Spanish facial massage - what is it and what results can you expect?

At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing techniques, which gave rise to the unique technique of Spanish massage (chiromassage), which allows you to deal with a wide range of problems - from physiological to emotional. Its peculiarity is the achievement of effective results thanks to smooth, painless movements of the palms and forearms of the massage therapist.

The master's unique massage techniques and movements are often compared to the flapping of a butterfly's wings - they are so light and weightless, but this does not at all reduce their effectiveness. The technique of performing Spanish body massage eliminates pain during the session. The main goal is to influence the lymph and normalize its outflow.

Chiromassage is a unique philosophy, a new effective technique that is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. The movements of the master’s hands have a targeted effect on a specific system of the body, and also allow you to achieve general emotional relaxation. When performing this technique, the specialist uses techniques that specifically influence numerous receptors in the body. Some of their groups react only to a certain type of influence. This feature was noticed by the founders of chiromassage and is still used by masters to this day to have a positive effect on the mental and physical state of the client. The unique Spanish body massage technique involves directions, techniques and massage techniques that can have both a tonic and relaxing effect on the human body.

The Spanish technique is used both to achieve a healing effect and an aesthetic one (fighting age-related skin changes, cellulite, etc.). Training in this area is very important, because this technique allows you to combat a wide range of problems of the human body of the 21st century. Masters who have learned this technique have a large flow of clients and bookings for a month in advance.

Spanish massage technique - what is its secret?

Thanks to the pronounced lymphatic drainage effect after a Spanish massage, tissue swelling decreases, blood circulation improves, the production of your own collagen and elastin increases, and the processes of restoration and rejuvenation of the whole body are launched. The modeling (or sculpting) effect of massage is achieved by actively influencing each muscle of the face.

The expected results are:

  • elimination of small facial wrinkles and reduction of deep ones;
  • reduction of the “double chin”;
  • lip enlargement;
  • face lift.

Spanish massage technique has a number of features. To achieve the best effect, masters adhere to the following rules:

  1. During the procedure, only one technique is used, since multidirectional actions will not give the desired result.
  2. The selection of Spanish massage practice is carried out individually for each individual person. This requires an in-person consultation with a specialist, during which he will assess the condition of the skin, age-related changes, etc.
  3. Massage techniques are never repeated, so the body does not get used to it, which has a positive effect on the severity of positive changes.

How does Spanish massage differ from classical massage?

Spanish massage differs from classical massage in that it has a pronounced anti-stress character. Complete relaxation is where the procedure begins and ends. The muscles are not pre-warmed, but massage movements are made with the pads of the fingers and/or the edge of the palm, smoothly alternating pinching with deep rubbing and/or superficial impact.

Particular attention is paid to the selection of aromatic oils, candles and special music, which all together have a relaxing effect.

Number of sessions

The duration of one procedure varies in the range of 0.5-2 hours - it depends on the age and problems of the patient. At home, experts recommend taking a ten-day daily course lasting 20 minutes.

The massage therapist selects the number of sessions individually in each case. In this case, the specialist takes into account problem areas, the number of nerve endings, and the patient’s age. But the minimum number of procedures is seven. A course of chiromassage can be carried out at intervals of two months. If the patient is under 30 years of age, then it is enough to conduct one course per year, after thirty years - twice a year.

Experts advise carrying out the procedure in the evening, as it has a relaxing effect on the whole body and after a couple of hours it is best to indulge in a night's sleep.

Thus, chiromassage, or Spanish massage, is an excellent opportunity to eliminate numerous problems on the facial skin associated with age-related changes.

Tags: skin care

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Who is Spanish massage suitable for?

Indications for performing Spanish facial massage:

  1. Dry skin type. The technique activates the sebaceous glands.
  2. Facial swelling caused by lymphedema. Kneading qualitatively improves the outflow of lymph from tissues.
  3. Cuperosis. Thanks to a specially selected technique aimed at restoring blood circulation in the upper layers of the dermis, spider veins are eliminated.
  4. Expression wrinkles, photoaging. The effect on connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in increased tissue turgor

In what cases is the use of Spanish massage contraindicated?

There are strict contraindications to Spanish massage:

  1. Oncological diseases, regardless of the form and activity of the process. Changes in hemo- and lymphodynamics can lead to progression of the disease or malignant degeneration, so this procedure is not worth doing in this case.
  2. Minor abrasions, wounds to the face and neck. It is necessary to wait until the integrity of the skin is completely restored before starting a course of therapy, since even a slight impact on injured tissue can cause a serious inflammatory reaction or infection.
  3. Pustular rashes. The skin of the face is well supplied with blood, so the entry of infectious agents into the blood provokes the development of a generalized inflammatory response.
  4. Herpes virus infection in the acute stage. The herpes simplex virus is quite aggressive, even minimal impact on the affected cells causes the process to spread.


Massage is one of the safest ways to achieve healing, relaxation, and reduce age-related signs of skin and joints. The procedure is allowed even for pregnant and lactating women. However, there are a number of contraindications to conducting a session, which each specialist studies during the training process:

  • It is prohibited to perform chiromassage in the area of ​​moles, melanomas, tumors, in the presence of skin diseases, bleeding, or inflammatory processes
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure at the time of exacerbation of any chronic diseases (especially bronchial asthma), with unstable, elevated body temperature.

Spanish facial massage scheme

The technique and order of performing massage movements are selected for each client individually, taking into account his needs and changes in the skin.

Massage movements (unlike many other techniques) cover not only the face, but also the décolleté area. The classic scheme of the Spanish massage technique looks like this:

  1. Making light massage movements with your fingertips, outline the oval of the face from the forehead to the neck, then move up to the chin and nasolabial fold, after which the fingers end up on the nose, then the cheeks, and finally, crossing the temporal region, reaching the forehead.
  2. At the next stage, the amplitude of movements increases, they are repeated not with the fingertips, but with the inner surface of the palms along the massage lines given above.
  3. All movements should be performed at a certain pace, not too fast and not too slow. Often in salons they play music with a certain rhythm for this purpose, so that it is easier for the massage therapist to navigate.
  4. After the muscles have relaxed enough, use light pinch movements. Tweezing starts from the area of ​​the cheeks and nose, then - in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and forehead, and finally - along the contour of the oval of the face, to the chin and neck.

Preparation for the procedure

When visiting a massage parlor for the first time, you may not know some of the nuances that are worth considering.

Before the procedure, all cosmetics are removed from the face with a special gentle product and peeling is performed. The skin must be freed from sebaceous deposits and banal contaminants such as dust, so you should not apply heavy makeup before the procedure.

After this, pre-selected oil or cream is applied. It is highly undesirable to massage the delicate skin of the face without additional products, because it is easy to injure. Through open, cleansed pores, the skin additionally receives nutrition from cosmetic products.

The first touches are always relaxing, stroking, then they smoothly turn into circular massage movements. What follows is a combination of practices selected specifically for a particular case.

The cost of the procedure depends entirely on the level of skill of the massage therapist, equipment and reputation of the salon you contacted. At the prices of the capital, the price per session on average varies from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

How is Spanish massage done?

Spanish massage cannot be done independently; only an experienced specialist can correctly select and perform this special technique.

The first step is makeup removal, cleansing the skin of dirt, dust and cosmetic residues.

Before proceeding directly to the massage, the facial skin is lubricated with a special cream or oil. People with oily skin use less oily products, while those with extreme dryness use oilier ones.

The massage is performed mainly using the fingertips (pads) and palms for kneading. Stroking is replaced by pinching, then alternates with pats. Each movement is quickly replaced by the next, so that the body does not have time to get used to and adapt.

With a properly performed Spanish massage, you should feel no pain or discomfort, only complete relaxation. This procedure is approved for use even in pregnant women, as it is as comfortable as possible, gives only pleasant sensations and has a good neurosedative effect. After the Spanish massage, the remaining cream or oil is removed, the face is thoroughly cleansed again and restorative and protective products are applied.

To achieve maximum relaxation, use aromatic oils and candles, and turn on relaxing music. Spanish massage allows you to calm down as much as possible; during the sessions you can even fall asleep.

What are the subtleties of the technique for reaffirming facial massage?

Reaffirming Spanish facial massage allows for simultaneous restoration on three levels: neuroreceptor, muscle and vascular.

The effect at the neuroreceptor level allows you to relieve muscle and vascular spasm, which, in turn, is a preparatory stage for the further work of the massage therapist.

At the vascular level, the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems is restored, which allows the structures and tissues to be saturated with oxygen, as well as the products of cellular metabolism to be removed.

Passive gymnastics of the facial muscles, carried out through reaffirming Spanish massage, eliminates hypertonicity and improves muscle contractility. This technique has a pronounced rejuvenating and restorative effect, and due to its mild effect it can be used from the age of 18.

At what age should you consider professional facial care?

The myth that cosmetic procedures are needed only after 35–40 years of age has long been debunked. Indeed, aging skin needs deeper and more delicate care due to the slowdown of cellular metabolism and other biological processes. But professional care will be useful for young and even very young girls. Overwork, stress, poor ecology - the skin, like a litmus test, reflects the effect of all negative factors. With the help of professional care programs, you can quickly bring it back to normal and even improve its original condition.

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