How the face changes with age: changes in proportions and details
September 17, 2019 Lifestyle Alina Pavlova William Shakespeare wrote: “Nothing lasts forever
Aptos threads for face lifting – a modern effective way of rejuvenation
From this article you will learn: What are Aptos threads for face lift?
How to peel for rosacea. Indications and limitations for peeling in the presence of rosacea
For those with rosacea, the use of scrubs, warming masks, and peels with a high concentration of acids is contraindicated. For guard
Why do acne appear after hair removal and what to do to get rid of it?
Epilation is the removal of unwanted hair on the body. The most common methods are sugaring, photo, laser
11 homemade face masks against wrinkles after 35: effective anti-aging recipes
Women notice their first visible wrinkles after the age of 30, when the body begins to experience
Patchouli oil for youthful facial skin and financial well-being
Patchouli oil is an essential oil obtained from the tropical patchouli plant.
Laser stretch mark removal in a beauty salon: pros and cons of the procedure
From this article you will learn: What are stretch marks and where do they come from? What
A raw egg floats against the background of a beautiful girl
Egg face mask against blackheads and wrinkles: basic recipes and a tricky method with a napkin
If there are any cosmetic defects, the face looks untidy. Blackheads occur regardless of gender
The need for skin care around the eyes
How to lighten the skin around the eyes (12 traditional recipes)
It contains virtually no subcutaneous fat, which is why it ages earlier than other areas of the body.
Jasmine oil: properties and uses for facial beauty
A beautiful shrub with lush clusters of milky white flowers is called jasmine. It has a heady honey-floral
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