Laser thermolifting – deep laser skin rejuvenation

Among the variety of laser skin rejuvenation procedures, thermolifting has a special place. And that's why.

The impact of any lasers for the purpose of rejuvenation or correction of aesthetic defects is carried out on the superficial - stratum corneum of the skin or on the deeper - dermis, where the main framework (supporting) proteins collagen and elastin are located. Or on both layers at the same time - it all depends on the source of laser radiation and the problem being solved.

Over time, the dense spirals of the framework proteins of the dermis age - they begin to unwind, deform and disintegrate into fragments, and the skin loses its tone and elasticity.

Laser thermolifting

is a procedure for deep laser exposure to the dermis for rejuvenation and reconstruction of facial skin with high rates of efficiency and long-lasting results.

The essence of the laser thermolifting method

The essence of laser thermolifting procedures is targeted, controlled laser heating of the deep structures of the dermis with the aim of:

  • coagulation of old collagen fragments, which triggers the processes of fibroblast activation and the formation of new collagen;
  • structuring (“twisting”) of the collagen spiral and its compaction.

Therefore, laser thermolifting is one of the most cost-effective, efficient and effective procedures for deep restructuring, renewal and rejuvenation of the main supporting proteins of the dermis, and therefore restoring and maintaining skin elasticity, tightening the contours of the face and body.

How the Fotona laser works

Precisely controlled laser pulses deliver energy to the tissue, causing the collagen within it to heat up. Heating occurs unnoticed by the patient. Laser exposure leads to compaction of collagen fibers, they become shorter and thicker. The tissue shrinks in size, which gives a lifting effect. In some procedures, the effect also affects subcutaneous fat tissue, this is laser lipolysis - the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, collagen reconstruction processes - neocollagenogenesis - are launched in the tissues, they become more elastic and elastic.

Benefits of thermolifting procedures

  1. All laser thermolifting procedures are carried out without damaging the skin surface, so there is no rehabilitation period.
  2. The procedure is painless so no anesthesia is required.
  3. The visible skin lifting effect is noticeable the next day after the procedure. After a course of 4-6 procedures, the rejuvenation and tightening effect lasts up to 3-5 years.
  4. Laser thermolifting is a procedure that can be performed all year round, regardless of the time of year.
  5. The combination of thermolifting procedures with fractional laser skin resurfacing, which reduces the skin flap, increases the effect of rejuvenation and tightening tenfold. In cases of such a combination of rejuvenation procedures, rehabilitation will be 5-6 days.

Types of laser thermolifting in our clinic

To perform deep laser skin reconstruction procedures (thermolifting), our clinic offers two very professional laser devices:

  • Fotona SP Dynamis is a neodymium laser (Nd:Yag) with two patented unique technologies for affecting the skin without damaging its surface - Frac3 and Piano;
  • Palomar DeepIR is an infrared laser for thermolifting procedures with controlled fractional thermal effects on the dermis at a depth of 6-7 mm.

Indications for laser thermolifting

  • Lost clarity of facial relief
  • Jaws and double chin
  • Wrinkles of any kind
  • Enlarged pores and any atrophic scars
  • Dull complexion
  • Loose skin in the abdomen, inner shoulders and thighs, etc.

How is laser thermolifting performed?

The thermolifting procedure lasts 40-50 minutes. During its implementation, the patient feels tolerable warmth and a slight tingling sensation. According to reviews and photos of patients, after a laser thermolifting procedure for the face, eyelids and area around the eyes, slight redness of the skin persists for up to several hours.

Deep laser skin reconstruction can be performed as a single procedure to quickly improve the appearance, skin color and minor lifting - a “weekend” procedure. To achieve the effect of noticeable and long-term rejuvenation and tightening of the skin, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures - usually from 4 to 6 sessions every 3-4 weeks.

In combination with other laser treatments and cosmetic procedures, the effectiveness of laser thermal lifting increases several times.

The presence in our clinic of two professional laser machines, and therefore the possibility of combined use of several technologies of deep laser rejuvenation and reconstruction of the dermis, ensures safety, quick and long-term results of thermolifting procedures for the skin of the face and body at reasonable prices in Moscow, according to patient reviews.

Laser rejuvenation

From the previous article “Laser in cosmetology” you remember what chromophores are and that they are different for each “defect” of the skin. For rejuvenation, the target chromophore is water. Why water? Because water deposits are located in the dermis, in the same place where fibroblasts are located, synthesizing the main supporting proteins and elements of the intercellular matrix necessary for skin elasticity, including the famous hyaluronic acid.

Today, clinics offer us three main options for laser therapy.

Non-ablative effects: tone and rejuvenation

What is this:

Non-ablative means the epidermis is not damaged and this technique has a high degree of safety. Basically, the procedures are indicated for the first stage of aging (small wrinkles, slight loss of turgor), post-acne, etc. As a rule, they are prescribed in a course (3-8 procedures) and are recommended for young patients - up to 35-40 years. As a result, sebum secretion decreases, pores become smaller, the level of moisture increases, microcirculation improves, which means post-acne has a chance to resolve, and acne scars smooth out. Overall, you will look fresh and fit.

How it works:

The laser beam “warms” the skin to the point where proteins, such as collagen, are denatured, resulting in the activation of the production of new protein, as well as other components of the extracellular matrix. That is, the effect is only on the deep layers of the skin, and on the surface the temperature does not exceed 40–48 degrees and no damage occurs.

What kind of laser is needed:

The most popular here are diode lasers with a wavelength of 1064 nm (Nd:YAG), 1540 nm (Er:Glass).

Ablative effect. Grinding

What is this:

Ablative means damage to the epidermis occurs and tissue is removed. This is certainly one of the most effective methods, since after the procedure a complete restart of the system occurs, i.e. the skin begins to work like “10 years ago”, the structure of the dermis is completely remodeled.

Actually, there is only one downside to this, but what is it? During the procedure, you are simply “skinned off.” This is an open wound with all the ensuing consequences (pigmentation, the possibility of infection, bleeding crusts, necrosis) and rehabilitation within a month. The selection of patients for such a procedure is very serious, you will not get such an execution just like that. But if you have hyperkeratosis, the oval of your face has already completely swollen and all the signs of aging have been on your face for a long time - you are a candidate for resurfacing.

How it works:

By absorbing laser energy, water turns into water vapor and evaporates along with cells and connecting components - this is ablation. Thus, the skin receives a powerful boost and begins to recover intensively. As a result, even deep wrinkles are tightened and smoothed out. The effect increases gradually, i.e. in a couple of months you will look better, and then even better and even better, and then the procedure will be repeated.

What kind of laser is needed:

The most popular is the CO2 laser (CO2 Reliant re:pair 10,600 nm). The fear of it has been known to women since the early 90s, when CO2 lasers were recognized as the “gold standard” and “holy grail” of laser rejuvenation. As an alternative, erbium lasers with a wavelength of 1550 or 2940 nm (Er:YAG 2940 nm) appeared later; they do not act as deeply, the healing process after them takes an average of a week (however, the first days after the procedure are still very difficult). It is worth noting that such procedures are carried out by the most highly qualified specialists, and in their hands this is an excellent tool.

Fractional thermolysis

What is this:

Another method of rejuvenation, not as “draconian” as the previous one. After doctors realized that non-ablative treatments did not work as expected, and laser resurfacing had too many side effects, an intensified search began for alternative options. In 2004, a fractional technique was proposed.

Fractional means that the effect occurs only on a specific area - the microthermal treatment zone (MTZ). Fractional thermolysis is indicated for stretch marks, including postpartum, atrophic scars, sagging skin, all types of aging, wrinkles in the area around the eyes - it can do almost anything! Today this is the most effective and popular rejuvenation procedure. But again, you won’t get away with just one procedure.

How it works:

Similar to laser resurfacing, the water heats up and all excess evaporates. But the top layer of skin is not completely removed; the “damaged” and “undamaged” areas alternate, like on a punched card or a chessboard. The smaller such areas are, the more the skin is “rejuvenated”, while the recovery period is significantly reduced compared to resurfacing. The ideal size of the zone has not yet been established; each specialist has his own opinion on this matter. Typically, the zone diameter is 100–200 µm with a depth of 300–1400 µm. For reference, the thickness of the epidermis is about 200 microns, which means the laser can “pierce” to the dermis (where we need to get).

What kind of laser is needed:

Fraxel can be done on ablative and non-ablative systems, respectively, the effect is different. With a non-ablative effect, only coagulation of the epidermis occurs, and not its removal, but the effectiveness of rejuvenation also decreases (wavelengths 1440, 1540 and 1550 nm). Popular ablative systems include CO2 Active-FX (10,600) and Erbium with IPL (intense pulsed light - polychrome light, wide wavelength, as opposed to monochrome laser).

A new trend in this area is “nanoperforation”, or SMA (Space Modulated Ablation, not to be confused with ultrasonic SMAS lifting), MLZs have a diameter of 50 microns and the same depth - almost jewelry work. The rehabilitation period here is also short.

Reference: SMAS, or Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System - affects the muscular aponeurotic layer, a thin layer (fascia) below the subcutaneous fat that connects to the muscles of the face and neck. As we age, this layer “sinks”; lift it up and your face will look much younger. The procedure is especially effective for the lower third of the face, which sags with age. Lasers cannot penetrate that deeply, but ultrasound can. As a rule, the Ulthera System device is used for SMAS lifting.

Because anti-aging laser treatments “evaporate” water, you may become dehydrated. Based on this, you can prepare for the procedure by completing a course of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. Don't be surprised if the clinic offers you such injections before or between laser procedures.

Advice: Choose a specialist, not a device and a laser. The result depends on his qualifications. Whatever is recommended, make sure you are fully informed about what results you can expect, what the risks are for you (especially if you are prone to scarring), and what to do before and after the procedure. You may need to make changes to your care routine.

In my opinion, lasers are like a magic wand that can turn Cinderella into a princess. The main thing here is to choose the right fairy.

Tatiana Morrison


Conclusions and recommendations.

An ideal scheme for eliminating dark circles under the eyes and the appearance of nasolacrimal troughs.

  1. Fillers with hyaluronic acid in the problem area
  2. Mesotherapy / biorevitalization course
  3. If there is skin pigmentation in the problem area - IPL
  4. Home care with professional cosmetics

An ideal scheme for eliminating bags under the eyes of the initial stage.

  1. Laser resurfacing session for problem areas
  2. Fillers with hyaluronic acid for final correction of the area
  3. Home care with professional cosmetics
  4. Recommendations for healthy lifestyle

The ideal scheme for eliminating significant bags under the eyes in a non-surgical way.

  1. Laser resurfacing session for problem areas
  2. Fillers with hyaluronic acid
  3. Mesotherapy and skincare procedures
  4. Recommendations for healthy lifestyle

As a last resort, blepharoplasty surgery is indicated.

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Results of the procedure

Laser skin rejuvenation procedure:

  • provides intense lifting effect;
  • smoothes the skin surface;
  • eliminates unevenness, scars, post-acne;
  • improves complexion;
  • reduces the severity of pigmentation;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles.

Thanks to the laser facial rejuvenation procedure, patients look younger – minus a few years! The effect of grinding lasts for a year or more. Scars and stretch marks removed by laser will never appear again.

Preparation and progress of the procedure

Laser facelift does not require complex and lengthy preparation. 7-10 days before the scheduled session, it is recommended to avoid visiting the solarium and sauna, and refrain from peeling (mechanical and chemical). At the initial appointment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination, assesses the condition of the skin in order to select the optimal parameters of the procedure (strength, duration and frequency of laser exposure). As a rule, laboratory and instrumental examinations are not required.

Laser tightening is carried out under local anesthesia by applying an anesthetic to the skin. In rare cases, the technique is performed under general anesthesia (at the patient’s request). After the anesthetic, the doctor begins to treat problem areas with a laser, having previously adjusted the desired radiation power and depth of exposure. The procedure is practically painless and lasts no more than 40 minutes (the exact time depends on the initial condition of the face).

The result will be noticeable by the end of the recovery period: the face will become younger, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the complexion will become even. It is worth noting that the laser triggers long-term regeneration processes, so the effect will increase over the next months and will last for a long period.

Treatment of acne and post-acne Fotona SP Dynamis

Goal: treatment of acne and correction of its consequences

How is it achieved: during the session, laser beams penetrate deep into the skin, acting with short pulses on areas of inflammation and destroying pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation. In addition to the antibacterial effect, laser exposure activates the skin's production of collagen and elastin, and also restores metabolic processes in the skin. The procedure does not have a rehabilitation period; the course is 3–7 procedures, depending on individual characteristics.

Advantages of the technique

Non-surgical laser rejuvenation is based on the ability of the skin to self-regenerate. During the technique, the beam is scattered by a special lens, affecting the middle layer of the skin. Nearby tissues begin to intensively restore the damaged area, activate blood circulation and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. The procedure is in great demand because it has a number of advantages. These include:

  • high efficiency (the result is noticeable after one procedure);
  • short recovery period (5-7 days);
  • accessibility (lower cost compared to plastic surgery);
  • complete safety (no chance of infection);
  • the ability to choose optimal conditions for each client;
  • multifunctionality (the technique is used to solve a number of aesthetic problems);
  • short duration of the procedure (lasts about 30-40 minutes);
  • absence of scars and other marks characteristic of conventional surgery;
  • low risk of complications;
  • the ability to work with “difficult” areas (neck, area around the ears);
  • comfort (during the procedure the woman does not experience pain).

Smooth Eye Fotona – rejuvenation of eyelids and skin around the eyes

Goal: elimination of facial wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, lifting, healthy appearance of the skin around the eyes.

How it is achieved: rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is carried out using four methods of influencing different areas and different depths. Tissue regeneration is stimulated, the skin around the eyes is tightened and looks younger. Before the procedure, anesthetics and intraocular protection are used, which ensures comfort for the patient and complete safety of manipulation.

SmoothLips Fotona – lip rejuvenation

Goal: improve the color and quality of the skin of the lips, make the lips more expressive

How is it achieved: laser exposure restores the collagen framework of tissues. Laser rejuvenation gives a noticeable result immediately; due to the deep impact, the effect has a long duration, launching natural long-term processes of tissue rejuvenation.

Sign up for fractional thermolysis with Kirill Viktorovich Listratenkov

Laser facial plastic surgery in Moscow is performed by plastic surgeon Kirill Viktorovich Listratenkov. He has over 12 years of experience behind him. Kirill Viktorovich never rests on his laurels, regularly attends scientific conferences and improves his qualifications.

Before performing the laser technique, Kirill Viktorovich conducts an examination and prescribes diagnostics to identify relative and absolute contraindications. If they are identified, another, no less effective way to solve the problem will be proposed. The latest equipment (in particular, laser) is used, which guarantees a positive result of surgical interventions.

There is a strict confidentiality policy. No personal data about clients will be transferred to third parties. Despite the high quality of service, the cost is affordable (you can find out more about the cost in the price list). Each client is guaranteed an individual approach. Positive patient reviews confirm the high quality of the services provided. To make an initial appointment with a plastic surgeon, just call the number provided or fill out a standard form on the website.

Possible complications

After the procedure, patients may experience slight swelling and redness of the skin in the area of ​​laser exposure. Minor discomfort in the first few days is normal. These symptoms are a natural reaction of the body and disappear on their own after some time.

Possible complications include burns, peeling, itching, and changes in skin color. Such symptoms may persist for 1-2 days. Some patients experience exacerbation of herpes infection and hyperpigmentation. To avoid negative consequences and maintain the results of the procedure for a long time, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist. For the first 5-7 days after the procedure, it is forbidden to sunbathe under the sun, visit a solarium, or take a steam bath in a sauna or bathhouse. When going outside, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to your face. During the recovery period, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

How does fractional thermolysis work?

The mechanism of action of fractional laser skin rejuvenation is the creation of microthermal zones. Heated cells are destroyed, and natural processes of intensive production of full-fledged, healthy structural elements of tissues are launched. Active synthesis of collagen fibers causes a pronounced lifting effect - the skin is noticeably tightened, rejuvenated and restored.

The versatility of the innovative Mixto fractional thermolysis system lies not only in the ability to regulate the intensity and depth of treatment, but also in the choice of modes. In addition to targeted exposure, the equipment can provide total tissue treatment - with the help of such radiation, tumors are removed and skin is polished.

Contraindications to laser lifting

Despite a number of significant advantages, laser face lifting is not always possible. Absolute contraindications include:

  • serious abnormalities of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • tumors of a malignant nature (any location);
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe neuropsychiatric diseases (epilepsy);
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases in the active phase;
  • children's age (up to 18 years).

Temporary contraindications include exacerbation of chronic diseases, treatment with antibiotics, pregnancy (regardless of trimester) and lactation.

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