Buccal or intraoral facial massage inside the mouth

What is buccal facial massage?

Massage technique was invented in France. The basic technique was developed by massage therapist-cosmetologist Joëlle Ciocco, known for her unusual techniques. She has been engaged in research and practical activities in the field of cosmetology for more than thirty years.

Buccal massage by Joelle Ciocco is usually performed in special salons. It is difficult to carry out the procedure yourself, since it requires precise actions on the cheeks from the inside and outside.

The technique involves the use of physical force directed at significant points. This feature makes the technique unique, since previously forceful use in procedures was considered unacceptable.

Normalization of the work of the facial and chewing muscles is caused by careful work on both sides. Training helps restore muscle tone by strengthening the threads. The result is the return of elasticity, as well as general strengthening.

Correct execution of the technique can be learned through training. The master class is conducted by Joëlle herself.

Possible complications

Buccal facial massage, which has some negative reviews, is a serious procedure. It must be carried out responsibly, otherwise it may adversely affect human health. All risks are associated with the qualifications of the specialist.

If it is carried out by a non-professional, the following complications may arise:

  • increased sagging and sagging skin;
  • damage to facial muscles;
  • dysfunction of the masticatory muscles;
  • the appearance of bruises and hemorrhages.

The listed complications arise as a result of too much pressure on the muscles; incorrect movement pattern. All this not only increases the discomfort during the procedure, but also leads to a general complication: the contour of the face becomes even more blurred, and the cheeks look even more saggy.

Therefore, in order to carry out such a procedure, you need to complete special courses so that after the procedure you will experience minimal discomfort and maximum facial rejuvenation.

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Benefits of the procedure

Women who have experienced what sculptural massage is talk about many benefits:

  • Disappearance of small facial wrinkles and significant smoothing of deep ones;
  • Reducing the size of the cheeks;
  • Significant lifting effect of the facial contour;
  • Elimination of the problem of drooping corners of the lips;
  • Restoring the elasticity of the epidermis and acquiring a healthy skin tone
  • Facial muscle tightening;
  • Disappearance of the nasolabial fold;
  • Restoration of atrophied muscles due to illness (stroke).

This is a rather unusual type of massage. But read about an even more unusual method on facesave.ru in the article about the most exotic rejuvenation - snail massage.

Disadvantages of buccal massage

The many advantages of massage technology do not exclude some disadvantages. The following negative factors can be identified:

  1. The presence of severe pain after the procedure. They can go away in one day, or they can bother a woman for several days.
  2. Complex execution techniques lead to a limited number of specialists.
  3. The appearance of a noticeable result exclusively in the affected area, which occupies only a certain part of the face.
  4. Qualified specialists set high prices for procedures.
  5. Swelling and stiffness after the first workout.
  6. Difficulties in performing massage at home.

Characteristics of methods

The most common method is to cleanse the face manually. The skillful hands of a cosmetologist make this operation very effective, especially for oily skin.

To open the pores, special products are used, which contain medicinal components. With their careful protection, the procedure is completely safe.

Mechanical facial cleansing ends with anti-inflammatory measures. Exposure of the skin to D'Arsenval currents, special masks and cryomassage help reduce traumatic manifestations. In general, mechanical cleansing of pores is considered a painful and traumatic procedure.

Vacuum facial cleansing is safer, although it can also injure sensitive skin. A special device literally “sucks out” comedones. The device copes well with shallow pores. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to combine vacuum and manual facial cleansing.

Ultrasonic cleaning method is considered the most atraumatic. This is the most comfortable and painless method. The highly effective action of the ultrasonic device leads to the complete destruction of pore blockages. In addition to the face, ultrasound can clean the back area.

Professional cosmetologists will be able to suggest the best cleaning option for each client.

Who is it suitable for?

It is recommended to do intraoral facial massage after 30 years. At this age, various age-related changes are noticeable and require adjustment. After a full course of procedures, the skin will become more toned and the face will become thinner. A noticeable result will also be significant rejuvenation and restoration of the natural skin tone.

Indications for implementation

  • Decreased elasticity;
  • Blurry outline;
  • Edema;
  • Tension in the facial muscles;
  • The appearance of a chin fold;
  • The appearance of wrinkles;
  • Excessive fat layer on the face.


Any massage manipulation in the facial area of ​​a modern woman should begin only after 25 years. Young skin does not need additional stimulation, and your excessive zeal for youth, on the contrary, can play a cruel joke on you. Improper use of massage can only speed up the aging process due to excessive stretching of the dermis. At the same time, in the case of the buccal technique, the process is generally recommended to be carried out from the age of 30.

Younger representatives simply will not appreciate the effectiveness and practicality of manipulation, since they do not have the problems that massage solves. The main indications for the use of the technique include:

  • Various changes in facial contour that lead to the formation of blurry and indistinct lines.
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity.
  • The appearance of yellowness and gray spots.
  • Increased swelling that does not subside throughout the day.
  • Increased body fat and double chin.
  • The appearance of deep wrinkles.
  • Problems with facial expressions that arose after neuritis or stroke.

If you are faced with the above problems, then with the correct use of sculptural massage, after just a couple of sessions you will notice colossal positive changes for the better.

Note! You can perform a sculptural massage from any position. The person can sit, lie down, or be in a reclining position. Experts recommend the latter location option, as it provides maximum conditions for relaxation.

Main contraindications

If certain factors are present, massage is prohibited. To avoid harming yourself, pay attention to what these cases are:

  1. Infectious diseases;
  2. Sensitive skin;
  3. Allergic rash on the face;
  4. Irritation of the epidermis;
  5. Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  6. Large moles, warts on the treated area;
  7. Damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, scratches, hematomas;
  8. Chronic herpes virus;
  9. Dermatitis or psoriasis;
  10. Tumors of a malignant nature.

If there are hormonal problems (especially with thyroid diseases), you need to consult an endocrinologist to see if the procedure can be performed in your case.

Side effects

Structural buccal facial massage can be performed at home; in this case, side effects may occur. With proper exposure, all unpleasant sensations disappear after a few hours. The appearance of prolonged discomfort and nagging pain in the muscles indicates careless or sudden actions, as well as strong pressure. The most common complications are: damage to soft tissues, loss of correct facial shape.

Remember - the benefits of improper exposure are minimal. Make sure the instructor is experienced before starting the course.

Soft tissues are damaged due to excessive pressure on the oral cavity or strong stretching. Minor bruising, bruising, or temporary weakening of muscles may occur. Minor cracks are likely to occur on the surface of the lips and in the corners.

What effect should you expect from a massage?

Having studied all the features of modern buccal techniques for influencing the skin, as well as correctly applying its principles in practice, you can count on colossal results. One of the brightest advantages of the technique is the fact that it, like myofascial facial massage, allows you to achieve the desired results with minimal time and financial costs . The result of a responsible procedure is:

  • No damage. Unlike injections and plastic surgery, the sculpting technique does not cause any damage to the dermis, but at the same time allows you to achieve a similar effect.
  • Training. In the process of manipulation according to the rules of the buccal complex, you work out every muscle on your face, which guarantees an excellent tonic effect.
  • Stress relief. In addition to physical stress on the dermis, psycho-emotional effects are also relieved. The skin becomes more elastic, supple and pleasant to the touch.

  • Complete relaxation. Although the process itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, as a result it will definitely give you the desired levels of relaxation. The skin becomes completely at rest.
  • Directed therapeutic effect. A pleasant effect of the procedure is the stimulation of cells to regenerate. The healing of the skin improves, and the muscles gain additional mobility, which was inherent in them in the past.
  • Burning fat deposits and smoothing out facial wrinkles. Directed influence allows you to fight the first signs of age-related changes and the result of poor nutrition.

Note! One session of buccal massage can last from 15 to 30 minutes. The procedure is accompanied by painful sensations, which is why experts recommend starting with 10 minutes of manipulation and gradually increasing it.

Expected results

The result will be noticeable after just a few sessions, when the swelling goes down and the pain disappears. With the right approach and regular implementation, the presented technique can replace other methods of facial restoration. You don't have to think about injections or other tightening methods.

The effect of therapy at the cellular level promotes active cell division, and therefore the renewal of the structure of the epidermis.

The full course is guaranteed to strengthen the facial muscles and restore natural elasticity.

Preparation for the procedure

To quickly achieve the desired result, you need to prepare for the massage:

  • Limit food intake for several hours;
  • On the day of the session, drink only purified water;
  • Remove makeup and cleanse skin;
  • Relax your facial muscles;
  • First stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Massage technique

For patients who are encountering the presented technique for the first time, some of the massage therapist’s actions may seem surprising, namely:

  1. The procedure affects at a deep level, which contributes to the appearance of unpleasant sensations. This is normal, so you should be patient.
  2. The actions are performed from inside the mouth, so it is not advisable to do them yourself. With the right approach, the method uses all the muscles that are inaccessible with the classic version.
  3. Complete sterility of the procedure is guaranteed by the use of disposable gloves.
  4. The first session time is no more than 15 minutes.
  5. The master performs all actions with his eyes closed, which allows him to feel the patients better.

Execution schemes

Intraoral facial massage is performed according to two schemes: sculptural and deep tissue.

The first scheme involves performing movements from top to bottom. To prepare the patient, specialists first perform relaxing actions based on stroking and rubbing movements.

Actions are performed using the index and middle fingers. First, the ear area is treated, then the actions move to the lips. The massage therapist works the facial and chewing muscles, ending the procedure with light tapping with his fingertips.

Areas being processed:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • From eyebrows to hairline;
  • From nose to ears;
  • From lips to ears;
  • From the chin to the ears.

While studying the technique, you can study pictures with the indicated directions.

Author's techniques

Joëlle Ciocco has several followers who have continued to study buccal skin tightening. Each author developed his own characteristics of performing the training.

In addition to the basic technique, you need to pay attention to the methods of Yakov Gershkovich, Elena Nosovskaya, as well as the method using the tongue.

Video training, photos before and after the procedure will help you choose a technique.

Basic technique Joel Ciocco

Features of execution:

  1. Treatment of lips, chin area, cheeks through the oral cavity;
  2. Using pulling actions to develop muscles;
  3. High pain;
  4. The first session is 15 minutes, the next one is 40 minutes;
  5. Additional training of the cheek muscle.

The result of the master’s manipulations is to restore the oval of the face.

Methodology of Yakov Gershkovich

Yakov Gershkovich created a methodology based on existing ones, using an integrated approach. The massage consists of two stages: sculptural and buccal phases.

The sculpture phase is performed first. The muscles are worked along massage lines using jerky movements. Kneading wrinkles using upward movements.

During the buccal phase, exposure is performed through an open mouth. The technique assumes the absence of pain. The video tutorial will tell you more about the method.

Methodology of Elena Nosovskaya

Elena Nosovskaya created an individual technique based on buccal, chiromassage, as well as oriental techniques. The impact is carried out not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level.

Muscles, bone and joint tissue are worked out, and the nervous system is also affected.

The presented method helps to disappear the drooping corners of the mouth.

Language technique

A simple technique that allows you to do the workout yourself. Noticeable results will appear with daily practice. The lessons involve the following actions:

  1. It is necessary to determine the problem area;
  2. Press your tongue against it, wait half a minute;
  3. Repeat movements for all areas of the mouth;
  4. Proceed to massage the lips, relaxing and tightening them 5 times;
  5. Perform light breathing exercises.

Positive reviews with photographs of “buccal massage before and after” indicate the effectiveness of the method.

Effects on the skin and muscles of the face

Performing this massage, the specialist has a deep effect on the tissue, which allows you to work out the lines of the cheekbones, chin and eyebrows as effectively as possible.

The high effectiveness of this procedure lies in the fact that simultaneous development of:

  • skin;
  • deep muscles;
  • upper layer of subcutaneous tissue;
  • bone tissue.

This effect accelerates blood circulation, which affects the condition of muscle fibers, which helps improve the overall tone of the face. The tone becomes even, the skin is smooth and tightened, wrinkles become noticeably smaller. Thanks to this effect, which can be achieved without injections, this.

How long does the course last and how often to do it?

One visit to a massage therapist will not give obvious results. The full course contains at least six full sessions. Then the obtained result must be consolidated by conducting two additional sessions per month. This approach will prevent the skin from returning to its original position.

The frequency of execution depends on the patient’s well-being. On average, you need to visit a massage therapist every 10 days.

Reviews and photos before and after massage

Reviews from otzovik.com:

“..After the first session I had swelling and slight discomfort. All this lasted an hour and a half, then it passed. In general, the sensations after the session are very pleasant, I feel relaxation of the facial muscles, and at the same time some kind of cheerfulness and energy. The massage is aimed at correcting contours, lifting, activating blood circulation, overall slimming of the face and moisturizing the skin...” Lisa.

“...I’ve been doing massage twice a month for four months now, and I’m frankly pleased with the results on my face. The face became toned. The hamster cheeks are gone. the facial contour has changed for the better. But most of all I was pleased. that the swelling in the eye area has disappeared. Friends also noticed positive changes in her appearance, they say she is fresher. I am 100% satisfied with the result!...” Irina.

Carrying out sculptural massage at home

In order for the procedure to be as successful as possible, remember a few rules:

  1. Move your hair out of the way;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly;
  3. Dry your hands and face.

Throughout the procedure, listen to your feelings. It may be painful at first, but tolerable. Knead the skin gradually - you don’t need to press as hard as you can right away. It should end up being nice.

Don't be alarmed if your skin turns red (and it should definitely turn red if you did everything right).

Wash your hands after each worked area. You don't want to spread possible dirt all over your face, do you?

At the end, wash yourself thoroughly and make a mask. It is best to do this in the evening, so that you can immediately go to bed and have a good rest.

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