Peeling Kosmoteros - care trusted by professionals

Every woman knows perfectly well how difficult it is to care for problem skin without salon procedures, and Kosmoteros peeling is a new technique offered by modern cosmetology to get rid of various defects. Cleaning does not affect the deep layers of the skin, which allows manipulation even with health problems or increased sensitivity. Before you go to the salon and get rid of annoying flaws without extra effort, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure, indications, expected effect, and find out what cosmetologists think about the manipulations.

Line overview

Kosmoteros products are suitable for professional salon care and home use. For convenience and safe use, all products contain detailed instructions.

The procedure protocol will allow you to avoid errors during the manipulation process, since it has a detailed action plan indicating the drug, dosage and method of application.


  • The product is available in a glass bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 1500 rubles.

A combined surface-acting chemical preparation containing fruit acid extracts and the Vegewhite component based on medicinal plants in high concentration.

It has a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, and has exfoliating ability. Stimulates the production of ceramides and fibroblasts, which activate the synthesis of collagen, fibrin, elastin, which rejuvenate the skin.

Used to correct any cosmetic defects, including after skin diseases.


  • Available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 1300 rubles.

The drug in liquid form contains a 70% concentration of glycolic acid, chitosan and sodium succinate. The acidity (pH) of the product can be 2.3 and 0.7. The active substance dissolves and exfoliates the excess stratum corneum of the skin, controls the division of the main cells of the epidermis.

Applicable if the following problems exist:

  • uneven surface relief;
  • defects after dermatological diseases;
  • uneven, painful complexion;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive rashes;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands (oily or too dry dermis).


  • Available in a glass bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 2500 rubles.

It contains a 30% acid concentration, pH 1.5. The main active ingredient is mandelic (amygdalic or phenylglycolic) acid, which belongs to alpha hydroxy acids, which is obtained from natural raw materials - bitter almonds.

It has strong antibacterial properties, guaranteeing safe and effective cleansing and renewal. This occurs due to the slow penetration of molecules into the dermis due to their large size.

The ability to dissolve in oils allows the substance to penetrate the thickness of the dermal layers. Ideal for glycolic acid intolerant skin, it reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation after deep cleansing.

Recommended if you have:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • age spots;
  • acne;
  • lentigo;
  • rosacea;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • freckles;
  • uneven tone.

Peeling with mandelic acid is often preceded by laser skin resurfacing and mid-chemical cleansing.


  • The drug is available in a bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 10,000 rubles.

Superficial-medium retinoic peeling, which is yellow in color due to the presence of tretinoin (retinoic acid) in the composition.

Delicate skin cleansing is provided by the following components:

  • complex of gallic and phytic acids – whitens and cleanses;
  • vitamin E - restores;
  • vitamin C – renews, saturates and evens out complexion;
  • beta-carotene – protects against ultraviolet exposure and negative external factors.

It belongs to atraumatic chemical peels, therefore it is used at any age and regardless of skin type, if you have:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • signs of photoaging;
  • age-related changes;
  • striae.

Impact effectiveness

The main beneficial effects of almond peeling are: mild exfoliating abilities with high efficiency, antiseptic, comedolytic mechanisms.

The results of the substance’s work allow you to free pores from dirt and horny barriers, narrow the ducts, and regulate sebum secretion. This is useful for those who are prone to excessive oiliness and inflammation.

The exposed young layer of tissue is smoother, has an attractive appearance and youthful qualities. This allows you to temporarily get rid of the signs of aging. Peeling does not have mechanisms for stimulating its own rejuvenating processes, except for mechanical renewal. To consolidate the achievements of exfoliation, you will have to continue implementing the anti-aging program.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Safe and comfortable when following the cleaning protocol.
  • Minimum rehabilitation period.
  • Low percentage of complications.
  • The duration of preservation of the result reaches 3 months or more.
  • Provides a noticeable lifting effect.
  • During the recovery period, the skin has an unattractive appearance.
  • Failure to follow the instructions for use can result in burns and negative consequences.
  • Relatively high cost.

Comparison with other means

There are other popular peelings with similar effects.

Block Age Peel Gel is a more aggressive product with a good effect. Less economical because it is available in two-phase bottles of 2.3 ml and 2.7 ml. Before the procedure, the phases must be mixed, and leftovers cannot be stored.

Cosmetologists also use yellow peelings from Mediderm and Arcadia in their work. Their post-peeling period is almost the same as that of Kosmoteros. But packaging is designed for each client separately.


Special preparation is required before dry cleaning. The products prescribed by the cosmetologist must be used a week before the procedure.

You must also adhere to certain conditions:

  • stop tanning;
  • do not injure the skin surface;
  • for washing, use gel with AHA acids;
  • apply serum with retinol in low concentration;
  • choose a cream for hypersensitive skin;
  • do several cleanings with home-use products;
  • On the street, protect your face with a product with SPF-30 or higher.

How it goes

The skin is first cleaned of cosmetics, dust and other contaminants.

Multifruit, Almond and Glycolic peels are carried out in the same way:

  • Apply a degreasing compound, then apply a thin layer of the product. Exposure time is up to 5 minutes. After this, it is removed with a neutralizer.
  • At the end, a soothing mask is applied.

Retinoic peeling has a different protocol:

The skin is cleansed with a gel with fruit acids, then it must be washed off thoroughly. Additional degreasing is carried out using a tonic. You should wait until the product is completely absorbed.

The degreaser should not be applied to sensitive epidermis. The areas around the lips and eyelids are covered with a protective cream.

The drug is applied in an even layer, preferably with a fan brush. It is absorbed within 10 minutes, but is not washed off immediately. The exposure lasts 6-8 hours, after which it is removed with plenty of water.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It’s not for nothing that retinoic peeling is called yellow peeling - after the procedure, the face takes on the appearance as if the skin had been rubbed with carrots. You should remember this effect and not apply peeling before leaving the house.

Course duration

To get qualitative changes after cleansing, you should take a basic course, including 4-7 sessions, depending on the complexity of the problems. The procedure is repeated after 1.5-2 months. No more than two courses are recommended throughout the year.

Healing period

Recovery time after peeling treatment is several weeks. On the second day, intense peeling and other processes occur:

  • tolerable burning, itching;
  • redness;
  • slight swelling;
  • tightness.

These phenomena are considered a normal reaction of the body and disappear on their own. You should consult a specialist if symptoms worsen, as allergies may develop.

Recovery period

Proper implementation of post-peeling care is no less important than the exfoliation procedure itself. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist. These include refusal to:

  • visits to the bathhouse, swimming pool, gym;
  • use of aggressive care products (with acids, abrasive particles);
  • carrying out other procedures for the skin of treated areas and adjacent surfaces.

The active recovery period, when the skin may have slight redness, swelling, and peeling, lasts 4–7 days. The occurrence of side effects is unlikely (depending on the composition used, individual reactions of the body). To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you will have to properly care for your skin.

During the rehabilitation period, the skin must be provided with:

  • gentle cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory treatment;
  • hydration, nutrition;
  • use of products with UV protectors.

Important! It is preferable to purchase post-peel care products offered by the brand of the substance used for exfoliation. You can get by with the usual means and include pharmaceutical ointments in your care (Solcoseryl, Bepanten, Traumeel).

Almond exfoliation, like retinoic and many others, is performed in courses of 6–10 sessions. The interval between exposures is 7–14 days. 1, less often 2 courses are carried out per year, it is possible to include maintenance sessions. The cosmetologist will draw up an individual intervention scheme after a preliminary meeting with the patient.

Aftercare (recommendations)

To speed up regeneration, apply to the treated areas:

  • cleansing milk - morning and evening;
  • gel with hyaluronic acid, tonic with vitamin C - during the day;
  • masks – three times a week;
  • protective creams - every time before going outside.

To eliminate complications and consolidate the result, certain conditions must be followed:

  • during the first days do not use aggressive detergents and decorative cosmetics;
  • do not touch or scratch your face with your hands;
  • do not expose the skin to active sun;
  • do not do massage, hair removal, cleaning or hardware procedures;
  • During peeling, do not tear off lagging particles of the epidermis.

Patient reviews

There are positive and negative reviews about the procedure. The exfoliation option can solve problems, but does not always give ideal results. In some cases, patients attribute the negative turn of the problem to the effect of almond exfoliation.

The option only works in a set of events.

I didn't like the result of exfoliation.

Precautionary measures

Side effects

Cleansing the skin in this way does not cause significant negative consequences when used correctly. Moderate swelling, peeling, and itching will disappear within a few days.

More serious complications in the form of a burn or allergy appear due to non-compliance with the procedure protocol or the individual characteristics of the body.


  • Hypervitaminosis A;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Fresh tan, recent hair removal, eyebrow correction;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Taking retinoids, tetracycline;
  • Somatic and chronic diseases;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Problematic skin can be a result of allergies, so before any chemical peeling, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Indications for use

What does almond peeling do and when is it necessary? Indications for exfoliation are very diverse. The procedure helps to cope with the shortcomings of both young skin and aged skin in need of hydration and regeneration.

Often, phenoxyglycol exfoliation is performed as an alternative to hardware or manual facial readings.

Exfoliation with mandelic acid solves the following problems:

  • acne of the first and second degree;
  • post-acne, stagnant spots;
  • pigmentation, freckles;
  • oily, unclean skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • folliculitis;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven complexion;
  • keratosis;
  • the first signs of aging.

In addition, almond exfoliation is often prescribed in preparation for serious cosmetic procedures, such as deep and medium peels, laser resurfacing. Manipulation allows you to even out the thickness of the epidermis, reduce possible complications and improve the final result.

Is the procedure carried out in salons?

Cosmoteros peeling care should be carried out by trained specialists. Carrying out the procedure at home is undesirable, as it carries a risk of complications.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

When carrying out peeling at home, you should remember the main rule - the initial exposure should not exceed 4 minutes, regardless of the composition of the product. Burns are possible, the treatment of which significantly affects the quality of the procedure.

The product is unsafe and is intended for professional use, so it is better to perform the manipulation in a salon, where responsibility for the process lies with the cosmetologist.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors tend to use exfoliants based on acidic components from almond kernels in their work. The intervention is comfortable, does not cause complications, and is universal. This allows you to maintain a positive reputation while solving assigned tasks.

The cosmetologist likes the exfoliation method.

The cosmetologist does not have much hope for the option, but recognizes the beneficial effect.

The cosmetologist considers the exfoliation method to be universal.

Service cost

The price for professional cleaning has a wide range and depends on the location of the salon, the qualifications of the technician and the amount of product used.

On average, you will have to spend from 3,000 to 10,000 per session.

You can buy peeling yourself, but along with it you need to purchase a neutralizer and a preparation for skin preparation.

  • Degreasing lotion-tonic for preparing the skin for chemical peeling Lotion Tonique Degraissante – from 1,500 rubles;
  • Bioactivator-neutralizer after peeling – from 1300 rubles.

Kosmoteros products should be purchased only in specialized online or offline stores, having previously read the quality certificates.

There is an official distributor of the KTGroup company in Russia, from whom you can not only purchase goods, but also undergo training.

Possible complications

The gentle effects of peeling and specially created formulas do not guarantee the absence of adverse effects.

The most common complications are:

  • swelling of treated tissues;
  • allergic rash caused by intolerance to the components of the exfoliant;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • dryness, burning and tightness;
  • redness.

The effects discussed above occur very rarely and, as a rule, are the result of poor preparation for exfoliation or non-compliance with the exfoliation protocol.

Reviews from cosmetologists about the procedure

Cosmetologists and dermatologists speak only highly of almond cleansing. Positive ratings note the delicacy of the process, the possibility of use for dry, thin and sensitive skin.

After the first session, cosmetologists see how fresh and prettier the patient is. Sluggish and dull skin is filled with energy, becomes healthy and elastic, the tone and texture of the face is evened out, and post-acne marks are reduced. However, experts warn that phenoxyglycol exfoliation is only effective up to age 35.

Almond peeling will not eliminate excess sagging skin, deep wrinkles and other age-related changes. In this case, more serious cosmetic procedures will be required.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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