Subcutaneous mite. Which procedures are prohibited and which are recommended?

  • Acne treatment
  • Rosacea Treatment
  • Treatment of demodicosis

Subcutaneous mite ” sounds very unpleasant, and many may think that anyone can get this parasite, but “but not me.”
In fact, demodicosis - this is the name given to damage to hair and skin areas by a microscopic mite - is far from a rare phenomenon. And some cosmetic procedures can provoke an exacerbation.

Scientific fact: human skin can be parasitized by 2 types of Demodex , which feed on dead skin cells and live on the skin and hair follicles, including eyelashes and eyebrows:

  • brevis;
  • folliculorum.

As a result of their activity, a person feels itchy skin, redness, peeling appear, and the skin becomes rougher. If measures are not taken, all these unpleasant symptoms can develop into crusts and inflammatory elements.


The subcutaneous mite causes skin lesions in humans and animals - demodicosis. The mite settles in the hair follicles of the head, eyelashes and eyebrows, in the ducts and secretions of the sebaceous glands of the facial skin. A subcutaneous mite is a normal phenomenon, and for the time being it does not pose a danger, since it feeds on waste cells. But if the body’s defenses weaken, the mite begins to actively multiply, penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and causes inflammation. According to the observations of researchers, women are more often affected by this disease.


It is believed that more than 20% of people are carriers of demodicosis, but no clinical signs are detected.

4. Treatment of demodicosis

Treatment and prognosis for patients with demodicosis is always a very individual issue. Efforts should be aimed not only at cleansing the skin of mites, but also at eliminating the factors that cause the weakening of skin protection. In parallel with medical procedures, it is also worth taking seriously sanitization, and even better, replacing some household items potentially contaminated with demodicosis larvae.

Thus, treatment includes three components:

  • 1. Removing the tick from the surface of the skin and creating unacceptable conditions for the life and reproduction of skin parasites.
  • 2. The maximum possible elimination of the causes that served as a favorable background for the onset of the disease.
  • 3. Treatment of living space and objects in contact with the skin to reduce the risk of re-infection.

Methods and means of influencing ticks have been developed quite well. As a rule, the most effective treatment is associated with the use of sulfur-containing drugs

(ointments, lotions, masks).
Demodex tolerates this substance very poorly. The parasite is quite well protected by several layers of shells from the action of other unfavorable factors, but stops feeding and laying eggs in an environment saturated with sulfur. In some cases, treatment with metronidazole
. As a result of treatment, the chain of continuous reproduction of the tick is interrupted. An important component of treatment for skin mites is the removal of excess oil from the surface of the skin, since skin secretions are the basis of the parasite’s diet.

To implement the second component of treatment, consultation and examinations with doctors of different specialties

: endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist. Eliminating chronic infections, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances eases the burden on the immune system. The body's own defenses are restored.

Despite the fact that the life cycle of the skin mite is quite short, long-term treatment (1-3 months) is most effective. Constant contact with an infected environment forces the demodex larvae that come into contact with the skin to be destroyed again and again. to minimize the likelihood of re-infection with ticks as much as possible

To do this, the dermatologist prescribes
a number of rules for the patient, which must be followed strictly
so that the living space is completely sanitized and the effect of treatment is long-lasting:

  • daily change of towels;
  • daily replacement of pillowcases;
  • washing bed linen at 90 degrees;
  • using disposable towels and cotton pads to wipe the skin;
  • replacing all cosmetics with new ones, which are now used only after treating the skin surface with antiseptic preparations;
  • avoiding scratching and contact of fingers with the skin of sick and then healthy areas;
  • renewal or thorough sanitation of hats, scarves, handkerchiefs, glasses, razors - anything that came into contact with contaminated skin.

Signs of illness

In its manifestations, damage to the subcutaneous mite is very similar to rosacea or acne. Peeling of the skin and its redness are noted, itching may occur, constant or worsening after using tonics or washing with cold water. Sometimes there is a combination of demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites and the above-mentioned skin diseases. And this is not surprising, because the occurrence of demodicosis is influenced by negative changes in the skin. Thus, both acne vulgaris and rosacea weaken the skin’s natural defenses. When affected by skin mites, the following parts of the face are most often affected: eyelids, forehead, chin, nasolabial folds and brow ridges. Exacerbations of demodicosis occur in autumn and spring.

What else can be used for treatment

All folk remedies have one significant drawback - they need to be selected individually, each time checking for allergies or intolerances. Also, most of these techniques and products can cause irritation, a feeling of tightness, and dryness. The therapeutic lines of drugs for the treatment and prevention of demodicosis, for example, Demolan Forte and StopDemodex, do not have these disadvantages. These series contain everything you need to care for problem skin: soaps, lotions, masks, creams, shampoo. All of them affect the cause of the disease. They are easy to use, no need to prepare or wait. All products have a neutral pH, do not tighten or dry the skin, normalize the condition and balance it. Treatment of demodicosis with means specially developed for this purpose is more effective, simpler and faster.

Risk factors

As mentioned above, what is unpleasant is not the presence of a subcutaneous mite as such - in itself it cannot harm a healthy person - but demodicosis, which is caused by a mite. If the body is weakened and there are additional risk factors, the tick can settle in the skin for a long time and cause considerable mental and physical damage to its “breadwinner”. Risk factors include:

  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, changes in the composition of sebum, vascular changes;
  • some skin diseases (rosacea, acne, seborrhea);
  • long-term use of hormonal corticosteroid ointments;
  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress.

Unfortunately, non-specialists react with unacceptable ease to the appearance of acne on the face and body. The appearance of such problems is attributed to age and ordinary acne, which sooner or later should disappear on their own. We have to disappoint you: demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites will not go away on its own. The disease can travel from one area of ​​the skin to another, existing for years and ruining the life of its “donor”.


squeezing out acne when infected with a subcutaneous mite only leads to an exacerbation of the infection, since during this process the mites are pressed into healthy areas of the skin and infect them.
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What procedures provoke an exacerbation?

Even after treatment, the skin is vulnerable to external influences, not to mention skin that has not undergone therapy, since its protective functions are significantly reduced. As noted earlier, other exacerbation factors include some cosmetic procedures:

  • phototherapy and laser coagulation - these procedures help to increase temperature and increase blood flow to the skin, and at the same time increase the production of sebum (and this is simply an ideal environment for subcutaneous mites);
  • massages, vaporization, ultraviolet exposure (in a solarium, for example) - also contribute to increased sebum production, and therefore should be excluded from the list of procedures until remission is achieved;
  • chemical peeling - in the acute stage of the disease, aggressive acids only contribute to the proliferation of mites, however, this procedure is sometimes effective in combating residual effects on the skin (everything is very individual);
  • Skin biorevitalization is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures, but during periods of exacerbation of the disease it is contraindicated.


Treatment of demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites is a long and difficult process. Its complexity is that often this disease develops against the background of a decrease in the body’s defenses and has accompanying skin problems. Therapy tactics include suppressing the parasite, treating underlying diseases and increasing immunity.

The most commonly used local therapy is lotions and special ointments. In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics in combination with external therapy. Sometimes plasmapheresis procedures are recommended. In special cases, even surgical intervention is possible.

An important point in the course of treatment is diet. It is necessary to exclude hot, spicy and salty foods, foods rich in carbohydrates and fats from the diet. Those who are being treated for subcutaneous mite infestation are recommended to consume large amounts of fruits, vegetables, microelements, fiber, and dairy products. During treatment, you should not use face masks, especially those containing honey. You need to limit your exposure to the sun. You should also wait until better times to visit the bathhouse and sauna.

What then is possible?

To begin with, we should say what is needed - a dietary regimen during and after treatment. What about cosmetic procedures? Some of them are a real salvation in the fight against demodicosis. They help restore infected areas of the skin:

  • cryotherapy - cold exposure, causing a sharp spasm of blood vessels followed by persistent dilation; result - peripheral blood supply is enhanced, skin nutrition is improved, metabolic processes are accelerated, the immune system is activated, and the skin's resistance to stress increases;
  • mesotherapy - carried out during the period of remission, this is an injection procedure, the essence of which is the delivery of restorative substances contained in the preparations / cocktails to the tissues;
  • plasma therapy - carried out during the period of remission, this is the introduction of purified and platelet-rich blood plasma of the patient into the affected areas of the skin; As a result, skin immunity is stimulated, and regeneration processes are launched at the cellular level.

Each of the procedures described above is prescribed in a course; to achieve a sustainable effect, on average, 5–6 procedures are required, which are carried out every 7 days.

Tick ​​treatment

Contrary to popular belief, the activity of a tick can be recognized not only by acne. This may be itching of the eyelids, eyebrows or eyelashes (ocular demodicosis is a very unpleasant disease that is often confused with barley), rash, purulent pimples, inflammation of the scalp and hair loss. Depending on the location of the symptoms, you need to choose treatment.

A simple old-fashioned way is to treat demodicosis with birch tar . It's cheap, cheerful and effective. You need to buy a pack of resin at the pharmacy and periodically apply it to the damaged area. Often used to treat the chest and back. Naturally, this treatment is intended only to eliminate the subcutaneous mite.

Treatment of demodicosis

Next in the ranking of simple and accessible methods is treatment with kerosene . As in the case of tar, this option will not solve the problem of demodicosis of the eyes, but it will certainly help against mites in the hair and scalp.

Treatment for demodicosis with folk remedies involves the use of available components. Even the simplest vinegar , but there are a few but:

  • persistent and very unusual smell;
  • vinegar lightens the skin, it becomes not white, but with a gray tint;
  • this acid kills all microorganisms on the surface of the dermis, both harmful and beneficial.

You can replace vinegar with hydrogen peroxide , but, unfortunately, again the issue is an unnaturally white complexion.

It is believed that mites are afraid of oily substances; they interrupt the insects' access to oxygen. This means that the disease can be cured with ordinary sunflower oil .

Photo – Demodicosis mite

Another similar method: rub the tick’s ambush site with celandine or garlic juice . We cut a vegetable clove in half and rub it on the tick, or break off a leaf of poisonous celandine, juice will appear at the site of the break, with which we burn the uninvited guest. A little advice, if you are afraid to experiment with dangerous plants, use tansy or ironweed juice in self-medication.

For rosacea caused by the demodex mite, spreading turnea or grass . We make a decoction from it and use it to wash our face several times a day. Another effective “herbal medicine” is avermectins. These are substances that are extracted from mushrooms in a special way. Shampoos and anti-tick creams are often made from them, for example, ovante or intv (used for the treatment and prevention of pets).

The Tibetan Ayurveda system is one of the completely non-standard treatment regimens ; it is quite difficult to carry out on your own without certain preparation. Although there are special centers in Irkutsk that offer assistance in studying these cultures.

Remember, only skin mites can be treated at home, an ophthalmologist will help with the eye mite, we recommend visiting the Helmholtz Clinic, the Kuznetsov Eye Center in Krasnodar, or any KVD, of which there are hundreds in Ukraine and Russia, the lists of cities are endless - Sevastopol, Tomsk, Kiev, Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Zaporozhye, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Karaganda, Simferopol, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Dnepropetrovsk, Vladivostok, Kazan, Odessa, Ufa, Bishkek, Crimea, Donetsk and Novosibirsk. If you are in Moscow, we highly recommend doctor Loshakova (he sees her as an inpatient). In any country, both in Kazakhstan and Belarus, you can find a good specialist.

Video: personal experience of recovery from demodicosis

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