Facelift: main methods and their advantages

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  • Duration: 20-30 min
  • Preparations: Juvederm, Restylane, Yvoire, Teosyal, Radiesse, Belotero Soft
  • Correction areas: Nasolabial fold, cheekbones, nose, tear trough, chin, tear trough

The earlier a woman begins to take care of herself, the longer she remains young and attractive. But if at 25-30 years old a well-chosen care and a supportive course of peelings and biorevitalization every six months may be enough, after 50, in any case, you should resort to more drastic measures.

What changes occur to the facial skin of women after 50 and 60 years of age?

At the age of about 50, women enter menopause and the production of estrogen, which is responsible for most of the processes occurring in the body, sharply decreases. The lack of these hormones impairs the absorption of nutrients. As a result, problems with general metabolism are possible, atherosclerotic changes develop in blood vessels, and circulatory processes in internal organs, muscles and skin are disrupted. Cells experience an acute shortage of oxygen and nutrients. The production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, a component that attracts and retains moisture in the skin, decreases. The skin begins to literally suffocate, its appearance deteriorates, it becomes less dense and elastic. Tissues lose volume, muscles stretch, and subcutaneous fat becomes loose. Due to all these changes, the contours of the face lose their clarity, the oval “floats”, the skin becomes flabby and sags, and deep wrinkles and folds form.

Facial contouring after 50 years is indicated to restore beauty to the skin and youth to facial features. Dense gels with hyaluronic acid restore water balance and help maintain turgor, freshness and beauty. In most cases, this procedure alone is not enough for a comprehensive correction of age-related changes - you also need hardware rejuvenation, botulinum therapy, and thread lifting. However, it is contour plastic surgery that allows you to get a quick, pronounced result and a bright rejuvenation effect:

  • smooth out wrinkles and folds;
  • replenish the missing volume of the cheeks and lips;
  • form a clear oval of the face, a beautiful line of cheekbones, lower jaw, chin;
  • fill the furrows under the eyes, correct bags and dark circles.

Smoothing and tightening masks

Effective products are made from oils, grains and other natural ingredients.

"Peasant" yeast

There are folk remedies that help tighten the skin without surgery. The yeast mask, which was used in the old days, has received the approval of modern medicine. Its effect is due to the fact that the fungal microorganisms that are part of it are beneficial for the dermis - they eliminate inflammation, if there are acne, and tone aging skin.

Yeast masks tighten pores and stimulate collagen production. They can be done at any age, but they are especially useful for aging skin.

Before making a mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and, if possible, steam it using a compress of herbal decoction (for example, chamomile).

Method of application of the composition:

  1. The skin is dried and small pieces of yeast dough (for example, leftover after making pies) are distributed over the entire face.
  2. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the dough and wash your face with warm water, slightly acidified with lemon juice.

According to the advice of cosmetologists, it is worth repeating such procedures daily for three weeks. Only in this case will the result be noticeable.

A yeast mask can be made in other ways. Fresh rye bread "Borodinsky", which is baked with yeast, contains many vitamins B and PP. It helps to tone aging skin and tighten it, improves complexion.

Preparation and use of the mask:

  1. Soak the crumb.
  2. Add a little sea or iodized salt and avocado pulp.
  3. Apply the composition to the face for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off as described above.


Method of preparing and using the mask:

  1. Take one raw egg white, 2 tbsp. l. corn flour.
  2. Mix thoroughly until foam is obtained.
  3. The mask is left on the face for a short period of time, up to 20 minutes.
  4. Remove residues with fairly hot water, and then immediately wash with cold water.

You can first remove the dried crust using a cosmetic napkin, but contrasting water procedures are required.

The mask cleanses the dermis and provides a short-term lifting effect. Corn protects skin from photoaging.

From flax seeds

Preparation and use of the mask:

  1. Pour in 5 tsp. crushed seeds with chamomile decoction (1 tbsp per glass of boiling water) to an acceptable consistency.
  2. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Add a few drops of argan oil.
  4. Apply the composition for half an hour.
  5. Wash off with water.

Recipe recommended for application to sensitive skin around the eyes:

  1. Pour 2 tsp. seeds with boiling water (half a glass).
  2. Keep in a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Mix the mucous composition with cream in equal volume.
  5. Apply the product for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash off the composition with water.

Smoothing starch

The peculiarity of this product is that it not only helps to maintain youth, but also makes the skin elastic and silky. Starch-based masks can be made for any skin type.

You should first cleanse your face of makeup, steam it and treat it with a gentle scrub. It is recommended to keep the mask for no longer than 20 minutes. Then you need to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cool water, and apply a nourishing cream to your face.

The composition of starch-based masks depends on skin type:

Skin typeComposition of the mask
DryMask ingredients for dry skin:
  • 1 tsp. potato starch;
  • the same amount of peach essential oil (or almond, wheat germ or rose hips - to choose from).

All components are mixed and applied to the face in an even layer.

Starch mixed with warm milk and olive oil in equal proportions is also recommended.

Normal Ingredients for normal skin:

  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • the same amount of chopped tomato pulp;
  • one raw egg yolk
Fat Mask ingredients for oily skin:
  • starch;
  • honey;
  • milk;
  • salt.

The ingredients mixed in equal quantities are applied to the skin in layers as soon as the bottom layer dries

For mixed skin types, it is recommended to apply the mask only to the T-zone.

The strongest smoothing effect is provided by a mask based on starch mixed in equal proportions with kefir and raw egg white. Some cosmetologists recommend adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the mixture.

Universal oatmeal

The product is based on oatmeal, which contains vitamin B3, which is necessary for aging skin. Prepare and apply this mask as follows:

  1. 100 g of flakes are poured into 1.5 liters of water and cooked like regular porridge for about an hour.
  2. Drain the liquid, cool it and filter (you get a decoction that looks like milk).
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. broth and mixed with the same amount of mashed potatoes.
  4. Add a little kefir.
  5. Apply the composition to the skin of the face and neck.
  6. When the mask cools down, it is completely washed off with non-hot water.

The following cleansing mask is prepared from oatmeal:

  1. Grind 3 strawberries and half a banana.
  2. Mix the mass with 1 tsp. flour and the same amount of olive oil.
  3. Apply the composition for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.

Legume based

Lentil and pea masks have proven themselves well.

Preparation and use:

  1. Boil some lentils or peas until soft.
  2. Knead and rub through a sieve, wait until the puree has cooled.
  3. Add a little lemon juice and olive oil to the hot mixture.
  4. Apply an even layer to the face for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.
  6. The skin is dried and lubricated with moisturizer.

You can use chickpeas instead of lentils and peas. In India, it is used to make flour, which is added to homemade scrubs, as well as shampoo and soap.

Non-surgical rejuvenation after 50 years

Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation after 50 years include beauty injections and hardware technologies. Contour injections combine well with hardware procedures; maximum results can be achieved by combining both approaches.

At the age of 50-60 years, you can resort, for example, to the following hardware methods:

  1. Ultrasonic SMAS lifting Ultherapy – this technique tightens the skin at the level of the muscular aponeurotic layer, creates a frame for tissue, the effect is comparable to plastic surgery for lifting.
  2. Elos rejuvenation – exposure to radio frequency current and laser light pulse. Gives a lifting effect, helps fight hyperpigmentation and vascular defects.
  3. Laser resurfacing is the removal of the upper surface layer of cells with a laser to renew the surface of the skin, eliminate defects of various kinds, from wrinkles and age spots to scars.
  4. Radiofrequency lifting is controlled heating of the middle and deep layers of the skin with high-frequency electric current. Cells producing elastin and collagen begin to work actively, the skin becomes tightened and youthful.

Types of fight against wrinkles

Cosmetology can offer several options for solving the problem, namely:

  • Surgical intervention,
  • Hardware techniques, non-surgical (injections, laser correction, photorejuvenation, ozone therapy, etc.),
  • gymnastics for wrinkles after 60 years.

The most painful and unsafe (high percentage of side effects) is the method of plastic surgery. Of course, if the operation is successful, you can get a face modeled according to your wishes, with lifting of all wrinkles, correction of the oval of the face, lifting of the eyelid, etc. However, the postoperative period is difficult for many ladies, and a puffy, blue appearance of the face after 60 years can significantly spoil the patient’s mood and shake her self-confidence. Also, this is practically the most expensive method that can eliminate wrinkles at 60 years old.

Injection rejuvenating techniques

Injections are a popular non-surgical method of rejuvenation after 50-60 years, as well as at a younger age. Basic techniques:

  1. Mesotherapy, bioreparation – introduction into the skin of meso-cocktails with nutrients, amino acids, peptides and other active ingredients.
  2. Biorevitalization – microinjections of hyaluronic acid that moisturize the skin.
  3. Botox and other botulinum toxin preparations - injections partially paralyze the facial muscles, they stop actively moving, as a result of which old wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones do not appear.
  4. Contour plastic surgery - oval alignment, correction of wrinkles and facial features using dense gels. At the same time, facial contouring at 45-50 years old requires the use of a larger volume of the drug than at 25-30 years old, since the loss of hyaluronic acid in the skin during this period is much higher.
  5. Threadlifting – threads are inserted under the skin using a flexible cannula, around which a reinforcing frame of one’s own collagen is formed over time. After a few months, the threads themselves dissolve; non-absorbable products are practically not used at the moment.
  6. Plasma therapy is the injection of the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma. Promotes active regeneration and self-rejuvenation of skin cells.

Results of the procedure - Contour plastic surgery. Photos before and after

Results of the procedure - Contour plastic surgery. Photos before and after

Rejuvenation "at home"

At home, gymnastics for wrinkles after 60 years is a must for older ladies. This method is both a method of combating the already existing results of gradual aging, and a method of prevention for the future. The main advantages of gymnastics:

  • does not require cash costs,
  • can be done at any convenient time,
  • has a noticeable effect,
  • can be done at home.

There is a whole set of exercises that are recommended to be performed daily, possibly several times a day. The duration of the “training” should be at least 15 minutes. As a result of this warm-up, the facial skin tightens, its contour becomes clearer, and the color and general condition of the skin improves.

Gymnastics for wrinkles after 60 years may contain different exercises, so you can find any options in different sources. The most important thing is that during gymnastics all facial muscle groups are involved.

The simplest exercises include the following:

  • puffing out your cheeks and releasing air gradually, imagining that a feather is flying in front of your face, which needs to be held by a stream of air,
  • retraction of the cheeks between the teeth,
  • smoothing movements with fingers on the forehead,
  • drawing numbers in the air with your chin,
  • repetition of vowels, vividly stretching the mouth,
  • conditional rinsing of water in the mouth,
  • creation of resistance with the fingers when closing the eyelid,
  • movement of the muscles on the cheekbones, with the mouth slightly open.

By doing this exercise every day, you can significantly rejuvenate your face and create its ideal shape. And for this you absolutely do not need money - you just need your desire, a little diligence and the wrinkles will go away by themselves.

Features of contour plastic surgery after 50 years

Let's look at how contour plastic surgery is done. The cosmetologist uses a gel or cream with an anesthetic to reduce pain during the procedure; if the filler already contains painkillers, this step is skipped. Then, according to a pre-designed scheme, the specialist makes injections, injecting the drug with hyaluronic acid under the skin. The average procedure time is 20-60 minutes. To evaluate the results, look at the photo of contour plastic surgery with fillers.

To achieve visible, lasting results, as a rule, one procedure is sufficient, but sometimes correction of contouring is required. Contour plastic surgery after 50 years requires the use of denser gels than at a young age. Also, to smooth out visible age-related changes, as a rule, larger volumes of the drug should be used - about 2-4 ml for one zone. Today's popular safe certified fillers are JUVEDERM, BELOTERO, TEOSYAL, RESTYLANE, RADIESS. All these drugs are always available at GMTClinic, this allows the cosmetologist to make a choice of drug based on the indications and characteristics of the patient’s skin.

If contour plastic surgery is done after 45-50 years, then at GMTClinic.

Whitening and purifying masks

Homemade face whitening compositions are prepared according to the following recipes:

Type of maskPreparation Application
Egg mask Mix the thoroughly beaten white of one egg and 3-5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the composition to the skin of not only the face, but also the neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes, remove any remaining product with cool water.
Oatmeal mask with cosmetic clay Combine crushed flakes, lemon juice, and white cosmetic clay in equal proportions. Apply the mask to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash off. After removing it, apply a nourishing cream
Classic whitening mask with sour cream or kefir 1 tbsp. l. parsley is mixed in equal proportions with sour cream (if the skin is dry) or kefir (if oily) Soak gauze with the composition, apply it to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Cleansing masks are made from flour - rice or buckwheat. You can take the bran and grind it using a coffee grinder. Stores also sell ready-made flour. To prepare the mask, add ingredients such as sour cream or cream, depending on your skin type:

  • for fatty foods , you should use rice flour, mixing it with kefir;
  • for dry - you can take buckwheat flour and mix it with sour cream.

The masks are applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

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