Facial skin care after 30 years - stages: how to properly care for and maintain youth

The human body changes throughout his life. And aging occurs for everyone. For some, its first signs in the form of wrinkles, swelling of the oval and sagging appear a little later than 25. And for others, even at 40, they practically did not encounter these problems. Such a large gap is determined by genetics, lifestyle and, of course, care. So if you haven’t been taking care of yourself since your youth, passing the threshold of three decades of life is an excellent reason to start doing so.

In this article we will talk about skin care after 30 years and how to make your appearance admired for a very long time.

Proper skin care after 30

Let's look at what usually happens after reaching this age:

  • Metabolism slows down.
  • The process of lipid secretion is disrupted, the fat layer becomes thinner and the stratum corneum thickens.
  • The epithelium gradually dries out.
  • Due to the slowdown in the production of elastin and collagen fibers, wrinkles appear.
  • Healthy fluid circulation is disrupted, leading to a deterioration in the general condition of the dermis.
  • Muscle tone decreases: the corners of the mouth droop, nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks (the so-called jowls) appear.

As you can see, some of the unpleasant signs of fading are a direct consequence of the slowdown in the functioning of various body systems. Therefore, the first and most important measures to preserve youth and health apply not only to the face, but to the entire body as a whole. To maintain beautiful and smooth skin you need:

  • A balanced healthy diet, including all the necessary nutrients. An improper diet, as well as a lack of vitamins and microelements, has a bad effect on the condition of the dermis. For example, riboflavin deficiency provokes inflammation on the face and cracks on the lips. A lack of retinol and tocopherol increases the likelihood of premature wrinkles, dryness and sagging. Include freshly squeezed juices with celery, parsley or cabbage in your menu. This will have a positive impact on your overall well-being and will significantly improve the condition of your skin.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Alcohol leads to swelling with a simultaneous lack of fluid in the tissues. And smoking leads to the formation of those very free radicals that accelerate aging.
  • Regular eight-hour sleep. It is necessary for the healthy functioning of the entire body. Proper rest reduces the likelihood of puffy eyelids and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Moderate physical activity. They allow you to maintain the overall tone of all body systems.
  • Drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water a day, start drinking green tea. Water is needed for metabolic processes. Green tea contains elements that help bind and remove free radicals and slow down aging. Try not to drink liquid a few hours before bedtime, otherwise it will not have time to leave the body and appear in the form of swelling the next morning.

Without following these recommendations - at least partially - even the highest quality cosmetics will not have sufficient impact. But, of course, to consolidate the result, a variety of care procedures are needed.

Prevention of early skin aging

To prevent early skin aging, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, morning jogging, exercises and hardening. You need to exercise several times a day. After physical activity:

  • the blood will be distributed in the body, with it the organs and muscles will receive more oxygen;
  • metabolism will occur faster;
  • cells will be renewed.

Therefore, the aging of the body slows down.

You need to exercise and massage your face every day. There are many exercises, they do not require effort. They need to be done for a few minutes every day.

Stages of skin care after 30

These include:

  • Cleansing.
  • Giving tone.
  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Protection.

In addition, from time to time it is worth using professional products and various salon procedures, such as ultrasonic peeling, lifting, vacuum massage and much more. When taking careful care, you should remember the area around the eyes, neck and hands - they also show age.

About skin problems at 30 years old

The age when the first signs of wilting begin to appear. They may still be invisible to others, but a little less elasticity, worse color - everything indicates that age-related changes have already begun. In addition, rosacea and pigmentation may appear during this period. But acne is also not uncommon.

First of all, changes in the skin under the eyes can give away age, since the periorbital area is most severely damaged by the aging process. Reasons why problems may occur:

  • improper protection from external factors;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • eating large amounts of fast carbohydrates and fats;
  • lack of drinking regime;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • lack of vitamins.

Heredity also plays a role - skin aging may begin earlier.


This is an obligatory part of morning and evening hygiene procedures. Because creams, masks, peeling, massage and much more are applied and carried out only on a cleansed face. Otherwise, their use will become practically meaningless; no substances will be able to penetrate deep into the epidermis through the stratum corneum of cells.

  • Women over 30 are not recommended to use soap; wash only with clean water, a special tonic or foam. Those with an oily type should use foams and tonics. And ladies whose dermis is prone to dryness will benefit from cosmetic emulsions and milk. In the evening you should cleanse more thoroughly.
  • It is better to use mineral or filtered water for washing. Very cold or hot will damage the skin, so you should prefer liquid at room temperature.
  • In addition to daily cleansers, deep action masks should be used once or twice a week. The face needs to be prepared for such procedures - steamed with a steam bath, and only then applied.
  • You should not wipe yourself after washing, so as not to cause dryness and irritation. It is better to blot lightly with a soft towel, being careful not to rub or stretch it.

Consider facial skin problems

When choosing night and day creams, take into account the problems that your facial skin is currently suffering from:

  • First wrinkles, clogged pores, oily skin. With a combination type of dermis, choosing care cosmetics is the most difficult. Since areas with wrinkles need active nutrition and hydration, the skin can also react negatively to rich formulations by forming inflammation and pimples. Give preference to products with retinol. It has a rejuvenating effect and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The appearance of capillaries, gravitational ptosis. Such age-related signs are characteristic of the deformation type of aging. You need creams that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, tighten contours, and improve circulation processes in cells. The creams should contain: horse chestnut, arnica, seaweed.
  • The appearance of a fine network of wrinkles, dry skin. Choose creams with peptides. They will relieve the dermis of dryness and flaking, nourish and moisturize it. Peptides have a myo-relaxing effect. They allow facial muscles to relax, due to which wrinkles disappear. If necessary, such creams are applied pointwise: for example, only on the eyelid area. Please note that you should not use products with peptides for more than several months. You can conduct 2-3 courses in a year.

At night, skin of any type needs restoration. Therefore, the cream should contain peptides, retinol and other substances aimed at combating the aging of the dermis.

Hydration and nutrition

  • For these procedures it is better to use special creams. After reaching your 30th birthday, you can safely buy cosmetics labeled anti-aging in stores. Such cosmetics will provide you with the necessary vitamins A, B, C, D, E, E, P, elastin, collagen, fruit acids and microelements.
  • For these purposes, it offers the Beauty box “VitaMix” vitamin care complex. In addition, the Anti Age Mesococktail with AHA acids and other products in this series are suitable for all types. The compositions activate collagen production, promote renewal at the cellular level, improving the structure and tone of the dermis.
  • It is worth using various facial serums. They contain much more useful substances than conventional creams. And their constant use is not recommended - limit yourself to two courses per year.
  • Choose cosmetics that are appropriate for your age. Creams and masks for more mature skin reduce the natural synthesis of various elements.
  • Night cream should not be applied right before bed. Since such products contain moisturizing components, they may not have time to be fully absorbed into the dermis.

How to quickly achieve the effect of a “well-groomed face” a few days before the celebration

If you need to get your face in order in just seven days, don't despair. This is quite real. Cosmetologists give the following recommendations to get a quick effect:

  • apply a mask suitable for your skin type every other day;
  • For dry skin, be sure to use moisturizers;
  • procedures are carried out not only for the face, but also for the neck;
  • Apply night cream exclusively before 10 p.m. to remove swelling;
  • include green tea in the menu, the best option is to replace coffee with it;
  • drink freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, celery or parsley every day;
  • do acupressure before bed.

As a rule, these simple steps will help you prepare for the holiday in just a week and look young and fresh.

After 30, it’s still too early to start preparing for old age, which is approaching by leaps and bounds, because life goes on. Using home remedies every day is sure to bring excellent results.

Skin care around the eyes after 30

The dermis here is especially tender. This is where the first wrinkles usually appear. To care for this area, it is necessary to use special products.

For example, for the area around the eyes, he suggests using eye cream or HydroMAX serum. They relieve puffiness, smooth out wrinkles and increase firmness and elasticity.

Lifting or tightening?

When thinking about preserving youth, women often wonder what is better: face lifting or lifting? In fact, they are the same thing. The word "lifting" means "rise". At their core, both terms refer to a procedure to improve facial contours. Often, lifting is called a more gentle intervention , and lifting is called a full-fledged surgical intervention, but this is at the level of perception. To do a facelift means to do a lift. For example, face contour lifting and facial contour lifting are different names for the same rejuvenation solution, for which you turn to professionals.

Care for thin skin after 30

For this type of dermis, you can only use special fresh cosmetics marked “sensitive”. Due to its small thickness, this type requires especially careful and thorough care. In this case, you can use anti-aging products after 30 years, when the first expression wrinkles have formed. Twice a year you need to take a course of vitamins; vascular-strengthening dietary supplements will also be useful. Due to the great sensitivity, the ban on soap is especially strict. And homemade masks should not contain aggressive, drying components. Try to do without peeling. Many herbal compresses are prohibited, as well as wiping with ice to tone.

How to choose the right cosmetics

There are a few things to consider when looking through your options:

  • suit your skin type;
  • presence of the 30+ or ​​“anti-aging” mark;
  • maximum natural composition;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • absence of preservatives and dyes;
  • reasonable shelf life;
  • packaging that excludes or extremely limits the ingress of air.

The skin must receive the elements it needs, so the question of what to use on the face after 30 becomes fundamental.


Substances that reduce oxidative stress are needed to prevent aging. They are partially synthesized in the body or come from food. The rest of the required volume is obtained when applying care products.

Hydraulic clamps

They are mandatory in anti-aging creams. These components systematically strengthen the hydrolipid barrier, preventing moisture loss. Hyaluronic acid and pentavitin lead the list. Drinking the recommended volume of fluid in combination with external hydration gives an excellent effect, eliminating dehydration.

Stimulators of elastin and collagen synthesis

On the question of how to improve facial skin after 30, the opinions of beauty experts completely agree when it comes to maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis. To do this, skincare products must contain substances that increase the synthesis of beneficial elements. To achieve this goal, placental cream PlaReceta Cream is perfect for rejuvenating and restoring the skin, which eliminates signs of fatigue, gives the skin silky smoothness, and reduces wrinkles.

SPF filters

Necessary to prevent photoaging. Act as a barrier, deflecting UV radiation. For the summer period, it is better to choose options with an extremely high rate.

Care for oily skin after 30

The problem with such dermis is oily sheen. Attempts to remove it with the help of decorative cosmetics can only aggravate the problem, polluting the pores and leading to the appearance of acne. But properly selected care products can correct the difficulties. Appropriate alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, when applied morning and evening, will dry the surface and prevent the appearance of shine. Try not to use fatty compounds, and if you have to, blot the residue with a napkin.

Scrubs and peelings

Timely removal of dead cells is very important. At 30 years old, the skin continues to actively renew itself. Cosmetologists note that there is a certain balance between the exfoliation of cells in the upper layer and the release of new skin cells formed in its deep layer. Normally, this occurs within 28 days, but with age, dead cells accumulate on the surface more actively.

This can cause dry, flaky, rough skin, especially in winter. The skin loses its smoothness and elasticity, and all the products you use for care penetrate worse into the deeper layers.

From the age of 30, it is important to regularly use exfoliating products: micro-exfoliating lotions, soft scrubs like Gentle Face & Body Scrub with cellulose granules. It will not be superfluous to visit a cosmetologist for stronger exfoliation using acid and other types of peeling. This will help you look better and also achieve better results from using home remedies.

Care for combination skin after 30

The peculiarity of this type is that it requires different care at different times of the year.

  • In winter, you need to treat it as dry: use foam or milk to cleanse, use scrubs once a week or less, moisturize, apply protective compounds before going outside. If your skin is dry before bed, you should apply night moisturizers.
  • In summer, the rules are different; the dermis is cared for as if it were oily. Here special lotions and tonics for mixed types, light creams and gels are used.

Scrubs in this case are used only for oily areas. Tonics should be chosen so that they can simultaneously moisturize and relieve inflammation. Look for creams that contain a variety of anti-inflammatory botanicals, such as plantain, sage, chamomile, tea tree, etc.

Differences in care depending on the time of year

It is very important to adjust the contents of your cosmetic bag and carefully look through the rows of jars on your dressing table in the off-season. As weather conditions change outside, care products must also change.


The danger lies in hot sunlight and dry air. The priority is creams with SPF filters and maximum hydration.


Mild melancholy and seasonal colds can significantly undermine the body's level of resistance. This means more vitamins to support immunity and vitamin masks for a radiant appearance.


Temperature changes and piercing winds are not the best conditions for the skin. Requires maximum protection and nutrition. The selection of products should only take into account the skin type.


Nature is blooming, but there is a total lack of vitamins in the body. It is recommended to replenish the deficiency in a comprehensive manner, by adjusting nutrition and increasing the intensity of care procedures. An excellent period for strengthening and cleansing.

Facial care after 30 with cosmetics from

Our company offers a wide range of products for the care of any type of mature dermis. Here you will find rejuvenation, moisturizing, and nourishing products for the skin of the face and around the eyes.

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Selection of night and day creams

The choice of cream must be made taking into account not only your age, but also the characteristics of your skin. According to professionals, you should stop using anti-aging products before the age of 35. The reason is that such cosmetics can inhibit the normal ability of the dermis to recover naturally.


The UF filter of a day cream should be at least 30.

Night cream should be enriched with herbal supplements and peptides, ceramides, coenzymes, and collagen. In “anti-aging” products, the following may be added to this list:

  • Phytoestrogens;
  • Amino acids;
  • Enzymes.

The cream must be applied an hour and a half before going to bed, after cleansing the skin of the face and neck. Your movements should be light, patting.

Note! Ladies suffering from swollen eyelids should avoid creams containing ascorbic acid and retinol. These components will aggravate the situation. Choose products with caffeine.

Homemade recipes for masks and creams when you are over thirty

The modern beauty industry creates incredible compositions: they may contain algae, marine collagen extracted from rare species of fish, pearl powder, extracts of exotic plants, essential oils. All this is impressive, but we cannot devalue the products that appear on our tables every day. They also help preserve beauty and youth.

Let's figure out what ingredients can be included in the formulations to achieve visible results.

Whitening mask

In what cases is it useful:

  • there are pigment spots, freckles;
  • dull skin color;
  • there are scars and scars;
  • with rosacea.

How often should you take care of your facial skin after thirty using this mask? 1–2 times a week.

To prepare lightening folk remedies for the face after 30, use lemon, fermented milk products, parsley, currants, and grapefruit. They contain many active substances that accelerate cell renewal and exfoliate the stratum corneum. Therefore, under the influence of this composition, the tan and various spots disappear, and the cover becomes lighter and more even. The arsenal of these helpers includes, for example, lactic or AHA acid, vitamins A and C.

Most popular recipes:

  1. Lemon juice, kefir and white clay (ratio 2:2:1) - recommended for oily and combination skin.
  2. Sour cream and fresh currants (a tablespoon each) - for dry.

The rule is this: the less your skin produces its own sebum, the more nutritious the dairy product can be used in a mask.

If you don’t want to mess around, get dirty with berries, or you accidentally ate all the berries, forgetting about the cosmetic procedure, don’t worry. There is a more convenient alternative - an industrial product in beautiful packaging. Whitening products are produced by the following manufacturers: Himalaya, Bielenda, Farmstay. They help both take care of skin after 30 and at a younger age.

Against forehead wrinkles

Popular recipe: 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, 1 egg white (beat until foamy), 5 g lemon juice, a spoonful of honey. Mix everything and keep for 20 minutes. This composition refreshes, tightens pores, nourishes with microelements, and improves blood circulation.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast

You should buy briquettes, not pellets. It contains amino acids, folic acid, vitamins E, B, phospholipids - all these ingredients actively fight aging.

Preparation instructions: dilute with warm water or milk (35 - 40 degrees), do not store (use at a time), let stand for 20 minutes before applying. Just dilute with liquid and you will have a ready-made mask. But you can add a little honey or olive oil. It is recommended to do it in a course - once every 3 days for a month.

How to properly care for your face after 30 years using carrots

The root vegetable contains vitamins A, PP, ascorbic acid, carotene - all this is incredibly beneficial for the skin. Preparing home remedies is simple: mix fermented milk product (sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese) with freshly squeezed root juice in a ratio of 1 to 2. Keep for 15–20 minutes, regularly - 2 times a week.

What results are achieved:

  • elasticity increases;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pores narrow;
  • regeneration is accelerated.

Among the well-known brands that offer masks with carrot extract are Cristina and JayJun. They are found in different release forms: in a jar, tube or on a fabric basis.

Green vitamin cosmetics

The most popular ingredient for daily skin care after 30 is regular parsley. The stems and leaves contain nicotinic and ascorbic acids, pectin, vitamins C, PP, B, A, as well as sodium, iron, magnesium. These components give freshness, heal damage, smooth out wrinkles, soothe inflammation, and improve blood circulation. Therefore, using this plant in homemade beauty recipes is a great idea. This simple but very valuable product is also universal: it is suitable for both oily and dry skin types.

Greens crushed with a blender can be combined with honey, kefir, vegetable oil (olive, jojoba).

You can also use spinach, dill, and sorrel for cosmetic purposes. They help care for both combination skin after 30 and normal skin.

If you really want to try caring for combination skin after 30 with herbs, choose products from trusted brands in our online store. This is the most comfortable and safest way. After all, before a product hits the shelf, it undergoes thorough research.

Cleansing and softening clay-honey mask

It is difficult to overestimate honey. It contains antioxidants, micro- and macroelements, vitamins. And all this has a very beneficial effect on the dermis - it is saturated with healthy ingredients, becomes velvety, smooth and radiant.

Clay is also not far behind. Its main properties are detoxification and remineralization. This means it removes decay products and toxins from the tissue and saturates it with minerals, providing a rejuvenating effect.

Together these 2 components work wonders. But we need to warn you about some rules for proper facial care after 30:

  • clay mixtures should be used with caution on dry skin;
  • honey is contraindicated for those who suffer from allergies, as well as if there are signs of rosacea.

Mix the ingredients like this: make a solution of honey and water (or hydrolate) in a ratio of 1 to 2, and add clay to it until the consistency of sour cream. Then apply for 20 minutes.

There are many options for masks from leading brands. The Korean brand JayJun offers products with these ingredients. And also many interesting combinations of propolis (with green tea, mineralized salt and even gold) are offered by the Venzen company.

Anti-wrinkle oil mixture

Vegetable base oils are a real storehouse of fatty acids, which are responsible for elasticity and the ability to withstand negative external factors. The following samples can be included in proper home facial care after 30: peach, apricot, cocoa, coconut, shea, rosehip - if your skin is dry. For oily skin, you can use hazelnut and bay laurel. But it is not advisable to experiment in this topic; it is better to trust the experience of proven cosmetic companies. Such products contain exactly as much oil as needed. Oversaturation is fraught with clogging of pores and inflammation.

Magic ice cubes

The oldest anti-aging procedure that has not lost its relevance is rubbing with ice. They can be prepared from mineral water, as well as from decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, nettle. Strictly along the massage lines, lightly touching, without staying long in one area.

This action is appropriate after cleansing before toning.

What result do we get:

  • pores narrow;
  • swelling goes away;
  • cheekbones look more expressive.

Do you want to know a life hack on how to improve the condition of your facial skin after 30? After applying an expensive, effective product, such as a serum, you need to wait until absorption occurs and then apply ice cubes. This “imprints” the composition as deeply as possible and makes it even more effective.

Banana-based softening mask

This fruit is also valued in cosmetology, as it contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. You can achieve the following results:

  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • color improvement;
  • increased elasticity;
  • normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • helps retain moisture in the dermal tissues.

Add to the crushed fruit pulp:

  • yolk and sour cream/honey and yogurt - for dry skin;
  • orange pulp/lemon juice - for normal and oily skin.

Banana extract can be found in cosmetics from the following brands: Wokali, JMSolution.

Determining skin type

Anti-aging facial skin care should be correlated with basic care, which is selected according to skin type. There are six types in total: normal, dry, oily, combination, problematic and sensitive.

Visually, skin type is determined as follows:

  • Oily skin has enlarged pores and an oily sheen that appears almost immediately after washing. The skin is dense and due to the active production of sebum, it ages more slowly. The downside is the frequent formation of both open and closed comedones. The oily shine protects against irritation and prevents drying out. However, this does not mean that such skin does not need to be moisturized, otherwise oiliness will be complemented by another problem - dehydration.
  • If a vascular network is visible on the skin, there are areas with dermatitis, acne often appears and post-inflammatory pigmentation remains, then such skin is problematic. Care for her is selected together with a dermatologist.
  • Dry skin ages faster than others, as it is the thinnest of the types considered. The pores are invisible, there are no natural releases of sebum to the surface. Frequent signs of dry skin are tightness after washing, flaking and mild itching. Oily shine is a protective film that covers the skin. If it is not there, then redness becomes common.

rules for determining skin type

  1. 1. Sensitive skin is accompanied by redness and prominent veins. When touching or applying cosmetics, there is immediate irritation that goes away within half an hour or more.
  2. 2. The combination type combines the characteristics of dry, oily skin. The sebaceous glands actively work in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, while the cheeks remain dry.
  3. 3. Normal skin has an even tone and smooth texture. Becomes fat with average intensity throughout the day, inflammation rarely appears. at the same time, the oily sheen looks like a dull shine. The main task in care is to maintain the hydrolipid balance in optimal condition, not to overdry or make it artificially oily.

At what age is a circular facelift necessary?

A circular facelift is called a classic facelift. This operation is aimed at removing excess skin without affecting the muscles. It is performed along the contour of the face through thin incisions along the hairline, along the ears, and under the chin. Scars after this type of plastic surgery are practically invisible and are located in inconspicuous places. The effect lasts for a long time. If the intervention is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), the face changes dramatically and looks noticeably younger:

  • all wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • its outline becomes clear;
  • the double chin and sagging cheeks disappear;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

The result, the same lifting effect, depends on the time of the intervention. It is not difficult to determine it yourself, but it is better to trust a professional who specializes in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. Typically, a circular facelift is planned for the age of 45-55 years, but much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman and the condition of her skin tissue.

What changes are happening

Withering begins, which is due to:

  • slowing metabolism;
  • loss of moisture;
  • less sebum (sebum) production;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • deterioration of elasticity;
  • disruption of blood flow in tissues.

In other words, the epidermis becomes more dehydrated, and the first wrinkles appear, namely nasolabial folds and crow's feet. Recovery is slower and more moisture is required.

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