Facial skin care after 25: how to maintain youth

Issues discussed in the material:

  • How skin changes after 25 years
  • What will help maintain the beauty of your skin at this age?
  • What professional and home treatments are necessary for facial skin after 25?
  • How to choose the right cosmetics depending on age and skin type
  • What stages should skin care consist of after 25?

If you don’t want to see quite noticeable wrinkles in your reflection in the mirror by the age of thirty, then take care to provide competent and sufficient care for your facial skin after 25. Correctly chosen cosmetic products will not only prolong youth, but will also turn the care procedure into a daily useful ritual that will certainly give a tangible beneficial effect.

How skin condition changes after 25 years

Many girls are in the false belief that they know everything about facial care, and in principle there is no noticeable difference in what procedures to carry out at different ages. However, if you don’t pay enough attention to your face after the age of 25, then by the time you’re forty, you most likely won’t really like the changes that will occur in your appearance. The only exceptions are cases when a person has a unique heredity, and slow aging is genetically determined. To ensure proper facial skin care after 25, you should use products specially designed for this, however, the same statement applies to any other age.

Believe me, it will not always be enough just to get a good night’s sleep in order to look vigorous and beautiful by the morning. Sooner or later, age-related changes will make themselves felt. When this happens depends on the individual genetic predisposition and existing external conditions. Of course, in a young, growing organism between the ages of approximately 14 and 25, all the cells are elastic and radiate freshness and fullness of strength. But after 25, there is less elastin and collagen in the cells, moisture gradually leaves, and this is a decisive factor for the appearance of the first signs of aging.

Caring for dry facial skin after 25 years should be given special attention: try to moisturize it as much as possible, otherwise the first wrinkles may appear quite early.

Aging is, unfortunately, an inevitable process. It cannot be stopped, but it can be significantly delayed if we minimize the influence of harmful external influences, which include:

  • Ultra-violet rays. They greatly dry out the epidermis, removing moisture from it, the lack of which leads to the appearance of signs of aging.
  • Stresses that stimulate oxidative processes in cells, leading to their destruction. The result is flabby and sluggish skin.

The sooner a girl begins to pay attention to facial care, the later the first wrinkles and other unpleasant signs of age will become noticeable. You shouldn’t hope for a miracle and expect a beautiful, radiant look at 40, if at 25 you didn’t feel the need to take care of yourself. After 25, the epidermis already needs nutrition and toning, and you should not neglect these procedures if by the age of 40 you want to look younger than you really are.

In most cases, after 25 years, pubertal manifestations no longer make themselves felt, but pimples, blackheads or post-acne marks still occur. At this age, their cause may be hormonal imbalances, so the problem needs to be seriously addressed: seek the help of a cosmetologist or therapist.

Facial skin care after 25 involves procedures aimed at preserving moisture in the cells, because an insufficient amount of it leads to loss of elasticity. If you do not devote time to maintaining water balance, you should expect the following unpleasant manifestations:

  • complexion changes;
  • the skin becomes too oily;
  • accidental injuries take a very long time to heal;
  • post-acne, characteristic of adolescence, appears again.

In essence, facial skin care after 25 years is intensive hydration and maintaining an optimal moisture balance. And if at this age you let the process take its course, then by thirty you may really not like the appearance of your own face.

Prevention of early skin aging

Preventing the formation of wrinkles is a fairly simple process, not as complicated as it might seem. This is a basic adherence to a healthy lifestyle and performing skincare procedures, but it must be done every day.

Home care should consist of:

  • makeup remover;
  • cleaning;
  • toning;
  • hydration;
  • SPF protection;
  • applying masks according to skin type twice a week.

When a woman sees that she has wrinkles, her skincare products need to be adjusted. The composition must contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • AHA/BHA acids;
  • monosaccharides.

Such components in the composition of the products will provide the dermis with the necessary amount of moisture and nourish it with useful elements.

When there are no serious problems with the skin (pigment spots, acne), then one visit a month to a professional cosmetologist to cleanse the skin will be enough.

After waking up, even at this age, you can see wrinkles on your face in the mirror in the morning. Therefore, it is better to rest in a supine position. When it is absolutely impossible to sleep in this position, you should purchase special orthopedic pillows. The product has recesses that will protect against the formation of wrinkles when a person sleeps on his side.

To prevent the formation of wrinkles, it is recommended to consume healthy foods. Australian scientists have proven that skin elasticity will increase if you regularly consume the following foods:

  • garlic;
  • raspberries;
  • salmon;
  • olive oil;
  • beans.

These same products help protect the dermis from negative external influences and help the body more actively get rid of toxins and free radicals.

It is important to protect the body and skin from stress. Passing exams, troubles with friends, problems at work and in the family, anxiety - all this knocks you out of your usual way of life and forces you to analyze situations, a person becomes depressed and experiences stress. Sadness in small doses will not harm, but it is important not to lead to depression. When you can’t cope with stress on your own, the only right decision is to contact a psychologist; a specialist will understand the situation and provide help.

To prevent your skin from aging quickly, you need to exercise regularly, but physical activity should be reasonable. Today, fitness rooms offer more than ten training options, for example:

  • stretching;
  • yoga;
  • cycling;
  • Pilates.

You need to choose something you like and enjoy doing it. Physical activity will have a positive effect on the immune system, the body will be fit, and tissue regeneration will begin to occur at the cellular level.

To prevent wrinkles from appearing prematurely, you must try to keep your facial expressions under control. Yes, it’s not always possible to restrain emotions. But if you often wrinkle your forehead and purse your lips, your emotions will be reflected over time in the form of folds. But a smile will only do you good! Even though this may result in the formation of a couple of barely noticeable wrinkles, the “happiness hormone” will have a positive effect on your health and emotional state.

How to keep your skin beautiful after 25

All of the above does not mean at all that from the age of 25 old age is approaching you by leaps and bounds, and soon there will be no trace left of your former beauty. Of course, at 25 you are still very young, but you should understand that there is no magic product that, if you buy it, will make you look like a young girl again at 40 years old. All you can do is try to delay the appearance of age-related signs as much as possible, and you can’t do it with cosmetics alone. Your overall lifestyle should be changed. There are several very useful recommendations for this:

  1. Eliminate bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. This is stress for the body and, naturally, for the skin.
  2. You definitely need to get enough sleep. Going to bed after midnight does not allow the body to properly go through all phases of sleep, therefore, you do not get enough sleep and do not rest properly.
  3. Try to drink enough and eat right. Facial skin care after 25 involves abundant saturation of cells with fluid, as well as useful substances, vitamins and microelements. This prolongs their youth. But salt consumption should be minimized, as it “pulls” moisture from the body. Include fish, meat, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. Consume dairy products and green tea. Eat less flour, smoked and fatty foods.
  4. Water helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body, that is, in cells. It makes their recovery process faster. However, you should not drink too much: this can affect your face in the form of swollen and puffy eyelids. Average fluid intake per day: approximately 30 g per kilogram of human weight.
  5. Walking outside, exercising and playing sports have a very good effect on the body. Fresh air helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and prevents the appearance of stagnation, which usually causes acne and excessive oiliness of the epidermis.
  6. One of the recommendations for proper facial skin care after 25 is not to stay in the sun for a long time, because this accelerates the aging process. It is not recommended to sunbathe between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Even when sunbathing during normal hours, you should use a strong sunscreen.
  7. Choose creams with SPF filters that protect against harmful rays, including radiation from a computer monitor. SPF filters are not necessary for night care products.
  8. Abundant hydration throughout the day is very important. The more attention you pay to this issue, the longer you will be pleased with your appearance without a single wrinkle. An excellent modern and very popular moisturizer for facial skin care after 25 is thermal water. It comes in spray form, making it convenient and easy to use throughout the day. Frequent moisturizing fills cells with moisture, increases their elasticity and vitality. Thermal water can even be used over makeup.
  9. Be sure to try to drink enough, maintaining the water balance in the body from the inside. And you shouldn’t think that if you, for example, have acne, then there is no need for additional moisturizing, this is not entirely true.

  10. Watch your facial expressions, because often facial wrinkles can appear by the age of 20, and after five years they will deepen. Typically, crow's feet are caused by exposure to the sun and squinting your eyes, so wearing dark glasses is a good idea. And of course, frown less.
  11. For facial skin care after 25, cosmetics with o. These are lotions, creams, serums. It's too early to buy anti-aging products. Try to use proven products, perhaps not cheap, but of high quality. It is not recommended to change cosmetics frequently; give the epidermis time to get used to the chosen product and its ingredients, otherwise you will not be able to understand how suitable it is for you. Typically, the cell renewal cycle takes about 28 days, and to notice the effectiveness of using, for example, a cream, it may take even three months.
  12. Do not use low-quality and expired decorative cosmetics. Do not “cover” your face with a thick layer of foundation, powder, etc. This prevents the epidermis from breathing, clogs pores, leading to the appearance of blackheads, pimples and premature aging.
  13. Accustom yourself to contrasting washes, but not with hot water, but with cold and warm water. This procedure tones very well, reduces the abundance of sebaceous glands, narrows pores, prevents clogging and the appearance of acne. You will forget about your shiny, oily face forever.
  14. An important condition for proper facial skin care after 25 is the regularity of procedures, which should be different depending on the time of year or even day. During the cold season, the skin tends to become dry and flaky from frost, and therefore requires more attention throughout the day. You should not use cosmetics that contain alcohol in winter. It is best to apply a nourishing cream at night and leave a moisturizing cream for the morning.

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Required Components

The composition is of particular importance. Products for skin after 25 years must contain the following components

Retinol (vitamin A)

Accelerates cell regeneration. Prevents the formation of wrinkles. Neutralizes free radicals. Promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum. Evens out the relief and preserves natural elasticity.

Vitamin E

Effectively moisturizes the skin. Famous for its antioxidant effects. Delays the appearance of old age for many years.

Flavonoid (vitamin P)

Stimulates the body's synthesis of substances that act as antioxidants. Protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals.

Vitamin C

Normalizes metabolic processes. Protects from negative environmental influences. Promotes natural collagen production. Removes toxins and other harmful elements.

Fruit acids

Properties depend on the variety. Salicylic acid is needed to treat rashes. Glycolic acid cleanses pores well and activates the renewal process. Almond oil prevents photoaging. Pyruvic acid restores the barrier function of the skin and retains moisture.


They influence the processes occurring in the tissues of the dermis. Improves blood circulation. Stimulates collagen production. Accelerate epidermis renewal. Maintains elasticity. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal extracts

Depending on the purpose of the product for a particular skin type, it may contain extracts of medicinal plants. For example, chamomile, calendula, nettle, coltsfoot, St. John's wort - for oily skin. Sage, mint, linden blossom, elderflowers, rose petals - for dry.

Natural oils

Their number is impressive. You should choose the component that suits your skin type.

Stages of skin care after 25 years

It would not be amiss to repeat that facial skin care after 25, first of all, should be regular. Make it a rule to perform the basic procedures in the morning and evening and a few additional ones about a couple of times during the week.

It’s good if you find the opportunity to entrust the care to a competent cosmetologist. Firstly, in the salon you can perform procedures that you cannot do at home. Secondly, the specialist will develop the correct care plan and will monitor the condition of the epidermis in the process.

To preserve youth for as long as possible, it is important to approach this issue responsibly and be sure to carry out all the necessary procedures regularly, in the correct sequence. Competent care involves three stages.

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Under no circumstances should you go to bed with remnants of makeup on your face if you don’t want to notice wrinkles on your face at a very young age. Then don’t blame it on bad heredity, you yourself will be to blame for it.

    Proper facial skin care after 25 excludes the use of soap for washing. It makes the skin too dry. Now there is a chic range of products for removing makeup, washing and cleaning. Just choose the product according to your skin type.

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    After removing makeup, you can begin treating your skin with a scrub or applying a mask. There are also a large number of them, and they all have different purposes. With the help of peelings and scrubs it is good to exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis, but masks have an effect on the deeper layers of the skin. Choose the right range of products for yourself, and carefully read the instructions. Some, for example, are not recommended to be used every day.

  3. Skin toning.
  4. This is a very important stage, but not everyone takes it seriously, and sometimes skips it altogether. An important rule: be sure to choose a lotion or toner that does not contain alcohol, because it dries out the skin very much. Facial skin care after 25, according to the advice of cosmetologists, should be carried out either with the help of professional products, or you can prepare them yourself, including beneficial herbs and other ingredients.

    Toning is done very quickly. Just wet a cotton sponge with toner and gently wipe over your entire face.

  5. Nourishing and moisturizing treatments.
  6. They are also very important. There are a huge variety of different creams and serums to nourish and moisturize. When purchasing any of these products, look for one that contains vitamins A, E, C, and P. Such products have strong protective and antioxidant properties, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and the first signs of aging. The same qualities are inherent in creams that include floral and fruit acids.

    The best time to apply nourishing products to your face is in the evening before going to bed. Approximately thirty minutes before going to bed, spread the cream on your face, and after 20 minutes, blot with a napkin what is not absorbed.

    For proper facial skin care after 25, micellar water or a simple cleanser is no longer enough. Now you need a set of products that will include exfoliating scrubs, moisturizing and refreshing creams, products that retain moisture and stop the aging process, giving the face a young, healthy look.

    All of the above care procedures should be done twice a day: in the morning and before bed. In the morning, you need to remove the subcutaneous secretions produced overnight from your face, refresh, moisturize, and prepare for applying decorative cosmetics. And in the evening, thoroughly cleanse, scrub, make a nourishing vitamin mask or distribute a cream, which will be absorbed better at this time, because it is at night that the epidermis is actively renewed.

    As for masks and peelings, it is recommended to use these products no more than 1-3 times a week.

    A separate item should include skin care products around the eyes and décolleté. These areas also require attention.

Main rules

There are a number of rules that apply to everyone without exception:

  1. Select products according to your skin type;
  2. Do not use anti-aging cosmetics. It is designed to solve bigger problems;
  3. Do not overuse tanning. Before exposing your body to the sun's rays, treat the surface with a special cream;
  4. Control your facial expressions. A constantly frowning face - folds on the skin as a result;
  5. Give preference to high-quality natural products. This applies to both hygiene products and decorative cosmetics;
  6. Try to lead a correct lifestyle. Cosmetic procedures are powerless if you are chronically sleep-deprived or, for example, abuse alcohol;
  7. Monitor the amount of liquid consumed. The adult body needs 1-1.5 liters of water per day. Moisturizing creams will not cope with dryness if there is a moisture deficiency.

A visit to a cosmetologist is not something unusual for women who care for their own appearance. The specialist will not only carry out the necessary manipulations. In the salon you can get good advice regarding further care. A professional will recommend cosmetics and a list of procedures. However, not everyone can afford this pleasure financially. You can figure out how to care for your skin type on your own.

A few words about cosmetics for the face after 25 years

To care for facial skin after 25, you should have a set of cosmetics at home with which you can carry out all the necessary procedures yourself.

  • Clear.

To do this, use either a gel or foam, which often includes beneficial vitamins or even scrubbing particles. You can work with specially designed brushes or pads that clean better, while also providing additional massage, relaxing muscles and stimulating blood flow. Do not wash your face with soap: it dries out the epidermis too much.

  • Tone.

Tonics or lotions are great for refreshing and removing remaining cleansers from your face.

  • Moisturize.

For the moisturizing procedure, there are day and night creams. The daytime one makes the skin softer and prepares it for the application of decorative cosmetics, and the nighttime one nourishes it with moisture, healthy oils and vitamins. Usually ten minutes is enough for the required amount of cream to be absorbed.

  • Apply serum.

Very useful facial skin care products after 25 - all kinds of serums that deeply nourish the epidermis and stimulate regeneration. These preparations are very light in consistency; they are used before applying moisturizer, usually in the fall and spring.

  • Perform peeling treatment.

If young skin is completely renewed within about 28 days, then with age this process takes all of 45. Peeling does an excellent job of removing dead old cells, which, accumulating, clog pores and slow down the process of epidermal renewal.

  • Apply a mask.

After 25, cleansing masks alone are no longer enough; you also need to get moisturizing ones that will fill the skin with moisture and maintain its elasticity.

  • Treat your face with sunscreen and foundation.

Ultraviolet rays age, and older skin is especially sensitive to them. Therefore it needs to be protected. It’s good if you make it a rule when caring for your facial skin after 25 to use products that protect from sun exposure all year round. Many day creams and foundations have these properties. They also prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on your skin throughout the day. Light water-based foundations for daily use, for example, fluids, BB creams, CC creams, are very good for such purposes. When choosing skin care cosmetics, pay attention to what age and skin type it is intended for.

Protection and power

The last stage of care. The nourishing cream is divided into day and night. Protective ones provide prevention from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind, cold and heat.

Such remedies have the following effect:

  • supply tissues with useful substances;
  • soften;
  • relieve irritation;
  • have a protective effect;
  • prevent wilting processes;
  • soften small wrinkles.

For the skin of the face and eyes you need to select separate products.

Facial skin care after 25, depending on its type

Skin can be normal, dry, oily and combination. Each of them has its own characteristics and requires a special approach.


Care for combination skin.

If you have a combination skin type, then if you do not care properly, it may become too dry, or the T-zone may become inflamed. Therefore, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to use peels and scrubs to exfoliate dead cells and thoroughly clean. Pay special attention to fatty areas.
  • Remember to do the three essentials: cleanse, tone, moisturize.

Buy cosmetics containing sage, chamomile, plantain, calendula, and zinc. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the fat content of the epidermis.


Oily skin care.

Caring for oily skin after 25 is especially important in the hot season, when a person actively sweats. It is recommended to wash your face with a special foam or gel twice a day, use a scrub at least twice a week, and apply anti-inflammatory and drying agents to the skin.


Dry skin.

The initially dry epidermis dries out even more with age, and wrinkles and microcracks form.

To avoid these unpleasant phenomena as much as possible, the following rules should be followed:

  • do not use products containing alcohol;
  • use milk for cleaning: it is optimal for nourishing and moisturizing dry epidermis;
  • Use oils in the evening, and serum and moisturizer in the morning.

Don't forget about night care: apply moisturizing and nourishing products and oils with gentle movements in the direction of the massage lines about half an hour before bed.


Normal skin.

This type of skin requires minimal care and a very small set of cosmetics. There will be several tips:

  • For washing, use foam that is appropriate for your age. Do this twice a day: in the morning and before bed;
  • facial skin care after 25 must necessarily include applying a not too greasy cream after washing, preferably quite liquid in consistency;
  • An excellent tonic can be homemade ice from a decoction of mint or chamomile. Rubbing with such ice cubes is good for toning and stimulating blood flow;
  • Even before bed, do not use fatty creams. A suitable option for you is a light serum with a moisturizing effect or special oils once a week.


An important step in daily procedures. In the morning, you should not apply makeup until your face is cleansed, as the pores need to be unclogged. During the night, the skin intensively produces sebum; excess secretion must be gotten rid of so that the dermis can breathe. Even if you don't use make-up, cleansing is necessary. Otherwise, hydration and nutrition will be useless.

Therefore, you can use soft foam or gel for cleansing. They may contain herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid, collagen.

Toning is important in combination with cleansing the skin. The tonic stimulates blood circulation processes, helps oxygen enter cells, and restores pH balance. The skin becomes velvety and acquires freshness.

Care for problem skin after 25

No matter what skin type you have, problems can always arise. For example, in areas where the sebaceous glands work more actively, bacteria multiply more strongly and acne often occurs. Antibacterial agents that do not contain alcohol will help relieve inflammation; in addition, they will relieve the skin of oily sheen.

Remember that if there are problems, then follow three mandatory care steps: cleansing, toning and applying moisturizers. The latter can be alternated with creams that give a mattifying effect.

In cosmetics for facial skin care after 25, according to cosmetologists, ANA and BHA acids give noticeable results. They help narrow pores and smooth the epidermis. You can purchase tonics, masks, creams, serums, both for night and day use, which contain these ingredients.


The second stage of daily care. Water is contained in all tissues and cells. And most of all, the skin needs fluid, because it loses it quickly. With a lack of moisture, the dermis becomes dry and rough. The lipid barrier is not able to fully provide protective functions. High-quality hydration will help restore balance.

For this purpose, products are used in the form of gels, creams, and fluids. The composition contains aloe juice, glycerin, hyaluronic acid. The following oils have a good moisturizing effect: jojoba, peach, grape. You can buy a ready-made product or prepare a mixture of oils and vitamins yourself. Moisturizing is applied 10 minutes after toner.

In summer, you can use thermal water, which will not only maintain makeup, but also prevent the skin from drying out.

Cosmetology procedures for facial skin after 25

It is important to understand that facial skin care after 25 should be started not because there are already wrinkles, but in order to delay the appearance of the first signs of aging as far as possible. Cosmetologists often use the phrases “age-related skin changes”, “initial signs of aging”, etc. for women over 25.

When the process of withering of the skin is already in full swing, wrinkles will appear, turgor will decrease, and the skin will become very dry. At this stage, it is very difficult to take effective measures to preserve youth, and it will be very expensive. Of course, these processes manifest themselves differently in different people, but everyone’s skin becomes drier after 25 years. During this period, you should definitely use moisturizing and nourishing creams, oils, and serums.

Be sure to listen to the advice of a cosmetologist on facial skin care after 25. Make it a rule to regularly visit a beauty specialist. Here are liver treatments suitable for girls over 25 years of age:

  • Cleaning. Useful and necessary at absolutely any age, even in adolescence, performed as needed.
  • All kinds of peelings. Also useful to everyone and always, without age restrictions. You should refrain from peeling only in the hot season, when exposure to the sun is too strong.
  • Mesotherapy. Amino acids and vitamins contained in cocktails fill the skin with moisture very well, improve its condition and appearance. Mesotherapy is best carried out in courses, for example, twice a year, in the most “vitamin-deficient” periods: spring and autumn.
  • Massage. Massage courses are recommended for facial skin care after 25, but as you approach 50, you should no longer get carried away with this procedure.
  • Redermalization. Essentially, this is the effect of hyaluronic and succinic acids, which have very strong restorative and moisturizing properties. The procedure involves anesthesia and injection of active ingredients. After redermalization, the skin looks young and refreshed, its tone increases, photoaging is prevented, and any manifestations of rosacea, post-acne and pigmentation disappear.
  • Plasma peeling is a targeted anti-aging procedure for facial skin care after 25. It has a very powerful effect, increases turgor, stimulates hair growth, and has a beneficial effect on the color of the skin. Among the various options for this procedure, Swiss plasma peeling has proven itself to be excellent; it gives a very noticeable external result, and not just supplies the skin with the necessary nutrition.
  • Biorevitalization. This is a kind of skin stimulation, which is also called revitalization. The epidermis is exposed to ultrasound, laser or injections of hyaluronic acid. This gives, first of all, deep hydration, improvement of skin color and structure, and reduces dryness. Biorevitalization significantly delays the appearance of the first signs of aging, eliminates rosacea, and removes age spots. In addition, after the procedure, dark circles under the eyes and pimples disappear, pores become significantly narrower, swelling and post-acne go away.
  • Vaporization and steam baths are excellent ways to care for facial skin after 25, especially if it is oily and prone to rashes. These procedures promote the rapid separation of old keratinized cells; warm steam opens the pores, resulting in active oxygen saturation. You can use essential oils for this. Steam baths are not prescribed for people with high blood pressure and bronchial asthma.
  • Hot compresses. They warm, relax, help expand pores, improve blood circulation, cleanse the skin, and exfoliate old cells.
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  • Cold compresses. They narrow pores, tone, reduce the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, while the complexion noticeably improves. It is recommended to apply cold compresses immediately after cleansing your face.
  • All kinds of masks. Depending on the composition, cosmetic masks can moisturize, tone, saturate with oxygen, and nourish.

There are several procedures that involve more serious intervention in appearance:

  • Increased lip volume. It is done at will, and not if there are any special indications. It is performed in the form of injections of hyaluronic acid, which dissolves within about a year, then the procedure can be repeated if the client wishes.
  • Injection of hyaluronic acid or Botox in the presence of noticeable wrinkles or even skin creases. If there are no such indications, then it is better not to do these procedures at a young age.

Fighting deep wrinkles

Deep folds are a clear sign of skin aging. They are formed when the activity of fibroblasts in the skin decreases and the synthesis of elastin and collagen substances slows down. There are 2 ways to get rid of wrinkles:

  1. Contouring. It has a good effect on static wrinkles, which are visible even in a calm state. Injections of hyaluronic acid make it possible to quickly overcome wrinkles - the result is visible after the first injection.
  2. Laser grinding. Allows you to remove deep folds, hyperpigmentation, and triggers the synthesis of collagen substances.

Deep folds demonstrate the aging process of the skin and negative external influences. To remove them, it is important to work comprehensively, using several cosmetic procedures, caring for your face and body every day.

Features of combination skin type

Combination skin visually looks healthy and even.

With this type, the face is divided into zones with high and low fat content:

  • high fat content in the T-zone (nose, chin and forehead area): characterized by an oily sheen and enlarged pores;
  • low oil content of the skin is observed in the area of ​​the cheeks, temples and eyelids, accompanied by redness and peeling.

There are cases of different locations of areas with increased fat content. With age, this type of skin can turn into normal.

Factors causing mixed type:

  • high amounts of testosterone affect fat production;
  • incorrectly chosen cosmetics provoke the activity of the glands;
  • genetics;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

This skin type is typical for girls and is rare in men.

What is important at 50+

The age of menopause in women, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. Insufficient estrogen production leads to rapid aging of the dermis. Cells recover much more slowly, and the pH level changes. At this age, a woman should have at her disposal a whole arsenal of skincare products marked 50+ and with the following properties:

  • hydration;
  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • tightening – lifting effect;
  • protection;
  • regeneration.

The help of a professional cosmetologist plays a huge role. At 50+, it is almost impossible to restore the contours and elasticity of the skin on your own. In this case, rejuvenation is carried out using contour plastic surgery, thread lifting, laser and injection cosmetology.

Cosmetic and folk remedies for cleansing pores and against acne

Cosmetical tools:

  1. Topicrem acne emulsion. Glycerin and urea moisturize the skin and serve to prevent wrinkles. The cosmetic complex is aimed at treating acne and eliminating clogged pores.
  2. Cleanance emulsion from Avene. Absorbs quickly and is often used as a base for makeup.
  3. Effaclar from La Roche-Posay. Contains acids, carnosine and vitamin E.

To cleanse the pores of combination skin, it is recommended to use gels and creams. Creams have matting properties, gels do not leave a greasy film. Manufacturers often call creams for oily skin an emulsion. This is done to highlight the light texture.

Homemade masks are made 2 times a week:

  1. Vegetable - mix boiled carrots and turnips. Remove with warm milk after 20 minutes.
  2. Protein-lemon - apply 3-4 layers of whipped egg white with lemon juice. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. Cucumber - Mix grated cucumber with soda. Apply immediately after preparation.

  4. Clay - dilute blue clay with lemon and cucumber juice. Apply to skin for 20 minutes.

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