Cocoa butter for wrinkles on the face - a real “elixir” of youth

Cocoa butter is one of the natural remedies for the skin around the eyes. We love it because it smooths out crow's feet and has anti-aging benefits. Vitamins, fatty acids, phytostyrols included in the composition restore and rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids.

The oil contains Omega-3. Due to this fatty acid, the oil can replace even the most expensive cosmetic preparations.

The composition contains other useful acids, as well as vitamins K, E, A and tannin. Thanks to these components, the product is widely used in skin, hair, and nail care.


People who have not seen butter made from cocoa beans tend to think that this product looks like chocolate. However, this is not quite true. Under normal conditions, it is a solid mass of yellowish-white color, has a brittle consistency and a very pleasant chocolate smell. The melting point of the oil is +27 degrees, so when you wipe the skin with a piece, it melts, leaving a greasy mark. However, the oil is absorbed very quickly without forming an unpleasant greasy film.

The technology for obtaining butter from cocoa beans is quite complex, and this is reflected in the price of the product. But the value of natural cocoa butter is so great that it is worth spending money on purchasing it.

The product contains a rich set of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of facial skin. In the set of acids:

  • oleic , which restores impaired lipid metabolism, thereby normalizing the nutrition of epidermal cells;
  • stearic , which increases local immunity and provides additional protection to cells from external negative influences;
  • lauric , which regulates water-salt metabolism, thereby eliminating dryness and flaking;
  • palmitic, which ensures uninterrupted “delivery” of oxygen to the cells, which restores the natural healthy color of the skin;
  • linoleic , which prevents the premature appearance of signs of aging;
  • arachine , necessary for the normal absorption of nutrients by cells.

In addition to valuable amino acids, cocoa butter contains many vitamins, including:

  • vitamin of youth - tocopherol , which promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, “responsible” for maintaining skin elasticity;
  • vitamins of group K , which increase the tone of blood vessels and accelerate the renewal of new cells, which improves tissue nutrition, and minor injuries and wounds heal much faster;
  • Plant sterols help stop the natural aging process.

Such a rich and unique composition ensures widespread use of this product in cosmetology. A variety of creams and masks are made with the addition of the “gift of Aphrodite”. But using the product at home is even more effective, since preservatives and other synthetic additives are always present in finished cosmetic products. Homemade procedures are good because they use 100% natural ingredients.

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Composition and properties

The numerous healing properties of the oil are explained by its rich composition, which includes a number of vitamins, fatty acids that are beneficial to the skin, as well as phytosterols that promote recovery and rejuvenation.

The fruits of the cocoa tree are antioxidants, improve blood circulation, and saturate the body with valuable elements. The product makes it possible to fight colds, treat burns, and eliminate skin rashes.

Cocoa butter for the face nourishes and saturates the skin with beneficial elements, effectively moisturizes it, restores freshness and attractive appearance, and fights the aging process.

Who can use it?

It is recommended to use cocoa butter on the face if you have the following cosmetic problems:

  • dry and dehydrated skin prone to flaking;
  • the presence of cosmetic defects - pigmentation, including traces after healed deep acne, fresh scars, spider veins;
  • the appearance of signs of withering - wrinkles, sagging;
  • skin rashes - acne, pimples, as well as herpetic rashes (for herpes, the product is used as part of a complex treatment, along with antiviral drugs).

This product can be used at any age, but cocoa butter is especially recommended for women aged 35+ as a wonderful anti-aging product.

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Who should not use it?

Like any other cosmetic product, cocoa butter has a number of contraindications for use. First of all, these are individual reactions of the body.

Important! Chocolate is a common allergen, so using cocoa butter for cosmetic purposes without first testing for sensitivity is prohibited.

You should postpone use of the product if there are lesions or purulent rashes on the skin. You need to wait for the wounds to heal, and only then begin the procedures.

This product should be used with great caution on oily skin. You should avoid applying it undiluted, but occasionally you can make masks with the addition of the “gift of Aphrodite”, provided that drying components are included in the composition.

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Caution in use

It is important to check cocoa butter for allergies. The product should be tested on the inside of the elbow. If no adverse reactions such as redness or itching occur, the product can be used for cosmetic purposes. There is one more nuance: the oil has comedogenic properties. This means that the pores become clogged and pimples may appear. Therefore, it is often used in conjunction with other vegetable oils.

Important nuances

In order not to be disappointed in the use of any cosmetic product, you must first become familiar with the rules for its use. The rules are simple, but you need to strictly adhere to them:

  • Before purchasing, make sure that the product is natural , that is, it does not contain any additives. In addition, it is necessary to inspect for expiration date;
  • If you plan to apply the oil undiluted, you can simply wipe the skin with a “cube” of oil. But a more effective way is to apply the product warm . Therefore, you need to put a small amount of the product in a glass or ceramic cup and place this dish in a large bowl of hot water. The product will turn into a liquid mass into which you can add the remaining ingredients, or simply apply it to the skin;
  • complex compositions that include several ingredients must be mixed very carefully so that the mass is homogeneous ;
  • It is convenient to apply compositions that have the consistency of a cream, so if the prepared mixture turns out to be runny, you can add a little oatmeal or barley flour or potato starch to it. You need to add flour gradually, achieving the desired thickness;

  • Be sure to prepare the skin - clean and steam . Applying the product to uncleaned skin may cause acne. And steaming is necessary for deeper penetration of valuable substances into tissues;
  • compositions prepared for the face are not applied to the skin of the eyelids and lips; special compositions are used for these areas of the face;
  • the duration of action of the masks depends on the chosen recipe, but it should not exceed half an hour;
  • It is necessary to remove the compositions using a damp tampon , and if the skin is very dry, then the tampon should be moistened not in water, but in warm milk. After removing the composition, gently blot the skin with a soft cloth. Washing, especially using soap, is not recommended;
  • The procedures must be carried out in a course consisting of 10-12 procedures, the frequency of which is weekly (up to 40 years) or twice a week (at the age of 40+). ​​After completing the course, you need to take a break for three months so as not to “overfeed” the skin.

In what cases should you refuse?

Cocoa butter for the eyes is considered a safe cosmetic product. Skin care products are recommended even for children. But there are cases when you need to refuse it:

  1. Allergy. In case of individual intolerance, it is better to change the oil to other drugs with a similar effect.
  2. Poor quality product or counterfeit. When purchasing, you need to check the authenticity and naturalness of the product. An expired, low-quality or synthetic product can do more harm than good.

Application options

You can use oil in different ways. Here are the most effective and time-tested recipes.

Without additives

Cocoa butter contains everything necessary to care for skin that needs softening and moisturizing. Therefore, it can be used without additives.

Take a stick of butter and hold it in your hands for a while until it begins to melt. Wipe your face with this block.

This procedure can be carried out before bedtime . In this case, there is no need to wash off the oil. It is well absorbed without leaving any marks on the skin. The next morning your face will look refreshed and rejuvenated.

You can apply cocoa butter during the day, in which case it will act as a protective cream. In winter, it will protect the skin from chapping and the negative effects of frost, and in summer – from drying ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to apply the oil about half an hour before going outside. And before you leave the apartment, you will need to wet your face with a napkin.

Cocoa butter will help greatly against wrinkles around the eyes . It is necessary to melt a small block of product. Soak gauze pads in warm oil and apply these compresses to the skin of the eyelids. This procedure will help tighten the skin, smooth out crow's feet and get rid of bluish circles under the eyes.

Oil oil

You can use mixtures with other oils . Thus, it is recommended to apply cocoa butter against wrinkles on the forehead in a mixture with jojoba and olive oils. You need to mix the ingredients in a water bath, taking all products in equal quantities. Let the mixture cool a little and add two potassium sandalwood ether.

Moisten pieces of bandage in the warm mixture and place on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Cover the top with parchment or cling film. Cover your face with a terry towel. After twenty minutes, remove the compresses, pat the skin dry with napkins, and do not wash. A similar composition can be used to get rid of wrinkles on the neck.

You can also combine cocoa bean oil with other oils - rose hips, peach, sesame seeds, almond.

Lip balm

Melt a teaspoon of pure beeswax. Add a tablespoon of cocoa butter into the liquid wax and stir. Add wheat germ oil (two teaspoons) to the slightly cooled mixture. Pour into a small jar and apply as you would a regular lip balm.


This composition is used to exfoliate dead epidermal cells. First you will need to melt about two tablespoons of honey and cocoa butter, mix these two ingredients until smooth. Then add a tablespoon of almond bran and oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder to the mixture.

Apply with circular massage movements, duration of procedure is 2-3 minutes. Then you will need to leave the mixture on the skin for another 5-10 minutes and then rinse off. After this procedure, the skin will look noticeably fresher.

Mask options

You can use cocoa masks to prepare effective anti-aging masks.

With parsley

Chop a bunch of parsley very finely and grind, or even better, chop the greens in a blender. Mix two parts of green mass with melted cocoa butter. Apply for twenty minutes.


Melt 10 grams of cocoa butter. Add an equal amount of any cosmetic cream suitable for your skin and the contents of four capsules of the vitamin preparation Aevit to the warm oil. Stir and apply to prepared skin. Remove with a damp swab dipped in a warm decoction of string or chamomile.

With carrot juice

Melt 10 grams of cocoa butter and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Add 10 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice, fresh yolk and five drops of lemon juice to the warm, homogeneous mass. Wear for a quarter of an hour; this option perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates.

With apple

Bake half a large apple in the oven or microwave. Grind the treated apple pulp to a puree and mix with a tablespoon of melted cocoa bean butter. Apply for half an hour. This composition moisturizes well, soothes irritated skin, and relieves flaking.


To prepare this rejuvenating composition, you need to grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater.

For a tablespoon of cucumber mass you will need a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. Melt a teaspoon of cocoa butter and mix it with the same amount of chamomile oil. Combine the oil and cucumber mixtures and keep the mixture on your face for twenty minutes. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the evening, since after it it is undesirable to go outside for several hours.


Chop the raw pumpkin and grate it on a fine grater. Mix pumpkin puree with oils; you will need a teaspoon each of cocoa butter and wheat germ. Apply for half an hour. A similar anti-aging composition can be prepared by replacing the pumpkin with the pulp of a ripe avocado. Both mask options perfectly smooth the skin, making it more youthful and radiant.

With concentrated milk

This composition option will improve your complexion and make your skin velvety. You need to mix one teaspoon at a time:

  • melted cocoa butter;
  • concentrated milk (no sugar);
  • fruit juice (except for citrus juice, you can use pumpkin or carrot juice). The juice must be freshly prepared.

Mix three ingredients, add potato starch. Add starch little by little, stirring thoroughly. You need to ensure that the mass acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply for twenty minutes.

With sea buckthorn oil and oatmeal

This composition perfectly tightens, cleanses, softens. You need to mix about a dessert spoon of sea buckthorn and cocoa oils, then add five drops of a solution of tocopherol in oil to the mixture. Then add oatmeal to the liquid mixture until you obtain a consistency convenient for application. Apply for half an hour.

With clay

Dilute a tablespoon of white cosmetic clay with cold water until a thick mass is obtained. Add a teaspoon of melted cocoa butter and ten drops of lemon juice to the clay. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

This composition option is suitable for combination and oily skin.

Cosmetologists' opinion

According to professional cosmetologists, it is possible and necessary to use cocoa butter against wrinkles. This is one of the most effective means of rejuvenation .

However, one should not forget to be careful, since the use of this product may provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Only after sensitivity tests have been carried out can you begin to use the product.

is not recommended for those with oily skin , since its use can further activate the sebaceous glands. But for aging skin, cocoa bean oil is a life-giving, rejuvenating elixir.

Effect of cocoa butter on the skin around the eyes

The healthiest option for butter is the one in solid bars. This oil begins to melt at the temperature of the human body. With regular use, it benefits the delicate skin of the eyelids:

  • softens the skin for a long time;
  • restores elasticity;
  • straightens wrinkles;
  • protects from frost and wind;
  • renews epidermal cells.

Cocoa butter is quickly absorbed.
Due to its light structure, it does not weigh down the delicate skin of the eyelids at all. Before use, solid pieces must be melted in a steam bath. Editor's tip: to quickly melt the butter, you can blow hot air from a hairdryer on it.

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