Treatment of acne in adults and adolescents at the ROSH clinic

Various inflammations on the face are a problem that worries many, regardless of age and gender. One of the specializations of the Absolut Med Clinic is the treatment of acne.

Our experienced cosmetologists quickly find the root cause of acne, acne, and pimples and help patients get rid of such problems once and for all. By making an appointment with our doctor, you can be sure that your skin will be treated by real professionals with extensive experience!

Causes of acne

Acne and acne are diseases in the field of dermatology that affect the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. They are characterized by blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which leads to their inflammation. But if previously it was believed that such problems arise only in young people during puberty, today doctors are unanimous in their opinion - acne can be caused by improper skin care, unbalanced nutrition, a lot of stress, metabolic problems, and hormonal imbalances. body systems. Some of the most common causes of acne include:

  • Hormonal imbalances (endocrine disorders);
  • Hyperproductivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Imbalance of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Dysbacteriosis, chronic and acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Heredity;
  • Malfunctions of the immune system;
  • Disturbances in the nutrition system;
  • Allergies to food or medicine.

Causes of acne

In our clinic, the main emphasis in treatment is on a deep and comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body, drawing up a detailed anamnesis, immunological examinations, tests performed by specialists from the best Moscow and foreign diagnostic centers. Only after this is an individual treatment program developed for each patient.

L.A. Khachaturyan, chief physician of the ROSH clinic

As a rule, the appearance of acne is not associated with problems of the skin itself, but is caused by internal problems of the body. The skin is an excretory organ, so inflammation occurs when removing toxins that the body's immune system suppresses. Acne is hereditary in nature, caused by hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity due to the presence of bacteria and viruses in the body. The localization of acne characterizes problems of certain internal organs: a rash on the chin is often a sign of a serious hormonal disorder, on the cheeks - negative changes in the intestinal flora.

Diagnosis of rashes

Treatment of acne by a dermatologist must begin with a visual examination of the patient during an individual appointment and history taking.

The second stage of the examination is the appointment of tests. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes an individual set of tests - blood for hormones, biochemical analysis, immune status, allergens, and in some cases it is also necessary to perform a bacteriological culture of the discharged acne pustules for flora.

In total, dermatovenerologists distinguish 4 degrees of acne:

  • Mild – no inflammation is observed on the skin, no more than 10 acne lesions;
  • Medium – papules are closed and open, inflammation has already appeared in some places, but so far only occupies small individual areas of the skin;
  • Severe – large affected areas, more than 40 comedones;
  • Extremely severe - acne is accompanied by other skin diseases, including cystic and nodular formations, pustules, papules.

What is it and how does it work?

The laser treatment process typically uses highly intense light to target bacteria. Which, together with excess sebum, cause acne. Yuri Ivanovich explains that the method they use in the clinic uses the so-called intensive light therapy Yakhroma-MED. The method "destroys the most common acne caused by bacteria, preventing future outbreaks and helping eliminate existing ones."

According to the Shestakov Clinic, laser treatment of (acne) acne leads to a reduction in sebaceous pores. Which will lead to a decrease in sebum production. However, Yuri Ivanovich notes... That the radiation of the “Yellow” laser is aimed at bacteria, as well as “unwanted pigmentation.”

“Acne most often develops when the stratum corneum slowly peels off. Leaving behind glued horny scales that block the release of sebum and bacteria. By killing bacteria, your acne will decrease. Any dark pigmented spots, superficial scars, red spots are also treated and significantly reduced.

Effective acne treatment methods

Treatment of acne at the Absolut Med Clinic is aimed at getting rid of existing comedones on the skin, which leads to a decrease in inflammation of the skin. At the same time, a number of preventive measures are carried out to help reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and avoid the spread of the rash to healthy areas of the skin.

In severe stages of the disease, the doctor additionally prescribes cosmetic procedures necessary to reduce scarring. The optimal solution is laser therapy, cryotherapy and dermabrasion.

When treating acne at the Absolut Med Clinic, complex therapy is used, which may include a combination of the following methods:

  • Cleaning (ultrasound cleaning, atraumatic on Holy Land cosmetics);
  • Various peels effective for treating acne (almond, Jessner, milk, salicylic, azelaic);
  • Mesotherapy for anti-acne (uses the injection drug “Clean Skin” produced by MD Skin Solutions, Luxembourg);
  • Cryo-facial massage with liquid nitrogen;
  • Plasma therapy (use outside the acute stage is allowed);
  • Ozone therapy – subcutaneous injection of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the affected areas;
  • Phototherapy and laser therapy for the treatment of post-acne.

Elements of complex therapy are selected depending on the severity and course of the disease. During the treatment process and after its completion, the cosmetologist gives general recommendations to the patient regarding the correct diet and oral medications, and sometimes antibiotics are prescribed.

Recommendations and prevention

Under no circumstances should you open (squeeze) blackheads and pimples yourself. Because of such actions, the infection only spreads across the skin and “goes” into its deeper layers. It can also cause scarring on the skin.

For prevention, it is recommended to cleanse the skin daily with delicate products specifically designed for problem skin, as well as use moisturizing cosmetics with a note that this product does not cause clogging of pores (non-comedogenic - non-comedogenic). It is not recommended to use fatty creams and ointments.

Photos before and after acne treatment

Does laser help deal with remaining scars?

When scars remain after pimples, this is the main problem. Ph.D. cosmetologist Yuri Ivanovich says that Yakhroma-Med treatment, or light therapy treatment. It can be combined with what is called laser peeling (resurfacing) of the skin. This type of pulsed laser treatment stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. It also helps with the appearance of signs of aging and smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Many patients with acne-prone skin combine yellow laser with diode laser. Or Nd:YAG laser with a laser to get an even skin texture. Then, stagnant acne spots are also eliminated. You can alternate the interval between treatments every 2-4 weeks. The laser provides various flashes of high-energy light radiation. Which removes damaged tissue one layer at a time. Laser treatment of (acne) acne.

Another type of laser resurfacing is called Clear, which is a gentler approach. In which users experience less redness. This method is less intense on the surface layers and can be used as an express treatment.

Features of treatment and contraindications

There is absolutely no need for preliminary preparation before starting procedures to improve the skin of the face or body. The doctor who treats acne studies the clinical picture (visual examination, test results, contraindications, etc.) and outlines a treatment regimen, which is further adjusted depending on the course of the disease and the results of treatment. Standardly it includes:

  • Preventive measures to avoid the formation of new acne (general improvement of the body, correction of diet, oral medications, cosmetics - anti-inflammatory creams, serums);
  • Reduction of existing comedones, for this purpose comedolytic drugs are used, cosmetic procedures are prescribed - cleansing, peeling;
  • Reducing the amount of fat secreted by the skin, the doctor prescribes the patient a course of retinoids and hormonal drugs with estrogens or antiandrogens;
  • Relieving inflammation, for this purpose antibacterial drugs are used in medicine;
  • Reduction of cosmetic imperfections on the surface of the skin that were formed due to earlier acne (scars, unevenness) using hardware techniques (laser, phototherapy, cryo-massage).

Important! If acne and acne are associated with infectious, gynecological or endocrine diseases, their preliminary therapy must be carried out at the beginning of treatment, otherwise there will be no effect from cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to combine cosmetic procedures with proper home skin care, using creams, serums and masks prescribed by a dermatologist.

Contraindications to various procedures used in cosmetology in the treatment of acne and blackheads are purely individual. They may be associated with individual intolerance or the patient having allergic reactions. In such situations, the drugs used are replaced with analogues.

To make an appointment for a preliminary consultation and begin acne treatment in Moscow, call the clinic at 8 (499) 444-14-03. We will select a convenient time for you for an initial examination with a dermatologist.

Methods of procedure

All effective methods for removing and treating blackheads, pimples and acne on the face in SM-Cosmetology can be divided into several groups:

Lifestyle correction

It begins with a complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol. The second rule is to review and change your diet. The development of acne is promoted by simple carbohydrates, which are abundant in baked goods and especially in sweets, as well as an abundance of fatty foods. But fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and microelements, fiber, lean meat, beans, nuts, fish and seafood, on the contrary, will help in the treatment of black and rosacea on the face and body. The third component is careful hygiene and the use of well-chosen cosmetics. It is also necessary to establish proper sleep and wakefulness patterns and, if possible, avoid overwork and psycho-emotional stress.

Pharmacological effects

For medical removal of acne on the face, specialists at the SM-Cosmetology clinic use:

  • local anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve the skin’s reaction to the appearance of rashes;
  • agents that reduce the production of sebaceous secretions, for example, isotretinoin or zinc- and sulfur-containing drugs;
  • means for correcting hormonal levels (after consultation with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.);
  • antibacterial treatment in the form of local use of general disinfectants (chlorhexidine, furatsilin, etc.), as well as local and systemic antibiotics.

Hardware techniques

This group of products for removing blackheads on the nose and acne on other parts of the body includes a whole list of instrumental methods of influencing the skin. All of them in one way or another help eliminate bacterial infection and speed up the restoration of the skin. Our clinic uses the following methods:

  • laser effects that simultaneously have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • various types of peelings (mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic, etc.);
  • hydropeeling using the HydraFacial device with simultaneous high-quality hydration of cleansed skin;
  • ozone therapy, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • cryotherapy - the use of the effect that contact with extremely low temperatures has on the skin;
  • revitalization of the skin with the help of individually selected mesotherapy “cocktails”;
  • phototherapy using specially modulated light radiation;
  • RF needle lifting, based on the therapeutic properties of radio waves of a given frequency;
  • plasma therapy - injection of plasma under the skin to get rid of acne and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Doctors at the SM-Cosmetology clinic always develop a specific treatment regimen individually for each patient.

Types of acne

Acne vulgaris (acne vulgaris, juvenile acne, acne)

– a chronic disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, develops against the background of age-related hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands under the influence of gonadotropic hormones, occurs in 85% of people aged 12 to 25 years and in 11% of people over 25 years old. Four interrelated factors play a role in the occurrence of acne: follicular hyperkeratosis; hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands; microbial colonization of Propionbakterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermis, Malassezia furfur; inflammation and immune response. The nature and volume of secretion of the sebaceous glands is influenced by sex hormones - androgens.

Comedones (comedo sou acne comedonica)

- primary non-inflammatory elements formed as a result of blockage of the mouths of hair follicles. They are divided into microcomedones, open and closed comedones. At the initial stage of acne development, a microcomedone transforms into a closed comedone. A closed comedone is one that does not communicate freely with the surface of the skin. Then, as sebum volume gradually increases, some of the closed comedones develop into open comedones.


- a physiological phenomenon. Microcomedones are primary microscopic accumulations of sebaceous gland secretion, formed as a result of partial blockage of the exit from the follicle by corneocytes (skin cells that form its surface). Microcomedones are practically invisible on the surface of the skin.

Closed comedones

- accumulation of sebaceous gland secretion and its pressure on the clogged funnel of the follicle leads to the formation of a cystic cavity with a diameter of 0.1 to 3 mm in the lower part of the funnel of the hair follicle and the appearance of clinical signs of the disease in the form of closed comedones. A characteristic sign of closed comedones is the formation of nodules under the surface of the skin. Closed comedones do not have free communication with the surface of the skin, inflammatory processes are not expressed, however, favorable oxygen-free conditions have been created for the development of bacteria, namely for the proliferation of P. acnes. Closed comedones are called “time bombs.” If there is a thin layer of skin over the comedone, it is called a closed comedone or whitehead.

Open comedones

- due to the constant accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions and corneocytes at the mouth of the follicle, atrophy of the sebaceous gland and expansion of the mouth of the hair follicle occurs. An open comedon or blackhead (blackhead) is formed. Since the secretion of the sebaceous gland is oversaturated with corneocytes, it becomes thick and cannot be brought to the surface. The black color of that part of the secretion that is visible through the enlarged mouth of the hair follicle is not due to exogenous contamination or oxidation of sebum, as previously thought, but to melanin. The comedonal plug consists of a densely packed lattice of hundreds of tightly adherent corneocytes, sebum, numerous propionic bacteria, staphylococci and apically located pityrosporum.

Papular and papulopustular acne

are a consequence of the development of inflammation of varying severity around open or closed comedones. In mild forms of the disease, papulopustular acne resolves without scar formation. With a significant severity of the inflammatory reaction, accompanied by damage to the structures of the dermis, scar formation is possible at the site of the inflammatory elements.

Papular and papulopustular acne

- secondary inflammatory elements. Clinically presented in the form of pink nodules - papules with a diameter of 2-5 mm, formed at the site of the comedone. With further development, a cone-shaped pustule forms at the apex. Then the contents of the pustule—purulent exudate—shrink into a crust or break open, releasing onto the surface of the skin. After regression, pigment spots or small scars form in place of the pustules.

Acne indurata

- a more severe form of papulopustular acne. It differs in that the source of inflammation is located quite deep (deep infiltrate), and the papules are hard. In this case, the inflammatory process also affects the surrounding tissues, mainly due to the multiplicity of rashes. Such nodes regress into atrophic or indurative scars with persistent skin pigmentation, but with proper systemic therapy they resolve completely, although much more slowly than ordinary papulopustular acne. In most cases, treatment for this type of acne is similar to the treatment for papulopustular acne. Often indurative and phlegmonous acne is called nodular cystic. Nodular cystic acne is a sign of a rather severe course of acne.

Phlegmous acne

- with further development, in places where indurative acne forms (the infiltrate here is in the form of local compactions and increased tissue volume due to the accumulation of pus in them), cystic cavities filled with pus are formed, which can merge with each other, forming areas. In the specialized literature, indurative and phlegmonous acne is often called nodular cystic.

Nodular cystic acne

are a sign of a rather severe course of acne. Conglobate acne also indicates a severe course of acne. They are characterized by the gradual appearance of multiple extensive, deeply located nodular cystic elements that communicate with each other, as well as large grouped comedones. Lesions can be located not only in seborrheic areas, but also involve the skin of the back, abdomen, and limbs, with the exception of the palms and soles. The outcome of the resolution of most elements is normoatrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars. The manifestations of this disease, as a rule, do not decrease after puberty; they can recur until the age of 40, and sometimes throughout life.

Acne fulminans

are a rare and severe form of acne. The disease occurs more often in young men aged 13-18 years, suffering from mild papulopustular, less often - nodular-cystic form of acne, and is characterized by a sudden onset, the appearance of ulcerative-necrotic elements (mainly on the torso) and general symptoms. Some authors consider acne fiilminans as an acute ulcerative variant of acne conglobata, but most researchers believe that this form of the disease is closest to pyoderma gangrenosum.

Acne inversus

associated with secondary damage to the apocrine sweat glands, which, like the sebaceous glands, are associated with hair follicles. Initially, occlusion and rupture of the wall of the hair follicle occurs, an inflammatory infiltrate around the remnants of the follicle, and apocrine sweat glands are involved in the process for the second time. Various bacteria can be cultured from lesions, but they are classified as secondary infections. The disease develops after puberty and is often combined with severe forms of acne. Predisposing factors may be friction or itching in various locations (armpits, perineal area, navel, areola of the mammary glands).

A variety of exogenous acne

can be considered mechanical acne, which occurs in individuals predisposed to the disease. Their appearance is associated with pressure and friction (simple dermatitis), causing mechanical obstruction of the follicle openings. An example is the prolonged pressure of a headdress, a sports helmet, a plaster cast, or bed linen in immobilized patients, especially with excessive sweating.

Rosacea (acne rosacea)

are characterized by the absence of comedones, localization exclusively on the face, later onset (> 30 years of age) and the presence of telangiectasia. The disease develops against the background of vascular angioneurosis and is often parasitized by the demodex mite.

Spring acne (acne mallorca)

manifests itself cyclically during periods of increased ultraviolet radiation (spring, summer). Elements of a homogeneous rash in the form of small pink nodules (usually with the absence of comedones and pustules) are located only on areas of the skin unprotected from the sun (face, upper shoulders and back) and quickly subside after cessation of irradiation.


– persistent skin changes at the site of resolved acne. They manifest themselves as enlarged pores, dilated capillary walls, uneven pigmentation, erythematous congestive spots, uneven texture and microrelief of the skin, atrophic, keloid and hypertrophic scars due to destructive processes in the dermis. The consequences of acne (post-acne) can only be cured using special methods.

Is it possible to get rid of acne in one day?

The answer is no! And don’t believe it if you hear that it’s real. Acne treatment is a long process that requires the patient to be systematic and follow all the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Get ready to interact with your doctor. Using an individual approach and comprehensive treatment, specialists at the Central Clinic Voronezh achieve a significant improvement in acne skin condition or completely solve the problem. You can make an appointment with a dermatologist in Voronezh by calling the Central Clinic: +7 or using the feedback form provided on the website. The recording is also available on social networks.

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