to the advent of cool, high-tech and safe laser equipment.
Such a device is rightfully the modern erbium laser Er:Yag Fotona SP Dynamis. This device has a number of advantages, thanks to the patented technologies and design innovations of Photon. Laser peeling procedures can be carried out using various protocols, changing the depth, intensity and nature of the laser beam impact on the skin to obtain the desired result.

The only advantage of the Photon erbium laser is that it can “evaporate” tissue to an exact depth, starting from 4-6 microns, which makes it possible to remove cells almost layer by layer. This determines its high efficiency. Therefore, “weekend laser peels” or skin polishing are increasingly gaining popularity. The cost of laser peelings in Moscow is comparable to the price of a conventional mechanical facial cleansing procedure, and according to reviews, they are no less effective.

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