Bags under the eyes: a weight you don't need to carry around with you

Sometimes patches and home decongestants really “don’t work,” and if they do, it’s only as a placebo—after all, sometimes getting rid of “bags” and “circles” under the eyes is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In this material we will tell you why this aesthetic defect occurs in general and what correction methods exist. We talked about this with cosmetologist Natalya Petrovna Ishenina

and have prepared for you an overview of the top and most effective procedures for the beauty of the periorbital area.
Let us immediately note that for some patients, according to individual indications, more radical methods of plastic surgery are indicated to solve the problem, for example, blepharoplasty
. Today this is the most effective way to quickly get rid of “bags” under the eyes forever. We will also talk about in what cases and why plastic surgery blepharoplasty is sometimes most appropriate in the article.

How to remove swelling?

First of all, you need to understand what causes swelling. This:

  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • improper diet, for example, excess salt;
  • alcohol;
  • drinking plenty of fluids at night;
  • some diseases, such as kidney failure.

If you do not abuse alcohol, salty foods, rest, and monitor your kidney health, the problem will disappear by itself. Usually the bags appear in the morning and disappear by lunchtime. Getting rid of such swelling is simple:

  • Apply brewed tea bags or chamomile to your eyes and hold for 20 minutes. It is better to freeze the bags first.
  • Rub your eyelids with ice cubes. You can use frozen herbal infusions rather than water.

These simple methods eliminate only minor morning swelling.
But they are powerless against age-related changes. Compresses can tighten sagging skin for a short time, but after a couple of hours the cosmetic effect will disappear. Another reason for the appearance of edema is medical:

  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • metabolic disorders.

Cosmetics will not eliminate the defect; you need to contact a therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, nephrologist.

How to make this mask?

The main feature of honey-based masks is that they can be used on any skin type.

Allergy test

Before adding honey to the mask, the skin must be checked for allergies.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait about an hour. If during this time there is no irritation, redness, itching or any other reaction, then honey can be included in the masks.

Application rules

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  • Under no circumstances should you use expired products for masks. You must choose only natural honey.
  • It is necessary to prepare the mixture for one use only. It cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.
  • To prepare a mask, you can use not only liquid honey, but also candied honey. Only in this case it needs to be melted.
  • They should be applied only to cleansed facial skin using massage movements. It is best to apply the mass after a hot bath or shower. Only in this case the prepared skin is ready to absorb a large amount of nutrients.
  • The only condition for storing honey is a temperature from -6 to +10 degrees. The jar of product must be tightly closed.
  • You don’t need to walk with the consistency, but rather lie down.

Regularity of use

The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes, and after that the mixture must be washed off. To achieve good results, the mask must be done every day for three weeks. After this you need to take a break of two weeks.

After the first course of using masks, you can already notice the result.

How to remove bags under the eyes? Surgery, injections, laser

You cannot stop the aging process, but you can slow it down. Dr. Listratenkov’s clinic in Moscow offers:

  • Contour plastic surgery. These are injections of hyaluronic acid into the problem area. After the procedure, the skin brightens, becomes elastic, wrinkles and folds disappear. The effect is visible after 5-6 days and lasts for several months.
  • Mesothreads. A “frame” of the finest fibers is implanted into the skin. They are made from suture material. An internal scar forms along the threads. Over time, the fibers dissolve, but the seals remain. They keep eyelids from sagging and eliminate bags under the eyes. The operation stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates the skin. The effect lasts up to 2 years.
  • Photorejuvenation. The skin is treated with various light sources. This is not ultraviolet radiation, the procedure is harmless. Photorejuvenation stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, tightens the skin, and removes wrinkles. The result lasts from 6 months to a year.
  • Laser eyelid resurfacing. The beam evaporates the surface of the skin, but does not penetrate into its deeper layers. This “shock therapy” stimulates regenerative processes. The skin is tightened and dark spots disappear. Sanding will not remove the bags completely, but it will make them much smaller. The effect lasts from 5 to 7 years.
  • All types of blepharoplasty, including laser. Surgery to remove bags under the eyes solves the problem radically. The surgeon removes excess fatty tissue, tightens the eyelid skin and muscles. The procedure is minimally invasive, with minimal incisions. The doctor makes incisions either in the eyelash growth area or in the conjunctiva of the eyes. There are no noticeable scars or scars left after them. In the case of laser surgery, there are no incisions at all. The maximum rehabilitation period lasts several weeks, less with the laser technique. When the stitches have healed, you will be able to evaluate the final result: wrinkles will smooth out, sagging and swelling will completely disappear.

Popular questions

What should I do to prevent bags from appearing?

Eat right, follow a daily routine, give up bad habits. Use skincare products, go for a facial massage. Anti-aging procedures are effective if done at the first signs of skin aging.

Will there never be bags after blepharoplasty?

It is impossible to completely stop the aging process. But the effect of the procedure lasts for many years. Of course, if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of bags, swelling

If we put all the factors together, we can identify the key reasons for the development of the problem. You need to know them when determining how to remove bags under the eyes.

The tissues sag due to a lack of collagen and its age-related degeneration. In addition, heredity, sleep deficiency, incorrect choice of pillow, resting posture and bad habits play a significant role. Eating large amounts of salty, sweet and very spicy foods and alcohol have a negative effect.

In addition, some diseases can cause swelling and bags under the eyes. These include kidney damage, heart problems that cause tissue swelling, damage to the lymphatic system and some chronic infections. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes can be caused by allergies. To diagnose these pathologies, you need to consult a doctor and perform blood, urine, ECG and ultrasound tests of the abdominal organs.


How do they do it?

Substances from masks are not able to completely penetrate deep into the dermis. And to solve the problem from the inside, injections help: the active substances are delivered through thin needles directly into the bags and bruises to a depth of 1.5 to 6 mm. However, for the timid, there is also a non-injection method of mesotherapy: a special device injects drugs into the skin under oxygen pressure.

The components of the “cocktail” can be very different: enzymes, vitamins and minerals, lysine, plant extracts, caffeine, as well as extracts from embryonic cells. But a “personal cocktail” can only be selected after a consultation, when a specific problem has been identified. As a result, the substances strengthen muscles and delicate skin, activate and tone blood vessels, and they begin to intensively pump venous blood and lymph.

Who is it suitable for?

Although many call mesotherapy an alternative to surgery, it is not nearly as effective. Excess fluid will decrease, as well as blueness, the skin will become denser, but if there are fat cells, they will not dissolve.

Who is it not suitable for?

Nothing will stop you except the fear of injections. In mesotherapy, everything is innocent: non-toxic substances, local effects (75% of the drug remains in the affected area, no more than 25% goes into the blood). Even people with diabetes can be treated with mesotherapy!


The effect of these procedures is quite long-lasting, but not eternal - after 8-10 months the course must be repeated. And the course includes about six to eight procedures. The price of one ranges from 900 to 2000 rubles, depending on the cost of the drugs administered.


Hernias under the eyes can be recognized by the following signs:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • swollen areas of skin under the eyes do not decrease or increase during the day or when drinking large amounts of water;
  • the skin of the eyelids, under which hernias form, takes on a bluish or reddish, plum color;
  • the vascular network may more or less appear on the skin of the eyelids.

such hernias also form above the eye - then from the outside it seems that the person’s eye shape is reduced and the swelling affects the periocular area in a circle.

Keep in mind! For the vast majority of people, this problem appears only under the eyes.

Prevention methods

In order to reduce the risk of developing bags, puffiness and circles under the eyes, you need a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake, giving up bad habits and getting good sleep on an ergonomic pillow (it is best to sleep on your back).
A careful approach to choosing skincare and decorative cosmetics is important to prevent allergies and irritation. Information materials on the site are posted for informational purposes, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

What will not help in the fight against paint bags:

1. Botox. Promotes even more bag formation. The injected muscle becomes inactive as before, and the outflow of lymph becomes more difficult. Swelling appears above the paint bags - another swelling that will further focus attention on the problem.

2. Fillers with hyaluronic acid, if they are injected superficially. The problem is that any drugs that are injected superficially into this area cause swelling. Because paint grease is very hydrophilic and attracts water.

3. Injections of direct lipolytics (which destroy fat). May lead to atrophy. Indirect - have a lymphatic drainage effect and reduce swelling (but do not destroy fat.

Photos from open sources


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