Thermolifting: what can you really expect from a non-surgical facelift procedure?

Do you dream of improving the appearance of your skin, but are not ready to go under the surgeon’s knife? BioSpaClinic offers non-surgical rejuvenation - thermolifting of the face. The price is indicated on the website. The procedure is non-invasive, painless and has a minimum of contraindications. The result after RF lifting lasts up to 2 years.

Thermolifting can be monopolar, bipolar and tripolar. All of them have a soft effect on tissue. Bipolar thermolifting is carried out using equipment that allows you to combine radio frequency and vacuum effects, which reduces the area of ​​treatment and reduces the number of side effects.

Thermolifting of the face is recommended for problems such as:

  • signs of photoaging;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • "double chin";
  • gravitational ptosis of facial tissues;
  • wrinkles in the periorbital area;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • loss of clarity of the oval of the face.

Thermolifting effect of the face

The procedure involves controlled thermal effects on the skin. Radiofrequency thermal facial lifting (RF) causes contraction of collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for skin tone and elasticity. At the same time, neocollagenogenesis and elastin synthesis are activated. The skin becomes denser, smoother and tightened.

Thanks to RF lifting, a number of aesthetic problems are solved:

  • The skin on the cheekbones, cheeks and chin is tightened. The face acquires a regular oval, the “jowls” shrink or disappear;
  • “Crow’s feet” disappear, the degree of sagging of the upper eyelid decreases. Thanks to thermolifting of the face, the look becomes more youthful, open, circles and bags under the eyes disappear (due to improved trophism and microcirculation in the dermis);
  • wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds are smoothed out. Even deep wrinkles become less pronounced.

How does the Kontur MD work?

The Center for Aesthetic Medicine "BioSpaClinic" presents a unique opportunity for Russia for treatment and rejuvenation using the Kontur MD device.

Its main feature is thermal radiation of different polarities. This allows you to fine-tune the work in each specific case and make the therapeutic effect more noticeable. In addition, this device allows you to regulate the dispersion (frequency) of field oscillations, which also increases efficiency. The possibility of individual settings, among other things, significantly increases the comfort and safety of the procedure. Kontur MD allows you to bring the temperature in the subcutaneous layers to 55–60 °C, while the surface temperature does not exceed 42 degrees.

Depending on the chosen polarity and frequency of radiation, the device affects different layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat layer. This is especially convenient for combating cellulite. But the device is superior to its competitors in terms of lifting and rejuvenation efficiency. The effect is explained by thermal effects: deeply penetrating heat stimulates metabolic processes, dilates capillaries, promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and the formation of collagen fibers instead. It is collagen that determines the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Multipolar RF lifting (face)6000 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (face) comprehensive program with care6500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (eye area)3000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (face, neck) comprehensive program with care9500 RUR
Multipolar RF lifting (lower third of the face)3500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (stomach) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (stomach) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (breeches) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (breeches) intensive program 2 hands50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (buttocks) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (buttocks) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (back of legs) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (back of legs) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (front surface of the legs) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (front surface of the legs) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting60 min8000 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting40 min6400 rub.

Benefits of thermolifting procedures

  1. All laser thermolifting procedures are carried out without damaging the skin surface, so there is no rehabilitation period.
  2. The procedure is painless so no anesthesia is required.
  3. The visible skin lifting effect is noticeable the next day after the procedure. After a course of 4-6 procedures, the rejuvenation and tightening effect lasts up to 3-5 years.
  4. Laser thermolifting is a procedure that can be performed all year round, regardless of the time of year.
  5. The combination of thermolifting procedures with fractional laser skin resurfacing, which reduces the skin flap, increases the effect of rejuvenation and tightening tenfold. In cases of such a combination of rejuvenation procedures, rehabilitation will be 5-6 days.

Types of laser thermolifting in our clinic

To perform deep laser skin reconstruction procedures (thermolifting), our clinic offers two very professional laser devices:

  • Fotona SP Dynamis is a neodymium laser (Nd:Yag) with two patented unique technologies for affecting the skin without damaging its surface - Frac3 and Piano;
  • Palomar DeepIR is an infrared laser for thermolifting procedures with controlled fractional thermal effects on the dermis at a depth of 6-7 mm.

Indications for laser thermolifting

  • Lost clarity of facial relief
  • Jaws and double chin
  • Wrinkles of any kind
  • Enlarged pores and any atrophic scars
  • Dull complexion
  • Loose skin in the abdomen, inner shoulders and thighs, etc.

How is laser thermolifting performed?

The thermolifting procedure lasts 40-50 minutes. During its implementation, the patient feels tolerable warmth and a slight tingling sensation. According to reviews and photos of patients, after a laser thermolifting procedure for the face, eyelids and area around the eyes, slight redness of the skin persists for up to several hours.

Deep laser skin reconstruction can be performed as a single procedure to quickly improve the appearance, skin color and minor lifting - a “weekend” procedure. To achieve the effect of noticeable and long-term rejuvenation and tightening of the skin, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures - usually from 4 to 6 sessions every 3-4 weeks.

In combination with other laser treatments and cosmetic procedures, the effectiveness of laser thermal lifting increases several times.

The presence in our clinic of two professional laser machines, and therefore the possibility of combined use of several technologies of deep laser rejuvenation and reconstruction of the dermis, ensures safety, quick and long-term results of thermolifting procedures for the skin of the face and body at reasonable prices in Moscow, according to patient reviews.

Thermolifting of the face: features of the procedure and reviews

RF lifting begins with cleansing the skin and applying a contact agent. Then the doctor moves the device’s handpiece over the target area, ensuring its uniform heating to 40–65 degrees.

The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. The number of sessions in the course is determined by the doctor individually for each patient (usually 4–6). There is no rehabilitation period. In rare cases, slight swelling may persist for 2-3 days.

The procedure is safe and painless and does not violate the integrity of the skin. The price for thermolifting depends on the area of ​​treatment: the entire face (including the neck) or its individual zones (the skin around the eyes, on the chin and lower cheeks).

How it works

Radiofrequency pulses selectively heat skin tissue and extracellular structures to a temperature of 40–43 °C. Microscopic areas of the epidermis and dermis are subjected to thermal ablation/coagulation at evenly spaced points.

Local heating helps to launch regenerative processes in skin tissues at the cellular level and activates the work of fibroblasts. Metabolic processes improve, collagen fibers shrink and become thicker, the production of new collagen starts, and the deepest dermal layers are saturated with oxygen. Also, exposure to radio frequencies leads to a reduction in the size of fat cells. As a result, the dermal layer of the face is strengthened, which means wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened and thickened. The rejuvenating effect appears after the first procedure.

Thermolifting of the face using the Forma attachment does not cause discomfort. The nozzle is equipped with built-in sensors that monitor skin temperature (38-40 °C). Sensors read body temperature up to 1000 times per second, which allows a specialist to control the entire process. If the skin temperature reaches the limit values, the device beeps and stops supplying energy. And the specialist moves on to the next area of ​​skin. Therefore, the risk of skin overheating and burns is excluded.

Forma attachments use patented ACE "motion" technology. Thanks to it, you can quickly provide heating over a large area and depth, while maintaining its uniformity. (It is possible to achieve the best therapeutic results by adhering to only a very precise temperature range).


Nomenclature of medical servicesName of procedureDuration of the procedurePrice of the procedure, rub.


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Features of the procedure

To carry out thermolifting, a conductor gel is used - regular (if the skin is very sensitive) or special serums (with them the lifting effect will be more pronounced).

The procedure is not performed on areas of the face where botulinum toxin injections were given, because stimulating metabolic processes can restore muscle activity earlier than expected.

During treatment of the upper lip and nose, involuntary twitching may occur. This is a consequence of the effect of current on the muscles and nerve endings, which are located close to the top layer of the skin. After processing is complete, everything goes away.

Recovery after a session does not require time. There may be slight redness in the treated area immediately after thermal lifting, but it disappears after a few hours.

Thermolifting (thermage)

Question: How does the procedure take place and do I need to prepare for it in advance?

Answer: No, the procedure does not require any special preliminary preparation.
A special gel is applied to the patient’s clean skin. After this, it is processed by a device with a special nozzle along pre-marked lines. The whole process takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the area of ​​the surface being treated. After this, the patient can immediately see the effect obtained: the skin will look younger, tightened, and elastic. After the tightening, it is recommended to avoid exposure to heat on the treated area for one day (do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium) and excessive physical activity. Question: Can I go to work or run errands immediately after the procedure?
Answer: After exposure to RF radiation, the skin may turn slightly red, but most patients return to normal activities immediately after the procedure. No rehabilitation period or special care is required. Thanks to this, Thermolifting is especially in demand among active, enterprising people who value their time.

Question: How often should sessions be held?

Answer: Usually it is enough to carry out one session of Thermolifting, the result of which will last up to 5 years (depending on the characteristics of the skin and the quality of care for it) and will postpone the aging process for a long time. But each patient is individual. Therefore, only a consultation with doctors will determine the number of sessions to achieve optimal rejuvenation results.

Question: How safe is Thermolifting?

Answer: Special touch sensors in the nozzle of the device allow you to constantly monitor the temperature of the skin, preventing it from overheating. The wavelength that causes the effect is selected so that the energy penetrates only into the skin, without affecting the underlying tissues and organs. Thus, the technology is completely safe and harmless to the body.

Question: At what age is it best to start doing Thermolifting (Thermage)?

Answer: As a rule, procedures based on RF exposure are recommended for patients over 35 years of age.

Question: Will Thermolifting affect the results of other cosmetic procedures?

Answer: There should be no concern that Thermolifting is not compatible with other procedures.

Question: What are the contraindications for Thermolifting?

Answer: The main contraindications include severe somatic diseases, the presence of a pacemaker, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and herpes.


Thermolifting technology was developed by American scientists. It was officially approved in 2002. Today it is successfully used by aesthetic medicine clinics in more than 80 countries around the world.

Operating principle

Infrared rays are directed onto the skin, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, which helps to warm them up. Skin cells absorb light, which activates fibroblasts. As a result, collagen begins to be actively synthesized, skin turgor increases, it tightens, becomes elastic and firm, acquires a healthy natural color, and facial relief improves (collagen fibers curl).

Thermolifting of the upper and lower eyelids

Thermolifting of the upper and lower eyelids is a non-invasive cosmetic technique for tightening and rejuvenating the skin in the lower or upper eyelid area, which is based on treating this area using high-frequency radio wave radiation.

The content of the article:

  • Thermolifting procedure for the upper and lower eyelids

The result of thermolifting of the eyelids is aimed at renewing existing elastin and collagen fibers, activating the formation of new protein structures and strengthening fibroblast activity. In terms of effectiveness, thermolifting of the eyelids is comparable to endoscopic lifting and blepharoplasty.

The skin of the upper and lower eyelids is considered the thinnest and most sensitive, which is why it is most susceptible to chapping, drying out and stretching. Active and regular narrowing of the facial muscles in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes and lower eyelids leads to the formation of early wrinkles, which deepen and become more noticeable with age. The result of damage to the functioning of internal organs and non-compliance with sleep and nutrition will be swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Decreased tissue elasticity creates excess skin hanging over the eyelids. The eyelid thermolifting procedure rejuvenates the subcutaneous tissue from the inside, while improving lymphatic drainage and microcirculation, as well as activating biochemical renewal processes. The dermoplastic result of this technique is based on cellular in-depth heating, which causes thickening and contraction of protein fibers, skin tension and the production of neocollagen. With the help of thermolifting of the eyelids, a natural renewal of youth and elasticity of the epidermis of the periorbital zone is achieved.

Indications for thermal lifting of the upper and lower eyelids will be the presence of the following aesthetic defects:

  • bruises, hernial sacs and swelling under the eyes;
  • drooping eye corners;
  • periorbital wrinkles;
  • excess epidermis over the upper eyelid.

In cosmetology practice, thermolifting of the eyelids can be performed as an additional procedure after surgical facelift and blepharoplasty. Contraindications to thermal lifting of the lower and upper eyelids are:

  • local deformations of the skin of the eyelids (damage, dermatoses, neoplasms);
  • metal implants on the face (reinforcement);
  • the presence of permanent tattooing of the eyelids.

General limitations to thermolifting of the eyelids will be oncopathology, pregnancy, decompensated and acute chronic diseases, as well as the presence of a defibrillator, electronic equipment and a pacemaker.

The skin of the eyelids is highly sensitive and therefore needs gentle stimulation. Special attachments are used to treat the skin of the eyelids. Before the session begins, contact lenses are removed, after which anesthetic drops are instilled into the eyes. To protect the eyeball from radiation, during thermal lifting of the upper eyelids, protective screens in the form of black lenses are placed under them. Next, they begin to degrease and cleanse the skin of the eyelids using tonic, after which contact gel and paper marking grid are applied. Having selected the optimal parameters of frequency and current power, thermolifting of the eyelids begins.

At the end of the treatment, the marking paper is removed and the skin of the eyelids is treated with a cosmetic soothing agent. After thermal lifting of the lower eyelids, redness, swelling and reactive edema appear, which disappear after a couple of hours. For several days, experts recommend limiting exposure to the sun and avoiding exposure to high temperatures and steam.

The rejuvenating result of eyelid thermolifting progresses over six months and can last up to five years. The number and frequency of thermolifting procedures is determined by the condition of the skin and age. Incorrect selection of parameters when performing thermolifting of the eyelids can lead to complications such as skin burns, vascular reactions, thermal injury to the eyeball and subcutaneous scars. The effect of thermolifting of the eyelids can be prolonged by the additional use of contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization.

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