How to perform face resurfacing at home: product recipes and review of devices
Smooth, flawless skin texture is often an unattainable luxury for many. Porous dermis, lumpy relief,
Aloe juice is a faithful protector of the face from wrinkles and aging
Aloe juice is a faithful protector of the face from wrinkles and aging
Time-tested natural cosmetics made from simple ingredients are in demand among women
Goals of cosmetic facial massage
Hands, brush, roller or currents: the most effective types of self-massage of the face
There are a large number of massage techniques, but they are all based on mechanical and reflex effects.
Brushing facial cleansing
How to quickly get rid of acne and blackheads on your face
Our skin is constantly exposed to the environment. Ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, frequent stress
What is a fringe? “The frogs have arrived. How to deal with “bulldog cheeks”
What are jowls? The term “jowls” describes sagging skin on the cheeks. Usually it goes down to the line
All about biorevitalization: effect, features of the procedure, drugs
The name of the beauty procedure consists of several words: “bio” - natural, “re” - return, “vita” -
Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan): video, massage technique, reviews (12 massage techniques for youth and beauty)
The whole secret is in a special technique. During the procedure, you need to intensively influence
How to make dimples on your cheeks quickly with makeup, exercises, permanently with surgery
Dimples are what unites such handsome men as Brad Pitt,
Enzyme peeling for the face: what is it and how to use it
It's no secret that human skin is constantly renewed. Unfortunately, with age
Massage for face lift at home: 8 video lessons
From this material you will learn: Why facial massage at home is effective against wrinkles
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