Corrective massage as a type of manual therapy

The easiest way to take care of your face!

We remove signs of fatigue and stress in 1 procedure!

To remain an attractive woman and catch the admiring glances of men at any age, you need to regularly pay attention to 3 things: face, hair and figure. Now let's talk about the most important thing - the face.

How can we take care of our face, monitor its health and beauty? The worst solution is to hide all skin imperfections under a thick layer of foundation. The best thing is to give your face some kind of treatment at least once a month.

Don’t want or don’t yet dare to do various injections and liftings? Well, you can understand. First, try the simplest, most natural and natural way to look younger and fresher - facial massage!


What is facial sculpture massage?

Sculptural massage is a technique that improves the oval of the face, tones the epidermis and increases elasticity, and also helps to relax facial muscles. This manipulation is often called non-surgical lifting or plastic massage. After the session, the skin becomes tightened, the oval is clearer, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The peculiarity of the manipulation is that the effect occurs not only on the skin, but also on the muscles. It was originally prescribed to people who had had a stroke. This helped restore normal mobility. After some time, the rejuvenating effect of sculptural massage was noticed. For this reason, the procedure began to be carried out in beauty salons, and later they mastered the technique at home.

Before the session

Before you begin the massage, you need to do a little preparatory work:

  • Remove ear and neck jewelry.
  • Hide your hair under a special cap.
  • Wash off your makeup.
  • Using the scrub, thoroughly cleanse your face.

  • Apply a pre-selected massage product. It can be oil, modeling cream or gel. Many practitioners prefer to use talc because it provides greater contact with the skin.
  • If you are giving yourself a massage, remember that your hands should be clean, dry, and your nails short.

The psychological attitude towards the procedure is also important: complete relaxation, the absence of negative thoughts, and a comfortable environment will enhance the rejuvenating effect.

Indications for sculptural facial massage

Sculptural massage is indicated for the face in the following cases:

  • women over 30 years old;
  • girls under 30 with oily skin type;
  • acne;
  • presence of scars;
  • swelling of facial soft tissues;
  • fuzzy outline;
  • loss of elasticity of the epidermis, which is expressed in sagging skin;
  • wrinkles, including around the eyes;
  • drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  • deterioration of the color of the epidermis;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • having a double chin.

What can be called a tissue “disease” from the perspective of osteopathic cosmetology?

The following conditions can be called tissue “diseases”:

  • puffy cheeks;
  • swelling under the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkle network;
  • bite distortion.

The reason for all these conditions lies precisely in the disruption of blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation (the supply of organs and tissues with nerves, which ensures their connection with the central nervous system).

Unfortunately, there are many options for the formation of wrinkles and various distortions and each specific case must be examined individually.

Advantages and disadvantages of sculptural massage

This rejuvenation method has the following advantages:

  • improvement of external condition;
  • affordable price compared to plastic surgery;
  • the result can be assessed after several sessions.

This type also has disadvantages:

  • soreness, however, the pain syndrome goes away after several procedures;
  • There is a lack of professional cosmetologists, so the procedure is not always carried out by a highly qualified master, which may not only not give a positive effect, but also lead to undesirable consequences.

Varieties of techniques

There are various techniques for performing modeling massage. Each of them is aimed at solving specific problems. The cosmetologist decides which type of technique is most suitable in an individual case after a preliminary examination and determination of indications.

The most effective and popular types of modeling massage are:

  • Italian. During the procedure, the massage therapist uses his palms, connecting them in a certain way. The essence of the technique is to stimulate biologically active points, which promotes more active synthesis of collagen and elastin. These proteins form the basis of human connective tissue, providing it with strength, firmness, and elasticity. After a course of therapy, the condition of the skin noticeably improves: fine wrinkles, dryness, peeling disappear, local immunity increases, skin color improves, the microrelief is evened out, and the oval becomes clearer and tighter.
  • Spanish. A distinctive feature of this type of massage is that movements of the same type are not repeated twice. The master performing the manipulation must be fluent in this technique. Manual effects on soft tissues help improve microcirculation of blood and lymph, activate regenerative processes, and form stable local immunity. The procedure can be prescribed to patients with pronounced signs of age-related changes. A Spanish massage course will help delay radical surgical rejuvenation procedures.
  • Manual. This type of massage can only be entrusted to an experienced specialist with a medical education. During the procedure, not only the upper layers of the epidermis are affected, but also the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the volume of which decreases over time. The massage therapist carefully works on problem areas strictly in the direction of the massage lines. Such manipulations improve blood circulation, normalize lymph flow, strengthen facial muscles, and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin. After a course of procedures, reliable reinforcement of the oval of the face is ensured, but in addition, the characteristic signs of skin aging disappear: facial wrinkles and folds, dryness, peeling, dull color.
  • Moroccan. The technique involves active impact on the skin with the pads of the fingers and the edge of the palm. The main task of this type of modeling massage is the formation of a pronounced facial contour, reducing the layer of subcutaneous fat located in the chin area and on the cheeks. Facial modeling massage is carried out using natural essential oils, which are selected by a specialist taking into account skin type and the severity of age-related defects. After a course of rejuvenating techniques, the double chin disappears, a strong muscle frame is formed, signs of gravitational ptosis are reduced, wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and on the forehead become almost invisible.
  • Japanese Zogan. The effect is comparable to plastic surgery. The essence of the procedure is to actively influence biologically active points located on the head. Stimulation of the points alternates with lymphatic drainage techniques and deep treatment of the facial muscles. At the end of the massage, a warm-up is performed to promote the active removal of toxins and decay products from soft tissues. A course of procedures launches regeneration processes, improves metabolism, provides reliable reinforcement and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • French. The essence of the technique is high-quality treatment of superficial tissues, while the facial muscles are not affected. All manipulations are carried out with the fingertips and palms bent into a boat. Particular attention is paid to working on the area of ​​the forearm, neck, cheeks, and lymph nodes on the chest.
  • Lymphatic drainage. The main goal of the technique is to normalize lymph flow. During manipulations, the massage therapist uses his thumbs. Pressure is applied strictly in the direction of lymph movement. After a course of procedures, swelling, puffiness of the face, bags and bruises under the eyes disappear. In addition, the facial contour becomes more prominent and pronounced, wrinkles and congestive spots disappear, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Whatever type of modeling massage is prescribed by a cosmetologist, before the first session it is important to exclude general contraindications:

  • dermatitis and inflammation in the corrected area;
  • large moles, warts, papillomas;
  • rosacea;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • damage to the skin;
  • allergic rashes;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • recent peeling, scrubbing, botulinum therapy;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • somatic and neurological disorders.

How is a sculptural facial massage done?

Sculptural massage should be done using sterile talc. This will help improve the adhesion of the epidermis and fingers. The session is not carried out with oil or any other lubricants. The technique will be as follows:

  • Stroking the face along the massage lines. At the end of the movement, the epidermis is captured and held. Count by 4 and repeat 3 times.
  • Kneading the facial muscles. Circular movements are performed with the back of the hand and the first and second fingers. Move along massage lines in a circle. Do 8 circles with gripping and holding muscles at the end of the circle.
  • Use your palms and all your fingers to knead the muscles.
  • Tapping is performed with the tips of all fingers. Move along massage lines in a circle.
  • All surfaces of the fingers are vibrated. Move in a circle along massage lines.

After the end of the session, stroking is performed. Next, remove the talc with a cotton swab dipped in lotion. It will be useful to make a mask based on medicinal plants. The duration of this procedure is 20 minutes.

Results of sculpture massage

The results of Japanese facial sculpture massage will be as follows:

  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are strengthened, including facial muscles;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the elasticity of the epidermis improves, thanks to this sagging disappears;
  • Facial muscle spasms are eliminated;
  • asymmetry disappears;
  • the work of muscles that were immobilized improves;
  • harmful substances are removed from the skin;
  • the condition of the epidermis improves, down to the deep layers;
  • the skin is moisturized;
  • pores narrow, rashes disappear;
  • the facial contour becomes clear;
  • the shade of the epidermis improves.

Effect of the procedure

Modeling manual facial massage is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the dermis and creating a pronounced, clear facial contour. Properly performed manipulations will help achieve beautiful relief, relieve increased muscle tone, and enhance the production of collagen and elastin structures.

During the procedure, not only the facial skin is massaged, but also the collar area, neck area, and décolleté. Manual massage combines plasticizing and lymphatic drainage techniques, the pinch method against deep wrinkles, as well as micromassage. High efficiency is achieved through localized deep treatment of problem areas that are most affected by age-related changes.

A full course of procedures performed by a professional massage therapist at the International Hemostasis Clinic provides the following impressive results:

  • Lifting effect. Deep study of the facial muscles contributes to the formation of a reliable frame, thanks to which the facial skin is tightened, the oval becomes clear, pronounced, and the double chin disappears.
  • Improved blood circulation. Active microcirculation provides high-quality nutrition and oxygen supply to the skin. Thanks to this effect, the dermis is noticeably rejuvenated, looks fresh, radiant, and attractive.
  • Normalization of lymphatic drainage. After the manipulations, lymphatic drainage improves, fluid stops accumulating in soft tissues, swelling and puffiness of the face go away, bags and bruises under the eyes disappear.
  • Provides cleansing and regeneration of the epidermis. The modeling massage technique involves superficial cleansing of the skin from keratinized tissue. Thanks to increased microcirculation, regeneration processes are activated.
  • Increasing local immunity. Due to the deep impact on soft tissues, the skin is able to resist the influence of negative internal and external factors that reduce immunity and contribute to premature aging.

Carrying out sculptural massage at home

Sculptural massage at home helps to improve the appearance of your face and save you time and money on visiting the salon. The main thing is to master the technique of performing the manipulation. The procedure at home is carried out in several stages:

You should start with preparation for performing manipulations. They do this as follows:

  • the face is held over the steam of a hot herbal decoction for 7 minutes;
  • hands are washed and dried thoroughly;
  • hair is covered so that it does not interfere with performance;
  • cream is applied to the epidermis.

After this, the procedure begins immediately.

1) Kneading the muscles.

Light movements work the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté.

2) Massage of the neck, forearm and décolleté.

Perform the following manipulations:

  • using fingertips and tapping movements, work the area from the neck to the back of the head;
  • work the muscles of the neck and forearm with the pads of the fingers;
  • perform stroking movements with moderate pressure from the chin in the décolleté area.

All movements should be moderate so as not to cause pain.

3) Drainage of lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes located in the neck, chest, shoulders, back of the head, temples and collarbone are lightly pressed and kneaded.

4) Improvement of the contour.

Perform the following manipulations:

  • knead the cheek area with rotational movements;
  • pinch the entire face along the contour;
  • with precise movements they work out the muscle attachment points;
  • stroke the entire face - this is the end of the massage.

Performing a sculpture massage in a salon

It is believed that a salon will give better results than a procedure done at home. This is due to the fact that the manipulation will be carried out by a professional master who knows the technique and can apply it correctly. The main thing is to choose a highly qualified master who knows his business. To do this, it is recommended to ask the opinions of friends who regularly perform this procedure or look at reviews on the Internet.

Duration of manipulation

Typically the duration of the procedure in the salon is 60 minutes. At this time, not only the sculptural massage itself comes into play, but also the preparation for the procedure. To achieve a visible positive effect, 8 to 12 sessions should be performed.

The cost of a massage depends on the salon where the procedure is performed. The average price is from 2000 to 6000 rubles. The price is indicated for one session. Consequently, the price of a sculpture course ranges from 24,000 to 72,000 rubles.

How often should I do a facial sculpture massage?

If we talk about how often to do it, then you should do it two full courses a year. One course consists of 12 sessions. Women aged 35 to 45 years are recommended to undergo the procedure every three days. After 45 years, manipulations are done every other day, and the number of sessions can be increased. The more often they do it at this age, the better. Between the main courses, it is recommended to carry out manipulation once a month. Sculptural facial massage is a rejuvenation technique that slows down age-related changes. The procedure can be carried out in a beauty salon or at home. The main thing is to do it correctly. Only in this case will the procedure have a positive effect.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years


Modeling facial massage techniques are comparable to plastic surgery in terms of impact and effectiveness. It is important to remember that such a deep and intensive study of the body’s structures is not harmless and can significantly harm health if:

  • oncology;
  • blood poisoning;
  • herpes;
  • hernia of the cervical or thoracic spine;

  • low blood pressure;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • allergies;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • a large number of moles or papillomas;
  • fresh wounds, abrasions, burns, frostbite;
  • rosacea.

It is not recommended to do the procedure after recent chemical peeling, Botox injections, biorevitalization, contouring and mesotherapy sessions.

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