20 effective masks for dry hair at home

Dry hair is one of the most common hair problems, especially nowadays. Poor environment, dry air, external aggressive factors, hard water - all this leads to dry hair. Owners of dry hair, as a rule, also face problems such as brittle hair, lack of shine, hair becomes very tangled and looks depleted. Dry hair needs regular and proper care; first of all, choose a good hair care series, and don’t forget to use homemade masks for dry hair .

Causes of dry hair:

1.Genetic predisposition;

2. Various diseases (these include gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, infections); 3. Poor nutrition.

4. Improper care is the most common cause of dry hair. This may include:

- frequent coloring;

- using a hair dryer and straightening iron - when drying your hair with a hair dryer, especially if it is hot air, moisture begins to evaporate from the hair, over time it dries out and begins to break. Try to use a hair dryer less or use cool air. Hair straighteners have an even more negative effect; even the healthiest hair will become dry and brittle a month after using the straightener. - incorrectly selected hair care products - this applies not only to shampoo, but also to various styling products. Foams, gels, and mousses dry out your hair, especially if you use a hairdryer when styling. You should also carefully consider the choice of shampoo, for example, shampoo for oily hair will make your hair dry over time, since it contains more aggressive cleansing components; it is better to choose shampoo for dry and normal hair.; - frequent hair washing, especially if the water is hard;

Application principles

The procedure depends on the current condition of the hair, scalp, and its natural type. For oily hair, it is not advisable to use the roots in the mask. It is not advisable to do this even if the scalp is in normal condition.

With a mild degree of dryness, minimal development of problems, to prevent difficulties, moisturizing masks are performed once a week. For medicinal purposes, 2-3 exposures will be required over 7 days. In difficult situations, special treatment will be the basis.

It is advisable to distribute moisturizing masks over clean, moderately wet hair. Most recipes involve insulation. The hair is wrapped in cellophane and topped with a towel.

What to do if you have dry hair?

The most important thing in caring for dry hair is to try to replenish the lack of moisture and minimize the factors that dry out the hair.

1. Use a mild shampoo for dry or normal hair. It is recommended to wash your hair no more than 3 times a week.

2. After washing your hair, be sure to use a balm or mask.

3. Make homemade masks for dry hair 2-3 times a week. 4. Before washing, lubricate the ends of your hair with any cosmetic oil; it will protect your hair from the aggressive effects of shampoo and water.

5. In summer, it is advisable to use cosmetics with UV filters or wear a hat. In winter, be sure to wear a hat!

6. If you are relaxing at sea, then after washing it is advisable to lightly lubricate the ends of your hair with oil (almond, peach, olive).

7. Make homemade masks for dry hair regularly.

Tips for caring for hair and scalp

Dry thin strands require constant care, which cannot be provided without following certain rules:

  1. If you have dry hair, it is not advisable to dye your hair with chemical dyes or resort to other aggressive salon procedures. If there is no other way, you need to limit yourself to at least one coloring once every 3 months. Natural dyes are perfect, giving a light shade and at the same time improving the health of your curls.
  2. The frequency of hair washing should be reduced to 1-2 times a week to reduce the natural loss of fat with each procedure.
  3. After applying shampoo, you only need to massage the roots, since the rest of the length will be washed off when the product is washed off.
  4. Avoiding traumatic blow-drying and straightening with irons will have a beneficial effect on your hair. It’s also better not to get carried away with curling hair.
  5. The use of special nourishing and regenerating products for dry hair types will have a beneficial effect on the strands.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair with kefir

Kefir (post-kovasha) is an excellent way to moisturize dry hair, and you can prepare such a mask in 5 minutes. Just take the required amount of kefir, heat it a little and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil (almond, olive, burdock, peach, etc.). Distribute the mask over your hair, paying special attention to the ends of your hair. We put an insulating cap on top and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.

Hair masks based on medicinal herbs

Strengthening hair with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants is not inferior in popularity to the methods described above. The variety of medicinal herbs allows you to choose a herbal mask that is ideal for your hair type and can solve individual problems: split ends, hair loss, brittleness, flaking and itching, dandruff, dull color, quickly dirty roots.

Mother Nature has an answer to each of these challenges:

  • Universal herbs for strengthening hair - burdock, nettle, rosemary, linden blossom;
  • Herbs for dry hair and sensitive scalp - aloe, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot, string;
  • Medicinal plants for oily hair with dandruff – oak bark, hops, tansy, plantain, calendula, wormwood;
  • Herbs for the treatment of mature, weakened, graying hair - laurel, nasturtium, calamus, echinacea, yarrow.

Herbal medicine is a serious science, and medicinal plants contain potent substances that can have a strong effect on health in general, and hair in particular. Therefore, before making strengthening masks from medicinal herbs, you need to correctly determine your hair type and choose the right plant. The exceptions are burdock root and nettle - these herbs are suitable for everyone, are completely safe and perfectly strengthen hair of any type.

Sluggish intestinal infections and parasites are often the cause of deterioration in hair quality, and even baldness. This problem can also be dealt with with the help of medicinal plants: for example, an infusion of wormwood or tansy when taken orally kills bacteria and parasites. Be sure to get examined if your hair loss is combined with unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. And you will find the best recipes for herbal masks to strengthen hair below.

Strengthening hair with burdock

  1. To make an effective mask, dig up a few burdock rhizomes, wash thoroughly, peel and grate. Immediately apply the resulting mask to the hair roots, wrap your head and keep for half an hour, then rinse with running water. Grated burdock root cannot be stored fresh - it quickly oxidizes and loses its medicinal properties. But you can pour it with alcohol and leave it, and then rub it into your hair follicles 2-3 times a week.
  2. A mask of fresh burdock leaves is prepared as follows: chop the leaves with a knife, put them in a glass jar, pour in sunflower oil and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain, cool to a comfortable temperature, apply the oil to your hair and keep under the hood for an hour and a half. In essence, you will get natural, concentrated, homemade burdock oil.
  3. A decoction for rinsing hair can be prepared only from the roots, or you can add chopped leaves. Boil the raw material over low heat for 10 minutes, wait until it cools, strain and pour the clean head from the ladle, bending over the basin and again scooping the broth from it at least 20-30 times in one procedure.

Read more: Properties and uses of burdock root

Strengthening hair with nettle

Dry or fresh leaves of stinging nettle, as well as its rhizomes, are used to prepare healing decoctions that are used to rinse hair after washing. If you have dry raw materials, take it at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 500 ml of water, and if fresh - half a glass of chopped nettle per 500 ml of water. The infusion is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes and cooled naturally with the lid closed. You can rinse your hair immediately, but it is better to do it in the morning, after the infusion has stood all night.

Read more: Useful properties and applications, nettle decoction for hair

Homemade mask for dry hair with oils

Vegetable oils can be used both for dry hair and for the prevention of normal hair. Any oils that you have are suitable for the mask, but it is better to give preference to almond, olive, peach, avocado and jojoba oil. One of the mask options:

- 1 tbsp. almond oil; - 1 tbsp. olive oil; -1 tsp jojoba oils; - 3-5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Mix the base oils and heat them in a water bath, then add essential oils, mix thoroughly and apply to the hair. It is also recommended to massage the scalp with the oil mixture and then apply to the length of the hair. Keep the mask on for an hour and wash off with shampoo.

Top 15 effective recipes for nutrition and hydration

Effective remedies for restoring dry hair are easy to prepare at home. You just need to choose a recipe and find a little time.

For colored ones: onion juice, yolk and honey

The product will effectively revive lifeless, colored locks and restore shine and strength.

Squeeze onion juice from a small onion. Add 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1 tsp. honey Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Spread on strands. You can do a preliminary massage of the hair roots. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. It is advisable to use a moisturizing shampoo.

The recipe contains sunflower oil, but it can be replaced with olive, peach or other base oil without losing effectiveness.

For brittle ones: flaxseed oil and yolk

The product is a kind of panacea for fragility, weakness, and brittleness of curls.

In a clean bowl, mix 1 tsp. flaxseed oil, yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. henna. Stir until smooth.

Distribute over the strands, wrap the curls with cellophane film. Allow the components to activate for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. You can use shampoo.

Moisturizing with egg, vinegar, glycerin and castor oil

Place 3 tbsp in a clean bowl. l. castor oil, yolk, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. glycerin. Mix until smooth.

Distribute with rubbing movements along the roots of the curls. Cover with cellophane. Let it activate for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. Use your favorite shampoo as desired.

The mixture is nourishing and restorative for dry and colored hair. Stimulates growth and adds radiance.

Important! The vinegar content prevents the product from being left in place for longer than the prescribed time.

For oily roots and dry ends with banana and avocado

This mixture acts in two directions at once - it nourishes dry ends and normalizes oily roots. The mask restores shine to mixed hair types.

Place 30 g of coconut oil and yolk in the prepared bowl. Mash a banana (preferably overripe) to a uniform paste, mix with half a finely chopped avocado. Mix the ingredients until they have a uniform consistency.

Distribute the mixture along the length of the strand, paying special attention to the roots and ends. Wrap in cellophane. Allow to activate for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Oil recovery overnight with ylang-ylang and kefir

Exotic ylang-ylang, together with other components, moisturizes dry strands, supplying them with essential microelements. Lost shine and radiance is restored.

Place 2 tbsp in the prepared bowl. l. kefir, yolk, 1 tbsp. l. any base oil, 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Mix the composition until smooth.

Distribute through curls. Insulate with a cellophane cap. Leave for 60 minutes , but if desired, you can leave it overnight. Rinse off with water at room temperature and shampoo.

Strengthening with cognac, honey and egg

The complex effect of alcohol and eggs returns dull strands to their former strength and shine , and honey nourishes the hair roots.

Place 15 ml of burdock oil, an egg, 15 ml of honey, 1 tsp. cognac Mix the ingredients together until uniform.

Distribute through curls using massage movements. Secure with cellophane. Leave for one and a half hours. Rinse off with water at a pleasant temperature and shampoo.

Nourishing with aloe

In a small cup, stir 1 tsp. aloe vera juice, 1 tsp. castor oil, yolk, 1 tsp. oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Mix until smooth.

Distribute over moistened strands, massaging roots and ends. Wrap in cellophane film or put on a cap. Leave for 40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water using your favorite shampoo.

The vitamin composition of the mixture will saturate the curls with the missing substances , nourish them, and restore a healthy glow.

For damaged ones with carrots, banana and kefir

In one bowl mix 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice, gruel from half a ripe banana, 0.5 cups of curdled milk or kefir. Stir the mixture until smooth.

Distribute through pre-moistened hair. Wrap your head in cellophane. Leave for 40 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. Rinse with herbal infusion.

Carrot juice and kefir have long been known for their nutritional properties. Together with banana, this is a useful mask to quickly restore damaged hair.

Herbal medicine for dryness

This is another old proven remedy for the beauty of curls. The natural composition nourishes, moisturizes and revitalizes even the most lifeless strands.

Take 1 tbsp. l. dried St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile, clover, birch leaf. Pour in 50 ml of any base oil. Cover with a lid and cloth. Place in a cool place for a week. Strain the resulting herbal infusion through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Distribute among strands. Wrap in cellophane. Leave to act for 60 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature using shampoo.

For thin and hard ones: sour cream, honey, egg

The healing mixture has proven itself as a strengthening nutritional remedy. Honey saturates the strands with useful substances. Sour cream, egg and castor oil have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, softening strands and strengthening thin curls.

By the way! The combination of honey, sour cream and eggs is so healing that it is ideal for strengthening fine hair and softening coarse hair.

Place 60 g of honey, 60 g of sour cream, egg, 2 tbsp. in a clean bowl. l. castor oil. Mix the composition and distribute throughout the hair. Put on an insulating cap. Leave to act for 60 minutes. When the time is up, rinse with skin-friendly water using shampoo.

For split ends: sea buckthorn oil and lemon

Sea buckthorn is a valuable source of fruit acids and vitamins, so in combination with lemon juice it is especially useful for nourishing and restoring dry curls .

Take 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and slightly increase their temperature in a steam bath to 36 degrees.

Distribute over clean curls. Allow an hour for active exposure. Rinse off with water at room temperature. Apply shampoo.

For dull skin: horseradish root

Take a small horseradish root. Grind on a fine grater or in a blender. Add 1 tbsp. l. any base oil, 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream of medium fat content. Mix the composition.

Distribute over the entire length of the hair. Wear a shower cap or secure with cellophane. Leave to act for 40 minutes. When the time is up, rinse with cool water using shampoo.

Horseradish is a source of vitamins necessary for the health and growth of dry hair. The mask is very effective when used regularly.

For long ones: calendula, vodka and castor oil

You will need 1 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers, 0.5 cups of vodka or alcohol, 1 tsp. castor oil. Pour vodka over the calendula and remove it away from heat sources. You can put it in a dark pantry or other cool room for a week. Strain the finished tincture using gauze or a strainer. Add oil.

Distribute over moistened strands. Put on a cellophane cap. Let the mixture work actively for 20 minutes. When the time is up, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. Be sure to use shampoo.

An alcohol mask stimulates hair growth and awakens dormant hair follicles. Thanks to the composition, dry hair will regain vitality.

For curly hair: beer, hops, calamus and burdock

You need to take 200 ml of beer (preferably dark), 1 tbsp. l. hop cones, 1 tbsp. l. rhizomes of calamus, 1 tbsp. l. burdock roots.

Bring the beer to a hot state in a water bath. Mix with other ingredients. Leave the infusion for 2 hours. Strain using gauze or a sieve.

Apply with massage movements to the hair roots. Leave for 30-50 minutes, after putting on a cellophane cap. When the time is up, rinse with water at a pleasant temperature. Apply a drop of balm or rinse with herbal infusion.

The mask restores lost shine and radiance. Curly hair becomes bouncy and healthy.

For bleached ones: gelatin and honey

You need to take 15 g of gelatin and dilute it with a small amount of cool water. When the mixture swells, heat in a steam bath, but do not boil. Add tsp. honey

Mix and distribute through damp, washed hair. Put on a cellophane cap. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes. When the time is up, rinse off the mixture with warm water. If your hair gets tangled, apply a drop of your favorite balm.

Important! It is usually difficult to give dry curls adequate volume and thickness. A mask with gelatin will help solve this problem, in addition, it will add shine to dull bleached strands.

Homemade mask for very dry hair with banana and avocado

Banana and avocado can help even very dry, brittle hair. If you decide to make a mask with these ingredients, then choose a slightly overripe banana and avocado, they should be soft.

- 1 banana; - 1 ripe avocado; - 2 tbsp. almond oil; - 1 tsp. honey; - 1 yolk.

Using a blender, puree avocado and banana, add olive oil, honey, yolk and mix well. Apply the mask over the entire length and wrap your hair with a towel. Leave for 40 minutes.

Tips for applying repair mixtures

You can safely start using homemade cosmetics, keeping in mind the following recommendations:

  1. The mask is distributed onto moistened strands. This will help it to be distributed evenly along the entire length of the curls.
  2. The product is applied from the roots to the ends, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.
  3. To increase efficiency, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed until small lumps dissolve.
  4. Choose only fresh ingredients.
  5. For additional effect, after applying the mask, you should fix the composition on your head using cellophane film or a cap.
  6. An overexposed mask will not be beneficial for your curls. More doesn't mean better.
  7. Rinsing is carried out only with water that is comfortable for perception. If the mask contains eggs, do not use it hot, otherwise the omelette will have to be combed out of your hair for more than one hour.
  8. When using shampoo, opt for a moisturizing one. It will help not only wash off the remnants of the mask, but will also additionally moisturize your hair.

Homemade mask for dry hair with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise contains all the necessary components for dry hair, but you should be careful when choosing mayonnaise; it must be natural, without various additives and artificial preservatives.

The mask is quite oily and helps replenish the natural moisture of the hair.

- 1 tbsp. mayonnaise; - 2 drops of essential oil;

Mayonnaise should be at room temperature, apply it to the length of the hair, and cover with cellophane and then with a terry towel. Leave for an hour.

Natural ingredients for home remedies

The presence of certain components in a cosmetic composition is necessary to obtain a certain effect. In the case of dry hair, it is recommended to choose:

  • High-fat dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt, kefir) will not only correct the problem of dry hair, but will also be useful for increasing the volume and thickness of strands;
  • The egg or its yolk is an integral element of many mixtures for recovery and nutrition;
  • Oil (burdock, peach, olive, castor) is the basic component of all nourishing and regenerating masks;
  • Essential oils of lavender and rosemary are used as a mask base or to soften the strong odor of other ingredients;
  • Honey is a real storehouse of highly effective substances. Any variety will do, but it is advisable to take a liquid one.

Important! Let's not forget about phyto-supplements - chamomile flowers, linden flowers, calendula. Decoctions of them are not only included in the mask, but also used to prepare a rinse to give the hair additional shine.

Homemade masks for dry hair with aloe juice

Aloe juice is a real source of vitamins and beneficial components, so it can be used in its pure form, but if you add, for example, onion juice to it, then such a mask can restore even very dry hair.

- 1 tbsp. aloe juice; - 1 tbsp. onion juice; - 1 tsp. honey - 1 yolk.

Distribute over the length and insulate with a terry towel, keep this mask for at least 40 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo and rinse with cool water and lemon juice (juice of 1 lemon per 1 liter of water).

Rules for using masks

When treating with masks at home, several rules should be followed.

  • The healing composition should be mixed until smooth and prepared immediately before application;
  • When washing off the mask, do not use hot water;
  • When making homemade masks, keep in mind that some of their components can cause allergic reactions . If you are prone to such symptoms, do a test application on your palm before using the mixture;
  • create a warm effect for greater effectiveness of the mask . Cover your head with plastic wrap and wrap a towel on top;
  • the homemade mask on your head for 30 minutes to an hour.

Important: after washing off the healing composition, dry your curls only naturally! The use of a hair dryer is strictly prohibited.

Wrap for dry hair with peach oil

Take 2 tbsp. peach oil and add 1 tbsp to it. another base oil. Heat the mixture and rub into your scalp. Take a natural wide-tooth comb and comb your hair, so the oil is distributed along the length. Cover your head with cellophane and a towel. The mask can be left on for several hours.

Make homemade masks for dry hair regularly, and the condition of your hair will noticeably improve, it will become shinier, firmer and more elastic, and will stop breaking and tangling. In a word, they will delight you and those around you!

Kira Voloskova
Editor of Voloskova.ru, knows everything about hair growth
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3 min


Types of masks for dry hair:

  • Moisturizing. Help restore water balance, nourishing curls with essential oils.
  • Nutritious. Saturate hair with vitamins and microelements necessary for restoration and treatment.
  • For burned hair. Restores hair structure and nourishes it with necessary moisture.
  • Masks for split ends. Strengthens hair, eliminating and preventing split ends.

Henna and basma: coloring plus healing

Hair coloring with henna and basma does not lose popularity in the world, despite the length and hassle of the process, and the narrow range of shades obtained. It's all about the absolute naturalness of these natural dyes. It is even believed that henna and basma strengthens hair, but is this really so? After all, there are women who do not like these dyes for their allegedly drying effect on the hair and scalp.

Henna and basma, as such, do not have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. They can only boast of the presence of natural pigments and natural antibiotics - phytoncides, thanks to which they successfully cope with dandruff. However, in the process of dyeing hair with henna and basma, each hair thickens, and the horny scales with which it is covered smooth out and stick together. All this leads to the fact that colored curls begin to look denser and thicker. As for dryness, yes, indeed, dyeing with henna and basma is better suited for those with oily hair.

Important: henna dyeing is a cosmetic procedure with a temporary effect, and not a full-fledged method of strengthening hair. The dye acts on the hair itself, and not on the hair follicles.

Now not only brunettes, but also blondes can apply henna to their hair exclusively for health purposes - fortunately, colorless henna has become available for sale. Try experimenting with it, perhaps this product will suit you and help strengthen your hair. But keep in mind that the technique is controversial, and it does not give a stable, long-lasting result - while you dye, your hair is thick, as soon as you stop, it starts to look weak again.

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