Facial skin care after 50: how to maintain beauty for many years

From this article you will learn:

  • Main causes of skin aging
  • Proper skin care after 50
  • The main stages of facial skin care after 50 years
  • How to choose the right face cream after 50 years
  • Traditional recipes for facial care after 50
  • Massage and gymnastics for the care of aging skin after 50
  • Professional methods of facial rejuvenation after 50

Facial skin care after 50 years involves not only the use of creams and visits to a cosmetologist. Beauty at this age depends on many factors, such as nutrition, sleep, physical activity, drinking regimen, etc. In addition, hormonal levels play an important role, since it is at this moment that the first signs of menopause appear.

In this article we will look at what measures need to be taken to delay skin aging and sagging. If you regularly follow these recommendations, you will notice that your face looks well-groomed and beautiful.

What happens to facial skin in adulthood?

Time cannot be stopped. Today you are a young girl with a smooth pink face, and tomorrow the first wrinkles appear. How quickly will this “tomorrow” come? Depends on a huge number of factors - heredity, ecology, nutrition, lifestyle, care, and even your attitude towards life (despondency, anger, resentment and eternal dissatisfaction with life greatly accelerate aging and shorten life).

In addition, by the age of fifty, hormonal changes in the body begin. It is during this period that many face deep wrinkles, sagging, unhealthy complexion and age spots. This is due to a decrease in the release of collagen and elastin. Regeneration also begins to work worse.

But you can help yourself! To do this, you need to choose the right care and introduce new healthy habits into your daily life. For example, self-massage. But first things first.

Operating principle

Natural components fill the skin with vitamins and microelements, accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and increase the protective functions of the dermis. When metabolic processes are activated, cell regeneration occurs and the epidermis is renewed, which gives a rejuvenating effect.

Some berries and fruits with a high content of fruit acids have a good lightening effect and allow you to remove age-related pigmentation on the face. Most products allow you to tighten some parts of your face and even out its shape.

Main causes of skin aging

Skin ages for various reasons, but the main ones are time, care, habits, climate and genetics.

  1. Time spares no one. You can slow down the onset of the first wrinkles or smooth out their appearance, but you won’t be able to forget about them forever - you can’t escape them. The only thing that depends on you is a healthy lifestyle and the right habits. Then you can delay facial aging for many years.
  2. Improper care - there is a reason why they put an age marker on cosmetic products. You won't look younger using cosmetics designed for twenty-somethings. In different years, our dermis needs different substances.
  3. Bad habits - smokers and alcohol drinkers are immediately visible. The skin turns yellow and becomes flabby. Do you want to prevent this? Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Genes - some women may not take care of their skin at all and look perfect, while others make great efforts and still quickly face the first signs of aging. Heredity is to blame for everything.
  5. Climate - people living in hot countries age much faster. The point is the sun, which affects the skin like grapes - it turns it into raisins.

How to tighten the shape of your face without surgery

When changing your oval shape, it is useful to use tightening home remedies. The natural components included in their composition can permanently stop the aging of the skin.

Before applying a homemade cosmetic, it is important to steam your skin first. Just apply a hot terry towel soaked in hot salted water to your face, then hold it until it cools. To see the effect of the procedures, it is necessary to conduct at least 10-15 sessions.

Honey mixed with different ingredients is very useful for tightening:

  • Combine honey with cosmetic clay, pour in lemon juice, heat in a water bath, apply to the skin.
  • Mix the yolk, lemon juice and honey and apply to the surface.
  • A mixture of banana pulp, honey and lemon juice.

The duration of each composition is 20 minutes.

As soon as you complete a course of masks with glycerin and gelatin, you will immediately notice an amazing result. Take 2 tsp. honey and gelatin; 4 tbsp. l. glycerin and water. Mix all ingredients, place in a water bath and bring to a gel-like texture. Don't forget to apply on your neck.

A refreshing and tightening mixture will be obtained if you add cucumber pulp and green tea to the gelatin: grate 1 fresh cucumber on a fine grater. Separate the juice from the pulp.

Combine the pulp with 2 tsp. green tea. You can add the same amount of chamomile decoction. Add 1 tsp to the solution. gelatin, bring to thickening in a steam bath, then pour in cucumber juice. Apply layer by layer, then rinse after 20 minutes.

What do we recommend giving up at this age?

Beauty and youth are directly related to health. And you need to start thinking about it not only at 50 years old.

It doesn't matter if you are 20, 35 or 50, exclude the following things:

  • Solarium and long stay in the open sun (and don’t forget about SPF protection);
  • Alcohol and smoking;
  • Fast food, processed foods and other food waste;
  • Plenty of coffee and tea;
  • Skin care products that contain alcohol;
  • Sleep on a high pillow.

It doesn’t matter if you find yourself at an alcoholic party or decide to eat a sausage at a picnic - don’t blame yourself for rare deviations from the rules. The main thing is that it does not become a habit and does not become a way of life.

How to moisturize dry dermis

After 50 years, many women notice that their skin becomes too dry. And dry dermis becomes covered with fine wrinkles faster. To prevent this from happening, choose the best masks for dry skin types.

With aloe pulp

Combine 1 tbsp. homemade sour cream and aloe pulp. Add 15 drops of glycerin. Apply the composition to the face, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with plain water.

With banana

A product with banana will relieve dryness, restore elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. Mix the puree of half a banana with 1 tbsp. steamed and chopped kelp, pour in 0.5 tsp. castor oil. Mix the ingredients and apply evenly to the surface. In 20 minutes. wash with water.

Cottage cheese and avocado oil

To one art. l. cottage cheese add beaten yolk and 1 tbsp. avocado oils. Apply the rejuvenating mixture to the skin, put a film on top, and leave for half an hour. For best results, 10 procedures are recommended.

Carrot mask

Mix the yolk with grated carrots, lemon juice and olive oil. Take all ingredients in equal quantities.

Basic rules of care

A fresh, radiant and youthful face is the result of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Take walks in the fresh air more often - this will make your sleep sounder and help you cope with stress more easily;
  • Do gymnastics - so that the blood does not stagnate in the body, it needs to be dispersed. And movement in this matter is the best assistant;
  • Eat right - a person’s eating habits are immediately visible in the face. Sweets cause acne, and vegetables make your face look fresher. Choose healthy products;
  • Get enough sleep - only during sleep does our body fully rest. Don't neglect it;
  • Use sun protection - even in winter. UV rays have a negative effect on the skin. Pigment spots and deep furrows appear:
  • Maintain water balance (at least 2 liters of water per day) - give up sugary carbonated drinks and replace them with clean water. The skin on your face will thank you.

The main stages of facial skin care after 50 years

But we must not forget about proper care. It will help maintain a healthy complexion and prevent unwanted breakouts (yes, even women over 50 get acne).

  1. Cleansing is the most important step in any skincare routine. Complex processes occur in the dermis at night, which is why it is so important to cleanse it in the morning. Well, in the evening you wash off all the dirt that managed to settle on your face during the day. You can wash your face with just tap water, but there are few places where it is of high quality. Most often, it contains not very good substances (the same as chlorine), which negatively affect the condition of the dermis. It is better to use natural hydrolates. For example, hydrosol with rose is ideal for mature skin.

  2. Peeling - exfoliate at least once a week. This way you regulate sebum secretion and get rid of dead skin cells.
  3. Moisturizing – As we age, our skin tends to dry out more. This causes peeling and itching, and the furrows become larger. To prevent this, use a suitable moisturizer. Beauty 365 Cane Squalane will do the job perfectly. In addition, it can be used on any part of your body, it turns out to be very beneficial.

  4. Toning is an important step that many women neglect. You can use both hydrosol and plant tinctures. In winter it is useful to use lemon juice and honey.
  5. Masks - give preference to collagen-based masks. After all, this is exactly what your skin needs so much.

Contraindications and possible consequences

It is undesirable to use tightening masks in several cases:

  • age less than 25 years;
  • any damage to the skin - wounds, burns, scratches, etc.;
  • allergy (intolerance) to the components used;
  • thin, weakened or visible vessels, including rosacea and “stars”;
  • any inflammation - acne, comedones, etc.;
  • recovery period after injection or surgical rejuvenation.

Negative effects do not occur so often, most of them being an allergic reaction, lack of results or worsening of the facial condition. The reason for this may be either ignoring contraindications or excessive abuse of masks that are not suitable for the skin.

If you are overweight, anti-aging care using homemade masks often turns out to be ineffective or even harmful, making wrinkles only more pronounced.

Skin irritation is not necessarily due to allergies; itching and redness can be caused by the use of spoiled products

Using modern salon treatments

In pursuit of eternal youth, women are ready to do anything. Even go under the surgeon's knife.

Botox injections

- cosmetologists say that it is “beauty injections” that can smooth out wrinkles and restore the face to its former youth. In fact, aging skin is more likely to simply stretch under the volume of filler or even reject the foreign substance. And in the end you will look much worse than before the procedure.

Chemical and laser peels

— leave burns and create the feeling that you have been scalped. Probably no one wants to experience something like this. And then you won’t be able to go outside - since sunlight is contraindicated, and you yourself won’t want to show yourself to the world with a red, “freshened” face.

Ultrasound machines

— penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy its structure. Experts assure that everything is being done to restore regeneration function, but in reality

Salon treatments are more harmful and addictive. Many girls have encountered the opposite effect and the incompetence of cosmetologists. To avoid a disastrous result, it is better to abandon them altogether. Moreover, you can achieve better results at home, using only your hands and natural ingredients.

Popular folk remedies

Nature has already given man everything for a comfortable and happy life. Moreover, you can not only consume these gifts as food, but also use them for cosmetic purposes.

  • Decoctions and compresses of calendula, mint, lemon balm, thyme, chamomile and sage will help improve complexion;
  • Masks based on fruits (strawberries, apricots, bananas) and fermented milk products will return a healthy glow;
  • Aloe vera perfectly heals wounds and quickly relieves irritation;
  • Lemon juice will help whiten age spots;
  • Cucumber removes signs of fatigue;
  • Avocado smoothes wrinkles;
  • Honey with coffee (in a 1:1 ratio) is the best scrub for your face;
  • Gelatin contains a huge amount of collagen. Make masks based on it;
  • Massage will help remove facial wrinkles.

Massage and gymnastics for the care of aging skin after 50

Not doing a facial massage yet? Then it's time to start! A dry massage brush and vacuum cans will help you with this.

Dry massage stimulates the lymph flow and gets rid of dead cells. Do it strictly along massage lines and only on dry skin. Don't forget the moisturizer at the end.

Vacuum massage removes excess fluid and at the same time all the “dirt” that has accumulated inside the dermis. As a result, the skin will become more toned and radiant. Use oil for better glide. Watch the video to do everything right:

Gymnastics for the face is the same miracle remedy that smooths out wrinkles and takes off ten years of your life. Try a few exercises right now:

  1. Move your eyebrows so that wrinkles appear between them, press your fingers against them and make circular movements.
  2. Press the pads of your fingers to your forehead and move tightly in a circular motion throughout the entire area. It will be especially nice near the hairline.
  3. Press your fingers to the bridge of your nose and use pressing movements to move towards the corners of your eyes. Finally, run your fingers over the area under your eyes.

Well, do you already feel how your face is pleasantly burning and demands to be continued? Then quickly sign up for advanced intensive courses from Melannette. You can do this here. They are aimed at detailed study of specific areas. The nasolabial fold, drooping eyelid, bags under the eyes and drooping corners of the lips worry many women.

Comprehensive work is the key to a good result in any field. Including health and beauty. At the Basic Marathon “BoldlyNET” you will work with your whole body (and not just your face) and in a month you will not recognize the young and fresh girl who will look at you from the mirror. Don't waste time - sign up for the marathon!

Surgical intervention

A facelift through surgery is the most radical solution to the problem of age-related changes. Often, a facelift is performed together with other operations to prolong youth (blepharoplasty, chin liposuction and lipofilling).

Depending on the nature of the problem, skin tightening surgery is performed in different areas of the face:

  • Removing sagging tissue in the cheeks, chin and neck areas provides a firmer look to the lower part of the face.
  • Elimination of sagging skin in the cheeks and lower eyelids gives a clearer contour of the cheekbones. Because of this, visible thinness of the face is created.
  • Manipulations in the forehead area help get rid of horizontal wrinkles and tighten drooping corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

This method of treatment is much more expensive than hardware technologies. However, the operation has a longer lasting effect.

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