Peeling Rose de Mer: a professional weapon against skin imperfections

Peeling Rose de Mer from the famous company Christina is made on the basis of unique natural ingredients.

This Israeli cosmetics company, known throughout the world, has released a line of innovative products designed to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

The main achievement of the manufacturer is unique peelings that effectively cleanse the skin, remove dead cells, and trigger tissue regeneration.

Peeling Rose de Mer will be a real find for every woman who wants to look great in any situation. Cosmetics are made from natural ingredients that are safe for delicate facial skin.

What it is?

Coral peeling appeared on the cosmetic services market several years ago, but has already established itself as an extremely effective facial cleanser.
This method of skin cleansing refers to abrasive or mechanical methods. However, experts clarify that thanks to the main and additional components, the cleansing procedure using coral peeling is a combination of mechanical and light chemical effects on the skin. The product has a complex composition, including only natural ingredients:

  • minerals, proteins, plant acids, vitamins C and E contained in grains of coral;
  • Brazilian herbs;
  • essential oils;
  • Dead Sea salt.

The exfoliating effect is exerted by small particles of corals growing in the Red Sea.

A rich complex of additional substances enhances the effect of the procedure and ensures high-quality results:

  • plant acids accelerate the process of skin regeneration;
  • minerals and salt saturate the skin with essential microelements at the cellular level;
  • herbs have an anti-allergenic and antiseptic effect, eliminating the risk of inflammation;
  • oils nourish tissues and give them elasticity.

A product based on coral cleanses the skin at the surface and middle levels. The depth of cleaning depends on the amount of composition and the time of rubbing it into the skin.

Professional cosmetology clinics and salons position it as a gentle alternative to similar chemical procedures, the harshness of which is not suitable for everyone. The end result is comparable to methods such as microdermabrasion and glycolic peeling. At the same time, the use of a coral preparation is recognized by experts as one of the most gentle ways to deep cleanse the skin.

In practice, the professional line Rose de Mer, produced by the Israeli company Christina, is most often used.

Peeling gommage – what is it?

Gommage is a product that contains enzymes, plant components, organic acids and nutritional supplements.

Peeling gommage simultaneously gently cleanses and renews the skin. The product has a creamy or gel-like structure; in addition to a scrubbing agent, it contains components that have a nourishing, soothing and moisturizing effect.

After application, it is absorbed into steamed pores, effectively cleansing them of impurities.


Marine exfoliants combine mechanical and chemical effects due to their complex composition:

  • Coral particles;
  • Amazon seaweed extracts;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Healing herbs;
  • Dead Sea salts;
  • Proteins of plant origin;
  • Vitamins and minerals;
  • Organic acids;
  • Essential oils.

Pros : this composition simultaneously normalizes the level of sebum, improves blood circulation, exfoliates the stratum corneum, disinfects, rejuvenates and moisturizes.

Cons: during the session you will have to put up with the unpleasant “fishy” smell of the drug.

What skin problems does it solve?

A healthy epidermis is renewed monthly. However, a polluted atmosphere, poor quality nutrition, natural aging and other factors slow down the replacement of old cells with new ones.

This is relevant not only for the face, but also for the décolleté, neck and back of the hands, where this type of peeling can be used.

Exfoliation with abrasive particles helps clean pores and normalize oxygen supply to the skin, which provides a slight lifting effect. Microtrauma additionally activates the production of collagen protein.

Unlike peelings with a predominance of acids, coral cleansing is suitable for patients of any age, gender and skin type (even dark-skinned people, who usually run the risk of “staining” after “chemistry”).

For those with sensitive skin, the procedure helps to cope with the problem of constant allergic reactions : crushed coral crumbs provoke allergic rashes much less frequently than most other ingredients in cosmetology.

Where it will be useless and harmful

Despite the versatility of coral peeling, it is worth abandoning this method of exfoliation if at least one of the contraindications is detected:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Individual intolerance (you should first undergo allergy tests);
  • Herpes in the last 6 months before the session (as a last resort, you can take a course of antiviral drugs 3-4 days before);
  • Open wounds in the intended area of ​​influence;
  • Demodicosis (it is necessary to ensure in advance that there are no subcutaneous parasites through a 5-minute laboratory scraping with an instant result);
  • Skin infections;
  • Taking retinoids (vitamin A derivatives);
  • Acne in the active stage (otherwise the infection may spread throughout the entire treatment area);
  • Cuperosis (spider veins can be dealt with in this way only under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist and during their remission, otherwise the network of capillaries only expands after exposing the deeper layers of the skin);
  • Pregnancy (difficult to predict the result);
  • Fresh tan (up to 2 weeks);
  • Nervous disorders , increased fatigue, poor pain tolerance, emotionality, PMS period.

It is also undesirable to resort to coral cleansing during periods of active sun.

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Types of Rose de Mer peelings (3 types)

High-quality products from a well-known brand are completely safe for human health and consist of natural ingredients of organic origin.

There are several types of peels, each of which has unique properties and differs in the method of application.

Peeling with vitamin E

The product is sold in 250 ml plastic containers. Gommage has a dense structure and a light, specific aroma. Color – white with a greenish tint.

The basis of the drug:

  • ground seaweed;
  • Dead Sea salt;
  • extracts from Brazilian medicinal plants;
  • vitamins E, A.

Peeling is intended for gentle cleaning of the surface of the epidermis, suitable for any age and skin type.

Gommage is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. The epidermis is thoroughly cleansed.
  2. The product is applied with a brush or fingertips.
  3. After this, you need to wait until the mass dries completely.
  4. Those with oily and normal skin remove the composition using rolling movements, always along massage lines.
  5. Women with thin and sensitive skin remove the product by wetting their face with warm water. This method protects against damage.
  6. The remaining peeling is washed off.
  7. The surface of the face is moisturized with cream or serum.

User reviews of Rose de Mer Christina peeling, enriched with vitamin E, indicate a large number of beneficial properties of this procedure:

  • gentle exfoliation;
  • leveling the relief and improving color;
  • increased elasticity;
  • stimulation of cellular recovery;
  • slight whitening;
  • decreased sebum production.

The average price is from 1800 rubles.

Coral peeling

The drug is sold in powder form and has a dark color. Before use, dilute with a special solution. The basis of the drug:

  1. Salt extracted from the Dead Sea.
  2. Ground corals.
  3. Useful minerals.
  4. Proteins and acids of plant origin.
  5. Vitamins E, A.

Reviews of Rose de Mer coral peeling indicate an average level of impact. Application occurs according to the following scheme:

  • the skin is cleansed in the usual way;
  • the mass is rubbed in with gentle movements for 5 minutes;
  • at this moment, a tingling sensation is felt on the face, this is how the effect of coral crumbs manifests itself, which quite aggressively removes dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • the face is covered with a moistened cloth for 10 minutes to expose the salt and other beneficial components;
  • the remaining mass is removed with wet wipes. The skin tingles and “burns,” which is normal after the procedure.

For oily types, after cleansing, apply a mask with a vasoconstrictor and moisturizing effect.

Over the next 2–3 days, tolerable pain is felt. But there is no need to worry, this deficiency goes away on its own.

The procedure using coral pinning has a renewing and therapeutic effect:

  • treats acne, including advanced stages;
  • eliminates post-acne;
  • tightens pores;
  • reduces the severity of age spots;
  • removes signs of rosacea and spider veins;
  • prevents the appearance of age-related changes: smoothes wrinkles, increases elasticity;
  • improves facial structure;
  • restores healthy color.

Reviews and before and after photos allow you to see the results of using the Rose de Mer peeling.

The average cost of the product is 1,500 rubles.

Soap peeling

The drug is sold in the form of a round bar of soap, colored brownish-brown.

In its structure you can see particles of crushed algae; the surface is rough to the touch due to the presence of coral powder.

The basis of the product:

  • coral powder;
  • Dead Sea salt;
  • ground seaweed;
  • extracts from Brazilian plants.

The manufacturer claims that the effect of the drug is superficial, gentle, and suitable for all ages. The product perfectly cares for oily and problematic skin and serves as a preparation for mid-cleansing.

Soap facial peeling Rose de Mer from Christina is used as follows:

  1. The skin is cleansed using cleansing foam and lotion.
  2. Place the soap bar in warm water for 20 seconds.
  3. You need to gently touch the face with soap, following the massage lines, without effort, until foam appears. You can lather the product in your palms and then apply it to the skin;
  4. A gentle massage is carried out for 10 minutes.
  5. The resulting foam is thoroughly washed off with running water.
  6. A care product with a moisturizing effect is applied to the face.

The main advantages of soap peeling include:

  • treatment of acne, inflammation, pustules, blackheads;
  • eliminating the manifestations of seborrhea on the scalp;
  • smoothing the skin texture;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • activation of blood microcirculation;
  • preparation of the epidermis for subsequent exposure to active substances;
  • reduction of pores;
  • giving tone and freshness.

On average, one piece of soap (30 g) will cost 800 rubles.

A session using Rose de Mer peeling in salons in Novosibirsk and other large cities costs approximately 2,300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Facial cleansing products made on the basis of coral raw materials have proven themselves well in the professional community of cosmetologists. Experts and patients note the numerous advantages of peeling, which include:

  • noticeable improvement in skin condition after the procedure;
  • more gentle effect on tissue compared to chemical peels;
  • anti-allergenic components included in the composition;
  • gentle mechanical cleaning is combined with antibacterial, softening and stimulating effects;
  • Can be used for any skin type, including sensitive;
  • it is possible to control the depth of treatment (in a salon environment);
  • It is permissible to peel at any time of the year;
  • the product is characterized by age and gender versatility;
  • long-lasting results are guaranteed;
  • the funds last a long time;
  • acceptable cost.

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However, coral peeling has some disadvantages. Most often they are disappointed due to:

  • severe pain during the procedure and some time after;
  • long period of rehabilitation;
  • For a noticeable result, a course consisting of several sessions is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure can be carried out using professional means at home or contact a specialist. It is important for patients to know about the effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages.


  • the skin looks well-groomed, moisturized, refreshed;
  • there is no preparatory stage and recovery period;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • frequent use possible;
  • provides a slight lifting effect.


  • requires an allergy test;
  • ineffective for severe cosmetic problems.

Retinoic peeling helps solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. Superficial and medium effects are possible, recommended for rejuvenation, getting rid of scars, scars, acne. Prescribed to patients over 35 years of age, it is effective in the course of an anti-aging program. Performed exclusively by a specialist in a salon, there are risks of complications if the procedure protocol or the rules of the recovery period are violated.

Grape peeling is prescribed for superficial cleansing of young, tired skin. Gentle exfoliation does not cause irritation and is used to maintain normal skin condition. It does not solve complex aesthetic problems, a short recovery period and the absence of side effects make the procedure popular among patients of different age groups.

Directions for using coral formulations

Peeling with corals is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention.

The procedure is designed to solve the following problems:

  • Acne marks. You can fight scars and cicatrices during the period of remission of the disease. As a result, small flaws are completely removed, and pronounced ones become less noticeable.
  • Increased pigmentation. Skin spots appear for various reasons. Deep impact helps to make them less noticeable or get rid of them completely. One course of peeling is enough to achieve noticeable results.
  • Decreased or loss of tone. The impact on the deep layers of the skin triggers restoration processes in the cells. Injury to the surface tones the facial muscles. Thanks to this, a lifting effect is achieved.
  • Stretch marks and enlarged pores. Defects are removed if the coral scrub contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin supplements. In advanced cases, additional procedures may be required.
  • Acne. Improvement of the skin occurs due to the antiseptic effect that the composition has.

  • Age-related changes. At the first signs of aging, it can completely polish the skin. In advanced cases, it is only possible to make folds and wrinkles less pronounced.
  • Vascular damage. The unique composition of coral powder strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the procedure, there is an improvement in blood circulation.

Peeling, like any other procedure, may not bring the expected effect. In addition, in some cases, cleaning can be harmful.

Situations when cleaning should be avoided:

  • Active form of acne. In cases of latent inflammation with suppuration, the procedure cannot be performed. During cleaning, a rash localized in one place will spread over the entire surface. Sensitive skin after scrubbing is vulnerable to infections. Severe irritation can occur, which can lead to the formation of scars.
  • Demodecosis. As with the rash, peeling will distribute the mite throughout the skin. Even in an inactive form of the disease, the procedure is not recommended.
  • Acute form of herpes. The integrity of the formation must not be violated, otherwise the pus contained inside will be distributed over the skin. This will lead to a worsening of the disease.
  • Summer time. High solar activity leads to the formation of age spots. Therefore, even in the cold season, after the procedure, it is necessary to apply a sunscreen with an SPF filter value greater than 50.

It is recommended to avoid peeling during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Infectious and colds are also contraindications.

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Features of carrying out at home

Before using cosmetics, it is important to read the instructions and also test for possible allergies. Despite the soft, delicate cleansing, it is not recommended to use during solar activity to prevent possible side effects.

You can use universal compositions on your own; they do not solve complex cosmetic problems, but they allow you to refresh your skin and improve your appearance.

Professional care differs from home care; a specialist can select formulations based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. But the effect, as in the case of independent implementation, does not last long. The result must be maintained with additional procedures.

Main varieties

A coral-based product is used to eliminate various skin imperfections. Indications and methods of use depend on the specific skin type, existing problems and sensitivity to such procedures. The most popular types of coral peeling are soft (light) and classic options.


Light peeling is rich in plant extracts and extracts that form its basis. The drug is used to penetrate to a shallow depth of the skin. The main purposes of its use:

  • superficial exfoliation of keratinized skin particles;
  • stimulation of healing of damaged areas;
  • neutralization of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing skin immunity to various adverse factors;
  • improvement of skin color.

The mild version is recommended as a “weekend treatment”.


The procedure, carried out using the classic variety, involves deep penetration of the composition into the tissue and active peeling of keratinized particles. A feature of the classic version of coral peeling is a flexible approach to eliminating cosmetic flaws. This opportunity is provided by the variability in the use of the same product due to the time spent on the procedure.

It is the classic type of coral peeling that is recommended as an alternative to more aggressive chemical cleaning methods.

Efficiency of the procedure

As a result of regular use, it is possible to improve the general condition of the skin, restore the protective barrier, and the level of hydration. The absence of a healing period and side effects will be appreciated by socially active patients. The procedure stimulates renewal processes, healing and refreshing the skin.

Conducting effect:

  • clean pores;
  • whitening pigmentation, acne marks;
  • restoration of an even, matte tone;
  • normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • improvement of the condition of irritated, inflamed dermis;
  • prevention of rosacea;
  • reduction in the number of wrinkles;
  • light lifting effect.

Unlike other types of chemical exfoliation, gommage can be performed regularly. The frequency of use depends on the skin type:

  • for normal – 2 to 3 times a week;
  • for dry – once every 7 days;
  • for problematic, oily, teenage – up to 4 times a week;
  • after 35 years - no more than 2 sessions per week.


Rose de Mer peelings are classified according to their conditions of use. Manufacturers offer lines of drugs for carrying out procedures in professional and home conditions.

Both the professional and home line of products are supplemented with products for post-peeling skin care.

  1. Products for professional use:
      soap with a disinfecting and light exfoliating effect; used at the stage of preparation for the procedure;
  2. rich peeling based on marine vegetation (in powder form); characterized by a high exfoliating effect;
  3. light peeling (in powder form); recommended for eliminating pigmentation and acne on the face, goose bumps, peeling and roughness of body skin;
  4. activator for diluting the composition.
  5. Products for home use:
      soap with natural exfoliating ingredients, which has a comprehensive effect on the condition of the skin;
  6. soap with disinfectant and mild exfoliating effect; used at the stage of preparation for the procedure.

Basic peeling products are not included in the home series.

How is the procedure done in the salon?

Naturally, professional care is different from home care. A specialist can not only assess the condition of the skin, but also develop a comprehensive program for its restoration.

Unfortunately, the best cosmetic compositions do not work on their own; it is necessary to take into account the skin’s needs for nutrition, moisturizing, cleansing, and toning. Therefore, the results of using gommage in a salon and at home will differ.

The cosmetologist must test for a possible allergic reaction, this will protect against side effects. The specialist will also select the optimal home care program to maintain the peeling results.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The face, neck, and décolleté area are cleaned of makeup and dust. Professional line gels and foams without aggressive abrasive particles are used.
  2. Irritated, sensitive skin is steamed with a warm compress.
  3. Apply the product evenly with a brush or spatula in a thin layer and leave to dry.
  4. Afterwards, the cosmetologist, fixing the skin, rolls off the frozen product. For thin, sensitive dermis, it is recommended to moisturize your hands to reduce mechanical stress. The procedure lasts about 3 minutes.
  5. Upon completion of rolling, the remaining product is washed off with warm water.
  6. A restorative mask or moisturizer selected according to your skin type is applied.
  7. Finally, use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 25.

The session takes about half an hour, the patient does not feel discomfort, the procedure relaxes, does not cause pain, tingling, or burning, unlike traditional chemical exfoliants. Then the patient can go home, having previously received recommendations from a cosmetologist.


No special preparation for the face is required before coral peeling.

If there are fresh pustules, you need to do mechanical cleaning 2-3 weeks

Sometimes a cosmetologist prescribes a preparatory soap peeling 1 month before the session

  • gets rid of blackheads,
  • smoothes the surface of the skin,
  • ensures blood flow to tissues,
  • reduces the likelihood of unforeseen complications.

Peeling ROSE DE MER from the brand KRISTINA

The step-by-step protocol of the procedure from the company CHRISTINA (Israel) is as follows:

  • Cleansing stage. This includes: makeup removal, degreasing with tonic, steaming with a damp compress for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, coral dust is filled with a swelling solution.
  • Massage with ROSE DE MER . The exfoliant is applied in a thin layer with soft circular movements for 2-10 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  • Remove the product with damp gauze or sponge.
  • Pain relief with a compress of cold wet wipes (at the same time reduces redness).
  • “Sealing” the face with a special composition to protect injured tissues from bacteria.
  • Calming stage. To soften the epidermis, use a cream, hyaluronic serum or mask: apply by patting for 5-10 minutes without the need to rinse.
  • Barrier tinting stage. Finally, ROSE DE MER clay-based foundation cream-powder is applied with a damp sponge, which evens out the complexion without the help of artificial dyes and creates a barrier against pathogenic microorganisms.

Cream powder does not need to be washed off.


How to prepare for peeling?

If you decide to go for a Rose de Mer peeling, you should start preparing for the session. A good doctor will definitely tell you about it.

Before peeling you need to do the following:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and solarium 2 weeks before the session.
  2. If you have experienced herpes, then you need to take a course of antiviral medications.
  3. It is recommended to go for a professional facial cleansing for better results. The doctor must decide whether you need this step. If the skin is in excellent condition, then using Rose de Mer soap will be sufficient. It helps soften dead cells, which also improves the effect.

If you have pimples, don't touch them. If you injure the skin surface, then you will feel severe pain during the procedure.


To obtain a high-quality result and neutralize possible problems, it is recommended to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and follow all stages of the procedure.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to cleanse the skin with peeling soap. Its application:

  • will provide primary exfoliation of “old” particles of the epidermis;
  • will open comedones;
  • balances the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • will have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prepares the tissue for further manipulation.

Main stage

Depends on the chosen method and means, it is important to listen to the advice of a professional cosmetologist.

For soft peeling (impact on the surface layer of the skin):

  1. dilute the powder with the activator in a ratio of 1:1;
  2. apply the resulting mass to the entire surface to be treated;
  3. hold for 5 minutes.

Light peeling does not involve rubbing the product into the skin.

For classic peeling:

  1. dilute the powder with the activator in a ratio of 1:1;
  2. apply the resulting mixture to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips;
  3. rub in with gentle movements for about 2 minutes (to affect only the stratum corneum of the skin) or for 5-10 minutes (to penetrate to the granular layer of the skin).

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Consists of post-peeling procedures, including application of a mask, gel and cream. At this stage it is recommended:

  1. apply a soothing mask from the same series as the main products; it will absorb excess fat, relieve irritation, tighten pores and have an absorbent effect;
  2. apply a post-peeling gel that protects the skin from pollution and unwanted environmental influences; the product retains the active components of the peeling inside the pores;
  3. Apply a post-peeling protective cream that has antibacterial and antifungal properties and masks skin defects.

Post-peel protection may include additional medications and be used after any active procedures.

Preparations "Christina" for peeling

This brand appeared in Israel in 1982 thanks to the efforts of professional cosmetologist Christina Zehavi. Her task was to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures, and this can only be done if you skillfully combine salon procedures with home ones.

Christina brand cosmetics are now popular in many countries around the world, including Russia and the CIS countries. The company has its own laboratory where new cosmetic lines are developed, as well as its own high-tech factory, which produces about 20 thousand units of products daily.

The product contains special ingredients that, through peeling, eliminate many aesthetic problems of the skin:

  • acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • aging and more.

The ingredients include the following:

  • Matrixyl - reduces the number of wrinkles and promotes facial renewal;
  • hyaluronic acid - makes the skin elastic;
  • Syrian marjoram oil - accelerates all effects;
  • oligopeptides - strengthen skin cells and protect them from external negative influences;
  • sea ​​corals - have a rejuvenating effect.

Types of coral cleaning

Modern cosmetological developments suggest the use of coral abrasives in two types of peeling, depending on the proportions and area of ​​their application.

Classic peeling. Sometimes it is also called medium peeling. It is distinguished by the duration of exposure, and all nutrients penetrate into the middle part of the skin. Coral in the form of small particles, the main component of the peeling, is applied to the skin with gentle, light movements so that not a single particle disappears from the affected area. With such careful technique, the cosmetologist achieves deep penetration of the substance under the skin, high-quality exfoliation in order to effectively cleanse the skin and provide it with useful substances.

Classic peeling stimulates the upper and middle layers of the skin, starting the process of exfoliation, regeneration and further renewal of the skin.

Soft peeling. This peeling, due to the herbal extracts in its composition, provides a softening effect for the skin. Basically, the scope of his activity is superficial, he eliminates minor facial skin problems.

Soft peeling is a short procedure during which the product is simply applied to the face, without rubbing, and ten minutes later it is removed from its surface. Thus, the stratum corneum is eliminated, and the skin itself is saturated with nutrients and vitamins, becoming elastic, smooth and velvety.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists share their experience in using gommage peelings, their effectiveness, and contraindications.

The specialist describes an intensive care program for oily skin, including gommage for delicate peeling.

A cosmetologist describes the advantages of gommage peeling compared to a scrub. Loosening the stratum corneum enhances the effect of using creams.

The cosmetologist answers the question about the use of gommage peeling during pregnancy and lactation, and indicates the need for allergy testing.


The use of coral peeling has a wide range of effects and promotes:

  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • treatment of active acne, occurring in any form and having any degree of severity, prevention of post-acne, elimination of its complications (scars, infiltrates, stagnant spots);
  • getting rid of post-peeling, hormonal, age-related and other types of hyperpigmentation, as well as spider veins;
  • elimination of stretch marks and scars, including after pregnancy;
  • general skin rejuvenation;
  • eliminating excessive dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • solving the problem of premature aging (loss of tone, wrinkles and sagging);
  • improving the color and structure of fabrics.

To obtain a noticeable result, several cosmetic sessions should be performed at intervals of 3-4 weeks. A typical course includes 4 procedures.

Precautionary measures

Side effects are the result of an allergic reaction to the components of the composition. To prevent complications, testing is carried out before a cosmetology session. There are a number of contraindications for the use of gommage:

  • inflammation, acne, purulent acne;
  • herpes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • fresh tan;
  • wounds, cracks, damage to the integrity of the integument.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use peelings, including delicate surface exfoliants. There is a high likelihood of pigmentation occurring. Also, restrictions for use apply in the summer; in addition to stains, the risks of peeling, dryness, and water imbalance increase.

If the instructions or protocol are not followed, a number of complications are observed:

  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of acne.

Undesirable consequences pass quickly, it is important to provide the skin with comprehensive, professional care.

Peeling result, reviews

The result of the procedure becomes noticeable after inflammation and peeling of the skin goes away.

Depending on the depth of the peeling, clients report that the skin

  • cleared,
  • perks up,
  • smoothes out (since coral chips polish off the edges of scars, post-acne and even wrinkles and creases),
  • pigmentation decreases.

The skin acquires tone, due to which the pores narrow and small wrinkles smooth out.

There are usually no wonderful, radical changes, but the face looks refreshed.

A pronounced lasting effect in terms of cleansing, smoothing the skin and getting rid of pigmentation is usually achieved after a course of 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks and lasts from one to several months.

Peeling does not produce serious anti-aging changes.

Patient reviews

On the Internet there are mostly positive reviews about Christina's gommage.

The participant writes about the good effect, gentle cleansing of the skin.

The review states that the peeling is not suitable for sensitive skin due to the formation of large pellets and strong friction. But this is an excellent product for oily skin, the product is used economically.

The user writes about the high cost of the product, but the effect and cost-effectiveness of use justify the price of peeling.

The review indicates the imperfection of the technology; the composition dries in 10 minutes and does not roll off, as indicated by the manufacturer.

Can it be done at home?

To use peeling at home, it is better to use a specialized “light” line of products. It includes:

  • cleansing and peeling soap that gently exfoliates dead cells, renews the skin and eliminates the causes of hyperkeratosis;
  • cream to increase skin elasticity, penetrating deeply into tissues, smoothing and tightening them;
  • post-peeling protective cream that promotes cell regeneration and neutralizes inflammation;
  • additional post-peeling care products (gels, masks, etc.).

Manufacturers warn that the use of basic products requires additional training. You can use professional coral-based preparations at home only in extreme cases and only after similar procedures have been carried out under the supervision of specialists.

Peeling composition

Before carrying out it is worth finding out how gommage differs from other types of exfoliation. The main features are the creamy structure and gentle composition of the cosmetic product. Acids and enzymes break down dead skin cells and destroy lipid bonds to gently remove the top layer of the epithelium. Nutritional supplements and plant extracts replenish the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, normalizing metabolic processes, refreshing and rejuvenating the skin. The delicate, creamy structure does not injure the integument; the effect is directed only to the upper layers of the epithelium.

The procedure is suitable for thin, sensitive dermis, helps restore an even healthy color, strengthen capillaries, and reduce the number and depth of unexpressed wrinkles.


  • acids, enzymes - remove the top layer of the epithelium, stimulate renewal processes, activate the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • vitamins and minerals are necessary for the normal functioning of cells, restore metabolism, increase the immune properties of the skin;
  • plant extracts and oils have a protective effect, neutralize the aggressive influence of the environment, block melanin synthesis, and help reduce the number and depth of wrinkles.

Peeling Christina includes vitamins A, C, Dead Sea minerals, algae, chamomile, vanilla, ivy, and mallow extracts. Grapefruit extract provides toning and whitening, wheat germ and rose oil nourish, moisturize, and protect the skin from free radicals.

This is one of the few peelings recommended for facial care at home. As a result of the procedure, it is possible to refresh the color, improve the structure, and partially lighten pigmentation.

Attention! To solve complex aesthetic problems, it is recommended to contact a specialist. The cosmetologist, after assessing the condition of the skin, will select an individual formula with the optimal concentration of enzymes and acids.

How to care for your skin after the procedure?

Before the procedure, it is important to understand that coral peeling actively affects the skin and in the first time after the procedure, in most cases unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • the skin will take on a reddish-brown tint;
  • there will be a feeling of tightness;
  • possible slight burning sensation;
  • after 2–3 days a protective film forms on the skin;
  • fabrics may peel and crack.

Normally, with proper care at home after the procedure, all unpleasant symptoms should disappear on the 5th day, when the resulting scales fall off.

After the peeling procedure, it is necessary to carry out complete skin care in order to achieve its speedy healing and renewal:

  • on the first day you should avoid any touching;
  • During the entire healing period, a drying serum or acetic acid solution should be used (dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 200 ml of water);
  • 2-3 days after peeling, you should start treating the skin with a moisturizer (cream or gel);
  • It is necessary to change pillowcases every 3-4 days, use only ironed ones;
  • The skin should be protected from sunlight;
  • You should not visit baths, saunas, solariums and beaches in the first days after cleaning.

Under no circumstances should you peel off the crust that forms 3–5 days after cleaning.

Coral peeling procedure

Pre-peeling preparation is not required; sometimes pre-cleaning is carried out.

After cleansing, a paste of coral dust with a special solution is applied to the face. The composition smells very unpleasant, like algae and fish.

This paste is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements.

The procedure is very painful!

It seems as if the skin is being scraped with sandpaper or crushed glass, and millions of microscopic needles are being driven under it.

Fortunately, this does not last long, usually no more than 2-3 minutes for the first time, unfortunately, after finishing the massage and washing off the mixture, the pain does not stop, since some of the coral dust remains on the skin, where it should continue to work.

After peeling, cold wet wipes are placed on the face - the cold muffles pain and reduces future redness of the skin.

Then the face is treated with a special adhesive composition that prevents microbes from entering the injured skin and at the same time retains coral particles in it.

After this, a foundation based on healing clay is usually applied, which does not need to be washed off until the next day.

Back to the beginning of the article


Despite the natural composition of the drugs, there are a number of contraindications for their use. If there is at least one of the indicators listed below, the indications for the procedure are canceled. Even mild coral-based peeling is not recommended in the following cases:

  • any damage or inflammation of the skin and mucous tissues, including exacerbation of herpes;
  • acute stage of viral and infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • manifestations of rosacea (with the exception of persistent remission);
  • pregnancy at any stage, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • reduced pain threshold (the procedure is quite traumatic and painful);
  • taking vitamin A and its derivatives;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drugs.

We recommend: Beauty at the tip of a needle: differences between mesotherapy and peeling. What's better?

Despite the high effectiveness of coral peeling, in case of contraindications, it is better to use gentler methods of cleansing the skin.


The result directly depends on the dosage of the product and the time it was on the skin. Active rubbing of the scrub leads to severe peeling. Sometimes the procedure leads to complete detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis.

After the recovery period, the skin becomes velvety and soft. Its pores noticeably narrow, blackheads disappear completely or become barely noticeable. If you follow all the rules of the procedure, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum.

Stages of facial skin restoration after coral peeling

In some cases, patients do not experience discomfort and return to their normal lives immediately after the procedure. A scrub with coral chips is suitable for people who often have an allergic reaction. After all, its composition is hypoallergenic.

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How much does the procedure cost in salons?

The delicate procedure is carried out in many aesthetic medicine centers, the cost varies from 1000 rubles. up to 4000 rub. The price depends on the patient’s skin condition, professional products used, and additional procedures. Gommage is prescribed to quickly restore the skin, giving it a fresh, well-groomed look on the eve of a celebration or important event.

Note! Gommage goes well with other procedures and can be a preparatory step before mesotherapy, biorevitalization, or sessions of superficial or medium acid peeling.

Possible complications

As a rule, there are no complications after coral peeling. Discomfort in the first days after the procedure is normal for all types of deep skin cleansing. But individual reactions of the body or violations in care can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • local swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • painful sensations;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • tissue infection.

Any type of peeling can cause such complications.

Question answer

Is it possible to do this type of exfoliation in the summer?

It is not recommended to do coral peeling in the summer, since exposure to sunlight can cause age spots to appear, and in severe cases, ultraviolet rays can lead to skin cancer.

What side effects are possible after a coral cleanse?

There may be a burning sensation for the first 4–7 hours. On the second day, there is a feeling of tightness, and the skin darkens a little. Next, the face is covered with a kind of film that will crack. It is important not to pick off exfoliated pieces so as not to cause infection and lead to pigmentation.

What negative consequences can cause failure to follow the exfoliation procedure at home?

If peeling is performed with an incorrectly selected composition or without following the instructions, the original condition of the dermis may deteriorate, dark spots and burns may appear.

How effective is it?

Using peeling gommage you can achieve the following results:

  • due to the normalization of blood circulation, the complexion of the face improves;
  • the tone of the face is evened out, the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis increases;
  • the skin is gently cleansed of impurities and saturated with useful substances;
  • together with dirt and the stratum corneum, toxins are removed;
  • pigment spots, facial wrinkles disappear and pores become narrower.

Regular use of gommage peeling to cleanse the body and face will help you look fresh and painlessly eliminate minor defects.

Tips and recommendations from cosmetologists

Basic advice from cosmetologists boils down to the following:

  • consultation with specialists is necessary to determine the condition of the skin and the appropriate type of coral peeling;
  • when preparing for peeling, it is worth doing a test for an allergic reaction (apply a little product to the elbow and leave for 24 hours);
  • When carrying out the procedure at home, you should use only products intended for use at home; It’s better not to engage in amateur activities with a professional series;
  • Manipulations can only be performed with gloves;
  • do not ignore the preparatory and post-peeling stages of the procedure;
  • Strictly follow all recommendations for skin care after peeling.

Most cosmetology clinics and salons with a good reputation offer their patients, who have no contraindications, to try deep skin cleansing using coral peeling and guarantee a good result.

Using coral peeling is one of the safest and most effective ways to deep cleanse your face. Consultations with cosmetologists, careful preparation for the procedure, its correct implementation and adherence to recommendations for skin care during the post-peeling period will help to significantly improve the result and reduce the likelihood of complications.

New line from Christina ILLUSTRIOUS: first reviews from cosmetologists and clients

New line from Christina ILLUSTRIOUS: first reviews from cosmetologists and clients

A little over a month ago in Moscow, at the Christina M. Zehavi conference, the premiere of Christina’s new line, ILLUSTRIOUS, took place. The line's products do an excellent job of treating hyperpigmentation, brightening and rejuvenating the skin, providing it with intense hydration and making it glow - in the literal sense of the word!

Many cosmetologists, who were eagerly awaiting the appearance of the new line in Russia, immediately purchased it and began testing it - both on themselves and on their clients. Today we are publishing the first reviews about the line of Christina specialists and will start with the impressions of its use by trainer-cosmetologist Educational Nelly Struchkova


– If you characterize the Illustrious line in two words, it would be “efficiency” and “delicacy.” The soft and subtle aromas of the line’s products, beautiful colors and airy textures captivate you from the first procedure. And then, starting to work, we see the impressive result of the action of the blue sea mineral, which functions as a color filter: it makes pigmentation less noticeable, and the overall skin tone is lighter, more even and radiant.

There are many cosmetic forms in the line that are new to Christina, one of these products is Hydrogel (Illustrious Hydro Fusion). The undisputed leader in ultra-lightness and freshness, this formula is based on giant algae, polysaccharides and highly effective brightening components to ensure optimal penetration of active ingredients - curcumin extract, ascorbic acid and stable vitamin C - with a texture that is presented in the form of an airy meringue-like foam. Yes, yes, these are the pleasant associations that arise when performing the Illustrious procedure. But it’s even more pleasant to see the result: the skin is lighter, firmer and smoother, the tone is even, - in total, this gives a noticeable radiance effect that lasts for a long time.

At the conference dedicated to the premiere of Illustrious, a VIP set for 10 procedures was raffled off; its owner was cosmetologist Ekaterina Sotnikova from Moscow

, and she also already managed to get the first results of working with the line:

– I’m just delighted with the new line! Works great! I’m now giving a client a course on it, and the result is noticeable from the first procedure - her face is just porcelain! The photo shows how the pigmentation becomes less active, and the wrinkles around the eyes are completely gone. My client and I are delighted! It’s so nice to create beauty, especially when the results are like this - the skin even reflects light differently, because it’s nourished and moisturized.

I also did Illustrious for a client with bronchial asthma and diabetes - everything was great, no unwanted reactions.

But one of the first customers of the new line was the winner of the competition “Best cosmetologist Christina” Gayane Karagozyan (Moscow)

. Gayane is an unconditional fan of the Christina brand, an experienced and competent cosmetologist who works on almost all lines. And, of course, she couldn’t help but share her opinion about the new program:

– Illustrious is an amazing line that gives the cosmetologist the opportunity to show himself as a specialist with a comprehensive approach to the client’s problems, with a lot of possibilities. With Illustrious you can beautifully brighten the skin and give it radiance, tighten it, deeply cleanse and moisturize it, create an amazing lifting effect and, finally, give the client additional pleasure with a luxurious hydrogel massage. This is a procedure that meets many requirements of both the patient and the cosmetologist. We can talk a lot and for a long time about each step, and I sincerely recommend having this effective tool in your office to anyone who strives for good results and is used to giving their clients only the best. I purchased Illustrious on Intercharm, very little time has passed, and I’m already purchasing more products from the line - isn’t this the best confirmation that it really works!

Elena Stupina (Moscow)


– I would like to say a special thank you to Christina specialists for introducing completely new products for the company into this line – for example, micellar water. Micellar water is very popular today, even teenagers know about it, and I am glad that I can now offer it to clients for home care. As well as peeling and day cream with SPF 50 - these products will undoubtedly be in great demand, they were sorely missed. Most of my clients are young mothers who struggle long and hard with pigmentation after childbirth. I hope that with the new line we will overcome this problem and restore youth and radiance to their skin. After all, already at the second step of the procedure I see pronounced changes on the skin, and at the end of it, I am happy to observe a satisfied and transformed client and to his sincere “thank you” I answer: “Thank you not to me, but to Christina.”

Irina Elkina (Murmansk)

– After just one Illustrious procedure, in literally all clients, I notice a smoothing of fine wrinkles, an improvement in facial tone, and a reduction in pigmentation. The dark circles under the eyes disappear very noticeably.

For clients, this procedure is like a SPA. They compare it to a lemon dessert. Especially the hydrogel - it’s like a lush, delicate and tasty cream. And, of course, everyone is impressed by the result: porcelain glow, even skin tone, fresh and rested face and a sea of ​​positivity.

Some cosmetologists, like Anahit (Anna) Garibyants from Moscow

, decided
to share with us not their impressions, but customer reviews
, which give an equally vivid and complete picture of the new line:
- Good afternoon!
I visited Anait for the new Illustrious procedure and I want to say that this treatment suited me more than any other. I liked how quickly it worked, how noticeably the skin texture improved and the tone became even. I will continue to go to Illustrious and recommend it to all my loved ones - because the line not only brightens, but also moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin! Thank you, Christina! Aziza:

– I had terrible pigmentation, but your magical product - the new Illustrious line - helped me perfectly! Hooray! I finally found something that really helped me. Thank you for our beauty!


– I often went for procedures with Anna. On my last visit, she suggested that I try the new Illustrious line. She's really cool! For my couperose skin - just the thing! With our frantic pace of life, looking good is a lot of work. But thanks to you and Illustrious it’s real! Thanks to Christina and my cosmetologist Anna!


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Facial cleansing involves several stages. Coral scrub does not require any preparatory measures. At the same time, in order to achieve a better result, cosmetologists recommend carrying out yellow peeling of a superficial effect a month before the procedure.

Execution order:

  1. Inspection and choice of tactics. The specialist assesses the condition of the skin and determines the duration of exposure to the composition. The intensity depends on the problems and the degree of their neglect.
  2. Cleansing. Removes residues of cosmetics, sebaceous secretions and other contaminants.
  3. Treatment with a pore opening agent. This will make the process of removing sebaceous plugs and comedones easier. Keep the composition on the face for a short time, then remove the marks with a napkin.
  4. Applying peeling. The coral composition is evenly distributed over the surface. Perform facial massage for 2-10 minutes. At the same time, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation, which becomes stronger every minute.

  5. Removing the scrubbing agent.
  6. Applying a cold bandage. Eases discomfort after the procedure and relieves skin irritation.
  7. Applying moisturizer. Perform in 10-15 minutes.
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